VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 90 Profile Name Type a name for this profile. Type a name for such profile and check all the items of file extensio
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 9133..55..88 IIMM OObbjjeecctt This page allows you to set 32 profiles for Instant Messenger. These profiles will
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 92 Profile Name Type a name for this profile. Type a name for such profile and check all the items that not allowed
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 9333..55..99 PP22PP OObbjjeecctt This page allows you to set 32 profiles for peer-to-peer application. These prof
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 94Type a name for such profile and check all the protocols that not allowed to be used in the host. Finally, click O
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 95 Profile Name Type a name for this profile. Type a name for such profile and check all the protocols that not all
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 96On the other hand, Vigor router can prevent user from accidentally downloading malicious codes from web pages. It’
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 9733..66..11 AAPPPP EEnnffoorrcceemmeenntt PPrrooffiillee You can define policy profiles for IM (Instant Messeng
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 98full or partial matched with a keyword, the Vigor router will block the associated HTTP connection. For example,
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 99configuration set in this page for URL Access Control and Web Feature will be inactive. Both:Block –The router wil
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 11 PPrreeffaaccee VigorPro 5510 is a UTM router with dual-WAN interface. It provides policy-based load-balance, fa
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 100 Group/Object Selections – The Vigor router provides several frames for users to define keywords and each frame
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 101provide the blocking mechanism that filters out the multimedia files downloading from web pages. Upload – Chec
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 102 Activate Click it to access into MyVigor for activating WCF service. Setup Query Server It is recommend for you
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 103processing rate combining the feature of L1 and L2. Eight profiles are provided here as Web content filters. Simp
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 104Log None – There is no log file will be recorded for this profile. Pass – Only the log about Pass will be record
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 10533..77 DDeeffeennssee CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn This menu allows you to set profiles for, activate and upgrad
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 106 Anti-Intrusion Control Setup This field will display the signature version of this router. The default signature
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 107Enable Reset procession Click this radio button to break down the communication between your computer and specif
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 108 Enable Check to enable this rule. If you uncheck this box, the corresponding settings for the rule will not b
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 109Page Type the page number in this field (if there is more than one page of anti-virus detail view displayed on t
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 211..22 LLEEDD IInnddiiccaattoorrss aanndd CCoonnnneeccttoorrss Before you use the Vigor router, please get acq
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 110 Profile Name Type a name for the profile. Protocol Currently, only the files transmitted through the protocols
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 111 Detect Macro Attachment The file with macro attachment will be passed/destroyed/reset under different
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 112 SID/NAME To find the specific type of anti-virus, you can type its SID number or name in this field if you know
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 113 NAME A brief description name for the anti-virus rule is shown in this field. Click the name link to access int
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 114Click any number link to open the configuration page. Below is the page of File Filter Profile. The priority of e
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 115found by the router system. Non-Scan –The file will not be scanned and will not be processed by using general rul
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 11633..77..33 AAnnttii--SSppaamm Many people suffer with unwanted mails coming from everywhere. Such device offers
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 117 Profile Name Type a name for such profile setting. Choose Protocol to Scan Spam Spam files usually come wit
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 118emails coming from the sender, or for the emails sending out from the receiver, or for the subject with the keywo
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 119shown as “***SPAM*** license page” in your mail box. Such tag can help users to identify which mail is useful or
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 3WAN(1/2) Connecter for remote networked devices. LAN/Monitor Connecter for local networked devices. LAN (1-4)
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 120White List Timeout (sec) Type the timeout for mail checking with white list. Set Click to save and invoke the t
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 121
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 12233..77..55 AAII//AAVV AAuuttoo BBlloocckk This page can determine the block standard for data transmission ba
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 123Time Interval – type the time for the system to wait and execute the action of blocking, Limitation List This
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 12433..77..66 SSiiggnnaattuurree UUppggrraaddee You can get the most updated signature from DrayTek’s server if t
