Draytek VIGOR2110VN Guia do Utilizador

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Página 1 - User’s Guide

Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide ii Vigor2110 Series Broadband Firewall Router User’s Guide Version: 1.01 Date: 03/07/2009

Página 2 - Copyright Information

Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 3 Interface Description Factory Reset Restore the default settings. Usage: Turn on the router (ACT LED is bli

Página 3 - Regulatory Information

Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 93 Start IP Address: Enter a value of the IP address pool for the DHCP server to start with when issuing IP addresses.

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 94 If you want to use another DHCP server in the network other than the Vigor Router’s, you can let Relay Agent help y

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 95There are two common scenarios of LAN settings that stated in Chapter 4. For the configuration examples, please refer

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 96 1. Go to LAN page and click General Setup, select 1st Subnet as the RIP Protocol Control. Then click the OK button

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 97 4. Go to Diagnostics and choose Routing Table to verify current routing table.

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 9844..22..44 VVLLAANN Virtual LAN function provides you a very convenient way to manage hosts by grouping them based

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 9944..22..55 BBiinndd IIPP ttoo MMAACC This function is used to bind the IP and MAC address in LAN to have a stren

Página 10 - Description

Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 100Add It allows you to add the one you choose from the ARP table or the IP/MAC address typed in Add and Edit to the t

Página 11 - Status Explanation

Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 101forward all access request with public IP address from external users to the mapping private IP address/port of the

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 102 Enable Check this box to enable such port redirection setting. Mode Two options (Single and Range) are provided h

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 411..22..22 FFoorr VViiggoorr22111100nn LED Status Explanation Blinking The router is powered on and running norm

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 103 44..33..22 DDMMZZ HHoosstt As mentioned above, Port Redirection can redirect incoming TCP/UDP or other traffic o

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 104 The security properties of NAT are somewhat bypassed if you set up DMZ host. We suggest you to add additional filte

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 105Choose PC Click this button and then a window will automatically pop up, as depicted below. The window consists of

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 106Index Indicate the relative number for the particular entry that you want to offer service in a local host. You sho

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 10744..44 HHaarrddwwaarree AAcccceelleerraattiioonn Hardware-base Acceleration Engine, also named Protocol Processin

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 10844..55 FFiirreewwaallll 44..55..11 BBaassiiccss ffoorr FFiirreewwaallll While the broadband users demand more

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 109 SSttaatteeffuull PPaacckkeett IInnssppeeccttiioonn ((SSPPII)) Stateful inspection is a firewall architecture t

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 11044..55..22 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp General Setup allows you to adjust settings of IP Filter and common options.

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 111will be sent to Syslog server. Please refer to section 4.14.4 Syslog/Mail Alert for more detailed information. Web C

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 112Window size – It determines the size of TCP protocol (0~65535). The more the value is, the better the performance wi

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 5 Interface Description Factory Reset Restore the default settings. Usage: Turn on the router (ACT LED is blinkin

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 113Active Enable or disable the filter rule. Comment Enter filter set comments/description. Maximum length is 23–char

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 114as the Address Type. From the IP Group drop down list, choose the one that you want to apply. Or use the IP Object

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 115Fragments Specify the action for fragmented packets. And it is used for Data Filter only. Don’t care -No action wil

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 116EExxaammppllee As stated before, all the traffic will be separated and arbitrated using on of two IP filters: call

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 11744..55..44 DDooSS DDeeffeennssee As a sub-functionality of IP Filter/Firewall, there are 15 types of detect/ defe

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 118Enable PortScan detection Port Scan attacks the Vigor router by sending lots of packets to many ports in an attempt

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 119Block Unknown Protocol Check the box to activate the Block Unknown Protocol function. Individual IP packet has a pro

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 12044..66 OObbjjeeccttss SSeettttiinnggss For IPs in a range and service ports in a limited range usually will be ap

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 121 Name Type a name for this profile. Maximum 15 characters are allowed. Interface Choose a proper interface (WAN, L

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 122 44..55..22 IIPP GGrroouupp This page allows you to bind several IP objects into one IP group. Set to Factory

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 611..22..33 FFoorr VViiggoorr22111100VVnn LED Status Explanation Blinking The router is powered on and running no

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 123 Name Type a name for this profile. Maximum 15 characters are allowed. Interface Choose WAN, LAN or Any to display

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 12444..66..33 SSeerrvviiccee TTyyppee OObbjjeecctt You can set up to 96 sets of Service Type Objects with differe

