Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 90Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description WAN for Router-borne Application Choose the router serv
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 91Internet after passing through the time without any action. Fixed IP – Click Yes to use this function and type in a f
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 92QoS Type Select a proper QoS type for the channel according to the information that your ISP provides. PCR It repres
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 93Service Type Normally, service type is used for the service of video stream (e.g., IPTV). It can divide the packets f
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 94Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description PVC Redirect Specify one PVC channel for redirection.
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 95Item Description Enable Check it to enable such function. Channel Display the number of each channel. Enable Check th
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 96VoIP data transmitting and receiving. IPTV - It can be specified for IPTV only. If you choose IPTV, the configuration
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 9733..11..66 LLooaadd--BBaallaannccee PPoolliiccyy This router supports the function of load balancing. It can assig
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 98Click Index 1 to access into the following page for configuring load-balance policy. Available settings are explaine
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 99Dest Port End Type the destination port end for the destination IP. If this field is blank, it means that all the des
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 1 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn Vigor2860 series is a VDSL2 router. It integrates IP layer QoS, NAT session/bandwidth mana
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 100 In some special case, you may have a public IP subnet from your ISP such as This means that you c
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 101forward data from one specified subnet to another specified subnet without the presence of RIP. WWhhaatt aarree V
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 10233..22..22 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp This page provides you the general settings for LAN. Click LAN to open the L
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 103IPv6 – Click it to access into the settings page of IPv6. Advanced DHCP packets can be processed by adding option nu
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 104DDeettaaiillss PPaaggee ffoorr LLAANN11 –– EEtthheerrnneett TTCCPP//IIPP aanndd DDHHCCPP SSeettuupp There
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 105request to. DHCP Server IP Address – It is available when Enable Relay Agent is checked. Set the IP address of the D
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 106When you finish the configuration, please click OK to save and exit this page. DDeettaaiillss PPaaggee ffoorr LLA
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 10718.2 hours. A lifetime of 0 indicates that the router is not a default router and should not appear on the default r
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 108DDeettaaiillss PPaaggee ffoorr LLAANN22 ~~ LLAANN66 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Descrip
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 109IP Pool Counts - Enter the maximum number of PCs that you want the DHCP server to assign IP addresses to. The defaul
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 211..22 LLEEDD IInnddiiccaattoorrss aanndd CCoonnnneeccttoorrss Before you use the Vigor router, please get acquai
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 110DHCP Server Configuration DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. The router by factory default acts a
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 11133..22..33 SSttaattiicc RRoouuttee Go to LAN to open setting page and choose Static Route. The router offers IPv4
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 112AAdddd SSttaattiicc RRoouutteess ttoo PPrriivvaattee aanndd PPuubblliicc NNeettwwoorrkkss Here is an example
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 1132. Click the LAN >> Static Route and click on the Index Number 1. Check the Enable box. Please add a static r
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 1144. Go to Diagnostics and choose Routing Table to verify current routing table. SSttaattiicc RRoouuttee ffoorr I
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 115 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable Click it to enable this profile. Destination I
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 11633..22..44 VVLLAANN Virtual LAN function provides you a very convenient way to manage hosts by grouping them based
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 117Subnet Choose one of them to make the selected VLAN mapping to the specified subnet only. For example, LAN1 is speci
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 118 To remove VLAN, uncheck the needed box and click OK to save the results. 33..22..55 BBiinndd IIPP ttoo MMAACC
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 119Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable Click this radio button to invoke this function
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3 Interface Description Factory Reset Restore the default settings. Usage: Turn on the router (ACT LED is blinking)
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 12033..22..66 LLAANN PPoorrtt MMiirrrroorr LAN port mirror can be applied for the users in LAN. Generally speaking,
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 12133..22..77 WWeebb PPoorrttaall SSeettuupp This page allows you to configure a profile with specified URL for acc
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 122Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Disable Click this button to close this function. URL
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 12333..33 NNAATT Usually, the router serves as an NAT (Network Address Translation) router. NAT is a mechanism that o
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 12433..33..11 PPoorrtt RReeddiirreeccttiioonn Port Redirection is usually set up for server related service inside t
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 125 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable Check this box to enable such port redirection
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 126Note that the router has its own built-in services (servers) such as Telnet, HTTP and FTP etc. Since the common port
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 127 The security properties of NAT are somewhat bypassed if you set up DMZ host. We suggest you to add additional filte
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 128 When you have selected one private IP from the above dialog, the IP address will be shown on the following screen.