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 125 Signature authentication/download message It displays the message of signature authentication or download proced
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 126 Upgrade Automatically Specify certain time for executing the upgrade automatically. Remember to check the Sched
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 127Below shows an example with DT-KL signature used. 33..77..77 SSttaattuuss This field will shows the status for
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 128Below is a sample page with valid license. 33..88 BBaannddwwiiddtthh MMaannaaggeemmeenntt Below shows the men
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 129 To activate the function of limit session, simply click Enable and set the default session limit. Enable Click
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 411..22..22 FFoorr VViiggoorrPPrroo 55551100GGii LED Status Explanation Blinking The router is powered on an
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 130In the Bandwidth Management menu, click Bandwidth Limit to open the web page. To activate the function of limit
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 131limit and RX limit. TX limit Define the limitation for the speed of the upstream. If you do not set the limit in
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 132DS node in these domains will perform the priority treatment. This is called per-hop-behavior (PHB). The definiti
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 133 Enable the QoS Control The factory default for this setting is checked. Please also define which traffic the
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 134Limited_bandwidth Ratio The ratio typed here is reserved for limited bandwidth of UDP application. Online Statis
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 135For adding a new rule, click Add to open the following page. ACT Check this box to invoke these settings. Loc
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 136 EEddiitt tthhee SSeerrvviiccee TTyyppee ffoorr CCllaassss RRuullee To add a new service type, edit or del
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 137For adding a new service type, click Add to open the following page. Service Name Type in a new service for
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 13833..99 AApppplliiccaattiioonnss Below shows the menu items for Applications. 33..99..11 DDyynnaammiicc DDNNS
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 139Domain Name Display the domain name that you set on the setting page of DDNS setup. Active Display if this acco
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 5configuration. ISDN Connecter for ISDN line. WAN(1/2) Connecter for remote networked devices. LAN/Monitor Con
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 1404. Click OK button to activate the settings. You will see your setting has been saved. The Wildcard and Backup M
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 141 Enable Schedule Setup Check to enable the schedule. Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd) Specify the starting date of the
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 1423. Configure the Force Down from 18:00 to next day 9:00 for whole week. 4. Assign these two profiles to the PPP
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 143Shared Secret The RADIUS server and client share a secret that is used to authenticate the messages sent between
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 14433..99..44 UUPPnnPP The UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) protocol is supported to bring to network connected devi
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 145The reminder as regards concern about Firewall and UPnP Can't work with Firewall Software Enabling firewall
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 14633..99..55 IIGGMMPP IGMP is the abbreviation of Internet Group Management Protocol. It is a communication proto
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 147 Wake by Two types provide for you to wake up the binded IP. If you choose Wake by MAC Address, you have to type
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 14833..1100 VVPPNN aanndd RReemmoottee AAcccceessss A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is the extension of a priva
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 14933..1100..22 PPPPPP GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp This submenu only applies to PPP-related VPN connections, such
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 611..33 HHaarrddwwaarree IInnssttaallllaattiioonn Before starting to configure the router, you have to connect yo
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 150should choose an IP address from the local private network. For example, if the local private network is 192.16
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 151IKE Authentication Method This usually applies to those are remote dial-in user or node (LAN-to-LAN) which uses d
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 152Click each index to edit one peer digital certificate. There are three security levels of digital signature authe
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 15333..1100..55 RReemmoottee DDiiaall--iinn UUsseerr You can manage remote access by maintaining a table of remo
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 154 Enable this account Check the box to enable this function. Idle Timeout- If the dial-in user is idle over the li
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 155Nice to Have - Apply the IPSec policy first, if it is applicable during negotiation. Otherwise, the dial-in VPN c
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 156SSL VPN Set SSL Web Proxy - It allows the remote dial-in user to access internal web over SSL VPN, suitable for t
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 157with or without IPSec policy above. IKE Authentication Method This group of fields is applicable for IPSec Tunnel
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 15833..1100..66 LLAANN ttoo LLAANN Here you can manage LAN-to-LAN connections by maintaining a table of connecti