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 125(=) – when the first and last value are the same, it indicates one port; when the first and last values are differen

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 126 Name Type a name for this profile. Available Service Type Objects All the available service objects that you have

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 127 Name Type a name for this profile, e.g., game. Contents Type the content for such profile. For example, type gamb

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 128 Name Type a name for this group. Available Keyword Objects You can gather keyword objects from Keyword Object page

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 129 Profile Name Type a name for this profile. Type a name for such profile and check all the items of file extension

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 13044..66..88 IIMM OObbjjeecctt This page allows you to set 32 profiles for Instant Messenger. These profiles will b

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 131 44..66..99 PP22PP OObbjjeecctt This page allows you to set 32 profiles for peer-to-peer application. These prof

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 132 44..66..1100 MMiisscc OObbjjeecctt This page allows you to set 32 profiles for miscellaneous applications. Thes

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 7 Interface Description Line Connector for PSTN life line. Phone2/Phone1 Connecter of analog phone for VoIP commu

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 13344..77 CCSSMM PPrrooffiillee CCoonntteenntt SSeeccuurriittyy MMaannaaggeemmeenntt ((CCSSMM)) CSM is an abbrev

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 134Vigor router will then decide whether to allow access to this site according to the categories you have selected. Pl

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 135Each profile can contain three objects settings, IM Object, P2P Object and Misc Object. Such profile can be applied

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 136 Profile Name Type the name for such profile. Priority It determines the action that this router will apply. Both:

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 137All – All the actions (Pass and Block) will be recorded in Syslog. URL Access Control Enable URL Access Control -

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 138 Web Feature Enable Restrict Web Feature - Check this box to make the keyword being blocked or passed. Action -

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 13944..77..33 WWeebb CCoonntteenntt FFiilltteerr PPrrooffiillee We all know that the content on the Internet just

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 140 Action Pass - allow accessing into the corresponding webpage with the categories listed on the box below. Block - r

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 14144..88 BBaannddwwiiddtthh MMaannaaggeemmeenntt Below shows the menu items for Bandwidth Management. 44..88..11

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 142Maximum Sessions Defines the available session number for each host in the specific range of IP addresses. If you d

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 811..33 HHaarrddwwaarree IInnssttaallllaattiioonn Before starting to configure the router, you have to connect you

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 143Default TX limit Define the default speed of the upstream for each computer in LAN. Default RX limit Define the de

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 144One more larger-scale implementation of QoS network is to apply DSCP (Differentiated Service Code Point) and IP Prec

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 145GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp ffoorr WWAANN IInntteerrffaaccee When you click Setup, you can configure the bandwidt

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 146lots of bandwidth. Outbound TCP ACK Prioritize The difference in bandwidth between download and upload are great in

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 147 For adding a new rule, click Add to open the following page. ACT Check this box to invoke these settings. Local

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 148Please assign one of the levels of the data for processing with QoS control. Service Type It determines the service

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 149For adding a new service type, click Add to open the following page. Service Name Type in a new service for your

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 15044..99 AApppplliiccaattiioonnss Below shows the menu items for Applications. 44..99..11 DDyynnaammiicc DDNNSS

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 151Index Click the number below Index to access into the setting page of DDNS setup to set account(s). Domain Name Di

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 152In the DDNS setup menu, click the Index number you want to delete and then push Clear All button to delete the accou

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 9SSttaanndd IInnssttaallllaattiioonn The Vigor2110 must be placed erectly. Therefore you have to install a stand onto

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 153 Enable Schedule Setup Check to enable the schedule. Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd) Specify the starting date of the sc

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 1542. Configure the PPPoE always on from 9:00 to 18:00 for whole week. 3. Configure the Force Down from 18:00 to next

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 15544..99..44 UUPPnnPP The UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) protocol is supported to bring to network connected devices

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 156The reminder as regards concern about Firewall and UPnP Can't work with Firewall Software Enabling firewall app

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 15744..99..55 IIGGMMPP IGMP is the abbreviation of Internet Group Management Protocol. It is a communication protocol

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 158 Wake by Two types provide for you to wake up the binded IP. If you choose Wake by MAC Address, you have to type th

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 15944..1100 VVPPNN aanndd RReemmoottee AAcccceessss A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is the extension of a private

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 160Dial-In PPP Authentication PAP Only Select this option to force the router to authenticate dial-in users with the PA

