VigorAP 800 User’s Guide i
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 90On – Choose the interface (LAN-A or LAN-B) for VigorAP 800 connecting to ACS server. Port – Sometimes, port conflict might
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 9133..1111..44 CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn BBaacckkuupp BBaacckkuupp tthhee CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn Follow the steps
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 924. Click Save button, the configuration will download automatically to your computer as a file named config.cfg. The abov
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 9333..1111..66 FFiirrmmwwaarree UUppggrraaddee Before upgrading your modem firmware, you need to install the Modem Tool
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 9433..1133 SSuuppppoorrtt AArreeaa When you click the menu item under Support Area, you will be guided to visit www.drayt
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 95Click Support Area>>Product Registration, the following web page will be displayed.
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 96 This page is left blank.
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 97 AApppplliiccaattiioonn aanndd EExxaammpplleess 44..11 UUppggrraaddee FFiirrmmwwaarree ffoorr YYoouurr MMooddeemm
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 985. Double click on the icon of modem tool. The setup wizard will appear. 6. Follow the onscreen instructions to in
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 9910. Click Send. 11. Now the firmware update is finished.
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 1 PPrreeffaaccee 11..11 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn Thank you for purchasing this VigorAP 800! With this high cost-efficien
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 10044..22 HHooww ttoo sseett ddiiffffeerreenntt sseeggmmeennttss ffoorr ddiiffffeerreenntt SSSSIIDDss iinn VViiggo
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 1012. Open Wireless LAN >> General Setup. Choose the subnet LAN-A for SSID 1 and choose LAN-B for SSID 2. Specify the
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 1024. Open LAN>General Setup to configure the settings for enabling DHCP server on LAN-A/LAN-B. If there is a DHCP serve
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 103 TTrroouubbllee SShhoooottiinngg This section will guide you to solve abnormal situations if you cannot access into th
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 10455..22 CChheecckkiinngg IIff tthhee NNeettwwoorrkk CCoonnnneeccttiioonn SSeettttiinnggss oonn YYoouurr CCoommppu
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 1054. Select Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically. FFoorr MMaacc OOss 1. Dou
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 10655..33 PPiinnggiinngg tthhee MMooddeemm ffrroomm YYoouurr CCoommppuutteerr The default gateway IP address of the m
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 107 55..44 BBaacckkiinngg ttoo FFaaccttoorryy DDeeffaauulltt SSeettttiinngg IIff NNeecceessssaarryy Sometimes, a wr
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 108 After restore the factory default setting, you can configure the settings for the modem again to fit your personal reque
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 211..22 LLEEDD IInnddiiccaattoorrss aanndd CCoonnnneeccttoorrss Before you use the Vigor modem, please get acquainted w
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 3 Interface Description LAN B Connecter for xDSL / Cable modem or router. LAN A1 (PoE) - A4 Connecter for xDSL / Cable
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 411..33 HHaarrddwwaarree IInnssttaallllaattiioonn This section will guide you to install the modem through hardware con
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 511..33..22 WWiirreedd CCoonnnneeccttiioonn ffoorr NNootteebbooookk iinn WWLLAANN 1. Connect VigorAP 800 to ADSL mod
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 611..33..22 WWiirreelleessss CCoonnnneeccttiioonn VigorAP 800 can access Internet via an ADSL modem, router, or switch/
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 711..33..33 PPOOEE CCoonnnneeccttiioonn VigorAP 800 can gain the power from the connected switch, e.g., VigorSwitch P2260
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 8 This page is left blank.