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 159 Profile Name Specify a name for the profile of the LAN-to-LAN connection. Enable this profile Check here to acti
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 711..44 PPrriinntteerr IInnssttaallllaattiioonn You can install a printer onto the router for sharing printing. A
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 160as the first channel for VPN connection. If WAN1 fails, the router will use another WAN interface instead. WAN1 O
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 161You should set up Link Type and identity like User Name and Password for the authentication of remote server. You
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 162set to Yes to improve bandwidth utilization. IKE Authentication Method This group of fields is applicable for IPS
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 163 IKE phase 1 mode -Select from Main mode and Aggressive mode. The ultimate outcome is to exchange security propos
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 164remote peer requires the Vigor router to callback, the local ISDN number will be provided to the remote peer. Che
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 165IPSec Tunnel Allow the remote dial-in user to trigger an IPSec VPN connection through Internet. L2TP Allow the re
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 166High- Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) means payload (data) will be encrypted and authenticated. You may sele
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 167Gateway PPP IP address from the remote router during the IPCP negotiation phase. If the PPP IP address is fixed b
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 168¾ VPN TRUNK-VPN Backup mechanism is compliant with all WAN modes (single/multi) ¾ Dial-out connection types con
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 169 Backup Profile List Set to Factory Default - Click to clear all VPN TRUNK-VPN Backup mechanism profile. No-T
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 83. Open File->Add a New Computer. A welcome dialog will appear. Please click Next. 4. Click Local printe
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 170profile (or more) created in this page Detailed information for this dialog, see later section - Advanced Load
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 171 Detailed information for this dialog, see later section - Advanced Load Balance and Backup. General Setup Stat
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 172in red. VPN TRUNK – VPN Load Balance mechanism profile will be locked. The profiles in LAN-to-LAN will be display
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 173 4. Take a look for LAN-to-LAN profiles. Index 1 is chosen as Member1; index 2 is chosen as Member2. For such
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 1743. Later, on peer side (as VPN Client): please type in the field of My GRE IP and type IP address
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 175balance of packet transmission with flexible rate. It can be divided into Auto Weighted and According to Speed Ra
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 176binding tunnel table can be established. TCP/UPD means when the source IP, destination IP, destination port and f
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 177NO for Binding Fragmented. If you choose NO for Binding Fragmented, please choose TCP/UDP, IGMP/ICMP or Other as
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 17833..1100..88 CCoonnnneeccttiioonn MMaannaaggeemmeenntt You can find the summary table of all VPN connections.
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 17933..1111 CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee MMaannaaggeemmeenntt A digital certificate works as an electronic ID, which is
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 96. In the following dialog, type (router’s LAN IP) in the field of Printer Name or IP Address and type
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 180 Note: Please be noted that “Common Name” must be configured with rotuer’s WAN IP or domain name. After clickin
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 181 Upload Local Certificate It allows users to import the certificate which is generated by vigor router and signed
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 182 Note: You have to copy the certificate request information from above window. Next, access your CA server and en
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 18333..1111..22 TTrruusstteedd CCAA CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee Trusted CA certificate lists three sets of trusted CA
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 18433..1111..33 CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee BBaacckkuupp Local certificate and Trusted CA certificate for this router
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 18533..1122 IISSDDNN 33..1122..11 BBaassiicc CCoonncceepptt ISDN means integrated services digital network th
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 186 ISP Access Setup ISP Name - Enter your ISP name such as Seednet, Hinet and so on. Dial Number -Enter the ISDN ac
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 187Method (IPCP) most ISPs provide a dynamic IP address for the router when it connects to the ISP. If your ISP prov
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 188Primary ISP Setup ISP Name - Enter your ISP name. Dial Number -Enter the ISDN access number provided by your ISP.
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 189 33..1122..44 VViirrttuuaall TTAA Virtual TA means the local hosts or PCs in the network that uses popular CAP
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide ii VViiggoorrPPrroo 55551100 SSeerriieess UUnniiffiieedd TThhrreeaatt MMaannaaggeemmeenntt UUsseerr’’ss
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 109. Now, your system will ask you to choose right name of the printer that you installed onto the router. Such ste
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 190Before describing the configuration of Virtual TA in the Vigor routers, please heed the following limitations.