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 161There are two encapsulation methods used in IPSec, Transport and Tunnel. The Transport mode will add the AH/ESP payl

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 162 Set to Factory Default Click it to clear all indexes. Index Click the number below Index to access into the setti

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 1011..44 PPrriinntteerr IInnssttaallllaattiioonn You can install a printer onto the router for sharing printing. All

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 163Profile Name Type in . Accept Any Peer ID Click to accept any peer regardless of its identity. Accept Subject Alte

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 164Click each index to edit one remote user profile. Each Dial-In Type requires you to fill the different corresponding

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 165Block – When there is conflict occurred between the hosts on both sides of VPN Tunnel in connecting, such function c

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 166 Set to Factory Default Click to clear all indexes. Name Indicate the name of the LAN-to-LAN profile. The symbol ???

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 167 Profile Name Specify a name for the profile of the LAN-to-LAN connection. Enable this profile Check here to activ

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 168PING to the IP Enter the IP address of the remote host that located at the other-end of the VPN tunnel. Enable PING

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 169High (ESP-Encapsulating Security Payload)- means payload (data) will be encrypted and authenticated. Select from bel

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 170reused to avoid the computation complexity in phase 2. The default value is inactive this function. Local ID -In Agg

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 171type) by checking the box. Also, you should further specify the corresponding security methods on the right side. If

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 172phase 2 quick mode. More Add a static route to direct all traffic destined to more Remote Network IP Addresses/ Rem

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 11 4. Click Local printer attached to this computer and click Next. 5. In this dialog, choose Create a new port

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 17344..1100..77 CCoonnnneeccttiioonn MMaannaaggeemmeenntt You can find the summary table of all VPN connections. You

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 17444..1111 CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee MMaannaaggeemmeenntt A digital certificate works as an electronic ID, which is is

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 175 Type in all the information that the window requests. Then click Generate again. Import Click this button to impor

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 17644..1111..22 TTrruusstteedd CCAA CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee Trusted CA certificate lists three sets of trusted CA ce

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 17744..1111..33 CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee BBaacckkuupp Local certificate and Trusted CA certificate for this router can

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 178First, the Vigor V models of yours will have to register to a SIP Registrar by sending registration messages to vali

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 179 44..1122..11 DDiiaallPPllaann This page allows you to set phone book and digit map for the VoIP function. Click t

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 180Click any index number to display the dial plan setup page. Enable Click this to enable this entry. Phone Number

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 181 Enable Check this box to invoke this setting. Prefix Number The phone number set here is used to add, strip, or r

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 182will be changed to “88631111111” and sent to SIP server. OP Number The front number you type here is the first par

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 126. In the following dialog, type (router’s LAN IP) in the field of Printer Name or IP Address and type I

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 183 Enable Click this to enable this entry. Call Direction Determine the direction for the phone call, IN – incoming

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 184 For Block Unknown Domain – this function can block incoming calls (through Phone port) from unrecognized domain tha

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 185 Last Call Return [Miss] Sometimes, people might miss some phone calls. Please dial number typed in this field to k

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 186Call Waiting [Act] Dial the number typed in this field to make all the incoming calls waiting for your answer. Call

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 187As Vigor VoIP Router is turned on, it will first register with Registrar using AuthorizationUser@Domain/Realm. After

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 188 Profile Name Assign a name for this profile for identifying. You can type similar name with the domain. For exampl

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 189 這邊的內容與 user mode 底下不同,這是對的嗎? SIP Port Set the port number for sending/receiving SIP message for building a sessio

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 190Ring Pattern Choose a ring tone type for the VoIP phone call. 44..1122..33 PPhhoonnee SSeettttiinnggss This pag

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 191example, sending data from the public IP of remote router to the private IP of local router), you can check this box

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 192Hotline Check the box to enable it. Type in the SIP URL in the field for dialing automatically when you pick up the

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide iiiCopyright Information Copyright Declarations Copyright 2009 All rights reserved. This publication contains informat

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 139. Now, your system will ask you to choose right name of the printer that you installed onto the router. Such step c

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 193 Single Codec – If the box is checked, only the selected Codec will be applied. Packet Size-The amount of data conta

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 194 Region Select the proper region which you are located. The common settings of Caller ID Type, Dial tone, Ringing t

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 195MISC Dial Tone Power Level - This setting is used to adjust the loudness of the dial tone. The smaller the number i

