Draytek VIGOR2130 Guia do Utilizador

Consulte online ou descarregue Guia do Utilizador para Routers Draytek VIGOR2130. Draytek Vigor2130 Manual do Utilizador

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Página 2 - User’s Guide

Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 2Note: For the other buttons shown on the web pages, please refer to Chapter 4 for detailed explanation. 11..33 LLEEDD

Página 3 - Copyright Information

Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 92Item Description 56K Backup Enable 56K Backup -Check this box to enable such function. Phone Number - Type the phone

Página 4 - Regulatory Information

Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 9344..22 LLAANN Local Area Network (LAN) is a group of subnets regulated and ruled by router. The design of network s

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 94 WWhhaatt iiss RRoouuttiinngg IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn PPrroottooccooll ((RRIIPP)) Vigor router will exchange rou

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 9544..22..11 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp This page provides you the general settings for LAN. Click LAN to open the LA

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 96related IP settings to any local user configured as a DHCP client. It is highly recommended that you leave the router

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 9744..22..22 PPoorrttss Ports page is used to change the setting for LAN ports. You can set or reset the following it

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 98 Discard - It determines whether the MAC drops frames after an excessive collision has occurred. If yes, a frame is d

Página 10 - (Activity)

Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 9944..22..33 MMAACC AAddddrreessss TTaabbllee This page allows you to set timeouts for entries in dynamic MAC Table

Página 11 - Description

Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 100setting. To add a new static MAC entry, click Add new static entry. A new entry will be shown as follows. Choose a V

Página 12 - Status Explanation

Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 101 3. To remove VLAN, click the Delete button for the one you want to remove and click OK to save the results. 44..22

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 3 Interface Description Factory Reset Restore the default settings. Usage: Turn on the router (ACT LED is blinkin

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 10244..22..66 SSttaattiicc RRoouuttee Go to LAN to open setting page and choose Static Route. Available settings ar

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 103 1. Click the LAN - Static Route and click Add. Check the Enable box. Please add a static route as shown below, wh

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 1043. Verify current routing table. 44..22..77 PPoolliiccee RRoouuttee Go to LAN to open setting page and choose

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 105To add a new police route, please click Add to open the following page. Available settings are explained as follows

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 106 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable Click this radio button to invoke this functio

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 107Bypass Login means no need to type username and password for accessing into Internet. The user still can see the bul

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 10844..22..99 WWeebb PPoorrttaall Web portal, a management program used for clients, allows you to set login account

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 109format. HTTPS is safer than HTTP. Disable – Click it to skip the login procedure. Account Setting Common account – A

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 110the web portal page. Login – A window will be opened and ask you to type username (ID) and password (P/W) for access

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 11144..33 NNAATT Usually, the router serves as an NAT (Network Address Translation) router. NAT is a mechanism that o

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 411..33..22 FFoorr VViiggoorr22113300nn LED Status Explanation Blinking The router is powered on and running norm

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 11244..33..11 HHaarrddwwaarree NNAATT Hardware-base Acceleration Engine, also named Protocol Processing Engine API i

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 113Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable Check this box to enable this function. Name Sp

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 11444..33..33 DDMMZZ HHoosstt As mentioned above, Port Redirection can redirect incoming TCP/UDP or other traffic on

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 115Choose PC Bring a dialog for you to choose an IP address. Click OK to save the settings. 44..44 FFiirreewwaallll

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 116Item Description Frame Type Set the Unicast storm rate control, multicast storm rate control, and a broadcast storm

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 117Disabled. Counter Counts the number of frames that match this Access Control Entry (ACE). Refresh Click this button

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 118list. Click OK to save the settings.

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 11944..44..33 AAcccceessss CCoonnttrrooll LLiisstt This page can define which kind of packet can access the router.