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 191text is RED, it means the client has lost the connection to the server. This time, please check the physical Ethe
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 192Click the Virtual TA Login tab to launch the login box. Enter the Username/Password and then click OK. After a s
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 193 Call Control Setup Dial Retry - It specifies the dial retry counts per triggered packet. A triggered packet is t
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 194Idle Timeout - Because our IDSN link type is Dial On Demand, the connection will be initiated only when needed. B
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 195 SSeeccuurriittyy OOvveerrvviieeww Real-time Hardware Encryption: Vigor Router is equipped with a hardware AES
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 196Example 2 Example 3 Separate the Wireless and the Wired LAN- WLAN Isolation enables you to isolate your wireles
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 19733..1133..22 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp By clicking the General Settings, a new web page will appear so that yo
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 198selected channel is under serious interference. Hide SSID Check it to prevent from wireless sniffing and make
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 19933..1133..33 SSeeccuurriittyy By clicking the Security Settings, a new web page will appear so that you could c
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 11Note 1: Some printers with the fax/scanning or other additional functions are not supported. If you do not know wh
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 200WPA/PSK Only - Accepts WPA clients and the encryption key should be entered in PSK. Remember to select WPA type t
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 20133..1133..44 AAcccceessss CCoonnttrrooll For additional security of wireless access, the Access Control facili
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 202Add Add a new MAC address into the list. Delete Delete the selected MAC address in the list. Edit Edit the se
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 203 The major difference between these two modes is that: while in Repeater mode, the packets received from one peer
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 204 Mode Choose the mode for WDS setting. Disable mode will not invoke any WDS setting. Bridge mode is designed to
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 205Pre-shared Key Type 8 ~ 63 ASCII characters or 64 hexadecimal digits leading by “0x”. Bridge If you choose Brid
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 20633..1133..66 AAPP DDiissccoovveerryy Vigor router can scan all regulatory channels and find working APs in the
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 20733..1133..77 SSttaattiioonn LLiisstt Station List provides the knowledge of connecting wireless clients now
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 20833..1133..88 SSttaattiioonn RRaattee CCoonnttrrooll This page allows you to control the upload and download r
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 20933..1144..11 WWiirreedd VVLLAANN PCs connected to Ethernet ports of the router can be divided into different g
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 12 This page is left blank.
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 210 33..1144..22 WWiirreelleessss VVLLAANN PCs (equipped with wireless network cards) connected to the router thr
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 211 Enable Check this box to invoke wireless VLAN function. Login ID Type Login ID for different groups of W_VLAN
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 212HHooww ccaann yyoouu ((wwiirreelleessss cclliieenntt)) aacccceessss iinnttoo IInntteerrnneett?? After fin
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2135. You can go to Diagnostics>>Wireless VLAN Online Station for viewing the connection status whenever you
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 214 Enable Check this box to invoke VLAN Cross Setup function. VLAN0-3 It represents the groups of virtual LAN con
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 21533..1144..44 WWiirreelleessss RRaattee CCoonnttrrooll Rate Control manages the transmission rate of data in a
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 21633..1155 SSSSLL VVPPNN An SSL VPN (Secure Sockets Layer virtual private network) is a form of VPN that can b
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 21733..1155..22 SSSSLL WWeebb PPrrooxxyy SSL Web Proxy will allow the remote users to access the internal web si
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 218corresponding IP address in this field. Such field must match with URL setting. Access Method There are three mod
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 219 Enable Application Service Check this box to enable this application. Application Name Type the profile name for
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 132 CCoonnffiigguurriinngg BBaassiicc SSeettttiinnggss For use the router properly, it is necessary for you to c
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 220z Remote Desktop Protocol - Choose this item for accessing and controlling a remote PC through RDP protocol. IP
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 221 You can find out the link of Set SSL Web Proxy on the profile setting page. If you haven’t set any SSL Web Proxy
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 222 33..1155..55 OOnnlliinnee UUsseerr SSttaattuuss If you have finished the configuration of SSL Web Proxy (ser
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 22333..1166 SSyysstteemm MMaaiinntteennaannccee For the system setup, there are several items that you have to kn
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 224LAN --- MAC Address Display the MAC address of the LAN Interface. 1st IP Address Display the IP address of the
