Draytek VigorIPPBX 2820 Guia do Utilizador

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Página 3 - User’s Guide

VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 90HHooww ttoo ccaallll aa HHuunntt GGrroouupp?? Method 1: You may call the VigorIPPBX 2820 first, and dial

Página 4 - Copyright Information

VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 9144..1122 HHooww ttoo uussee AAuuttoo AAtttteennddaanntt?? IVR, Interactive Voice Response, is a technolo

Página 5 - Regulatory Information

VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 92extension of the person you’d like to reach, you may dial it now. Otherwise, please choose from the following o

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 932. After the sounds have been recorded, you have to create the extensions that needed in the IVR. Extensions

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 943. Choose Auto Attendant for Office hours and Non-office hours for the SIP trunk. In this example, when you ca

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 955. Configure the Office hours from the IP PBX >> PBX System >> Office Hours setup page. Suppose t

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 967. Press Next to configure settings for Non-office hours. Key 0 is designated for Ring Extension and here it i

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 9744..1133 HHooww ttoo uussee VVooiiccee MMaaiill?? With voice mail, callers can leave messages when you a

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 981. Open Graham’s extension profile. Below shows the explanation of basic configuration. Graham’s Extension Num

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 994. Input an e-mail address for Jacky to receive voice mails. In this case, no e-mail address is specified. E

Página 13 - Status Explanation

VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 1CChhaapptteerr 11:: PPrreeffaaccee VigorIPPBX 2820, an ADSL router with IPPBX feature, provides policy-based

Página 14 - Description

VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 100AAddddiittiioonnaall CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn ffoorr VVooiiccee MMaaiill Open the IP PBX >> PBX S

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 101WWaayyss ttoo LLiisstteenn vvooiiccee mmeessssaaggeess Method 1 When there is a voice mail, Graham will

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 102 Since Jacky configures to listen to voice messages from IP Phone, no email will be sent to Jacky.

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 10344..1144 HHooww ttoo ccoonnffiigguurree aanndd uussee tthhee MMWWII oonn VViiggoorrIIPPPPBBXX 22882

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 1042. Select either Notify User who Subscribed or Force Notify User for MWI. Voice mail Password: If you wa

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 105AAddddiittiioonnaall CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn ffoorr VVooiiccee MMaaiill Go to the IP PBX >> PBX

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 10644..1155 HHooww ttoo rreeggiisstteerr eexxtteennssiioonnss ttoo VViiggoorrIIPPPPBBXX 22882200?? VigorI

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 107SSeettuupp tthhee eexxtteennssiioonnss oonn VViiggoorrIIPPPPBBXX 22882200 1. Enter the IP PBX >>

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 108SSeettuupp tthhee VVooIIPP cclliieennttss ttoo rreeggiisstteerr eexxtteennssiioonnss z Software based

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 109z Software based IP Phone (e.g. SJphone) Jacky is using SJphone, a VoIP softphone, for registering his exten

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 211..22 LLEEDD IInnddiiccaattoorrss aanndd CCoonnnneeccttoorrss Before you use the Vigor router, please get

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 110Next, the account setup page pops up. Enter the extension in the Account field and its corresponding password

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 111z Analogue Phone attached to an ATA (e.g. VigorTalk) Joseph is using VigorTalk, an analog telephony adapter,

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 11244..1166 HHooww ttoo ccoonnffiigguurree aanndd uussee IISSDDNN--SS00 MMSSNN oonn VViiggoorrIIPPPPBBXX

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 113HHooww ttoo ccoonnffiigguurree IISSDDNN SS00 MMSSNN?? 1. Access into the web configuration page of Vig

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 114HHooww ttoo ddiiaall oouutt tthhrroouugghh tthhee ddeevviiccee ccoonnnneecctteedd IISSDDNN ppoorrtt

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 11544..1177 CCrreeaattiinngg aann AAccccoouunntt ffoorr MMyyVViiggoorr The website of MyVigor (a server lo

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 1164. Check to confirm that you accept the Agreement and click Accept. 5. Type your personal information in th

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 1177. Now you have created an account successfully. Click START. 8. Check to see the confirmation email with

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 11810. When you see the following page, please type in the account and password (that you just created) in the fi

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 1192. Check to confirm that you accept the Agreement and click Accept. 3. Type your personal information in t

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 311..22..11 FFoorr VViiggoorrIIPPPPBBXX 22882200 LED Status Explanation Blinking The router is powered o

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 1205. Now you have created an account successfully. Click START. 6. Check to see the confirmation email with t

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 121 Now, click Login. Your account has been activated. You can access into MyVigor server to activate the servic

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 122For the user, please perform the steps listed below for one time. 1. Suppose that mOTP has been successfully

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 1233. Keep this secret key down and report it to your administrator. In this example the secret key is e759bb6f

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 124Below steps are for end user to dial the VPN connection. Each time you start a new VPN connection, you must pe

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 1253. Enter the password on your VPN client and start the connection as soon as possible. The password is valid

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 12644..1199 HHooww ttoo uussee ccaallll ppiicckkuupp vviiaa IIPPPPBBXX rroouutteerr Call pickup is a con

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 127The default value for call pickup number is *1 in VigorIPPBX.. Users can modify the number by accessing into