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 120selection you choose, we will explain it in detailed later. Action – it means the session limitation for this acces

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 121DDeettaaiilleedd EExxppllaannaattiioonn ffoorr FFrraammee TTyyppee Frame Type selection will lead different opt

Página 35 - WPA and WPA2

Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 5 Interface Description Factory Reset Restore the default settings. Usage: Turn on the router (ACT LED is blinki

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 122 Request/Reply Choose the request or replay that you want to filter. Sender IP Filter Specify the sender IP filter

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 123address. 1: means sender hardware address is equal to the SMAC address. Any: means any value is allowed. RARP DMAC

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 124 0: ARP/RARP frames where the protocol address space is equal to IP (0x800) must not match this entry. 1: ARP/RARP

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 125Any: No destination IP filter is specified. Host: Destination IP filter is set to Host. Specify the destination IP

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 126 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Source IP Specify the source IP filter for this ACE.

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 127Source Port Filter Specify the UDP port source filter for this ACE. Any: No UDP source filter is specified. Speci

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 128z Choose IPv4 as the Frame Type. You will see IP Parameters on the bottom of the page. If you choose TCP as IP Prot

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 129Dest IP Address Type the destination IP Address here. This option is available when you choose Host or Network as de

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 130 0: TCP frames where the FIN field is set must not be able to match this entry. 1: TCP frames where the FIN field

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 1310: TCP frames where the ACK field is set must not be able to match this entry. 1: TCP frames where the ACK field i

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 611..33..33 FFoorr VViiggoorr22113300VVnn LED Status Explanation Blinking The router is powered on and running no

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 132address in the source IP Address field that appears. Network: Source IP filter is set to Network. Specify the sour

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 133AAddddiinngg aa NNeeww TTrraaffffiicc CCoonnttrrooll PPrrooffiillee You are allowed to add many traffic contro

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 134Action Choose the action to perform for the filtered packet. Accept – Packets matching with such rule can pass throu

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 135You can click to open the selected profile for any modification; click to delete the selected profile. 44..44

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 1362. After finishing the settings, click OK to save and exit the page. 44..55 CCSSMM CSM is an abbreviation of Con

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 137Web Feature Filter If you do not check any box here, it means Vigor router will not prevent users from accidentally

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 13844..55..22 WWeebb CCoonntteenntt FFiilltteerr We all know that the content on the Internet just like other types

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 139Status Display if such profile is enabled or not. If yes, a green check mark will be shown here. Source Display the

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 140OK Save the settings. Back Return to previous page. 5. After finished the configuration, click OK to save the setti

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 141License Information Display the license information for current used. If the WCF mechanism has been activated succes

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 7 Interface Description Phone2/Phone1 Connector of analog phone for VoIP communication. Factory Reset Restore the

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 1424. Click Add a New Entry to open the following page and type all the required information. Each item is explained

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 143Time Apply the time object to such profile. Choose any one of the time object profiles from the drop down list. You

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 1441. Click Add Entry to open the following time object setting page. Available settings are explained as follows:

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 145Time Profile Specify a period for filtering the packets with web feature filter. Use the drop down list to choose th

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 146 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable Click this button to activate the function of

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 14744..66..22 BBaannddwwiiddtthh LLiimmiitt The downstream or upstream from FTP, HTTP or some P2P applications will

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 148Specific Limitation This section is allowed to configure the user-defined limitation for bandwidth. Limitation List

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 14944..66..33 PPoorrtt RRaattee CCoonnttrrooll A policer can limit the bandwidth of received frames. It is located

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 150(or in another term “dropped”) from an overflowing queue, packets of sensitive applications mentioned above might be

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 151 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description QCL # QCL (QoS Control List) allows users to set up t

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 811..44 HHaarrddwwaarree IInnssttaallllaattiioonn Before starting to configure the router, you have to connect your

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 152 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Ethernet Type Value Either 8~63 ASCII characters, suc

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 153Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description TCP/UDP Port Click Single or Range. If you select Rang

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 154Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description ToS Priority 0 Class ~ ToS Priority 7 Class ToS means

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 155Click to modify the settings of an existing QCE on this page. MMoovviinngg UUpp//DDoowwnn aa QQCCEE Click

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 156 Queuing Mode Use the drop down list to choose suitable mode. Queuing Weighted Use the drop down list to choose 1,

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 157 Each item is explained as follows: Item Description Rx Packets Display the counting number of the packet received.