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 225 ACS Server Such data must be typed according to the ACS (Auto Configuration Server) you want to link. Please ref
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 226Enable/Disable – Sometimes, port conflict might be occurred. To solve such problem, you might want to change port
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 227When you click OK, the login window will appear. Please use the new password to access into the web configurator
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 228 4. Click Save button, the configuration will download automatically to your computer as a file named config.cfg
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 229 SysLog Access Setup Enable (Syslog Access…) Check “Enable” to activate function of syslog. Router Name Assign
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 143. Now, the Main Screen will pop up. Note: The home page will change slightly in accordance with the router yo
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 230also acts as Sender address while Vigor router sends out the alert e-mails. Authentication Check this box to acti
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 23133..1166..66 TTiimmee aanndd DDaattee It allows you to specify where the time of the router should be inquire
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 23233..1166..77 MMaannaaggeemmeenntt This page allows you to manage the settings for access control, access list,
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 233Set Community Set community by typing a proper name. The default setting is private. Manager Host IP Set one host
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 23433..1166..99 FFiirrmmwwaarree UUppggrraaddee Before upgrading your router firmware, you need to install the
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 23533..1177 DDiiaaggnnoossttiiccss Diagnostic Tools provide a useful way to view or diagnose the status of your Vi
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 23633..1177..22 RRoouuttiinngg TTaabbllee Click Diagnostics and click Routing Table to open the web page. Refres
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 23733..1177..44 DDHHCCPP TTaabbllee The facility provides information on IP address assignments. This information
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 238Peer IP :Port It indicates the destination IP address and port of remote host. Interface It indicates the int
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 239 LAN Security Monitor Check this box to enable this function. Refresh Seconds Use the drop down list to c
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 1522..22 QQuuiicckk SSttaarrtt WWiizzaarrdd If your router can be under an environment with high speed NAT, the
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 240 Unblock – the device with the IP address will be blocked in five minutes. The remaining time will be shown on th
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 241 The horizontal axis represents time. Yet the vertical axis has different meanings. For WAN1/WAN2 Bandwidth chart
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 242Ping to Use the drop down list to choose the destination that you want to ping. IP Address Type in the IP addr
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 243Run Click this button to start route tracing work. Clear Click this link to remove the result on the window. 33
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 24433..1177..1122 WWeebb FFiirreewwaallll SSyysslloogg This page displays the time and message for firewall sett
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2454 RReeggiissttrraattiioonn ffoorr tthhee RRoouutteerr To use the anti-intrusion, anti-virus, anti-spam and W
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2462. Check to confirm that you accept the Agreement and click Accept. 3. Type your personal information in this
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2474. Choose proper selection for your computer and click Continue. 5. Now you have created an account successful
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2487. Click the Activate my Account link to enable the account that you created. The following screen will be shown
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 24944..22 CCrreeaattiinngg aanndd AAccttiivvaattiinngg aann AAccccoouunntt ffrroomm RRoouutteerr WWeebb CCo
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 16 In the Quick Start Wizard, you can configure the router to access the Internet with different protocol/modes such
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2504. Click the Activate link. A login page for MyVigor web site will pop up automatically. 5. Click the link o
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2517. Type your personal information in this page and then click Continue. 8. Choose proper selection for your co
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2529. Now you have created an account successfully. Click START. 10. Check to see the confirmation email with the
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 25312. When you see the following page, please type in the account and password (that you just created) in the fiel
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 25444..33 RReeggiisstteerriinngg YYoouurr VViiggoorr RRoouutteerr You have activated the new account for the ro
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2554. A Login page will be shown on the screen. Please type the account and password that you created previously. A
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2566. When the following page appears, please type in Nick Name (for the router) and choose the right purchase date
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2579. Now, you have finished the procedure for registering your router. 44..44 AAccttiivvaattiinngg AAnnttii--VV
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2584. A Login page will be shown on the screen. Please type the account and password that you created previously. A