Página 117 - Here you can

Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 196when the Refresh button is clicked. Port It shows current connection status for the port of Phone1 and Phone2. S

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 197The Vigor wireless routers are equipped with a wireless LAN interface compliant with the standard IEEE 802.11n draft

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 198Since WEP has been proved vulnerable, you may consider using WPA for the most secure connection. You should select t

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 199 Enable Wireless LAN Check the box to enable wireless function. Mode At present, the router can connect to Mixed (

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 200Index(1-15) Set the wireless LAN to work at certain time interval only. You may choose up to 4 schedules out of the

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 201Packet-OVERDRIVE This feature can enhance the performance in data transmission about 40%* more (by checking Tx Burs

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 202 Mode There are several modes provided for you to choose. Disable - Turn off the encryption mechanism. WEP-Accepts

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 14The printer can be used for printing now. Most of the printers with different manufacturers are compatible with vigor

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 203128-Bit - For 128 bits WEP key, either 13 ASCII characters, such as ABCDEFGHIJKLM (or 26 hexadecimal digits leading

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 204Add Add a new MAC address into the list. Delete Delete the selected MAC address in the list. Edit Edit the selec

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 205z If you want to use PIN code, you have to know the PIN code specified in wireless client. Then provide the PIN cod

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 206SSID Display the SSID1 of the router. WPS is supported by SSID1 only. Authentication Mode Display current authenti

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 207 The application for the WDS-Repeater mode is depicted as below: The major difference between these two modes i

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 208 Click WDS from Wireless LAN menu. The following page will be shown. Mode Choose the mode for WDS setting. Disable

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 209first type of application. Repeater mode is for the second one. Security There are three types for security, Disab

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 210not have protection mechanism to avoid the conflict with neighboring devices of 802.11a/b/g. Channel Bandwidth 20-

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 211APSD Capable The default setting is Disable. Aifsn It controls how long the client waits for each data transmissi

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 212 Scan It is used to discover all the connected AP. The results will be shown on the box above this button. Statisti

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 152 CCoonnffiigguurriinngg BBaassiicc SSeettttiinnggss For using the router properly, it is necessary for you to ch

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 213 Refresh Click this button to refresh the status of station list. Add Click this button to add current typed MAC a

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 214 44..1144 SSyysstteemm MMaaiinntteennaannccee For the system setup, there are several items that you have to know

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 215DHCP Server Display the current status of DHCP server of the LAN interface. DNS Display the assigned IP address of

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 216ACS Server URL/Username/Password – Such data must be typed according to the ACS (Auto Configuration Server) you wan

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 217 2. Click Backup button to get into the following dialog. Click Save button to open another dialog for saving confi

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 218Note: Backup for Certification must be done independently. The Configuration Backup does not include information of

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 219Enable syslog message Check the box listed on this web page to send the corresponding message of firewall, VPN, Use

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 220 44..1144..66 TTiimmee aanndd DDaattee It allows you to specify where the time of the router should be inquired

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 22144..1144..77 MMaannaaggeemmeenntt This page allows you to manage the settings for access control, access list, por

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 222Set Community Set community by typing a proper name. The default setting is private. Manager Host IP Set one host

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 16 22..33 CChhaannggiinngg PPaasssswwoorrdd No matter user mode operation or admin mode operation, please change the

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 22344..1144..99 FFiirrmmwwaarree UUppggrraaddee Before upgrading your router firmware, you need to install the Rou

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 22444..1155 DDiiaaggnnoossttiiccss Diagnostic Tools provide a useful way to view or diagnose the status of your Vigor

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 22544..1155..22 RRoouuttiinngg TTaabbllee Click Diagnostics and click Routing Table to open the web page. Refresh

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 22644..1155..44 DDHHCCPP TTaabbllee The facility provides information on IP address assignments. This information is

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 227Private IP:Port It indicates the source IP address and port of local PC. #Pseudo Port It indicates the temporary p

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 228TX rate (kbps) Display the transmission speed of the monitored device. RX rate (kbps) Display the receiving speed

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 229Clear Click this link to remove the result on the window. 44..1155..88 TTrraaccee RRoouuttee Click Diagnostics a

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 230

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 2315 AApppplliiccaattiioonn aanndd EExxaammpplleess 55..11 CCrreeaattee aa LLAANN--ttoo--LLAANN CCoonnnneecctti

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 232have known. 3. Go to LAN-to-LAN. Click on one index number to edit a profile. 4. Set Common Settings as shown be