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 158bad packets received. RX 1024- 1526 Bytes Display the number of 1024-1522-byte frames in good and bad packets receiv

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 159bad packets transmitted. Tx 1024- 1526 Bytes Display the number of 1024 ~ 1522-byt frames in good and bad packets tr

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 160 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Index Display the number that you can click to edit t

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 161My WAN IP – Use IP configured for WAN interface for DDNS server. My Internet IP – Use true IP for DDNS server. Chec

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 9SSttaanndd IInnssttaallllaattiioonn The Vigor2130 must be placed erectly. Therefore you have to install a stand onto

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 162 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable Check to enable the schedule. Start Date Speci

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 163Click OK button to activate the settings. You will see your setting has been saved. 44..77..33 IIGGMMPP IGMP s

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 164 IGMP Snooping Configuration Snooping Enabled - Check the box to enable this function.Unregistered IPMC Flooding ena

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 165the firewall to automatically open the ports that they need to pass through a router. It is more reliable than requi

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 166and configure port mappings on the router. Subsequently, such a facility forwards packets from the external ports of

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 167 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Wake by Two types provide for you to wake up the bond

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 168 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable Check the box of Enable to enable SMS function

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 1692. When you finished the configuration, click OK to save and return to previous page. 44..88 VVPPNN aanndd RRee

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 170Enable IPSec VPN Pass-through (Server inside your LAN) If this checkbox is checked, the system firewall will allow V

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 171AAddddiinngg aa NNeeww UUsseerr 1. Click Add a New User to open the following page. Available settings are exp

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 1011..55 PPrriinntteerr IInnssttaallllaattiioonn You can install a printer onto the router for sharing printing. All

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 172traffic destined to this Remote Network IP Address/Remote Network Mask through the VPN connection. Allow FTP Check t

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 17344..88..33 IIPPSSeecc RReemmoottee DDiiaall--iinn This page allows you to configure IPSec Site-to-Client setting

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 174Authentication Type - There are two types for you to choose for authentication. If you choose Certificate as the Ty

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 175 44..88..44 RReemmoottee DDiiaall--iinn SSttaattuuss You can find the summary table of all dial-in user status.

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 176Login Time Display the system time that the user logs in. Rx bytes Display the data total received for such client.

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 177Up Time Display the duration time of the IPSec / PPTP connection. Add Tunnel Click it to add a new VPN tunnel via IP

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 178Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description General Enabled - Check here to activate this tunnel.

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 179Advanced Security Settings IKE Phase 1 proposal - Propose the local available authentication schemes and encryption

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 180AAddddiinngg aa VVPPNN TTuunnnneell ffoorr PPPPTTPP Click Add Tunnel to open the following page. Available se

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 181Route/NAT Mode - If the remote network only allows you to dial in with single IP, please choose NAT Mode, otherwise

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 11 4. Click Local printer attached to this computer and click Next. 5. In this dialog, choose Create a new port

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 18244..99..11 TTrruusstteedd CCAA CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee The CA (certification authority) certificate specified in

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 183You can import other Root CA certificates made by others and upload to Vigor router as CA. Simply click IMPORT to ac

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 184If you want to create your Root CA certificate for the router adopting for issuing local certificate and certificate

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 18544..99..22 LLooccaall CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee This page displays the certificate which will be authenticated for n

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 186 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description General Name - Type a new name for such certificate.

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 18744..99..33 IIssssuuee CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee Vigor router can be used as a Root CA to authenticate and issue the

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 188also loaded with advanced wireless technology to lift up data rate up to 300 Mbps*. Hence, you can finally smoothly

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 189 44..1100..22 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp By clicking the General Setup, a new web page will appear so that you co

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 190harder for unauthorized clients or STAs to join your wireless LAN. SSID- It means the identification of the wireless

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 191 Each encryption mode will bring out different web page and ask you to offer additional configuration. Click OK to s

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide ii Vigor2130 Series High Speed Gigabit Router User’s Guide Version: 2. 1 Firmware Version: V1.5.2

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 126. In the following dialog, type (router’s LAN IP) in the field of Printer Name or IP Address and type I

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 192126(~) except '#' and ',' . Authentication ModeChoose OPEN or SHARED as the authentication mode.

