Draytek Vigor 2130 Guia do Utilizador

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Página 2 - User’s Guide

Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 211..22 LLEEDD IInnddiiccaattoorrss aanndd CCoonnnneeccttoorrss Before you use the Vigor router, please get acquai

Página 3 - Copyright Information

Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 92AAddddiinngg aa NNeeww RRuullee Click Add New Rule to configure a new rule for IPv6 Firewall. Note: You can set u

Página 4 - Regulatory Information

Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 93Destination Subnet Type the subnet mask here if you choose Subnet as Destination IP Type. Source Start Port Type a

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 94Hoplimit Display the number of network segments on which the packet is allowed to travel before discarded. Auto-re

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 95When TSPC configuration has been done, the router will start to connect. The connecting page will be shown as below:

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 96When the router connects to the tunnel broker, the router will use RADVD to transmit the prefix to the PC on LAN. Nex

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 9733..99 UUsseerr 33..99..11 UUsseerr CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn This page allows you to set user’s setting that a

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 98 EEddiittiinngg//DDeelleettiinngg UUsseerr SSeettttiinnggss To edit a user, click the name link under Username to

Página 10 - (Activity)

Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 99 Model Name Display the model name of the router. Firmware Version Display the firmware version of the router. Buil

Página 11 - Description

Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 100MAC Address Display the MAC address of the wireless LAN. Device Type Display the device type used for wireless

Página 12 - Status Explanation

Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 101please set URL as the following: http://{IP address of VigorACS}:8080/ACSServer/services/UnAuthACSServlet Username/

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 3 Interface Description Factory Reset Restore the default settings. Usage: Turn on the router (ACT LED is blinkin

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 10233..1100..44 CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn BBaacckkuupp BBaacckkuupp tthhee CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn Follow the

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 103 4. Click Save button, the configuration will download automatically to your computer as a file named config.cfg. T

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 10433..1100..55 SSyysslloogg // MMaaiill AAlleerrtt SysLog function is provided for users to monitor router. There

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 105Click OK to save these settings. For viewing the Syslog, please do the following: 1. Just set your monitor PC’s IP

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 10633..1100..66 TTiimmee aanndd DDaattee It allows you to specify where the time of the router should be inquired f

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 10733..1100..77 MMaannaaggeemmeenntt This page allows you to manage the settings for access control, access list, por

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 10833..1100..88 RReebboooott SSyysstteemm The Web Configurator may be used to restart your router for using current

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 1094 AAddmmiinn MMooddee OOppeerraattiioonn This chapter will guide users to execute advanced (full) configuration

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 110WWhhaatt aarree PPuubblliicc IIPP AAddddrreessss aanndd PPrriivvaattee IIPP AAddddrreessss As the router pl

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 111 44..11..11 IInntteerrnneett AAcccceessss This page allows you to set WAN configuration with different modes. Use

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 411..22..22 FFoorr VViiggoorr22113300nn LED Status Explanation Blinking The router is powered on and running norm

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 112 IP Address Type the IP address. Subnet Mask Type the subnet mask. Gateway IP Address Type the gateway IP addre

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 113DDHHCCPP DHCP allows a user to obtain an IP address automatically from a DHCP server on the Internet. If you choose

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 114PPPPPPooEE To choose PPPoE as the accessing protocol of the internet, please select PPPoE from the Internet Access

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 115 After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to activate them. PPPPTTPP//LL22TTPP To use PPTP/L2TP as th

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 116Redial Policy If you want to connect to Internet all the time, you can choose Always On. Otherwise, choose Connect

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 117Modem Dial String Such value is used to dial through USB mode. Please use the default value. If you have any questi

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 118Current Tx: indicates whether pause frames on the port are transmitted. Maximum Frame This module offers 1518~9600

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 119 SIM PIN code Type PIN code of the SIM card that will be used to access Internet. Modem Initial String1/2 Such val

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 12044..22 LLAANN Local Area Network (LAN) is a group of subnets regulated and ruled by router. The design of network