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 17 Main screen for user mode operation (simple configuration) Note: The home page will change slightly in accordance wi

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 233 If a PPP-based service is selected, you should further specify the remote peer IP Address, Username, Password, PPP

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 234 If a PPP-based service is selected, you should further specify the remote peer IP Address, Username, Password, and

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 235 For using IPSec-based service, such as IPSec or L2TP with IPSec Policy, you have to set general settings in IPSec

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 236 If a PPP-based service is selected, you should further specify the remote peer IP Address, Username, Password, PP

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 237 If a PPP-based service is selected, you should further specify the remote peer IP Address, Username, Password, and

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 23855..22 CCrreeaattee aa RReemmoottee DDiiaall--iinn UUsseerr CCoonnnneeccttiioonn BBeettwweeeenn tthhee TTee

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 239 3. Go to Remote Dial-In User. Click on one index number to edit a profile. 4. Set Dial-In settings to as shown b

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 240 Settings in the remote host: 1. For Win98/ME, you may use "Dial-up Networking" to create the PPTP tunnel

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 241 You may further specify the method you use to get IP, the security method, and authentication method. If the Pre-S

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 242 4. Click Connect button to build connection. When the connection is successful, you will find a green light on th

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 18 22..44 QQuuiicckk SSttaarrtt WWiizzaarrdd Notice: Quick Start Wizard for user mode operation is the same as f

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 243 3. Return to previous page. Enter the Name of Index Class 1 by clicking Edit link. Type the name “E-mail” for Clas

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 2445. Return to previous page. Enter the Name of Index Class 2 by clicking Edit link. In this index, the user will set

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 245 9. Click Edit to open the following window. Check the ACT box, first. 10. Then click Edit of Local Address to

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 246 You can just set the settings wrapped inside the red rectangles to fit the request of NAT usage. To use another DH

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 247 You can just set the settings wrapped inside the red rectangles to fit the request of NAT usage.

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 24855..55 CCaalllliinngg SScceennaarriioo ffoorr VVooIIPP FFuunnccttiioonn 55..55..11 CCaalllliinngg vviiaa SS

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 249Example 2: Both John and David have SIP Addresses from the same service provider. John’s SIP URL: [email protected] ,

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 25055..55..22 PPeeeerr--ttoo--PPeeeerr CCaalllliinngg Example 3: Arnor and Paulin have Vigor routers respectively. T

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 251 55..66 UUppggrraaddee FFiirrmmwwaarree ffoorr YYoouurr RRoouutteerr Before upgrading your router firmware, yo

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 2529. Double click on the icon of router tool. The setup wizard will appear. 10. Follow the onscreen instruc

Página 179 - From first subnet to

Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 19 22..44..22 PPPPPPooEE PPPoE stands for Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet. It relies on two widely accepted st

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 253 14. Click Send. 15. Now the firmware update is finished.

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 25455..77 RReeqquueesstt aa cceerrttiiffiiccaattee ffrroomm aa CCAA sseerrvveerr oonn WWiinnddoowwss CCAA SS

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 2552. You can click GENERATE button to start to edit a certificate request. Enter the information in the certificate r

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 256Select Advanced request. Select Submit a certificate request a base64 encoded PKCS #10 file or a renewal request us

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 257you will find the below window showing “------BEGINE CERTIFICATE------...” 6. You may review the detail informat

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 25855..88 RReeqquueesstt aa CCAA CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee aanndd SSeett aass TTrruusstteedd oonn WWiinnddoowwss

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 2592. In Choose file to download, click CA Certificate Current and Base 64 encoded, and Download CA certificate to sav

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 260

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 261 TTrroouubbllee SShhoooottiinngg This section will guide you to solve abnormal situations if you cannot access in

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 26266..22 CChheecckkiinngg IIff tthhee NNeettwwoorrkk CCoonnnneeccttiioonn SSeettttiinnggss oonn YYoouurr CCoo

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 20Click Next for viewing summary of such connection. Click Finish. Then, the system status of this protocol will be sh

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 2634. Select Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically. FFoorr MMaaccOOss 1.