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 12844..2200 HHooww ttoo CCoonnffiigguurree HHuunntt GGrroouupp iinn VViiggoorrIIPPPPBBXX SSeerriieess Vi

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 1294. There are two options, Simultaneously and Sequentially for Hunt Rule. Simultaneously means when someone d

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 4On The port is connected. Off The port is disconnected. Left LED (Green) Blinking The data is transmitting. O

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 13044..2211 HHooww ttoo mmaakkee aa pphhoonnee ccaallll ffoorr eexxtteennssiioonnss iinn ddiiffffeerree

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 131 5. After finished the configuration, VigorIPPBX 3510 will be registered to VigorIPPBX 2820 as an extension

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 1327. VigorIPPBX 2820 also needs to be registered to VigorIPPBX 3510 with extension number 201. The method of re

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 133z Dial 201 (the SIP trunk number in VigorIPPBX 2820) from 202 in IPPBX 3510. You will hear a voice reply fir

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 13444..2222 HHooww ttoo eennhhaannccee tthhee sseeccuurriittyy ffoorr eexxtteennssiioonnss'' rr

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 135DDiissaabbllee rreeggiissttrraattiioonn ffrroomm WWAANN aanndd aallllooww rreeggiissttrraattiioonn ffr

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 136 This page is left blank.

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 137CChhaapptteerr 55:: RReeffeerreennccee -- AAddvvaanncceedd WWeebb CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn After fin

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 138via PAP or CHAP with RADIUS authentication system. And your IP address, DNS server, and other related informat

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 139 Enable Choose Yes to invoke the settings for this WAN interface. Choose No to disable the settings for thi

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 5 11..22..22 FFoorr VViiggoorrIIPPPPBBXX 22882200nn LED Status Explanation Blinking The router is power

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 140 Load Balance Mode If you know the practical bandwidth for your WAN interface, please choose the setting of A

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 141for 15 seconds. 55..11..44 IInntteerrnneett AAcccceessss For the router supports dual WAN function, the us

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 142PPPPPPooEE//PPPPPPooAA ffoorr WWAANN11 To use PPPoE/PPPoA as the accessing protocol of the Internet, select

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 143 Modulation – Default setting is Multimode. Choose the one that fits the requirement of your router. PPPoE

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 144value is set by telnet command. ISP Access Setup Enter your allocated username, password and authentication pa

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 145 Default MAC Address – You can use Default MAC Address or specify another MAC address by typing on the boxes

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 146determined by the page of Internet Access – Multi PVCs. Select M-PVCs Channel means no selection will be chose

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 147Bridge Mode If you choose Bridged IP as the protocol, you can check this box to invoke the function. The rout

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 148After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to activate them. PPPPPPooEE ffoorr WWAANN22 To use

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 149 Note: This feature is available for ISDN 2 port only. None - Disable the backup function. Packet Trig

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 6Off It will be off if there is nothing connected. On The port is connected. Off The port is disconnected. Lef

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 150 Fixed IP – Click Yes to use this function and type in a fixed IP address in the box of Fixed IP Address.

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 151 Enable/ Disable Click Enable for activating this function. If you click Disable, this function will be close

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 152 PING to the IP - If you enable the PING function, please specify the IP address for the system to PING it fo

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 153 Domain Name: Type in the domain name that you have assigned. Specify an IP address – Click this radio but

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 154ISP Access Setup Username -Type in the username provided by ISP in this field. Password -Type in the password

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 155 Click Yes to use this function and type in a fixed IP address in the box. Fixed IP - Click Yes to use th

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 156PPPPPP ffoorr WWAANN22 Such mode is active only 3G USB Modem was chosen as the physical mode in General Set

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 15755..11..55 MMuullttii--PPVVCCss This router allows you to create multi-PVCs for different data transferring

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 158Encapsulation Choose a proper type for this channel. The types will be different according to the protocol set

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 159this function will be closed and all the settings that you adjusted in this page will be invalid. DSL Modem S

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 711..33 HHaarrddwwaarree IInnssttaallllaattiioonn Before starting to configure the router, you have to connec

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 160AATTMM QQooSS Such configuration is applied to upstream packets. Such information will be provided by ISP. P

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 161PPoorrtt--bbaasseedd BBrriiddggee General page lets you set the first PVC. As to set the second PVC line, p

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 162 55..11..66 LLooaadd--BBaallaannccee PPoolliiccyy This router supports the function of load balancing. It c

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 163Src IP End Displays the IP address for the end of the source IP. Dest IP Start Displays the IP address for th

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 164will be passed through the WAN interface. Dest IP Start Type the destination IP start for the specified WAN in

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 165In some special case, you may have a public IP subnet from your ISP such as This means that

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 166 55..22..22 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp This page provides you the general settings for LAN. Click LAN to ope

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 167(Default: 24) 2nd DHCP Server You can configure the router to serve as a DHCP server for the 2

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 168configured as a DHCP client. It is highly recommended that you leave the router enabled as a DHCP server if yo

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 169 If both the Primary IP and Secondary IP Address fields are left empty, the router will assign its own IP a

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 8Caution: Each of the Phone ports can be connected to an analog phone only. Do not connect the phone ports to the

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 170z use the Main Router to surf the Internet. z create a private subnet using an internal Router