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2596. From the Device’s Service section, click the Trial button for AI-AV (Anti-Intrusion & Anti-Virus) service
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 17 Click Finish. A page of Quick Start Wizard Setup OK!!! will appear. Then, the system status of this protocol will
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2607. In the following page, check the box of “I have read and accept the above Agreement”. The system will find ou
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 261(Above figure supposes you have not activated Anti-Spam and Web Content Filter yet.) 10. Click Close. 11. Ope
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 26244..44..22 FFoorr AAnnttii--SSppaamm SSeerrvviiccee Please follow the steps below to activate Anti-Spam Servi
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2634. A Login page will be shown on the screen. Please type the account and password that you created previously. A
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2646. In this page, check the box of “I have read and accept the above Agreement”. The system will find out the dat
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2659. Click Close. 10. Open Defense Configuration>>Activation page of the router’s web configurator. The sta
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 26644..44..33 FFoorr WWCCFF ((WWeebb CCoonntteenntt FFiilltteerr)) SSeerrvviiccee Please follow the steps bel
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2674. A Login page will be shown on the screen. Please type the account and password that you created previously. A
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2686. In this page, check the box of “I have read and accept the above Agreement”. The system will find out the dat
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2699. Click Close. 10. Open Defense Configuration>>Activation page of the router’s web configurator. The sta
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 1822..22..22 PPPPTTPP Click PPTP as the protocol. Type in all the information that your ISP provides for this prot
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 27044..55 BBaacckkuupp aanndd UUppggrraaddee SSiiggnnaattuurree ffoorr AAnnttii--IInnttrruussiioonn//AAnnttii-
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 271TTiimmee ffoorr IImmppoorrtt Backup files can be imported whenever you want. To use a saved signature informat
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 272B. For specified filter rule (there are twelve filter sets in Firewall, and each set is allowed to set seven fil
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2735 AApppplliiccaattiioonn aanndd EExxaammpplleess 55..11 CCrreeaattee aa LLAANN--ttoo--LLAANN CCoonnnneecc
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 274 For using IPSec-based service, such as IPSec or L2TP with IPSec Policy, you have to set general settings in IPSe
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 275 If a PPP-based service is selected, you should further specify the remote peer IP Address, Username, Password,
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 276 If a PPP-based service is selected, you should further specify the remote peer IP Address, Username, Password,
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2772. Then, for using PPP based services, such as PPTP, L2TP, you have to set general settings in PPP General Setup
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 278connection. If a PPP-based service is selected, you should further specify the remote peer IP Address, Usernam
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 279 If a PPP-based service is selected, you should further specify the remote peer IP Address, Username, Password,
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 1922..22..33 SSttaattiicc IIPP Click Static IP as the protocol. Type in all the information that your ISP provide
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 28055..22 CCrreeaattee aa RReemmoottee DDiiaall--iinn UUsseerr CCoonnnneeccttiioonn BBeettwweeeenn tthhee T
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 281 3. Go to Remote Dial-In Users. Click on one index number to edit a profile. 4. Set Dial-In settings to as sho
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 282 Settings in the remote host: 1. For Win98/ME, you may use "Dial-up Networking" to create the PPTP tu
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 283If an IPSec-based service is selected as shown below, You may further specify the method you use to get IP, th
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 284 4. Click Connect button to build connection. When the connection is successful, you will find a green light on
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 285 Note: The rate of outbound/inbound must be smaller than the real bandwidth to ensure correct calculation of QoS.
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 286 8. Check Enable UDP Bandwidth Control on the bottom to prevent enormous UDP traffic of VoIP influent other appl
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 287 11. First, check the ACT box. Then click Edit of Local Address to set a worker’s subnet address. Click Edit of
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 288 To use another DHCP server in the network rather than the built-in one of Vigor Router, you have to change the s
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 28955..55 UUppggrraaddee FFiirrmmwwaarree ffoorr YYoouurr RRoouutteerr Before upgrading your router firmware,
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide iii
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2022..22..44 DDHHCCPP Click DHCP as the protocol. Type in all the information that your ISP provides for this prot
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2905. Double click on the icon of router tool. The setup wizard will appear. 6. Follow the onscreen instructions
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 29110. Click Send. Now the firmware update is finished.