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 26466..33 PPiinnggiinngg tthhee RRoouutteerr ffrroomm YYoouurr CCoommppuutteerr The default gateway IP address o

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 265 66..44 CChheecckkiinngg IIff tthhee IISSPP SSeettttiinnggss aarree OOKK oorr NNoott Click Internet Acces

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 266 2. Check if WAN IP Network Settings is set appropriately. 3. Check if IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway are s

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 2673. Check if WAN IP Network Settings are set properly. If you select Specify an IP address, you have to type in the

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 268 66..66 CCoonnttaaccttiinngg YYoouurr DDeeaalleerr If the router still cannot work correctly after trying many e

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 21 Click Finish. Then, the system status of this protocol will be shown. 22..44..44 SSttaattiicc IIPP Click Static I

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 22 Click Finish. Then, the system status of this protocol will be shown. 22..44..55 DDHHCCPP Click DHCP as the protoc

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide ivEuropean Community Declarations Manufacturer: DrayTek Corp. Address: No. 26, Fu Shing Road, HuKou Township, HsinC

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 23 Click Finish. Then, the system status of this protocol will be shown. 22..55 OOnnlliinnee SSttaattuuss The online

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 24Name Displays the name set in WAN1/WAN web page. Mode Displays the type of WAN connection (e.g., PPPoE). Up Time D

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 253 UUsseerr MMooddee OOppeerraattiioonn This chapter will guide users to execute simple configuration through user

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 26From to From to From to WWhhaatt aarre

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 27 Enable/Disable Click Enable for activating this function. If you click Disable, this function will be closed and all

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 28You can set up to 8 public IP addresses other than the current one you are using. Notice that this setting is availab

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 29 Access Control Click Enable for activating this function. If you click Disable, this function will be closed and all

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 30WAN IP Alias - If you have multiple public IP addresses and would like to utilize them on the WAN interface, please u

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 31 PPTP Setup Enable - Click this radio button to enable a PPTP client to establish a tunnel to a DSL modem on the WAN

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 3233..22 LLAANN Local Area Network (LAN) is a group of subnets regulated and ruled by router. The design of network s

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide vTTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss 1 Preface ...

Página 211 - WPA and WPA2

Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 33 WWhhaatt iiss RRoouuttiinngg IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn PPrroottooccooll ((RRIIPP)) Vigor router will exchange rou

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 342nd IP Address Type in secondary IP address for connecting to a subnet. (Default: 24) 2nd Subnet Mask

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 35DHCP Server Configuration DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. The router by factory default acts a D

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 36If both the Primary IP and Secondary IP Address fields are left empty, the router will assign its own IP address to l

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 37 The port redirection can only apply to incoming traffic. To use this function, please go to NAT page and choose P

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 38 Enable Check this box to enable such port redirection setting. Mode Two options (Single and Range) are provided he

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 39single host in the LAN. Regular web surfing and other such Internet activities from other clients will continue to wo

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 40Enable Check to enable the DMZ Host function. Private IP Enter the private IP address of the DMZ host, or click Cho

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 4133..33..33 OOppeenn PPoorrttss Open Ports allows you to open a range of ports for the traffic of special applicati

Página 220 - Access Control

Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 42 Enable Open Ports Check to enable this entry. Comment Make a name for the defined network application/service. W

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide vi3.4.2 UPnP...

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 43registered domain name to access the router or internal virtual servers from the Internet. It is particularly helpful

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 44 Enable Dynamic DNS Account Check this box to enable the current account. If you did check the box, you will see a

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 45 Enable UPNP Service Accordingly, you can enable either the Connection Control Service or Connection Status Servic

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 46The reminder as regards concern about Firewall and UPnP Can't work with Firewall Software Enabling firewall appl

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 47while the MGCP protocol uses client-server architecture, the calling scenario being very similar to the current PSTN/

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 48 Our Vigor V models firstly apply efficient codecs designed to make the best use of available bandwidth, but Vigor V

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 49 Click any index number to display the dial plan setup page. Enable Click this to enable this entry. Phone Number

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 50the same SIP server, sometimes, the VoIP phone call connection may not succeed. By using the specified dial out accou

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 51 Enable Check this box to invoke this setting. Prefix Number The phone number set here is used to add, strip, or re

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 52will be changed to “88631111111” and sent to SIP server. OP Number The front number you type here is the first part

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide vii4.6.1 IP Object ...