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 1713. Return to Static Route Setup page. Click on another Index Number to add another static route as show belo

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 17255..22..44 VVLLAANN Virtual LAN function provides you a very convenient way to manage hosts by grouping them

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 1732. After checking the box to enable VLAN function, you will check the table according to the needs as shown

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 174Internet. Disable Click this radio button to disable this function. All the settings on this page will be inva

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 175z Enhance security of the internal network by obscuring the IP address. There are many attacks aiming victim

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 176 Press any number under Index to access into next page for configuring port redirection. Enable Check this bo

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 177one will be assigned automatically later. Private IP Specify the private IP address of the internal host prov

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 17855..33..22 DDMMZZ HHoosstt As mentioned above, Port Redirection can redirect incoming TCP/UDP or other traf

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 179If you previously have set up WAN Alias for PPPoE/PPPoA or MPoA mode, you will find them in Aux. WAN IP for y

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 9Note: ISDN Phone MUST be connected to ISDN port via an ISDN Phone Adapter. Do not connect the ISDN phone(s) to

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 18055..33..33 OOppeenn PPoorrttss Open Ports allows you to open a range of ports for the traffic of special ap

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 181 Enable Open Ports Check to enable this entry. Comment Make a name for the defined network application/servic

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 18255..33..44 AAddddrreessss MMaappppiinngg This page is used to map specific private IP to specific WAN IP ad

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 183Protocol Specify the transport layer protocol. It could be TCP, UDP, or ALL for selection. WAN Interface

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 184Click the index number link to open the configuration page. Enable Check to enable this entry. Service Choos

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 18555..44 FFiirreewwaallll 55..44..11 BBaassiiccss ffoorr FFiirreewwaallll While the broadband users deman

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 186 SSttaatteeffuull PPaacckkeett IInnssppeeccttiioonn ((SSPPII)) Stateful inspection is a firewall architec

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 18755..44..22 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp General Setup allows you to adjust settings of IP Filter and common o

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 188sent to Syslog server. Please refer to section System Maintenance>>Syslog/Mail Alert for more detailed i

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 189 If you do not have any idea of choosing suitable codepage, please open Syslog. From Codepage Information of

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 103. Open File>>Add a New Computer. A welcome dialog will appear. Please click Next. 4. Click Local

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 190Filter Rule Click a button numbered (1 ~ 7) to edit the filter rule. Click the button will open Edit Filter Ru

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 191 To set the IP address manually, please choose Any Address/Single Address/Range Address/Subnet Address as t

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 192Type. Protocol - Specify the protocol(s) which this filter rule will apply to. Source/Destination Port -

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 193APP Enforcement Profile web page first. For troubleshooting needs, you can specify to record information for

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 194dialog box. Window size – It determines the size of TCP protocol (0~65535). The more the value is, the bett

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 195EExxaammppllee As stated before, all the traffic will be separated and arbitrated using on of two IP filters

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 19655..44..44 DDooSS DDeeffeennssee As a sub-functionality of IP Filter/Firewall, there are 15 types of detect

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 197Enable PortScan detection Port Scan attacks the Vigor router by sending lots of packets to many ports in an a

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 198block any packets realizing this attacking activity. Block ICMP Fragment Check the box to activate the Block I

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 19955..55 OObbjjeeccttss SSeettttiinnggss For IPs in a range and service ports in a limited range usually wil

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 116. In the following dialog, type (router’s LAN IP) in the field of Printer Name or IP Address and

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 200allowed. Interface Choose a proper interface (WAN, LAN or Any). For example, the Direction setting in Edit

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 20155..55..22 IIPP GGrroouupp This page allows you to bind several IP objects into one IP group. Set to Fact

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 20255..55..33 SSeerrvviiccee TTyyppee OObbjjeecctt You can set up to 96 sets of Service Type Objects with dif

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 203 (=) – when the first and last value are the same, it indicates one port; when the first and last values are

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 204 Name Type a name for this profile. Available Service Type Objects All the available service objects that you

Página 130 - New Account Confirmation

VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 205 Name Type a name for this profile, e.g., game. Contents Type the content for such profile. For example, type

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 206 Name Type a name for this group. Available Keyword Objects You can gather keyword objects from Keyword Objec

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 207 Profile Name Type a name for this profile. Type a name for such profile and check all the items of file ext

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 20855..66 CCSSMM CSM is an abbreviation of Content Security Management which is used to control APP enforcement

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 209 Note: The priority of URL Content Filter is higher than Web Content Filter. 55..66..11 AAPPPP EEnnffoor

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 129. Now, your system will ask you to choose right name of the printer that you installed onto the router. Such

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 210Below shows the items which are categorized under IM. Profile Name Type a name for the CSM profile. Action

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 211The items categorized under P2P ----- Below shows the items which are categorized under Protocol

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 212The items categorized under Misc ----- 55..66..22 UURRLL CCoonntteenntt FFiilltteerr PPrrooffiillee T

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 213For example, if you add key words such as “sex”, Vigor router will limit web access to web sites or web pages

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 214Control and Web Feature will be inactive. Both: Block –The router will block all the packages that match wit

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 215 Action – This setting is available only when Either : URL Access Control First or Either : Web Feature Firs

Página 142 - The Way of Operation

VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 216 Pass - Allow accessing into the corresponding webpage with the keywords listed on the box below. Block - R

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 217 Activate Click it to access into MyVigor for activating WCF service. Setup Query Server It is recommended fo

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 218the fastest rate. L1+L2 Cache – the router will check the URL with fast processing rate combining the feature

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 219Profile Name Type a name for such profile. Log None – There is no log file will be recorded for this profile.