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 193 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Type The WPA encrypts each frame transmitted from the

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 194 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Configure via Push Button Click Start PBC to invoke P

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 195of a station with network card installed, press Start PBC button of network card. If you want to use PIN code, you

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 19644..1100..33 AAcccceessss CCoonnttrrooll For additional security of wireless access, the Access Control facility

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 19744..1100..44 SSttaattiioonn LLiisstt Station List provides the knowledge of connecting wireless clients now along

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 19844..1100..55 AAcccceessss PPooiinntt DDiissccoovveerryy Vigor router can scan all regulatory channels and find w

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 19944..1100..66 WWMMMM CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn WMM is an abbreviation of Wi-Fi Multimedia. It defines the priorit

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 200be smaller; however, the difference between AC_BE and AC_BK categories must be greater. Txop It means transmission o

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 20144..1100..77 WWDDSS WDS means Wireless Distribution System. It is a protocol for connecting two access points (AP)

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 139. Now, your system will ask you to choose right name of the printer that you installed onto the router. Such step c

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 202In Bridge mode, the router will connect to up to four Vigor2130 which use the same mode, and all wired Ethernet clie

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 203to be entered in this page at one time. Phy Mode There are three types of transmission rates developed by different

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 204Item Description Safely Remove Disk Check this box and then you can remove the USB disk safely. Manufacturer Display

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 20544..1111..33 FFiillee EExxpplloorreerr To review the content of USB diskette via USB port of the router, please o

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 20644..1111..44 FFTTPP UUsseerr MMaannaaggeemmeenntt This page allows you to change user setting for USB storage di

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 207Home Folder It determines the range for the client to access into. The user can enter a directory name in this fie

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 208Visible It displays the status of the connected USB disk. To add a new entry for disk sharing, please click Add a N

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 209 All Users Read-only - everyone has read-only access to the share disk. All Users Read-write - everyone has read-wri

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 210 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description BT Function Enable – Click it to enable BT download f

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 211Password Type a password for authentication. Web Client Port Type a port number for accessing Open Web Client. Rem

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 14The printer can be used for printing now. Most of the printers with different manufacturers are compatible with vigor

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 212Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description iTunes Server Enable – Click it to enable iTunes Serve

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 213 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description DLNA Server Enable – Click it to enable DLNA Server f

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 214Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable Temperature Sensor Enable – Enable the functi

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 21544..1122 VVooIIPP Note: This function is used for “V” models. Voice over IP network (VoIP) enables you to use your

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 216The major benefit of this mode is that you don’t have to memorize your friend’s IP address, which might change very

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 217 Click any index number to display the dial plan setup page. Available settings are explained as follows: Item Desc

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 218the same SIP server, sometimes, the VoIP phone call connection may not succeed. By using the specified dial out acco

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 219SIP server. OP Number The front number you type here is the first part of the account number that you want to execu

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 22044..1111..11..33 CCaallll BBaarrrriinngg Call barring is used to block phone calls coming from the one that is

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 221 Specific URI/URL or Specific Number This field will be changed based on the type you selected for barring Type. Int

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 15 BBaassiicc SSeettttiinnggss For using the router properly, it is necessary for you to change the password of web

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 22244..1122..11..44 RReeggiioonnaall This page allows you to process incoming or outgoing phone calls by regional. De

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 223end. Hide caller ID [Deact] Dial the number typed in this field to release this function. Call Waiting [Act] Dial th

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 224Ring Port Specify which port will ring when receiving a phone call. Status Show the status for the corresponding S

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 225SIP Port Set the port number for sending/receiving SIP message for building a session. The default value is 5060. Yo

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 22644..1122..33 PPhhoonnee SSeettttiinnggss This page allows user to set phone settings for Phone 1 and Phone 2 resp

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 227Also, you can specify each field for your necessity. It is recommended for you to use the default settings for VoIP

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 228DDeettaaiilleedd SSeettttiinnggss ffoorr PPhhoonnee PPoorrtt Click the number link for Phone port, you can acce