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 129If you previously have set up WAN Alias for PPPoE or Static or Dynamic IP mode in WAN2 interface, you will find them
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 411..22..22 FFoorr VViiggoorr22886600nn LED Status Explanation Blinking The router is powered on and running no
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 13033..33..33 OOppeenn PPoorrttss Open Ports allows you to open a range of ports for the traffic of special applicat
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 131 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable Open Ports Check to enable this entry. Comment
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 132After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration. 33..33..44 AAddddrreessss MMaap
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 133 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Protocol Display the protocol used for this address m
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 134 WAN Interface Choose the WAN interface for such address mapping profile. WAN IP Select an IP address (the selection
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 135 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Comment Display the text which memorizes the applicat
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 136Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable Check to enable this entry. Service Choose the
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 13733..44 FFiirreewwaallll 33..44..11 BBaassiiccss ffoorr FFiirreewwaallll While the broadband users demand more
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 138 SSttaatteeffuull PPaacckkeett IInnssppeeccttiioonn ((SSPPII)) Stateful inspection is a firewall architecture t
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 13933..44..22 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp General Setup allows you to adjust settings of IP Filter and common options.
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 5 Interface Description Wireless LAN ON/OFF/WPS Press "Wireless LAN ON/OFF/WPS" button once to wait for cl
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 140Enable Strict Security Firewall For the sake of security, the router will execute strict security checking for data
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 141Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Filter Select Pass or Block for the packets that do no
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 142APP Enforcement Select an APP Enforcement profile for global IM/P2P application blocking. If there is no profile for
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 143Advance Setting Click Edit to open the following window. However, it is strongly recommended to use the default sett
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 14433..44..33 FFiilltteerr SSeettuupp Click Firewall and click Filter Setup to open the setup page. To edit or add
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 145 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Check to enable the Filter Rule Check this box to ena
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 146 Note: RT means routing domain for 2nd subnet or other LAN. Source/Destination IP Click Edit to access into the foll
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 147 To set the service type manually, please choose User defined as the Service Type and type them in this dialog. In a
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 148passed immediately. Block If No Further Match - A packet matching the rule, and that does not match further rules, w
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 149section of APP Enforcement profile setup. For troubleshooting needs, you can specify to record information for IM/P2
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 611..33 HHaarrddwwaarree IInnssttaallllaattiioonn Before starting to configure the router, you have to connect you
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 150Filter. The default value for this setting is ANSI 1252 Latin I. If you do not choose any codepage, no decoding job
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 151EExxaammppllee As stated before, all the traffic will be separated and arbitrated using on of two IP filters: call
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 15233..44..44 DDooSS DDeeffeennssee As a sub-functionality of IP Filter/Firewall, there are 15 types of detect/ defe
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 153will start to randomly discard the subsequent UDP packets for a period defined in Timeout. The default setting for
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 154Any broadcast UDP packets received from the Internet is blocked. Activating the DoS/DDoS defense functionality might
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 155
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 15633..55 UUsseerr MMaannaaggeemmeenntt User Management is a security feature which disallows any IP traffic (except
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 15733..55..11 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp General Setup can determine the standard (rule-based or user-based) for the
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 15833..55..22 UUsseerr PPrrooffiillee This page allows you to set customized profiles (up to 200) which will be appl
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 159Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable this account Check this box to enable such user
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 711..44 PPrriinntteerr IInnssttaallllaattiioonn You can install a printer onto the router for sharing printing. All
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 160For the detailed configuration, simply refer to Firewall>>Filter Rule. The firewall filter rules that are not
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 161window with remaining time of connection for such user will be displayed. Next, the user can access Internet through
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 162Please click any index number link to open the following page. Available settings are explained as follows: Item De
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 16333..55..44 UUsseerr OOnnlliinnee SSttaattuuss This page displays the user(s) connected to the router and refresh
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 16433..66 OObbjjeeccttss SSeettttiinnggss For IPs in a range and service ports in a limited range usually will be ap
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 165To set a new profile, please do the steps listed below: 1. Click the number (e.g., #1) under Index column for confi
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 166MAC Address Type the MAC address of the network card which will be controlled. Start IP Address Type the start IP ad
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 167Item Description Set to Factory Default Clear all profiles. Index Display the profile number that you can configure.