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 13Note 1: Some printers with the fax/scanning or other additional functions are not supported. If you do not kno

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 22055..77 BBaannddwwiiddtthh MMaannaaggeemmeenntt Below shows the menu items for Bandwidth Management. 55..77

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 221End IP Defines the end IP address for limit session. Maximum Sessions Defines the available session number fo

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 222second subnet. Disable Click this button to close the function of limit bandwidth. Default TX limit Define the

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 223z Scheduling: Based on classification of service level to assign packets to queues and associated service ty

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 224This page displays the QoS settings result of the WAN interface. Click the Setup link to access into next page

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 225You will see the Online Statistics link appearing on this page. WAN Inbound Bandwidth It allows you to set th

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 226EEddiitt tthhee CCllaassss RRuullee ffoorr QQooSS The first three (Class 1 to Class 3) class rules can b

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 227Remote Address Click the Edit button to set the remote IP address (on LAN/WAN) for the rule. Edit It allows

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 228EEddiitt tthhee SSeerrvviiccee TTyyppee ffoorr CCllaassss RRuullee To add a new service type, edit or d

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 229 Port Number – Type in the starting port number and the end porting number here if you choose Range as the t

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 14 This page is left blank.

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 230Default Enable Dynamic DNS Setup Check this box to enable DDNS function. Index Click the number below Index to

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 23155..88..22 SScchheedduullee The Vigor router has a built-in real time clock which can update itself manuall

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 232Enable Schedule Setup Check to enable the schedule. Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd) Specify the starting date of the

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 23355..88..33 RRAADDIIUUSS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) is a security authentication cl

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 23455..88..44 UUPPnnPP The UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) protocol is supported to bring to network connected d

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 235The reminder as regards concern about Firewall and UPnP Can't work with Firewall Software Enabling firew

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 23655..88..55 IIGGMMPP IGMP is the abbreviation of Internet Group Management Protocol. It is a communication pr

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 23755..88..66 WWaakkee oonn LLAANN A PC client on LAN can be woken up by the router it connects. When a user

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 23855..99 VVPPNN aanndd RReemmoottee AAcccceessss A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is the extension of a priv

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 23955..99..22 PPPPPP GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp This submenu only applies to PPP-related VPN connections, suc

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 15CChhaapptteerr 22:: CCoonnffiigguurriinngg BBaassiicc SSeettttiinnggss For use the router properly, it is

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 240and Password of the mutual authentication peer. Start IP Address Enter a start IP address for the dial-in PPP

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 241Method (LAN-to-LAN) which uses dynamic IP address and IPSec-related VPN connections such as L2TP over IPSec

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 242 Profile Name Type in a name in this file. Accept Any Peer ID Click to accept any peer regardless of its ident

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 24355..99..55 RReemmoottee DDiiaall--iinn UUsseerr You can manage remote access by maintaining a table of re

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 244 Enable this account Check the box to enable this function. Idle Timeout- If the dial-in user is idle over

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 245becomes one pure L2TP connection. Must -Specify the IPSec policy to be definitely applied on the L2TP conne

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 246authenticated, but not be encrypted. By default, this option is invoked. You can uncheck it to disable it. H

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 24755..99..66 LLAANN ttoo LLAANN Here you can manage LAN-to-LAN connections by maintaining a table of connec

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 248 Profile Name Specify a name for the profile of the LAN-to-LAN connection. Enable this profile Check here to a

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 249 WAN1 First - While connecting, the router will use WAN1 as the first channel for VPN connection. If WAN1

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 163. Now, the Main Screen will pop up. Note: The home page will change slightly in accordance with the router y

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 250and Password for the authentication of remote server. You can further set up Callback (CBCP) function below. P

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 251 Pre-Shared Key - Input 1-63 characters as pre-shared key. Digital Signature (X.509) - Select one predefin

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 252The default value in Vigor router is Main mode. IKE phase 1 proposal-To propose the local available authenti

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 253 Allowed Dial-In Type Determine the dial-in connection with different types. ISDN Allow the remote ISDN LAN-

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 254 Must - Specify the IPSec policy to be definitely applied on the L2TP connection. Specify CLID or Remote VPN

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 255 Callback budget- By default, the callback function has limitation of callback period. Once the callback bud

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 25655..99..77 CCoonnnneeccttiioonn MMaannaaggeemmeenntt You can find the summary table of all VPN connections.

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 25755..1100 CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee MMaannaaggeemmeenntt A digital certificate works as an electronic ID, whic

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 258 Type in all the information that the window request. Then click Generate again. Import Click this button t

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 25955..1100..22 TTrruusstteedd CCAA CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee Trusted CA certificate lists three sets of truste

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 1722..22 QQuuiicckk SSttaarrtt WWiizzaarrdd If your router can be under an environment with high speed NAT,

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 26055..1100..33 CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee BBaacckkuupp Local certificate and Trusted CA certificate for this rout

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 26155..1111..22 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp This page provides some basic ISDN settings such as enabling the IS

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 262 Point-to-Point - Configure ISDN port to use static TEI (Terminal Endpoint Identifier). Point-to-Multipoi

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 263EExxaammppllee:: Below shows an example of TE port MSN number: Refer to the following explanation: a.