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 229notice sound will appear to tell the user new phone call is waiting for your response. Click hook flash to pick up t

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 230In addition, you can press the Advanced button to configure volume gain, MISC and DTMF mode. Advanced setting is pro

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 231tone according to the digital form it receive. This function is very useful when the network traffic congestion occu

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 1622..22 CChhaannggiinngg PPaasssswwoorrdd Please change the password for the original security of the router. 1. O

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 232PeerID The present in-call or out-call peer ID (the format may be IP or Domain). Elapse The format is represented as

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 233 LLiinnkk--LLooccaall OOnnllyy Link-Local address is used for communicating with neighbouring nodes on the same li

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 234Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description IPv6 Address Type your IPv6 static IP here. Prefix Len

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 235Item Description SLA Length It is used by an individual organization to create its own local addressing hierarchy an

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 236IPv6-in-IPv4 (Native) - Request an IPv6 in IPv4 tunnel. IPv6-in-IPv4 (NAT Traversal - Request an IPv6 in UDP of IPv4

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 237from other ISP, such as http://www.sixxs.net/. Password Type the password assigned with the user name. Confirm Passw

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 238Item Description IPv6 Link local Address - It is used for communicating with neighbouring nodes on the same link. It

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 239AAddddiinngg aa NNeeww RRuullee Click Add New Rule to configure a new rule for IPv6 Firewall. Note: You can se

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 240Item Description Destination IP / Choose PC Type the IP address here if you choose Single as Destination IP Type. O

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 241 In the following dialog, please configure the page with the following values. 5. Connect PC to http://www.i

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 176. Now, the password has been changed. Next time, use the new password to access the Web Configurator for this route

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 24244..1133..44 IIPPvv66 RRoouuttiinngg This page displays the routing table for the protocol of IPv6. Each item is

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 24344..1133..55 IIPPvv66 NNeeiigghhbboouurr IPv6 uses neighbor discovery protocol to find out neighbors on the same

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 24444..1133..66 IIPPvv66 TTSSPPCC SSttaattuuss IPv6 TSPC status web page could help you to diagnose the connection

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 245 Each item is explained as follows: Item Description Connection Status It will bring out different pages to represen

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 246 When your PC obtains the IPv6 address, please connect to http://www.ipv6.org. If your PC access Internet via IPv6 c

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 24744..1133..77 IIPPvv66 MMaannaaggeemmeenntt This page allows you to manage the settings for IPv6 access control in

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 24844..1144 UUsseerr 44..1144..11 UUsseerr CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn This page allows you to set user’s setting t

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 249Item Description Before enable this function, please install Samba Server first.Allow IPSEC/L2TP Check this box to l

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 250 EEddiittiinngg//DDeelleettiinngg UUsseerr SSeettttiinnggss To edit a user, click the name link under Username to

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 25144..1155 SSyysstteemm MMaaiinntteennaannccee For the system setup, there are several items that you have to know

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 1822..33..11 SSeettttiinngg uupp tthhee PPaasssswwoorrdd The first screen of Quick Start Wizard is entering login

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 252System Date Display current time and date for the system server. System Uptime Display the connection time for the s

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 25344..1155..22 TTRR--006699 Vigor router with TR-069 is available for matching with VigorACS server. Such page provi

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 254Item Description If the connected CPE does not need to be authenticated please set URL as the following: http://{IP

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 255password is blank. New Password Type in new password in this filed. Confirm Password Type in the new password again.

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 256 3. Log out Vigor2130 Web Configurator. 4. The following window will be open to ask for username and password. Ty

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 2575. The main screen with User Mode will be shown as follows. Settings to be configured in User Mode will be less th

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 258 3. In Save As dialog, the default filename is config.cfg. You could give it another name by yourself. 4. Click S

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 2592. Click Browse button to choose the correct configuration file for uploading to the router. 3. Click Restore butto

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 260 User Access Log - Check this box to record the user logging information. Mail Alert Setup Enable - Check “Enable” t

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 261

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 1922..33..33 SSeettttiinngg uupp tthhee IInntteerrnneett CCoonnnneeccttiioonn On the next page as shown below, pl