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 9 NNeettwwoorrkk CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn After the network connection is built, the next step you should do is setup V
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide ii
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 10Select Specify an IP address, then input the following settings in respective field and click OK when finish. IP address:
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 1122..22 WWiinnddoowwss 22000000 IIPP AAddddrreessss SSeettuupp Click Start button (it should be located at lower-left
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 1222..33 WWiinnddoowwss XXPP IIPP AAddddrreessss SSeettuupp Click Start button (it should be located at lower-left cor
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 1322..44 WWiinnddoowwss VViissttaa IIPP AAddddrreessss SSeettuupp Click Start button (it should be located at lower-le
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 1422..55 AAcccceessssiinngg ttoo WWeebb UUsseerr IInntteerrffaaccee All functions and settings of this access point mu
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 1522..66 CChhaannggiinngg PPaasssswwoorrdd 1. Please change the password for the original security of the modem. 2. Go
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 1622..77 QQuuiicckk SSttaarrtt WWiizzaarrdd Quick Start Wizard will guide you to configure 2.4G wireless setting, 5G wir
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 17connecting to LAN-A or LAN-B) in this environment. Multiple SSID - When Enable 2 Subnet is enabled, you can specify subnet
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 18AAddvvaanncceedd SSeettttiinnggss ffoorr SSttaattiioonn--IInnffrraassttrruuccttuurree When you choose Station-Infrastr
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 19AAddvvaanncceedd SSeettttiinnggss ffoorr AAPP BBrriiddggee--PPooiinntt ttoo MMuullttii--PPooiinntt When you choose
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide iii VViiggoorrAAPP 880000 WWiirreelleessss AAcccceessss PPooiinntt UUsseerr’’ss GGuuiiddee Versio
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 20AAddvvaanncceedd SSeettttiinnggss ffoorr AAPP BBrriiddggee--UUnniivveerrssaall RReeppeeaatteerr When you choose AP B
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 21 Extension Channel With 802.11n, there is one option to double the bandwidth per channel. The available extension channel
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 2222..88 OOnnlliinnee SSttaattuuss The online status shows the LAN status, Station Link Status for such device. Detail
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 23 WWeebb CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn This chapter will guide users to execute advanced (full) configuration. As for other
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 2433..11 OOppeerraattiioonn MMooddee This page provides several available modes for you to choose for different condition
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 25Note: The Wireless LAN settings will be changed according to the Operation Mode selected here. For the detailed informatio
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 26Start IP Address - Enter a value of the IP address pool for the DHCP server to start with when issuing IP addresses. If th
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 27WWPPSS IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) provides easy procedure to make network connection between w
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 28
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 2933..44 WWiirreelleessss LLAANN SSeettttiinnggss ffoorr AAPP MMooddee When you choose AP as the operation mode, the
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide ivCopyright Information Copyright Declarations Copyright 2011 All rights reserved. This publication contains information th
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 30Enable Wireless LAN Check the box to enable wireless function. Mode At present, VigorAP 800 can connect to 11b only, 11g o
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 31device with SSID 1. The MAC address of other SSIDs will change based on this MAC address. Channel Means the channel of f
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 32 WMM Capable To apply WMM parameters for wireless data transmission, please click the Enable radio button. Antenna VigorA
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 33 Mode There are several modes provided for you to choose. Disable - The encryption mechanism is turned off. WEP - Accep
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 34WPA/802.1x - The WPA encrypts each frame transmitted from the radio using the key, which either PSK (Pre-Shared Key) enter
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 35 Enable - Enable the WEP Encryption. Such feature is available for WEP/802.1x mode. Click the link of RADIUS Server to acc
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 36 Policy Select to enable any one of the following policy or disable the policy. Choose Activate MAC address filter to type
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 3733..44..44 WWPPSS Open Wireless LAN>>WPS to configure the corresponding settings. Enable WPS Check this box to en
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 3833..44..55 AAPP DDiissccoovveerryy VigorAP 800 can scan all regulatory channels and find working APs in the neighborhoo
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 3933..44..66 SSttaattiioonn LLiisstt Station List provides the knowledge of connecting wireless clients now along with it
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide vEuropean Community Declarations Manufacturer: DrayTek Corp. Address: No. 26, Fu Shing Road, Hukou Township, Hsinchu Ind
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 4033..55 WWiirreelleessss LLAANN SSeettttiinnggss ffoorr SSttaattiioonn--IInnffrraassttrruuccttuurree MMooddee When y
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 41Delete Click this button to delete the selected wireless profile. Edit Click this button to modify the existing wireless p
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 42 Profile Name Type a name for the new profile. SSID Type the name for such access point that can be used for connection by
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 43default value if you don’t know what it is, default value is 2346.Security Mode 802.11 standard defines two mechanisms for
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 44transfer performance. WEP Key Entry Method There are two types of key method: ASCII and Hex. When you select a key format,
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 4533..55..22 SSiittee SSuurrvveeyy The page will list the access points nearby as VigorAP800 is set to Station mode. You
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 46Click Rest Counters if required. 33..55..44 WWPPSS ((WWii--FFii PPrrootteecctteedd SSeettuupp)) Wi-Fi Protected Setu
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 47Status Display the status of WPS access point. Refresh Click this button to refresh the AP site survey. Start PBC Click St
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 4833..66 WWiirreelleessss LLAANN SSeettttiinnggss ffoorr AAPP BBrriiddggee--PPooiinntt ttoo PPooiinntt//AAPP BBrrii
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 49Enable Wireless LAN Check the box to enable wireless function. Mode At present, VigorAP 800 can connect to 11b only, 11g o
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide vi
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 50should be setup to the same Phy mode for connecting with each other. Security Select WEP, TKIP or AES as the encryption
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 51 33..66..22 AAPP DDiissccoovveerryy VigorAP 800 can scan all regulatory channels and find working APs in the neighbor
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 52settings page. 33..66..33 WWDDSS AAPP SSttaattuuss VigorAP 800 can display the status such as MAC address, physical mo
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 5333..77 WWiirreelleessss LLAANN SSeettttiinnggss ffoorr AAPP BBrriiddggee--WWDDSS MMooddee When you choose AP Bridg
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 54 Enable Wireless LAN Check the box to enable wireless function. Mode At present, VigorAP 800 can connect to 11b only, 11g
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 55 Enable 2 Subnet (Simulate 2 APs) Check the box to enable the function for two independent subnets. Once you enable this
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 56 Extension Channel With 802.11n, there is one option to double the bandwidth per channel. The available extension channel
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 57 WMM Capable To apply WMM parameters for wireless data transmission, please click the Enable radio button. Antenna VigorA
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 5833..77..22 SSeeccuurriittyy This page allows you to set security with different modes for SSID 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectivel
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 59authentication. It enables centralized remote access authentication for network management. The WPA encrypts each frame
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide viiTTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss Preface ...