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 26455..1111..33 DDiiaall ttoo SSiinnggllee IISSPP Select Dialing to a Single ISP if you access the Internet

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 265disconnect after being idle for a preset amount of time. The default is 180 seconds. If you set the time to 0

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 266configure the PPP session to use the PAP or CHAP protocols to negotiate the username and password with the ISP

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 26755..1111..55 CCaallll CCoonnttrrooll Some applications require that the router be remotely activated, or b

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 268 PPP Authentication - It specifies the PPP authentication method for PPP/MP connections. Normally you can s

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 269This menu can assist users to configure most of settings in IP PBX. Below shows menu items for IP PBX: 55..1

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 18On the next page as shown below, please select the appropriate Internet access type according to the informatio

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 270 Internal Phone Extension Active Click Enable to invoke such profile. Allow Registration from If Disable regis

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 271Display Name Type a name as a display for this extension profile. Authentication Check this box to make the I

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 272forwarding to certain extension or group, or forwarding to SIP Trunk. Please determine the way you want to pro

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 273

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 27455..1122..22 LLiinnee SSeettttiinngg There are six SIP outside lines and one ISDN line provided by this IP

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 275 Profile Name Assign a name for this profile for identifying. You can type similar name with the domain. For

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 276Account Number/Name Enter your account name of SIP Address, e.g. every text before @.. Authentication ID Check

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 277AAlliiaass LLiisstt Click the Alias List link to access into the configuration page as shown below. Profil

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 278Alias Number Type a number for such account. Alias of SIP Trunk Choose one of the items listed in SIP Trunk

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 279IPPBX>PBX System> Phone Setting page to change the port type. Office hours answer mode Set the answerin

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 19If your ISP provides you the PPPoE connection, please select PPPoE for this router. The following page will be

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 280Non-office hours answer mode Set the answering mode for such outside line in non-office time. You can specify

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 28155..1122..33 DDiiaall PPllaann 55..1122..33..11 DDiiggiitt MMaapp For the convenience of user, this pa

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 282 Strip - When you choose this mode, partial or the whole prefix number will be deleted according to the OP nu

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 283 Backup Route It will be triggered when the original route is not registered or receives failed response.

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 284Speed Dial Number Type the digit number (maximum 6) in this field which can dial to the client with the phone

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 285 Apply To Call barring can be applied to specific extension number (set in IP PBX >>Extension) or grou

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 286For Block Unknown Domain – this function can block incoming calls from unrecognized domain that is not specifi

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 2875060. SIP Proxy Realm Type SIP service domain name. In full SIP URI, such is the part after @ symbol. Parking

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 28855..1122..44..22 HHuunntt GGrroouupp This page allows you to make several extension numbers under certain g

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 289 Hunt Group Name Type suitable name for such group. Hunt Group Extension Type extension number for such group

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide Version: 2.6 Based on Firmware Version: V3.5.5 Date: 21/03/2011

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 2022..22..22 11448833 BBrriiddggeedd IIPP Click 1483 Bridged IP as the protocol. Type in all the information

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 290 Add>> Click this button to move the selected item in Available area to Chosen area. Add All Click this

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 29155..1122..44..33 VVooiiccee MMaaiill CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn This page allows users to set actions for

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 29255..1122..44..44 OOffffiiccee HHoouurrss You can set ten groups of office hours including starting point, e

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 29355..1122..44..55 AAuuttoo AAtttteennddaanntt WWiizzaarrdd The first page is configured for phone calls in

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 294 Ring Extension - Only the extension number selected here will ring. Plays Prompt - Audio file will be play

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 29555..1122..44..66 PPrroommpptt MMaaiinntteennaannccee The IP PBX system provides several audio files for us

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 296 Prompt 1 to prompt 10 will be used for user-defined audio files (file format must be .WAV). System Prompt

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 297RReeccoorrdd aauuddiioo ffiillee Below shows a flow chart for using a phone set to record audio file. 1151

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 29855..1122..44..77 PPhhoonnee SSeettttiinngg This page allows user to set phone settings. Phone List Port –

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 299to change SIP account for each phone port. DTMF Relay – Display DTMF mode that configured in the advanced se

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 2122..22..33 11448833 RRoouutteedd IIPP Click 1483 Routed IP as the protocol. Type in all the information th

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 300DDeettaaiilleedd SSeettttiinnggss ffoorr PPhhoonnee PPoorrtt Click the number link of Phone port, you can

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 301good voice quality. If the upstream speed is only 64Kbps, do not use G.711 codec. It is better for you to h

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 302 Region Select the proper region which you are located. The common settings of Caller ID Type, Dial tone, Ring

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 303from 1- 10. The larger of the number, the louder the volume is. MISC Dial Tone Power Level - This setting is

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 304DDeettaaiilleedd SSeettttiinnggss ffoorr IISSDDNN11//22--SS00 PPoorrtt Click the number link of Index 2 o