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 121 WWhhaatt iiss RRoouuttiinngg IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn PPrroottooccooll ((RRIIPP)) Vigor router will exchange ro

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 5 Interface Description Factory Reset Restore the default settings. Usage: Turn on the router (ACT LED is blinki

Página 36 - WPA and WPA2

Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 12244..22..11 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp This page provides you the general settings for LAN. Click LAN to open the L

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 123Secondary IP Address You can specify secondary DNS server IP address here because your ISP often provides you more

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 124Auto. Flow Control If flow control is enabled by checking Configured box, both parties can send PAUSE frame to t

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 12544..22..33 MMAACC AAddddrreessss TTaabbllee This page allows you to set timeouts for entries in dynamic MAC Tabl

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 126 44..22..44 VVLLAANN Virtual LAN function provides you a very convenient way to manage hosts by grouping them base

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 127 3. To remove VLAN, click the Delete button for the one you want to remove and click OK to save the results. 44..22

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 128Destination Address Display the destination address of the static route. Status Display the status of the static r

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 1292. Return to Static Route page. Click Add again to add another static route as show below, which regulates all pack

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 130Enable Click this radio button to invoke this function. However, IP/MAC which is not listed in IP Bind List also ca

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 131z Enhance security of the internal network by obscuring the IP address. There are many attacks aiming victims based

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 611..22..33 FFoorr VViiggoorr22113300VVnn LED Status Explanation Blinking The router is powered on and running no

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 132 Name Specify the name for the defined network service. Protocol Specify the transport layer protocol. It could

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 13344..33..33 DDMMZZ HHoosstt As mentioned above, Port Redirection can redirect incoming TCP/UDP or other traffic on

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 13444..44 FFiirreewwaallll BBaassiiccss ffoorr FFiirreewwaallll While the broadband users demand more bandwidth fo

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 135second). The configuration indicates the permitted packet rate for unicast, multicast, or broadcast traffic across t

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 136Clear Click this button to clear the number of the counter on this page. RRaattee LLiimmiitteerr IIDD Configure

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 13744..44..33 AAcccceessss CCoonnttrrooll LLiisstt This page can define which kind of packet can access the router.

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 138list will be applied to if matching with the rule defined in this page. Rate Limiter - Select a rate limiter to a

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 139 ARP/RARP Choose the ARP/RARP that you want to filter. Request/Reply Choose the request or replay that you want t

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 140Target IP Address Type the Target IP Address here. This option is available when you choose Host or Network as Targ

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 141 0: ARP/RARP frames where the hardware address space is equal to Ethernet (1) must not match this entry. 1: ARP/RA

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 7 Interface Description Phone2/Phone1 Connector of analog phone for VoIP communication. Factory Reset Restore the

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 142Dest IP Filter Specify the destination IP filter for this ACE. Any: No destination IP filter is specified. Host:

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 143 Source IP Specify the source IP filter for this ACE. Any: No source IP filter is specified. Host: Source IP f

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 144Specific: If you want to filter a specific UDP source filter with this ACE, you can enter a specific UDP source valu

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 145z Choose IPv4 as the Frame Type. You will see IP Parameters on the bottom of the page. If you choose TCP as IP Prot

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 146Source Port Filter Specify the TCP port source filter for this ACE. Any: No TCP source filter is specified. Spec

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 147TCP SYN Specify the TCP "Synchronize sequence numbers" (SYN) value for this ACE. 0: TCP frames where the

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 1481: TCP frames where the URG field is set must be able to match this entry. Any: Any value is allowed. z Choose IP

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 149destination IP address and destination IP mask fields that appear. Dest IP Address Type the Dest IP Address here. T

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 150Disable Click this button to close the function of limit session. Default Sessions Limit Defines the default sessi

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 151To activate the function of limit bandwidth, simply click Enable and set the default or user-defined upstream and do

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 811..33 HHaarrddwwaarree IInnssttaallllaattiioonn Before starting to configure the router, you have to connect your

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 15244..55..33 PPoorrtt RRaattee CCoonnttrrooll A policer can limit the bandwidth of received frames. It is located

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 153z Scheduling: Based on classification of service level to assign packets to queues and associated service types The

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 154 QCE Type Display the type of that QCE (QoS Control Entries). Type Value Display the value specified for the QCE.