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 16833..66..33 IIPPvv66 OObbjjeecctt You can set up to 64 sets of IPv6 Objects with different conditions. Availabl
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 169Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Name Type a name for this profile. Maximum 15 characte
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 83. Open File->Add Printer. A welcome dialog will appear. Please click Next. 4. Click Local printer attached
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 17033..66..44 IIPPvv66 GGrroouupp This page allows you to bind several IPv6 objects into one IPv6 group. Availabl
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 171Item Description Name Type a name for this profile. Maximum 15 characters are allowed. Available IPv6 Objects All th
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 172To set a new profile, please do the steps listed below: 1. Click the number (e.g., #1) under Index column for confi
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 1733. After finishing all the settings, please click OK to save the configuration. 33..66..66 SSeerrvviiccee TTyypp
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 174To set a new profile, please do the steps listed below: 1. Click the number (e.g., #1) under Group column for confi
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 17533..66..77 KKeeyywwoorrdd OObbjjeecctt You can set 200 keyword object profiles for choosing as black /white lis
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 176To set a new profile, please do the steps listed below: 1. Click the number (e.g., #1) under Index column for confi
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 17733..66..88 KKeeyywwoorrdd GGrroouupp This page allows you to bind several keyword objects into one group. The key
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 178Item Description Name Type a name for this group. Maximum 15 characters are allowed. Available Keyword Objects You c
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 179To set a new profile, please do the steps listed below: 1. Click the number (e.g., #1) under Profile column for con
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 96. In the following dialog, type (router’s LAN IP) in the field of Printer Name or IP Address and type IP
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 18033..66..1100 SSMMSS//MMaaiill SSeerrvviiccee OObbjjeecctt SSMMSS SSeerrvviiccee OObbjjeecctt This page allows
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 1812. The configuration page will be shown as follows: Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 182CCuussttoommiizzeedd SSMMSS SSeerrvviiccee Vigor router offers several SMS service provider to offer the SMS serv
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 183Username Type a user name that the sender can use to register to selected SMS provider. The maximum length of the na
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 184To set a new profile, please do the steps listed below: 1. Click the Mail Server tab, and click the number (e.g., #
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 1853. After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration. 33..66..1111 NNoottiiffiicca
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 1862. The configuration page will be shown as follows: Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 18733..77 CCSSMM PPrrooffiillee CCoonntteenntt SSeeccuurriittyy MMaannaaggeemmeenntt ((CCSSMM)) CSM is an abbrev
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 188 33..77..11 AAPPPP EEnnffoorrcceemmeenntt PPrrooffiillee You can define policy profiles for IM (Instant Messen
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 189Below shows the items which are categorized under Protocol. Available settings are explained as follows: Item Desc
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide ii Vigor2860 Series VDSL2 Security Firewall User’s Guide Version: 1.0 Firmware Version: V3.7.1_RC5
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 109. Now, your system will ask you to choose right name of the printer that you installed onto the router. Such step c
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 190The items categorized under P2P ----- The items categorized under Misc ----- 33..77..22 UURRLL CCoonntteennt
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 191On the other hand, Vigor router can prevent user from accidentally downloading malicious codes from web pages. It’s
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 192 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Profile Name Type a name for the CSM profile. The max
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 193 Log None – There is no log file will be recorded for this profile.Pass – Only the log about Pass will be recorded i
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 194should be noticed that the more simplified the blocking keyword list is, the more efficiently the Vigor router perfo
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 195 After finishing all the settings, please click OK to save the configuration. 33..77..33 WWeebb CCoonntteenntt FF
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 196 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Activate Click it to access into MyVigor for activati
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 197Cache None – the router will check the URL that the user wants to access via WCF precisely, however, the processing
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 198Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Profile Name Type a name for the CSM profile. The maxi
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 19933..88 BBaannddwwiiddtthh MMaannaaggeemmeenntt Below shows the menu items for Bandwidth Management. 33..88..11
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 11The printer can be used for printing now. Most of the printers with different manufacturers are compatible with vigor