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 29255..66 RReeqquueesstt aa cceerrttiiffiiccaattee ffrroomm aa CCAA sseerrvveerr oonn WWiinnddoowwss CCAA
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2932. You can click GENERATE button to start to edit a certificate request. Enter the information in the certificat
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2944. Connect to CA server via web browser. Follow the instruction to submit the request. Below we take a Windows 2
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 295 Then you have done the request and the server now issues you a certificate. Select Base 64 encoded certificate a
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2967. When the file is imported successfully, the following dialog will appear. 8. You may review the detail info
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 29755..77 RReeqquueesstt aa CCAA CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee aanndd SSeett aass TTrruusstteedd oonn WWiinnddoow
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2982. In Choose file to download, click CA Certificate Current and Base 64 encoded, and Download CA certificate to
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2996 TTrroouubbllee SShhoooottiinngg This section will guide you to solve abnormal situations if you cannot acces
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2122..33 SSeerrvviiccee AAccttiivvaattiioonn WWiizzaarrdd 1. Open Service Activation Wizard. 2. The screen o
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 300FFoorr WWiinnddoowwss The example is based on Windows XP. As to the examples for other operation systems, ple
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 3014. Select Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically. FFoorr MMaaccOOss 1
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 30266..33 PPiinnggiinngg tthhee RRoouutteerr ffrroomm YYoouurr CCoommppuutteerr The default gateway IP addres
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 30366..44 CChheecckkiinngg IIff tthhee IISSPP SSeettttiinnggss aarree OOKK oorr NNoott Click WAN>> I
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 304FFoorr SSttaattiicc//DDyynnaammiicc IIPP UUsseerrss 1. Check if the Enable option is selected. 2. Check if
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 3052. Check if PPTP Server, Username, Password and WAN IP address are set correctly (must identify with the values
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 306HHaarrddwwaarree RReesseett While the router is running (ACT LED blinking), press the RST button and hold for m
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 223. In the following page, you can activate the AV/AI, AS and/or Web content filter service at the same time or in
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 236. Now, the web page will display the service(s) with valid time that you have activated according to your select
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 24If you need to extend the license valid time, you can also use the Service Activation Wizard again to reach your g
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2522..44 OOnnlliinnee SSttaattuuss The online status shows the system status, WAN status, ADSL Information and ot
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 26Online status for DHCP Detailed explanation is shown below: Primary DNS Displays the IP address of the primary D
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 2722..55 SSaavviinngg CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn Each time you click OK on the web page for saving the configurat
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 28
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 293AAddvvaanncceedd WWeebb CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn After finished basic configuration of the router, you can a
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide ivSafety Instructions and Approval Safety Instructions z Read the installation guide thoroughly before you set up
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 3033..11..22 NNeettwwoorrkk CCoonnnneeccttiioonn bbyy 33GG UUSSBB MMooddeemm For 3G mobile communication thro
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 31 Enable Choose Yes to invoke the settings for this WAN interface. Choose No to disable the settings for this WAN
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 32Load Balance Mode If you know the practical bandwidth for your WAN interface, please choose the setting of Accord
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 3333..11..44 IInntteerrnneett AAcccceessss For the router supports dual WAN function, the users can set different
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 34accessing the page to configure the settings. There are three access modes provided for PPPoE, Static or Dynami
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 35in Application >> Schedule web page and you can use the number that you have set in that web page. ISDN Dial
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 36 Fixed IP – Click Yes to use this function and type in a fixed IP address in the box of Fixed IP Address. Default
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 37 Static or Dynamic IP (DHCP Client) Click Enable for activating this function. If you click Disable, this function
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 38Connection because some ISPs will drop connections if there is no traffic within certain periods of time. Check
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 39Specify an IP address – Click this radio button to specify some data if you want to use Static IP mode. IP Address
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide vEuropean Community Declarations Manufacturer: DrayTek Corp. Address: No. 26, Fu Shing Road, HuKou Township, Hsi
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 40 This setting is available for i model only. Due to the absence of the ISDN interface in some models, the ISDN dia
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 41Default MAC Address – Click this radio button to use default MAC address for the router. Specify a MAC Address - S
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 42Index (1-15) Set the PCs on LAN to work at certain time interval only. You may choose up to 4 schedules out of th
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 43WAN Use the drop-down menu to change the WAN interface for such index. Src IP Start Displays the IP address fo
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 44 You can check the box of Auto failover to other WAN to make a backup WAN connection if the selected WAN interface
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 4533..22 LLAANN Local Area Network (LAN) is a group of subnets regulated and ruled by router. The design of networ
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 46 WWhhaatt iiss RRoouuttiinngg IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn PPrroottooccooll ((RRIIPP)) Vigor router will exchange
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 4733..22..22 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp This page provides you the general settings for LAN. Click LAN to open the
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 48Start IP Address: Enter a value of the IP address pool for the DHCP server to start with when issuing IP addresses
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 49DHCP Server IP Address for Relay Agent - Set the IP address of the DHCP server you are going to use so the Relay A
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide viTTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss 1 Preface ...