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 155 Ethernet Type Value Either 8~63 ASCII characters, such as 012345678(or 64 Hexadecimal digits leading by 0x, such

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 156 z If you choose ToS as QCE Type, you have to specify priority class from Low, Normal, Medium and High. z If you

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 157DDeelleettiinngg aa QQCCEE To delete a QCE in the list, simply click of that one. It will be removed immediate

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 158Queue Weighted Use the drop down list to choose 1, 2, 4, or 8 as the queue weighted number. 44..55..66 QQooSS SS

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 159Rx Octets Display the total received bytes. Rx Unicast Display the counting number of the received unicast packet.

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 160Tx Pause Show the counting number of the transmitted pause packet. Tx 64 Bytes Display the number of 64-byte frame

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 161www.dtdns.com, www.changeip.com, www.dynamic- nameserver.com. You should visit their websites to register your own d

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 9SSttaanndd IInnssttaallllaattiioonn The Vigor2130 must be placed erectly. Therefore you have to install a stand onto

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 162 Enable Check to enable the schedule. Start Date Specify the starting date of the schedule. Start Time Spec

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 16344..66..33 IIGGMMPP SSnnooooppiinngg IGMP snooping means multicast traffic will be forwarded to ports that have m

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 16444..66..55 UUPPnnPP CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn The UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) protocol is supported to bring

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 165The UPnP facility on the router enables UPnP aware applications such as MSN Messenger to discover what are behind a

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 16644..66..66 WWaakkee OOnn LLAANN A PC client on LAN can be woken up by the router it connects. When a user wants

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 16744..77..11 RReemmoottee AAcccceessss CCoonnttrrooll Enable the necessary VPN service as you need. If you intend

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 16844..77..22 PPPPTTPP RReemmoottee DDiiaall--iinn You can manage remote access by maintaining a table of remote us

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 169When you finish the settings, simply click OK to save the configuration. The new user will be created and displayed

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 170IPSec-related VPN connections such as L2TP over IPSec and IPSec tunnel. Disabled – Ignore the configurations set i

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 171mutual examination of the secure tunnel establishment. 44..77..44 RReemmoottee DDiiaall--iinn SSttaattuuss You

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 1011..44 PPrriinntteerr IInnssttaallllaattiioonn You can install a printer onto the router for sharing printing. All

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 17244..77..55 LLAANN ttoo LLAANN Here you can manage LAN-to-LAN connections by maintaining a table of connection pr

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 173AAddddiinngg aa VVPPNN TTuunnnneell Click Add Tunnel to open the following page. Enabled Check here to activat

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 174Confirm Pre-Shared key Such field will be applicable when Pre-shared key is selected as the Type for the authentica

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 17544..88 WWiirreelleessss LLAANN This function is used for “n” models. 44..88..11 BBaassiicc CCoonncceeppttss Ov

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 176WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is a legacy method to encrypt each frame transmitted via radio using either a 64-bit

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 177SSID Broadcast Choose Show to make the SSID being seen by wireless clients. Choose Hide to prevent from wireless sni

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 178 z None The encryption mechanism is turned off. z WEP Accepts only WEP clients and the encryption key should be en

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 179 WPA Mode Select WPA, WPA2 or Auto as the type. WPA Algorithm Select TKIP, AES or auto as the algorithm for WPA.