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 200Default session limit - Defines the default session number used for each computer in LAN. Limitation List Displays a
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 20133..88..22 BBaannddwwiiddtthh LLiimmiitt The downstream or upstream from FTP, HTTP or some P2P applications will
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 202downstream for each computer in LAN. Allow auto adjustment….- Check this box to make the best utilization of availab
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 20333..88..33 QQuuaalliittyy ooff SSeerrvviiccee Deploying QoS (Quality of Service) management to guarantee that al
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 204However, each node may take different attitude toward packets with high priority marking since it may bind with the
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 205This page displays the QoS settings result of the WAN interface. Click the Setup link to access into next page for t
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 206Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable the QoS Control The factory default for this se
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 207EEddiitt tthhee CCllaassss RRuullee ffoorr QQooSS 1. The first three (Class 1 to Class 3) class rules can be
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 208Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description ACT Check this box to invoke these settings. Ethernet
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 209By the way, you can set up to 20 rules for one Class. If you want to edit an existed rule, please select the radio b
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 12 This page is left blank.
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 2103. For adding a new service type, click Add to open the following page. Available settings are explained as foll
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 211Before you use the Dynamic DNS feature, you have to apply for free DDNS service to the DDNS service providers. The r
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 212 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable Dynamic DNS Account Check this box to enable
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 213Mail Extender If the mail server is defined with another name, please type the name in this area. Such mail server w
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 214You can set up to 15 schedules. Then you can apply them to your Internet Access or VPN and Remote Access >> LA
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 2153. Click OK button to save the settings. Example Suppose you want to control the PPPoE Internet access connection t
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 216Destination Port The UDP port number that the RADIUS server is using. The default value is 1812, based on RFC 2138.
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 217Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable Check to enable such function. Bind Type There
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 218PPrrooffiilleess You can configure eight AD/LDAP profiles. These profiles would be used with User Management for di
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 219Base Distinguished Name / Group Distinguished Name Type or edit the distinguished name used to look up entries on th
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 13 BBaassiicc SSeettttiinnggss For using the router properly, it is necessary for you to change the password of web
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 22033..99..55 UUPPnnPP The UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) protocol is supported to bring to network connected devices
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 221The reminder as regards concern about Firewall and UPnP Can't work with Firewall Software Enabling firewall app
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 22233..99..66 IIGGMMPP IGMP is the abbreviation of Internet Group Management Protocol. It is a communication protocol
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 22333..99..77 WWaakkee oonn LLAANN A PC client on LAN can be woken up by the router it connects. When a user wants
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 224 33..99..88 SSMMSS // MMaaiill AAlleerrtt SSeerrvviiccee The function of SMS (Short Message Service)/Mail Aler
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 225Recipient Type the name of the one who will receive the SMS. Notify Use the drop down list to choose a message profi
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 226Schedule Type the schedule number that the notification will be sent out. You can click the Schedule(1-15) link to d
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 227Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description LAN-to-LAN Client Mode Selection Choose the client mod
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 228 In this page, you have to select suitable VPN type for the VPN client profile. There are six types provided here. D
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 229z When you choose IPSec, you will see the following graphic: z When you choose L2TP, you will see the following
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 144. Now, the Main Screen will appear. Note: The home page will be different slightly in accordance with the type o
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 230z When you choose L2TP over IPSec (Nice to Have) or L2TP over IPSec (Must), you will see the following graphic:
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 231the only channel for VPN connection. WAN1 Only: Backup WAN2/WAN2 Only: Backup WAN1 - While connecting, the router
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 2323. After finishing the configuration, please click Next. The confirmation page will be shown as follows. If there i
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 23333..1100..22 VVPPNN SSeerrvveerr WWiizzaarrdd Such wizard is used to configure VPN settings for VPN server. Such