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 26244..1155..77 TTiimmee aanndd DDaattee It allows you to specify where the time of the router should be inquired f

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 26344..1155..88 MMaannaaggeemmeenntt This page allows you to manage the settings for access control, access list, por

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 26444..1155..99 RReebboooott SSyysstteemm The Web Configurator may be used to restart your router for using current

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 265Click Browse.. to locate the newest firmware and click Upgrade. During the process of upgrade, do not turn off your

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 26644..1166..22 TTrraaccee RRoouuttee Click Diagnostics and click Trace Route to open the web page. This page allows

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 267U - route is up. H - target is a host G - use gateway R - reinstate route for dynamic routing D - dynamically

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 268 44..1166..55 SSyysstteemm LLoogg Click Diagnostics and click System Log to open the web page. Available setting

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 26944..1166..66 TTrraaffffiicc OOvveerrvviieeww This page offers an overview of general traffic statistics for all c

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 27044..1166..77 DDeettaaiilleedd SSttaattiissttiiccss This page display detailed statistics for WAN/LAN interface.

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 271good and bad packets received. RX 65-127 Bytes - Display the number of 65 ~ 127-byte frames in good and bad packets

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 20Item Description IP Address Type the IP address. Subnet Mask Type the subnet mask. Gateway Type the gateway IP addres

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 272good and bad packets transmitted. Tx 65-127 Bytes - Display the number of 65 ~ 127-byte frames in good and bad packe

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 273 Each item is explained as follows: Item Description Auto-refresh Check it to enable auto-refresh function. Refresh

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 274Refresh Click it to reload the page. Computer Name It displays the name of the computer accepted the assigned IP add

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 275TX rate (kbps) Display the transmission speed of the monitored device. RX rate (kbps) Display the receiving speed of

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 276The horizontal axis represents time. Yet the vertical axis has different meanings. For WAN1 Bandwidth chart, the num

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 277conditions specified. Clear Clear all of the information displayed in this page. 44..1166..1133 PPoorrttss SSttaa

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 278 This page is left blank.

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 279 TTrroouubbllee SShhoooottiinngg This section will guide you to solve abnormal situations if you cannot access in

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 28055..22 CChheecckkiinngg IIff tthhee NNeettwwoorrkk CCoonnnneeccttiioonn SSeettttiinnggss oonn YYoouurr CCoo

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 2814. Select Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically. FFoorr MMaacc OOSS 1.

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 21Item Description After finishing the settings here, please click Next. PPPPPPooEE PPPoE stands for Point-to-Point P

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 28255..33 PPiinnggiinngg tthhee RRoouutteerr ffrroomm YYoouurr CCoommppuutteerr The default gateway IP address o

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 283 55..44 CChheecckkiinngg IIff tthhee IISSPP SSeettttiinnggss aarree OOKK oorr NNoott Open WAN>>Inte

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 28455..55 FFoorrcciinngg VViiggoorr RRoouutteerr iinnttoo TTFFTTPP MMooddee ffoorr PPeerrffoorrmmiinngg tthhee

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 285 12. When the firmware upgrade is successful, the following window will pop up.

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 286If the message of Request Timeout. Transfer Abort ! appears, please check if the connection between the computer and

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 28755..66 BBaacckkiinngg ttoo FFaaccttoorryy DDeeffaauulltt SSeettttiinngg IIff NNeecceessssaarryy Sometimes, a

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 28855..77 CCoonnttaaccttiinngg YYoouurr DDeeaalleerr If the router still cannot work correctly after trying many ef

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide iiiCopyright Information Copyright Declarations Copyright 2012 All rights reserved. This publication contains informat

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 22Item Description MTU Size It means Max Transmit Unit for packet. The default setting will be specified by the system

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 23Item Description Subnet Mask Type the subnet mask if you chose Static IP as the WAN IP.Redial Policy If you want to c

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 24Item Description SSID It means the identification of the wireless LAN. SSID can be any text numbers or various specia

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 25WWPPAA--PPSSKK If you choose WPA-PSK as the security configuration, you have to specify WPA mode, algorithm and pre-