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 180WPA Algorithm Choose the WPA algorithm, TKIP, AES or Auto. Server IP Address Enter the IP address of RADIUS serve

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 181 Note: Such function is available for the wireless station with WPS supported. There are two methods to do network c

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 11 4. Click Local printer attached to this computer and click Next. 5. In this dialog, choose Create a new port

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 18244..88..33 AAcccceessss CCoonnttrrooll For additional security of wireless access, the Access Control facility al

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 183Index Display the number of the connecting client. IP Address Display the WAN IP address for the connecting client

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 18444..99 UUSSBB AApppplliiccaattiioonn USB diskette can be regarded as an FTP server. By way of Vigor router, clien

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 185 User Name It displays the username that user uses to login to the FTP server. Volume Select the proper volume for

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 186Update Click this button to refresh the disk status. 44..99..44 DDiisskk SShhaarreess This page can define th

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 187 All Users Read-only - everyone has read-only access to the share disk. All Users Read-write - everyone has read-wr

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 188Link-Local address is used for communicating with neighbouring nodes on the same link. It is defined by the address

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 189DDHHCCPPvv66 CClliieenntt ((IIAA__NNAA)) DHCPv6 client mode would use IA_NA option of DHCPv6 protocol to obtain I

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 190 Username Type the name obtained from the broker. “vigor2130” is a default username applied from http://go6.net/410

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 191Prefixlen Type the required prefix length for the client network. If_prefix Display LAN interface name. The name

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide ii Vigor2130 Series High Speed Gigabit Router User’s Guide Version: 1.2 Firmware Version: V1.3.0.

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 126. In the following dialog, type (router’s LAN IP) in the field of Printer Name or IP Address and type I

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 192RADVD - The router advertisement daemon (radvd) sends Router Advertisement messages, specified by RFC 2461, to a loc

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 193AAddddiinngg aa NNeeww RRuullee Click Add New Rule to configure a new rule for IPv6 Firewall. Note: You can se

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 194Destination Subnet Type the subnet mask here if you choose Subnet as Destination IP Type. Source Start Port Type a

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 195 5. Connect PC to http://www.ipv6.org/ with IPv6 IP address again. A message will appear from web page: Welc

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 196Advmss Display the largest size (in bytes) of an unfragmented piece of a routing advertisement. Hoplimit Display

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 197 When TSPC configuration has been done, the router will start to connect. The connecting page will be shown as below

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 198Tunnel Information Display interface name (used to send TSPC prefix), tunnel mode, local endpoint addresses, remote

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 19944..1111 UUsseerr 44..1111..11 UUsseerr CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn This page allows you to set user’s setting t

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 200When you finish the settings, simply click OK to save the configuration. The new user will be created and displayed

Página 123

Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 20144..1122 SSyysstteemm MMaaiinntteennaannccee For the system setup, there are several items that you have to know

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 139. Now, your system will ask you to choose right name of the printer that you installed onto the router. Such step c

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 202CPU Usage Display the percentage of the CPU usage of your system. Memory Usage Display the size of the memory usag

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 203 ACS Settings Such data must be typed according to the ACS (Auto Configuration Server) you want to link. Please refe

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 204ACS server. Enable – The system will send inform message to ACS server periodically (with the time set in the box of

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 205When you click OK, the login window will appear. Please use the new password to access into the web configurator aga

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 206 4. Click Save button, the configuration will download automatically to your computer as a file named config.cfg. T

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 20744..1122..66 SSyysslloogg//MMaaiill AAlleerrtt SysLog function is provided for users to monitor router. There is

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 2082. Install the Router Tools in the Utility within provided CD. After installation, click on the Router Tools>>

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 20944..1122..77 TTiimmee aanndd DDaattee It allows you to specify where the time of the router should be inquired f

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 21044..1122..88 MMaannaaggeemmeenntt This page allows you to manage the settings for access control, access list, por

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 21144..1122..99 RReebboooott SSyysstteemm The Web Configurator may be used to restart your router for using current

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 14The printer can be used for printing now. Most of the printers with different manufacturers are compatible with vigor

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 21244..1133 DDiiaaggnnoossttiiccss Diagnostic Tools provide a useful way to view or diagnose the status of your Vigor

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 21344..1133..22 RRoouuttiinngg TTaabbllee Click Diagnostics and click Routing Table to open the web page. Destinati