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 234 Please choose a Dial-in User Accounts This item is available when you choose Remote Dial-in User (Teleworker) as
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 235z When you check PPTP, you will see the following graphic: z When you check PPTP & IPSec & L2TP (three ty
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 236z When you check IPSec, you will see the following graphic: Available settings are explained as follows: Item Desc
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 237Remote Network IP Please type one LAN IP address (according to the real location of the remote host) for building VP
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 23833..1100..33 RReemmoottee AAcccceessss CCoonnttrrooll Enable the necessary VPN service as you need. If you inten
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 239PAP or CHAP - Selecting this option means the router will attempt to authenticate dial-in users with the CHAP protoc
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 1522..22 CChhaannggiinngg PPaasssswwoorrdd Please change the password for the original security of the router. 1. O
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 240 33..1100..55 IIPPSSeecc GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp In IPSec General Setup, there are two major parts of configur
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 241and IPSec tunnel. There are two methods offered by Vigor router for you to authenticate the incoming data coming fro
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 24233..1100..66 IIPPSSeecc PPeeeerr IIddeennttiittyy To use digital certificate for peer authentication in either L
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 243 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Profile Name Type the name of the profile. The maximu
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 24433..1100..77 OOppeennVVPPNN GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp OpenVPN is a comprehensive SSL VPN software that combines
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 24533..1100..88 RReemmoottee DDiiaall--iinn UUsseerr You can manage remote access by maintaining a table of remote
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 246 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description User account and Authentication Enable this account -
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 247VPN connection becomes one pure L2TP connection. z Must -Specify the IPSec policy to be definitely applied on the L
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 248invoke this function and type in the required characters (1-63) as the pre-shared key. Digital Signature (X.509) – C
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 249 The following shows profiles joined into VPN Load Balance and VPN Backup mechanism. If there is no profile joined
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 1622..33 QQuuiicckk SSttaarrtt WWiizzaarrdd If your router can be under an environment with high speed NAT, the con
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 250Set to Factory Default Click to clear all indexes. Name Indicate the name of the LAN-to-LAN profile. The symbol ???
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 251Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Common Settings Profile Name – Specify a name for the
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 252z Dial-In- responder only. Always On-Check to enable router always keep VPN connection. Idle Timeout: The default
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 253select, PPTP or L2TP with or without IPSec policy above. PAP/CHAP is the most common selection due to wild compatibi
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 254The window of advance setup is shown as below: IKE phase 1 mode -Select from Main mode and Aggressive mode. The ulti
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 255 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Dial-In Settings Allowed Dial-In Type - Determine the
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 256dial-in VPN connection becomes one pure L2TP connection. Must - Specify the IPSec policy to be definitely applied
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 257z High- Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) means payload (data) will be encrypted and authenticated. You may sele
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 258 RIP Direction - The option specifies the direction of RIP (Routing Information Protocol) packets. You can enable/d
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 25933..1100..1100 VVPPNN TTRRUUNNKK MMaannaaggeemmeenntt VPN trunk includes four features - VPN Backup, VPN load ba
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 1722..33..11 FFoorr WWAANN11 ((AADDSSLL//VVDDSSLL)) WAN1 is specified for ADSL or VDSL connection. You have to s
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 260 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Backup Profile List Set to Factory Default - Click
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 261Member2 - Display the dial-out profile selected from the Member2 drop down list below. Advanced – This button is ava
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 262Detailed information for this dialog, see later section - Advanced Load Balance and Backup. General Setup Status- Af
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 263profiles in LAN-to-LAN will be displayed in blue. Edit - Click this button to save the changes to the Status (Enable
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 2644. Take a look for LAN-to-LAN profiles. Index 1 is chosen as Member1; index 2 is chosen as Member2. For such reason
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 265AAddvvaanncceedd LLooaadd BBaallaannccee aanndd BBaacckkuupp After setting profiles for load balance, you can c