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 26If you choose WPA-Radius as the security configuration, you have to specify WPA mode, algorithm, Radius server, Radiu

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 27WWPPSS WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) provides easy procedure to make network connection between wireless station and w

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 2822..33..55 SSaavviinngg tthhee WWiizzaarrdd CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn Now you can see the following screen. It

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 29Item Description LAN interface. RX Packets-Displays the total received packets at the LAN interface. TX Bytes-Display

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 3022..66 RReeggiisstteerriinngg VViiggoorr RRoouutteerr You have finished the configuration of Quick Start Wizard a

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 314 The following page will be displayed after you logging in MyVigor. From this page, please click Add or Product Reg

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide ivEuropean Community Declarations Manufacturer: DrayTek Corp. Address: No. 26, Fu Shing Road, HuKou County, HsinChu

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 327 Now, you have finished the product registration. 8 After clicking OK, you will see the following page. Your rou

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 3310 In the following page, check the box of “I have read and accept the above Agreement”. The system will find out th

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 34 This page is left blank.

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 35 TTuuttoorriiaallss aanndd AApppplliiccaattiioonnss 33..11 HHooww ttoo CCoonnffiigguurree MMuullttii--VVLLAAN

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 36IIII.. EExxaammppllee Chart of Structure z PC 1 connects to the first LAN port of Vigor2130 and accesses Interne

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 372. Open WAN>>802.1Q VLAN Tag Configuration to configure Multi-VLAN. Refer to the following graphic. 3. Open

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 384. Open VoIP >>SIP Accounts. Specify the connection interface for VoIP in the field of Register via. 5. Conn

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 3933..22 LLAANN ttoo LLAANN IIPPSSeecc VVPPNN bbeettwweeeenn VViiggoorr22113300 aanndd VViiggoorr22882200 uus

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 406. Enter Vigor2130’s private network in the Local Network / Mask field. Enter Vigor2820’s private network in the Rem

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 41VVPPNN ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn oonn VViiggoorr22882200 1. Create a LAN-to-LAN profile. 2. Enable it and g

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide vTTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss Preface...

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 426. Setup a pre-shared key, which must be the same as in Vigor2130. 7. Enter Vigor2130’s private network in the Re

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 43CCaassee 22:: VVPPNN ddiirreeccttiioonn ffrroomm VViiggoorr22882200 ttoo VViiggoorr22113300 VVPPNN ccoonnffi

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 44VVPPNN ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn oonn VViiggoorr22882200 1. Create a LAN-to-LAN profile. 2. Enable it and g

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 453. Select Dial-Out as Call Direction and enable Always on. 4. Select IPSec Tunnel and enter Vigor2130’s WAN IP add

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 4633..33 LLAANN ttoo LLAANN IIPPSSeecc VVPPNN bbeettwweeeenn VViiggoorr22113300 aanndd VViiggoorr22882200 uus

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 475. Setup a pre-shared key, which must be the same as in Vigor2820. 6. Setup the Local Identity and Remote Identit

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 48VVPPNN ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn oonn VViiggoorr22882200 1. Create a LAN-to-LAN profile. 2. Enable it and g

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 493. Select Dial-in as Call Direction. 4. In Dial-Out Settings part, select IPSec Tunnel and press the Advanced butt

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 50CCaassee 22:: VVPPNN ddiirreeccttiioonn ffrroomm VViiggoorr22882200 ttoo VViiggoorr22113300 VVPPNN ccoonnffi

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 51 VVPPNN ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn oonn VViiggoorr22882200 1. Create a LAN-to-LAN profile.