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 21444..1133..33 SSyysstteemm LLoogg Click Diagnostics and click System Log to open the web page. Time Display the

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 215Packets Display the packet sizes for data transmission in receiving and sending. Bytes Display the number of recei

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 216Rx Broadcast Display the counting number of the received broadcast packet. Rx Pause Display the counting number of

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 217Tx 64 Bytes Display the number of 64-byte frames in good and bad packets transmitted. Tx 65-127 Bytes Display the

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 218 Type Indicate whether the entry is a static or dynamic entry. VLAN Display the VLAN ID of that entry. MAC Addre

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 21944..1133..77 DDHHCCPP TTaabbllee The facility provides information on IP address assignments. This information is

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 22044..1133..88 DDaattaa FFllooww MMoonniittoorr This page displays the running procedure for the IP address monito

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 221in five minutes. The remaining time will be shown on the session column. 44..1133..99 PPoorrttss SSttaattee C

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 152 CCoonnffiigguurriinngg BBaassiicc SSeettttiinnggss For using the router properly, it is necessary for you to ch

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 222 This page is left blank.

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 2235 TTrroouubbllee SShhoooottiinngg This section will guide you to solve abnormal situations if you cannot access i

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 22455..22 CChheecckkiinngg IIff tthhee NNeettwwoorrkk CCoonnnneeccttiioonn SSeettttiinnggss oonn YYoouurr CCoo

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 2254. Select Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically. FFoorr MMaaccOOss 1.

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 22655..33 PPiinnggiinngg tthhee RRoouutteerr ffrroomm YYoouurr CCoommppuutteerr The default gateway IP address o

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 227 55..44 CChheecckkiinngg IIff tthhee IISSPP SSeettttiinnggss aarree OOKK oorr NNoott Open WAN>>Inte

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 228FFoorr SSttaattiicc UUsseerrss 1. Choose Static IP as the connection type. 2. Check if IP Address, IP Mask and

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 229FFoorr PPPPTTPP//LL22TTPP UUsseerrss 1. Choose PPTP/L2TP as the connection type. 2. Check if Username, Passwor

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 23010. Input the Password if you have set one, then click Send. 11. There is a bar showing the upgrading process. 1

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 231 If the message of Request Timeout. Transfer Abort ! appears, please check if the connection between the computer an

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 1622..33 CChhaannggiinngg PPaasssswwoorrdd No matter user mode operation or admin mode operation, please change the

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 23255..66 BBaacckkiinngg ttoo FFaaccttoorryy DDeeffaauulltt SSeettttiinngg IIff NNeecceessssaarryy Sometimes, a

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 23355..77 CCoonnttaaccttiinngg YYoouurr DDeeaalleerr If the router still cannot work correctly after trying many ef

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 174. Go to System Maintenance page and choose System Password/User Password. Or 5. Type New Password in New P

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 1822..44 QQuuiicckk SSttaarrtt WWiizzaarrdd Notice: Quick Start Wizard for user mode operation is the same as for

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 1922..44..22 SSeettttiinngg uupp tthhee TTiimmee ZZoonnee On the next page as shown below, please select the Time

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 20SSttaattiicc IIPP You will receive a fixed public IP address or a public subnet, namely multiple public IP addresse

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 21DDHHCCPP It is not necessary for you to type any IP address manually. Simply choose this type and the system will ob

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide iiiCopyright Information Copyright Declarations Copyright 2010 All rights reserved. This publication contains informat

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 22If your ISP provides you the PPPoE connection, please select PPPoE for this router. The following page will be shown:

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 23PPPPTTPP//LL22TTPP if you click PPTP/L2TP as the protocol, please manually enter the Username/Password provided by y

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 24Clone MAC Address It is available when the box of Enable is checked. Click Clone PC Address. The result will be disp

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 25WEP encryption bit size and have the same key. Four keys can be entered here, but only one key can be selected at

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 26WWPPAA--PPSSKK If you choose WPA-PSK as the security configuration, you have to specify WPA mode, algorithm and pre-