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 266user to adjust suitable rate manually. There are 100 groups of rate ratio for Member1:Member2 (range from 1:99 to 99
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 267Detail Information This field will display detailed information for Binding Tunnel Policy. Below shows a successful
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 268Item Description Profile Name List the backup profile name. ERD Mode ERD means “Environment Recovers Detection”. N
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 269VPN Server IP address). The VPN connection built by Backup Mode supports VPN backup function. Dial - Click this but
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 18 Choose PPPoE or PPPoA as the protocol. For ADSL Only Such field is provided for ADSL only. You have to choose encaps
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 270Type in all the information that the window requests. Then click Generate again. Import Click this button to import
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 271After clicking GENERATE, the generated information will be displayed on the window below: IMPORT Vigor router allow
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 272 Upload PKCS12 Certificate It allows users to import the certificate whose extensions are usually .pfx or .p12. And
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 273it and submit a request. A new certificate will be issued to you by the CA server. You can save it. DDeelleettee Cl
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 274 33..1111..33 CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee BBaacckkuupp Local certificate and Trusted CA certificate for this router ca
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 27533..1122 WWiirreelleessss LLAANN This function is used for “n” models only. 33..1122..11 BBaassiicc CCoonncceep
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 276SSeeccuurriittyy OOvveerrvviieeww Real-time Hardware Encryption: Vigor Router is equipped with a hardware AES encr
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 27733..1122..22 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp By clicking the General Settings, a new web page will appear so that you c
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 278 In which, 802.11b/g operates on 2.4G band, 802.11a operates on 5G band, and 802.11n operates on either 2.4G or 5G b
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 279Long Preamble This option is to define the length of the sync field in an 802.11 packet. Most modern wireless networ
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 19Item Description Note: The maximum length of the user name you can set is 63 characters. Password Assign a valid pas
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 28033..1122..33 SSeeccuurriittyy This page allows you to set security with different modes for SSID 1, 2, 3 and 4 res
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 281Mode There are several modes provided for you to choose. Note: You should also set RADIUS Server simultaneously if
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 282such as 0x4142434445.) 128-Bit - For 128 bits WEP key, either 13 ASCII characters, such as ABCDEFGHIJKLM (or 26 hexa
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 283grouped under different wireless LAN. For example, they can be grouped under SSID 1 and SSID 2 at the same time if y
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 284z On the side of Vigor 2850 series which served as an AP, press WPS button once on the front panel of the router or
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 285Below shows Wireless LAN>>WPS web page: Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 28633..1122..66 WWDDSS WDS means Wireless Distribution System. It is a protocol for connecting two access points (AP)
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 287Bridge mode, packets received from a WDS link will only be forwarded to local wired or wireless hosts. In other word
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 288Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Mode Choose the mode for WDS setting. Disable mode wil
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 28933..1122..77 AAddvvaanncceedd SSeettttiinngg This page allows users to set advanced settings such as operation
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide iiiCopyright Information Copyright Declarations Copyright 2012 All rights reserved. This publication contains informat
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 20MMPPooAA // SSttaattiicc oorr DDyynnaammiicc IIPP 1. Choose WAN1 as WAN Interface and click the Next button; y
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 29033..1122..88 WWMMMM CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn WMM is an abbreviation of Wi-Fi Multimedia. It defines the priorit
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 291categories must be smaller; however, the difference between AC_BE and AC_BK categories must be greater. Txop It mean
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 29233..1122..99 AAPP DDiissccoovveerryy Vigor router can scan all regulatory channels and find working APs in the ne
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 29333..1122..1100 SSttaattiioonn LLiisstt Station List provides the knowledge of connecting wireless clients now a
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 29433..1133 SSSSLL VVPPNN An SSL VPN (Secure Sockets Layer virtual private network) is a form of VPN that can be u
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 295Encryption Key Algorithm Choose the encryption level for the data connection in SSL VPN server. After finishing all
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 296URL Type the address (function variation or IP address) or path of the proxy server. Host IP Address If you type fun
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 297To create a new SSL application profile: 1. Click number link under Index filed to set detailed configuration. 2.