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 305good voice quality. If your upstream speed is only 64Kbps, do not use G.711 codec. It is better for you to

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 306 Region Select the proper region which you are located. The common settings of Caller ID Type, Dial tone, Ring

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 307communication. Volume Gain Mic Gain (1-10)/Speaker Gain (1-10) - Adjust the volume of microphone and speaker

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 308 Session Timer Check the box to enable the function. In the limited time that you set in this field, if there

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 309 Voice Active Detector - This function can detect if the voice on both sides is active or not. If not, the

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 2222..33 IIPPPPBBXX WWiizzaarrdd IPPBX Wizard can guide the user to configure the required settings for this r

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 310 Also, you can specify each field for your necessity. It is recommended for you to use the default settings

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 311be sent to the remote end with SIP message. Payload Type (rfc2833) - Choose a number from 96 to 127, the

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 312 Single Codec – If the box is checked, only the selected Codec will be applied. Packet Size-The amount of

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 313 Region Select the proper region which you are located. The common settings of Caller ID Type, Dial tone, Rin

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 314Volume Gain Mic Gain (1-10)/Speaker Gain (1-10) - Adjust the volume of microphone and speaker by entering numb

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 315FFoouurr IISSDDNN CChhaannnneellss AApppplliiccaattiioonn There are two ISDN physical connectors for conn

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 316When you finished the configuration, four ISDN lines are ready for the user to communicate with others. 55..11

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 31755..1122..55 PPBBXX SSttaattuuss 55..1122..55..11 CCaallll DDeettaaiill RReeccoorrddss This page disp

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 31855..1122..55..22 EExxtteennssiioonn MMoonniittoorr This page displays owner’s name, IP address, status and

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 319 SSeeccuurriittyy OOvveerrvviieeww Real-time Hardware Encryption: Vigor Router is equipped with a hardware

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 23Extension Group Number Type the number of extension for such group. Start Number of the extension Group Type t

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 320 55..1133..22 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp By clicking the General Settings, a new web page will appear so th

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 321(11b+11g+11n) stations simultaneously. Simply choose Mix (11b+11g+11n) mode. Index(1-15) Set the wireless

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 322 Long Preamble This option is to define the length of the sync field in an 802.11 packet. Most modern wireles

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 323 Download – Type the transmitting rate for data download. Default value is 30,000 kbps. 55..1133..33 SSeecc

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 324 WPA/802.1x Only- Accepts only WPA clients and the encryption key is obtained dynamically from RADIUS server

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 32555..1133..44 AAcccceessss CCoonnttrrooll In the Access Control, the router may restrict wireless access to

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 32655..1133..55 WWPPSS WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) provides easy procedure to make network connection between w

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 327z If you want to use PIN code, you have to know the PIN code specified in wireless client. Then provide the

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 328Authentication Mode Display current authentication mode of the router. Only WPA2/PSK and WPA/PSK support WPS.

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 329The application for the WDS-Repeater mode is depicted as below: The major difference between these two modes

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 2422..33..22 SSIIPP TTrruunnkk SSeettuupp This page allows you to set profiles for six SIP outside lines at o

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 330 Mode Choose the mode for WDS setting. Disable mode will not invoke any WDS setting. Bridge mode is designed t

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 331MAC addresses are allowed to be entered in this page at one time. Yet please disable the unused link to get b

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 332long guard interval for data transmit based on the station capability. Aggregation MSDU Aggregation MSDU can c

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 333result field, and click Bridge or Repeater. Next, click Add to. Later, the MAC address of the AP will be adde

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 33455..1144 UUSSBB AApppplliiccaattiioonn USB diskette can be regarded as a server. By way of Vigor router, cl

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 335 Default Charset is for English based file name. For Simplified Chinese file/directory names, please choose G

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 336 FTP/Samba User Enable – Click this button to activate this profile (account) for FTP service or Samba User se

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 337 Access Rule It determines the authority for such profile. Any user, who uses such profile for accessing int

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 338Current Path Display current folder. Upload Click this button to upload the selected file to the USB diskett

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 33955..1144..44 DDiisskk SSttaattuuss This page is to monitor the status for the users who accessing into FTP

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 25 You can set 6 profiles for using in different conditions. Then click Next to access into next web page. 22..3

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 34055..1155 SSyysstteemm MMaaiinntteennaannccee For the system setup, there are several items that you have to

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 3411st IP Address Display the IP address of the LAN interface. 1st Subnet Mask Display the subnet mask address o

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 34255..1155..22 TTRR--006699 This device supports TR-069 standard. It is very convenient for an administrator t

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 34355..1155..33 AAddmmiinniissttrraattoorr PPaasssswwoorrdd This page allows you to set new password. Old Pa

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 3446. In Save As dialog, the default filename is config.cfg. You could give it another name by yourself. 7. Cl

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 34555..1155..55 SSyysslloogg//MMaaiill AAlleerrtt SysLog function is provided for users to monitor router. Th

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 346Authentication Check this box to activate this function while using e-mail application. User Name Type the use

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 34755..1155..66 TTiimmee aanndd DDaattee It allows you to specify where the time of the router should be inq

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 34855..1155..77 MMaannaaggeemmeenntt This page allows you to manage the settings for access control, access lis

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 349Get Community Set the name for getting community by typing a proper character. The default setting is public.