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 27WWPPAA-- RRAADDIIUUSS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) is a security authentication client/serve

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 28WWPPSS WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) provides easy procedure to make network connection between wireless station and w

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 2922..44..55 SSaavviinngg tthhee WWiizzaarrdd CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn Now you can see the following screen. It

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 30RX Packets Displays the total received packets at the LAN interface. TX Bytes Displays the total transmitted bytes

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 313 UUsseerr MMooddee OOppeerraattiioonn This chapter will guide users to execute simple configuration through user

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide ivEuropean Community Declarations Manufacturer: DrayTek Corp. Address: No. 26, Fu Shing Road, HuKou County, HsinChu

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 32WWhhaatt aarree PPuubblliicc IIPP AAddddrreessss aanndd PPrriivvaattee IIPP AAddddrreessss As the router pla

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 33 33..11..11 IInntteerrnneett AAcccceessss This page allows you to set WAN configuration with different modes. Use

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 34 IP Address Type the IP address. Subnet Mask Type the subnet mask. Gateway IP Address Type the gateway IP addres

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 35DDHHCCPP DHCP allows a user to obtain an IP address automatically from a DHCP server on the Internet. If you choose

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 36PPPPPPooEE To choose PPPoE as the accessing protocol of the internet, please select PPPoE from the Internet Access m

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 37 After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to activate them. PPPPTTPP//LL22TTPP To use PPTP/L2TP as the

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 38Redial Policy If you want to connect to Internet all the time, you can choose Always On. Otherwise, choose Connect o

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 39Modem Dial String Such value is used to dial through USB mode. Please use the default value. If you have any questio

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 40obeyed. Current Tx: indicates whether pause frames on the port are transmitted. Maximum Frame This module offers 151

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 41 SIM PIN code Type PIN code of the SIM card that will be used to access Internet. Modem Initial String1/2 Such valu

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide vTTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss 1 Preface ...

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 42 In some special case, you may have a public IP subnet from your ISP such as This means that you ca

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 43You can group local hosts by physical ports and create up to 4 virtual LANs. To manage the communication between diff

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 4433..22..11 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp This page provides you the general settings for LAN. Click LAN to open the LA

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 45Secondary IP Address You can specify secondary DNS server IP address here because your ISP often provides you more t

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 46Auto. Flow Control If flow control is enabled by checking Configured box, both parties can send PAUSE frame to th

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 4733..22..33 MMAACC AAddddrreessss TTaabbllee This page allows you to set timeouts for entries in dynamic MAC Table

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 48To add a new static MAC entry, click Add new static entry. A new entry will be shown as follows. Choose VLAN ID and t

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 49To add or remove a VLAN, please refer to the following example. 1. VLAN 1 is consisted of hosts linked to P1 ~ P4. 2

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 5033..22..66 SSttaattiicc RRoouuttee Go to LAN and choose Static Route to open setting page. Index The number (1

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 511. Click the LAN - Static Route and click Add. Check the Enable box. Please add a static route as shown below, which

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide vi3.3.2 Open Ports...

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 52 Enable Click this radio button to invoke this function. However, IP/MAC which is not listed in IP Bind List also ca

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 53Remove You can remove any item listed in IP Bind List. Simply click and select the one, and click Remove. The select

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 54 33..33..22 OOppeenn PPoorrttss Open Ports allows you to open a range of ports for the traffic of special applicat

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 55Local Port (optional) If it is configured, the forwarded traffic is mapped to this port on the local host. 33..33..3

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 5633..44 BBaannddwwiiddtthh MMaannaaggeemmeenntt Below shows the menu items for Bandwidth Management. 33..44..11 S

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 57Start IP Defines the start LAN IP address for limit session. End IP Defines the end LAN IP address for limit sessio

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 58Smart Bandwidth Limit Click this radio button to configure the default limitation for bandwidth. When session number

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 5933..44..33 PPoorrtt RRaattee CCoonnttrrooll A policer can limit the bandwidth of received frames. It is located i

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 60z Scheduling: Based on classification of service level to assign packets to queues and associated service types The

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 61 QCE Type Display the type of that QCE (QoS Control Entries). Type Value Display the value specified for the QCE. T

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide vii4.1.1 Internet Access...