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide vi3.6 How to configure Dynamic DNS Service on Vigor2130... 64 Web

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 522. Enable it and give it a name. In this example the profile name is “test”. 3. Select Dial-Out as Call Direction

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 5333..44 HHooww ttoo ccoonnffiigguurree sseettttiinnggss ffoorr DDLLNNAA SSeerrvviiccee iinn VViiggoorr2211330

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 542. Make sure Internet connection is done. Open USB Application>>DLNA Server and click Install to install DLNA

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 555. After enabled successfully, new media device can be seen in My Network Places. The name of the media device is th

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 566. For the users of Windows7, please use Windows Media Player (WMP) to browse and play the files stored in the new s

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 5733..55 HHooww ttoo ddoowwnnllooaadd BBTT TToorrrreenntt ttoo UUSSBB DDeevviiccee vviiaa VViiggoorr RRoouut

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 586. Simply wait for a few minutes to finish the installation. 7. When the installation is finished, the following p

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 599. Click Open. A pop up dialog will appear. 10. Click Select File to open the following dialog. Choose the seed of

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 6011. Next, the router will start to download the file to the USB disk. You can add new seed of torrent file one by on

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 613. In the following screen, add a new entry for the sharing folder/name. In this case, we give a name of bt_folder a

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide vii4.8.1 Remote Access Control...

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 625. The sharing disk with the name of “bt_folder” created above will be shown as the following figure. 6. Double

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 637. If you want to check the BT Torrent files downloaded from Internet to USB disk, access into bt_folder>>down

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 6433..66 HHooww ttoo ccoonnffiigguurree DDyynnaammiicc DDNNSS SSeerrvviiccee oonn VViiggoorr22113300 DDNS stan

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 65 3. Copy the character strings from the right of the ? in the address bar. 4. Login to Vigor2130 by WUI, and go to

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 66 This page is left blank.

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 67 WWeebb CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn This chapter will guide users to execute advanced (full) configuration through

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 68From to From to From to WWhhaatt aarre

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 69Below shows the menu items for WAN. 44..11..11 IInntteerrnneett AAcccceessss This page allows you to set WAN conf

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 70be applied to each connection type. Below shows the configuration page for each connection type: SSttaattiicc For st

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 71 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Static IP Settings IP Address -Type the IP address. Su

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide viii4.16 Diagnostics...

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 72Clone MAC Address Enable – Enable the feature. It is available when the box of Enable is checked. Click Clone MAC Ad

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 73Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description DHCP Settings Router Name -Type in a name for the route

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 74PPPPPPooEE To choose PPPoE as the accessing protocol of the internet, please select PPPoE from the Internet Access m

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 75Fixed IP (IPCP) - Usually ISP dynamically assigns IP address to you each time you connect to it and request. In some

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 76PPPPTTPP//LL22TTPP To use PPTP/L2TP as the accessing protocol of the internet, please choose PPTP/L2TP from Connecti

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 77address here because your ISP should provide you with usually more than one DNS Server. If your ISP does not provide

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 78 Event types – Specify the event when the system must send a notification to the user by mail and/or SMS. After finis

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 7933GG UUSSBB MMooddeemm If your router connects to a 3G modem and you want to access Internet via 3G modem, choose

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 80WAN Connection Detection Mode -Such function allows you to verify whether network connection is alive or not through

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 815566KK MMooddeemm If your router connects to a 56K modem and you want to access Internet via 56K modem, choose 56K

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 1 PPrreeffaaccee The Vigor2130 series are the routers with high speed in data transmission through WAN port and LAN p

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 82Mail/SMS Alert Alert Types – Specify the type of the alert (mail, SMS, or Mail and SMS) that Vigor system will use to

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 83 APN Name - APN means Access Point Name which is provided and required by some ISPs. WAN Connection Detection Mode -S

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 8444..11..22 MMuullttii--VVLLAANN Vigor2130 series offers multi-VLAN function to make the data transmission with secu

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 85port will be tagged with VLAN ID number specified here. The range of ID number you can type is from 2 - 4096. VoIP WA

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 86VVooIIPP// IIPPTTVV // MMaannaaggeemmeenntt WWAANN SSeettttiinngg VoIP/ IPTV / Management WAN is the interface

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 87 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description DHCP Setting Router Name- Type the name of the router.

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 88Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description PPPoE Setting Username - Type the name obtained from th

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 89 Flow Control If flow control is enabled by checking Configured box, both parties can send PAUSE frame to the transmi

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 90After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to activate them. 44..11..44 BBaacckkuupp This page is used

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 91question, please contact to your ISP. PPP Username - Type the PPP username (optional). PPP Password -Type the PPP pas

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