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 26When you finish the settings, click Finish to save the settings and exit the wizard.

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 35055..1155..99 FFiirrmmwwaarree UUppggrraaddee Before upgrading your router firmware, you need to install the

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 3515.15.10 Activation There are three ways to activate WCF on vigor router, using Service Activation Wizard, by

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 352Below shows the successful activation of Web Content Filter: Status Display the mechanism (represented with c

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 35355..1166..11 DDiiaall--oouutt TTrriiggggeerr Click Diagnostics and click Dial-out Trigger to open the web

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 35455..1166..33 AARRPP CCaacchhee TTaabbllee Click Diagnostics and click ARP Cache Table to view the content

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 35555..1166..55 NNAATT SSeessssiioonnss TTaabbllee Click Diagnostics and click NAT Sessions Table to open th

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 356 Ping to Use the drop down list to choose the destination that you want to ping. IP Address Type in the IP ad

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 357refreshing data flow that will be done by the system automatically. Refresh Click this link to refresh this

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 35855..1166..88 TTrraaffffiicc GGrraapphh Click Diagnostics and click Traffic Graph to pen the web page. Choos

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 359 Protocol Choose a protocol (ICMP or UDP) for such route. Host/IP Address It indicates the IP address of the

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 2722..44 SSeerrvviiccee AAccttiivvaattiioonn WWiizzaarrdd Service Activation Wizard can guide you to set WCF

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 360 This page is left blank.

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 361CChhaapptteerr 66:: TTrroouubbllee SShhoooottiinngg This section will guide you to solve abnormal situati

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 36266..22 CChheecckkiinngg IIff tthhee NNeettwwoorrkk CCoonnnneeccttiioonn SSeettttiinnggss oonn YYoouurr

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 3634. Select Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically. FFoorr MMaaccOOs

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 36466..33 PPiinnggiinngg tthhee RRoouutteerr ffrroomm YYoouurr CCoommppuutteerr The default gateway IP add

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 365

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 36666..44 CChheecckkiinngg IIff tthhee IISSPP SSeettttiinnggss aarree OOKK oorr NNoott Click WAN>>

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 367TTrraannssmmiissssiioonn RRaattee iiss nnoott ffaasstt eennoouugghh Please connect your Notebook with 3

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 368After restore the factory default setting, you can configure the settings for the router again to fit your per

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 369AAppppeennddiixx:: HHaarrddwwaarree SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss Operating : 0°C ~ 45°C Temperature Storag

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 283. In the following page, please check the box of “I have read and accept the above Agreement” and click Next.

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 296. Now, the web page will display the service that you have activated according to your selection(s). The val

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide iiCopyright Information Copyright Declarations Copyright 2011 All rights reserved. This publication contains inf

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 3022..55 OOnnlliinnee SSttaattuuss The online status shows the system status, WAN status, ADSL Information and

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 31Online status for Static IP (for WAN1) Online status for DHCP (WAN1)

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 32Online status for ISDN enabled Detailed explanation is shown below: Primary DNS Displays the IP address of the

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 33RX Pkts Displays the total number of received packets at the ISDN interface. RX Rate Displays the speed of rec

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 34 This page is left blank.

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 35CChhaapptteerr 33:: AApppplliiccaattiioonnss This chapter shows several scenarios for your reference to con

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 3633..22 TThhee IIPP RReeggiissttrraattiioonn ffrroomm RReemmoottee SSiittee ((tthhrroouugghh WWAANN CCo

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 3733..33 TThhee IInntteeggrraattiioonn IIPP RReeggiissttrraattiioonn wwiitthh SSIIPP SSeerrvveerr z T

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 3833..44 TThhee IInntteeggrraattiioonn VVooIIPP CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss vviiaa SSIIPP SSeerrvveerr

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 3933..55 TThhee IInntteeggrraattiioonn wwiitthh PPSSTTNN tteelleepphhoonnyy z The establishment through

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide iiiEuropean Community Declarations Manufacturer: DrayTek Corp. Address: No. 26, Fu Shing Road, HuKou Townshi

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 4033..66 TThhee AAddddeedd IISSDDNN TTeelleepphhoonnyy z The establishment through DSL Internet. z Flexi

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 4133..77 TThhee IInntteeggrraatteedd IISSDDNN lliinnee z The establishment through DSL Internet. z Flex

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 4233..88 TThhee 44 BB CChhaannnneellss ooff TTwwoo IISSDDNN LLiinneess z The establishment through DS

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 4333..99 TThhee IInntteeggrraattiioonn ooff IISSDDNN PPBBXX wwiitthh OOnnee IISSDDNN LLiinnee z The

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 4433..1100 TThhee IInntteeggrraattiioonn ooff IISSDDNN PPBBXX wwiitthh OOnnee IISSDDNN LLiinnee--22 z

Página 331 - Isolate Member

VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 4533..1111 TThhee DDeeppllooyymmeenntt ooff IISSDDNN PPBBXX aanndd PPSSTTNN NNeettwwoorrkk z The est

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 4633..1122 TThhee IInntteeggrraattiioonn ooff IISSDDNN TTeelleepphhoonnyy aanndd PPSSTTNN NNeettwwoorrkk

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 4733..1133 TThhee IInntteeggrraattiioonn ooff IISSDDNN TTeelleepphhoonnyy,, PPSSTTNN NNeettwwoorrkk aann

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 48 This page is left blank.