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 62 Ethernet Type Value Either 8~63 ASCII characters, such as 012345678(or 64 Hexadecimal digits leading by 0x, such a

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 63 z If you choose ToS as QCE Type, you have to specify priority class from Low, Normal, Medium and High. z If you c

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 64DDeelleettiinngg aa QQCCEE To delete a QCE in the list, simply click of that one. It will be removed immediatel

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 65Queue Weighted Use the drop down list to choose 1, 2, 4, or 8 as the queue weighted number. 33..44..66 QQooSS SStt

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 66Rx Broadcast Display the counting number of the received broadcast packet. Rx Pause Display the counting number of

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 67Tx 64 Bytes Display the number of 64-byte frames in good and bad packets transmitted. Tx 65-127 Bytes Display the n

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 68www.dtdns.com, www.changeip.com, www.dynamic- nameserver.com. You should visit their websites to register your own do

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 69 Enable Check to enable the schedule. Start Date Specify the starting date of the schedule. Start Time Speci

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 7033..55..33 IIGGMMPP SSnnooooppiinngg IGMP snooping means multicast traffic will be forwarded to ports that have me

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 7133..55..55 UUPPnnPP CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn The UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) protocol is supported to bring t

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide viii4.10.1 IPv6 WAN Setup...

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 72The reminder as regards concern about Firewall and UPnP Can't work with Firewall Software Enabling firewall appl

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 73 Wake by Two types provide for you to wake up the binded IP. If you choose Wake by MAC Address, you have to type the

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 74Note: * The actual data throughput will vary according to the network conditions and environmental factors, including

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 75 33..66..22 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp By clicking the General Setup, a new web page will appear so that you could

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 76Tx Power Set the power percentage for transmission signal of access point. The greater the value is, the higher inte

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 77Key1-Key4 Four keys can be entered here, but only one key can be selected at a time. The format of WEP Key is restri

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 78 Type The WPA encrypts each frame transmitted from the radio using the key, which either PSK (Pre-Shared Key) entere

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 79router will blink fast when WPS is in progress. It will return to normal condition after two minutes. (You need to se

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 80If you want to use PIN code, you have to know the PIN code specified in wireless client. Then provide the PIN code of

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 81OK Click it to save the configuration. 33..66..44 SSttaattiioonn LLiisstt Station List provides the knowledge of

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 11 PPrreeffaaccee The Vigor2130 series are the routers with high speed in data transmission through WAN port and LAN

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 8233..66..55 AAcccceessss PPooiinntt DDiissccoovveerryy Vigor router can scan all regulatory channels and find work

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 83 Enable FTP Check this box to enable FTP connection. Enable Disk Sharing Check this box to enable Samba file sharin

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 84Note: When write protect status for the USB diskette is ON, you cannot type any new folder name in this field. Only “

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 85 Share Name Type a name to be used as shared folder name in Samba service. The name must not contain spaces or speci

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 8633..88 IIPPvv66 33..88..11 IIPPvv66 WWAANN SSeettuupp This page defines the IPv6 connection types for WAN int

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 87 IPv6 Address The least significant 64 bits are usually chosen as the interface hardware address constructed in modi

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 88DDHHCCPPvv66 CClliieenntt ((IIAA__NNAA)) DHCPv6 client mode would use IA_NA option of DHCPv6 protocol to obtain IP

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 89 Username Type the name obtained from the broker. “vigor2130” is a default username applied from http://go6.net/4105

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 90Prefixlen Type the required prefix length for the client network. If_prefix Display LAN interface name. The name

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Vigor2130 Series User’s Guide 91RADVD - The router advertisement daemon (radvd) sends Router Advertisement messages, specified by RFC 2461, to a loca

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