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 5033..22..33 SSttaattiicc RRoouuttee Go to LAN to open setting page and choose Static Route. Index The number
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 51Before setting Static Route, user A cannot talk to user B for Router A can only forward recognized packets to its
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 522. Return to Static Route Setup page. Click on another Index Number to add another static route as show below, wh
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 53 2. After checking the box to enable VLAN function, you will check the table according to the needs as shown belo
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 54 Enable Click this radio button to invoke this function. However, IP/MAC which is not listed in IP Bind List also
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 55Note: Before you select Strict Bind, you have to bind one set of IP/MAC address for one PC. If not, no one of the
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 56 The port redirection can only apply to incoming traffic. To use this function, please go to NAT page and choose
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 57 Enable Check this box to enable such port redirection setting. Mode Two options (Single and Range) are provided
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 58You then will access the admin screen of by suffixing the IP address with 8080, e.g., inst
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 5933..33..22 DDMMZZ HHoosstt As mentioned above, Port Redirection can redirect incoming TCP/UDP or other traffic
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide vii3.4.1 Basics for Firewall...
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 60WAN1 This page allows you to configure Private IP or Active True IP as DMZ host. WAN2 This page allows you to
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 6133..33..33 OOppeenn PPoorrttss Open Ports allows you to open a range of ports for the traffic of special applic
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 62 Enable Open Ports Check to enable this entry. Comment Make a name for the defined network application/service.
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 63 Protocol Display the protocol used for this address mapping. Public IP Display the public IP address selected f
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 64the IP Alias List, the Public IP setting will be empty in this field. When you click Apply, a message will appear
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 65 SSttaatteeffuull PPaacckkeett IInnssppeeccttiioonn ((SSPPII)) Stateful inspection is a firewall architectur
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 661. SYN flood attack 2. UDP flood attack 3. ICMP flood attack 4. TCP Flag scan 5. Trace route 6. IP options 7. Unkn
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 67 Call Filter Check Enable to activate the Call Filter function. Assign a start filter set for the Call Filter. Da
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 68Filter web page first. For troubleshooting needs, you can specify to record information for Web Content Filter by
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 69Advance Setting Click Edit to open the following window. However, it is strongly recommended to use the default se
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide viii3.12.1 Basic Concept...
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 70for the router to verify if the retransmitted data is the same as the old one. Advertisement Enable – Check this b
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 71 33..44..33 FFiilltteerr SSeettuupp Click Firewall and click Filter Setup to open the setup page. To edit or a
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 72 Check to enable the Filter Rule Check this box to enable the filter rule. Comments Enter filter set comments/des
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 73 To set the IP address manually, please choose Any Address/Single Address/Range Address/Subnet Address as the Add
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 74choose Group and Objects as the Service Type. Protocol - Specify the protocol(s) which this filter rule will ap
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 75Filter by checking the Log box. It will be sent to Syslog server. Please refer to section Syslog/Mail Alert for mo
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 76default value for this setting is ANSI 1252 Latin I. If you do not choose any codepage, no decoding job of URL wil
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 77EExxaammppllee As stated before, all the traffic will be separated and arbitrated using on of two IP filters: cal
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 7833..44..44 DDooSS DDeeffeennssee As a sub-functionality of IP Filter/Firewall, there are 15 types of detect/def
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 79Enable PortScan detection Port Scan attacks the Vigor router by sending lots of packets to many ports in an attemp
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide ix4.2 Creating and Activating an Account from Router Web Configurator... 249 4.3 Reg
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 80Block Unknown Protocol Check the box to activate the Block Unknown Protocol function. Individual IP packet has a p
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 8133..55 OObbjjeeccttss SSeettttiinnggss For IPs in a range, service ports in a limited range and keywords usuall
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 8233..55..11 IIPP OObbjjeecctt You can set up to 192 sets of IP Objects with different conditions. Set to Fact
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 83Address Type Determine the address type for the IP address. Select Single Address if this object contains one I
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 8433..55..22 IIPP GGrroouupp This page allows you to bind several IP objects into one IP group. Set to Factory
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 8533..55..33 SSeerrvviiccee TTyyppee OObbjjeecctt You can set up to 96 sets of Service Type Objects with diffe
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 86all the ports except the port defined here; when the first and last values are different, it indicates that all th
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 87 Name Type a name for this profile. Available Service Type Objects You can add IP objects from IP Object page. Al
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 88 Name Type a name for this profile, e.g., game. Contents Type the content for such profile. For example, type ga
VigorPro5510 Series User’s Guide 89 Name Type a name for this group. Available Keyword Objects You can gather keyword objects from Keyword Object pa
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