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 298Samba Application – It allows you to access and control a remote PC through Samba service. IP Address If you choose
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 29933..1133..44 UUsseerr AAccccoouunntt For SSL VPN, identity authentication and power management are implemented th
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 21Primary DNS Type in the primary IP address for the router. Secondary DNS Type in secondary IP address for necessity
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 300Name Display the name of the group profile. Click any index number link to open the following page for detailed conf
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 301RADIUS – The RADIUS server will do the authentication by using the username and password LDAP / Active Directory -
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 30233..1144 UUSSBB AApppplliiccaattiioonn USB storage disk connected on Vigor router can be regarded as a server. By
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 303time. Default Charset - At present, Vigor router supports four types of character sets. Default Charset is for Engli
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 304 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description FTP/Samba User Enable – Click this button to activate
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 305Only “/” can be used in such case. You can click to open the following dialog to add any new folder which can be spe
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 306 Create Click this icon to add a new folder. Current Path Display current folder. Upload Click this button to upload
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 30733..1144..55 SSyysslloogg EExxpplloorreerr Such page provides real-time syslog and displays the information on th
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 308FFoorr UUSSBB SSyysslloogg This page displays the syslog recorded on the USB storage disk. Available settings ar
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 309 z Disable – The function is disabled. z Syslog –The temperature log will be recorded on Syslog. z SMS – The aler
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 2222..33..22 FFoorr WWAANN22 ((EEtthheerrnneett)) WAN2 is dedicated to physical mode in Ethernet. If you choose WAN
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 31033..1155 SSyysstteemm MMaaiinntteennaannccee For the system setup, there are several items that you have to know
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 311Item Description Model Name Display the model name of the router. Firmware Version Display the firmware version of t
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 31233..1155..22 TTRR--006699 This device supports TR-069 standard. It is very convenient for an administrator to mana
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 313STUN Settings The default is Disable. If you click Enable, please type the relational settings listed below: Server
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 31433..1155..44 UUsseerr PPaasssswwoorrdd This page allows you to set new password for user operation. Available se
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3153. The following screen will appear. Simply click OK. 4. Log out Vigor router web user interface by clicking the
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3166. The main screen with User Mode will be shown as follows. Settings to be configured in User Mode will be less th
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 31733..1155..66 CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn BBaacckkuupp BBaacckkuupp tthhee CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn Follow the
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3184. Click Save button, the configuration will download automatically to your computer as a file named config.cfg. Th
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 31933..1155..77 SSyysslloogg//MMaaiill AAlleerrtt SysLog function is provided for users to monitor router. There is
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 232. Click PPPoE as the Internet Access Type. Then click Next to continue. Available settings are explained as follow
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 320Syslog. AlertLog Setup Check Enable to activate function of alert log. AlertLog Port - Type the port number for aler
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 321
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 32233..1155..88 TTiimmee aanndd DDaattee It allows you to specify where the time of the router should be inquired f
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 32333..1155..99 MMaannaaggeemmeenntt This page allows you to manage the settings for access control, access list, por
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 324Management Port Setup User Define Ports - Check to specify user-defined port numbers for the Telnet, HTTP and FTP se
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 325Access List You could specify that the system administrator can only login from a specific host or network defined i
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 32633..1155..1111 FFiirrmmwwaarree UUppggrraaddee Before upgrading your router firmware, you need to install the R
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 32733..1155..1122 AAccttiivvaattiioonn There are three ways to activate WCF on vigor router, using Service Activation
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 328Below shows the successful activation of Web Content Filter: 33..1166 DDiiaaggnnoossttiiccss Diagnostic Tools pro
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 32933..1166..11 DDiiaall--oouutt TTrriiggggeerriinngg Click Diagnostics and click Dial-out Triggering to open the we
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 24 4. Click Finish. A page of Quick Start Wizard Setup OK!!! will appear. Then, the system status of this protocol wil
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 33033..1166..22 RRoouuttiinngg TTaabbllee Click Diagnostics and click Routing Table to open the web page. Availabl
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 33133..1166..33 AARRPP CCaacchhee TTaabbllee Click Diagnostics and click ARP Cache Table to view the content of the
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 332Refresh Click it to reload the page. 33..1166..55 DDHHCCPP TTaabbllee The facility provides information on IP add
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 333HOST ID It displays the host ID name of the specified PC. Refresh Click it to reload the page. 33..1166..66 NNAATT
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 33433..1166..77 PPiinngg DDiiaaggnnoossiiss Click Diagnostics and click Ping Diagnosis to pen the web page. Av
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 335Run Click this button to start the ping work. The result will be displayed on the screen. Clear Click this link to r
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 336Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable Data Flow Monitor Check this box to enable this
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 337 33..1166..99 TTrraaffffiicc GGrraapphh Click Diagnostics and click Traffic Graph to pen the web page. Choose WAN
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 33833..1166..1100 TTrraaccee RRoouuttee Click Diagnostics and click Trace Route to open the web page. This page allo
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 339Protocol Use the drop down list to choose the protocol that you want to ping through. Host/IP Address It indicates t
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 25
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 340 Stop record when fulls – when the capacity of syslog is full, the system will stop recording. Always record the new
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 341Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Refresh Click this link to refresh this page manually.