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 49CChhaapptteerr 44:: TTuuttoorriiaall 44..11 CCrreeaattee aa LLAANN--ttoo--LLAANN CCoonnnneeccttiioonn

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide ivTTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss Chapter 1: Preface...

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 50For using IPSec-based service, such as IPSec or L2TP with IPSec Policy, you have to set general settings in IPS

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 515. Set Dial-Out Settings as shown below to dial to connect to Router B aggressively with the selected Dial-Ou

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 526. Set Dial-In settings to as shown below to allow Router B dial-in to build VPN connection. If an IPSec-based

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 537. At last, set the remote network IP/subnet in TCP/IP Network Settings so that Router A can direct the packe

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 544. Set Common Settings as shown below. You should enable both of VPN connections because any one of the partie

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 55If a PPP-based service is selected, you should further specify the remote peer IP Address, Username, Password,

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 56If a PPP-based service is selected, you should further specify the remote peer IP Address, Username, Password,

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 5744..22 CCrreeaattee aa RReemmoottee DDiiaall--iinn UUsseerr CCoonnnneeccttiioonn BBeettwweeeenn tthhee

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 58 3. Go to Remote Dial-In User. Click on one index number to edit a profile. 4. Set Dial-In settings to as sho

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 59If a PPP-based service is selected, you should further specify the remote peer IP Address, Username, Password,

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide v4.1 Create a LAN-to-LAN Connection Between Remote Office and Headquarter ... 49 4.2 Create a

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 603. In Step 2. Connect to VPN Server, click Insert button to add a new entry. If an IPSec-based service is sele

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 61 4. Click Connect button to build connection. When the connection is successful, you will find a green light

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 62 3. Return to previous page. Enter the Name of Index Class 1 by clicking Edit link. Type the name E-mail for C

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 635. Return to previous page. Enter the Name of Index Class 2 by clicking Edit link. In this index, the user wi

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 648. If the worker has connected to the headquarter using host to host VPN tunnel, he may set up an index for it

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 6510. Then click Edit of Local Address to set a worker’s subnet address. Click Edit of Remote Address to set he

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 66 To use another DHCP server in the network rather than the built-in one of Vigor Router, you have to change the

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 6744..55 UUppggrraaddee FFiirrmmwwaarree ffoorr YYoouurr RRoouutteerr Before upgrading your router firmwar

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 685. Double click on the icon of router tool. The setup wizard will appear. 6. Follow the onscreen instructio

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 69 11. Now the firmware update is finished.

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide vi5.4 Firewall...

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 7044..66 RReeqquueesstt aa cceerrttiiffiiccaattee ffrroomm aa CCAA sseerrvveerr oonn WWiinnddoowwss CCA

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 712. You can click GENERATE button to start to edit a certificate request. Enter the information in the certifi

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 72Select Advanced request. Select Submit a certificate request a base64 encoded PKCS #10 file or a renewal reque

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 735. Back to Vigor router, go to Local Certificate. Click IMPORT button and browse the file to import the certi

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 7444..77 RReeqquueesstt aa CCAA CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee aanndd SSeett aass TTrruusstteedd oonn WWiinnddo

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 752. In Choose file to download, click CA Certificate Current and Base 64 encoded, and Download CA certificate

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 7644..88 HHooww ttoo aacchhiieevvee DDIIDD ((DDiirreecctt IInnwwaarrdd DDiiaalliinngg)) wwiitthh SSIIPP

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 77Follow the steps below to setup SIP Alias and achieve DID. 1. Create a SIP Alias. First of all, make sure you

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 783. Setup SIP Alias on VigorIPPBX 2820. Open the IP PBX>>SIP Trunk List page and click on Alias List to e

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 79 5. The configuration is completed. Make sure the extension number 101 is registered. Next, Benson can make a

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide vii5.12.5 PBX Status ...

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 8044..99 HHooww ttoo uussee CCaallll PPaarrkkiinngg?? Call parking allows you to hold the call on a telepho

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 811. When an incoming call is parked, a certain extension will be assigned to it temporarily and the number wil

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 8244..1100 HHooww ttoo sseett uupp VViiggoorrPPhhoonnee 335500 wwiitthh VViiggoorrIIPPPPBBXX22882200 sse

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 832. Click IPPBX Wizard to get the first screen as shown below. Type the extension group name, group number, s

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 84 4. Click Next to access into office hours setup page. Please specify office hours including starting point a

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 855. After finishing the Wizard, please go to IPPBX>Extension to configure the Extension Number and the Pass

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 868. Next, input the password. Press OK. 9. VigorPhone can automatically configure itself with settings coming

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 8744..1111 HHooww ttoo ccoonnffiigguurree HHuunntt GGrroouupp?? Hunt Group allows a caller to automaticall

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 88HHooww ttoo sseettuupp HHuunntt GGrroouupp ffoorr EExxaammppllee 11 aanndd 22 ?? 1. Configure exten

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VigorIPPBX 2820 Series User’s Guide 89For the Hunt Group of Sales department, Hunt Group Name is locally significant for identification. Hunt Group

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