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 60available for WEP mode. 802.1x WEP Disable - Disable the WEP Encryption. Data sent to the AP will not be encrypted. Ena
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 61 Policy Select to enable any one of the following policy or disable the policy. Choose Activate MAC address filter to type
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 6233..77..44 WWPPSS Open Wireless LAN>>WPS to configure the corresponding settings. Enable WPS Check this box to en
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 63 SSID Display the SSID of the AP scanned by VigorAP 800. BSSID Display the MAC address of the AP scanned by VigorAP 800. R
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 6433..77..66 WWDDSS AAPP SSttaattuuss VigorAP 800 can display the status such as MAC address, physical mode, power save
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 6533..88 WWiirreelleessss LLAANN SSeettttiinnggss ffoorr UUnniivveerrssaall RReeppeeaatteerr MMooddee When you choos
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 66 Enable Wireless LAN Check the box to enable wireless function. Mode At present, VigorAP 800 can connect to 11b only, 11g
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 67functions in one VigorAP 800. If you disable this function, LAN-A and LAN-B ports are in the same domain. You could only c
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 68 Extension Channel With 802.11n, there is one option to double the bandwidth per channel. The available extension channel
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 69WMM Capable To apply WMM parameters for wireless data transmission, please click the Enable radio button. Antenna VigorAP
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide viii3.5.1 General Setup...
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 70 Disable - The encryption mechanism is turned off. WEP - Accepts only WEP clients and the encryption key should be enter
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 71WPA2/802.1,WPA/802.1x, WPA/PSK or WPA2/PSK or Mixed (WPA+WPA2)/PSK mode. PMK Cache Period Set the expire time of WPA2 PMK
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 72IP Address Enter the IP address of external RADIUS server. Port The UDP port number that the external RADIUS server is us
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 7333..88..33 AAcccceessss CCoonnttrrooll For additional security of wireless access, the Access Control facility allows y
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 7433..88..44 WWPPSS Open Wireless LAN>>WPS to configure the corresponding settings. Enable WPS Check this box to en
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 7533..88..55 AAPP DDiissccoovveerryy VigorAP 800 can scan all regulatory channels and find working APs in the neighborhoo
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 7633..88..66 UUnniivveerrssaall RReeppeeaatteerr The access point can act as a wireless repeater; it can be Station and A
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 77OOppeenn // SShhaarreedd MMooddee Encryption Type Choose None to disable the WEP Encryption. Data sent to the AP will
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 78 33..88..77 SSttaattiioonn LLiisstt Station List provides the knowledge of connecting wireless clients now along with i
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 7933..99 WWiirreelleessss LLAANN ((55GG)) SSeettttiinnggss ffoorr AAPP MMooddee When a 5G Dongle connects to VigorAP
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide ix Trouble Shooting...103 5.1 Checking If
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 80that you have two independent AP/subnet functions in one VigorAP 800. If you disable this function, LAN-A and LAN-B ports
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 81 Mode There are several modes provided for you to choose. Disable - The encryption mechanism is turned off. WEP - Accep
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 82WPA/802.1x - The WPA encrypts each frame transmitted from the radio using the key, which either PSK (Pre-Shared Key) enter
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 83 Enable - Enable the WEP Encryption. Such feature is available for WEP/802.1x mode. Click the link of RADIUS Server to acc
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 84 Policy Select to enable any one of the following policy or disable the policy. Choose Activate MAC address filter to type
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 85 SSID Display the SSID of the AP scanned by VigorAP 800. BSSID Display the MAC address of the AP scanned by VigorAP 800. R
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 86Add to Access Control Client’s MAC Address - For additional security of wireless access, the Access Control facility allow
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 8733..1100 RRAADDIIUUSS SSeerrvveerr VigorAP 800 offers a built-in RADIUS server to authenticate the wireless client that
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 88Cancel – Clear current settings for the client. Delete Selected – Delete the selected client(s). Delete All – Delete al
VigorAP 800 User’s Guide 89MAC Address Display the MAC address of the LAN Interface. IP Address Display the IP address of the LAN interface. IP Mask
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