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 53 Enable Click this to enable this entry. Call Direction Determine the direction for the phone call, IN – incoming c

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 54 For Block Unknown Domain – this function can block incoming calls (through Phone port) from unrecognized domain that

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 55 Last Call Return [Miss] Sometimes, people might miss some phone calls. Please dial number typed in this field to kn

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 56Call Waiting [Act] Dial the number typed in this field to make all the incoming calls waiting for your answer. Call

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 57As Vigor VoIP Router is turned on, it will first register with Registrar using AuthorizationUser@Domain/Realm. After

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 58 Profile Name Assign a name for this profile for identifying. You can type similar name with the domain. For example

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 59setting value is the same as Account Name, it is not necessary for you to check the box and set any value in this fie

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 60

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 61 Phone List Port – there are two phone ports provided here for you to configure. Phone1/Phone2 allow you to set gene

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 62 Hotline Check the box to enable it. Type in the SIP URL in the field for dialing automatically when you pick up the

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide viii4.14 System Maintenance...

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 63profiles. Refer to section VoIP>>DialPlan>>Phone Book for detailed configuration. CLIR (hide caller ID)

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 64In addition, you can press the Advanced button to configure tone settings, volume gain, MISC and DTMF mode. Advanced

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 65Also, you can specify each field for your necessity. It is recommended for you to use the default settings for VoIP c

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 66 Refresh Seconds Specify the interval of refresh time to obtain the latest VoIP calling information. The information

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 67In Calls Accumulation for the times of in call. Out Calls Accumulation for the times of out call. Miss Calls Accum

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 68SSeeccuurriittyy OOvveerrvviieeww Real-time Hardware Encryption: Vigor Router is equipped with a hardware AES encry

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 69 Enable Wireless LAN Check the box to enable wireless function. Mode At present, the router can connect to Mixed (1

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 70system determine for you. Packet-OVERDRIVE This feature can enhance the performance in data transmission about 40%

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 71preamble with 56 bit sync field instead of long preamble with 128 bit sync field. However, some original 11b wireless

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 72WPA The WPA encrypts each frame transmitted from the radio using the key, which either PSK (Pre-Shared Key) entered

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 11 PPrreeffaaccee Vigor2110 series is a broadband router. It integrates IP layer QoS, NAT session/bandwidth managemen

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 73Enable Mac Access Filter Select to enable the MAC Address filter for wireless LAN identified with SSID 1 to 4 respec

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 74as guard interval, the AP router will choose short guard interval (increasing the wireless performance) or long guard

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 75ranging from 1 to 15. Be aware that CWMax value must be greater than CWMin or equals to CWMin value. Both values will

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 76 Refresh Click this button to refresh the status of station list. Add Click this button to add current typed MAC ad

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 77 Model Name Display the model name of the router. Firmware Version Display the firmware version of the router. Buil

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 78 Old Password Type in the old password. The factory default setting for password is blank. New Password Type in new

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 7933..77..44 RReebboooott SSyysstteemm The Web Configurator may be used to restart your router for using current con

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 8033..88 DDiiaaggnnoossttiiccss Diagnostic Tools provide a useful way to view or diagnose the status of your Vigor ro

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 8133..88..22 PPiinngg DDiiaaggnnoossiiss Click Diagnostics and click Ping Diagnosis to pen the web page. Ping t

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 82

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 211..22 LLEEDD IInnddiiccaattoorrss aanndd CCoonnnneeccttoorrss Before you use the Vigor router, please get acquai

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 834 AAddmmiinn MMooddee OOppeerraattiioonn This chapter will guide users to execute advanced (full) configuration t

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 84WWhhaatt aarree PPuubblliicc IIPP AAddddrreessss aanndd PPrriivvaattee IIPP AAddddrreessss As the router pla

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 85Enable/Disable Click Enable for activating this function. If you click Disable, this function will be closed and all

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 86 Fixed IP – Click Yes to use this function and type in a fixed IP address in the box of Fixed IP Address. Default MA

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 87 Access Control Click Enable for activating this function. If you click Disable, this function will be closed and all

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 88WAN IP Alias - If you have multiple public IP addresses and would like to utilize them on the WAN interface, please u

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 89 PPTP Setup Enable - Click this radio button to enable a PPTP client to establish a tunnel to a DSL modem on the WAN

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 9044..22 LLAANN Local Area Network (LAN) is a group of subnets regulated and ruled by router. The design of network s

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 91 WWhhaatt iiss RRoouuttiinngg IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn PPrroottooccooll ((RRIIPP)) Vigor router will exchange rou

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Vigor2110 Series User’s Guide 92 44..22..22 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp This page provides you the general settings for LAN. Click LAN to open the L

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