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 342 When you finished the configuration, click OK to save it. Note: Only DrayTek products can be detected by this funct
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 343Refresh Click it to refresh current page. Index Click the number index to open the settings page of the device. Devi
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 344settings. Profile Name Display the name of the profile scanned by Vigor router. Main SSID Display the SSID used by t
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 345Then click Apply. The selected device now will be applied with the selected WLAN profile. To edit a WALN profile, fo
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 346Cancel Cancel the setting configured on this page. Next Access into the next setting page. 3. Type the required inf
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 347wireless clients (stations) with the same SSID not accessing for each other. Security Setting Disable – There are s
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 348Upload – Type the value as the uploading rate of data transmission. Auto Adjustment – Click Enable to make the route
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 349 TTuuttoorriiaallss aanndd AApppplliiccaattiioonnss 44..11 HHooww ttoo ccoonnffiigguurree sseettttiinnggss
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 26Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description User Name Assign a specific valid user name provided
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 350Note: Only one WAN interface support IPv6 service at one time. In this example, WAN2 is chosen as the one supporting
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 351Click OK and open Online Status. If the connection is successful, you will get the IP address for IPv4 and IPv6 at t
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 352z TSPC – Tunnel application, both IPv6 hosts communicate through IPv4 network Choose TSPC and type the information
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 353z AICCU – Tunnel application Choose AICCU and type the information for AICCU of IPv6. Note: While using such mode,
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 354z DHCPv6 Client Choose DHCPv6 Client. Click one of the identity associations and type the IAID number. Click OK an
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 355z Static IPv6 Choose Static IPv6. Type IPv6 address, Prefix Length and Gateway Address. Click OK and open Online
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 356IIII.. CCoonnffiigguurriinngg tthhee LLAANN SSeettttiinnggss After finished the WAN settings for IPv6, please c
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 357IIIIII.. CCoonnffiirrmmiinngg IIPPvv66 SSeerrvviiccee RRuunn SSuucccceessssffuullllyy 1. Make sure you have g
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3583. Connect to the website for IPv6. Open a web browser and type an URL of IPv6, e.g., If your compute
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 35944..22 HHooww ttoo eessttaabblliisshh OOppeennVVPPNN -- hhoosstt ttoo LLAANN ttuunnnneellss((aauutthheenntt
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 274. Click Finish. A page of Quick Start Wizard Setup OK!!! will appear. Then, the system status of this protocol will
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 360SSeettttiinnggss ffoorr RRoouutteerr ((MMaaiinn OOffffiiccee)) 1. Access into the web user interface of Vigor
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 361SSeettttiinnggss ffoorr PPCC ((RReemmoottee UUsseerr)) 1. Execute SmartVPN Client. Click Insert to create a ne
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 362CChheecckkiinngg tthhee VVPPNN CCoonnnneeccttiioonn SSttaattuuss Now both ends (router and remote PC) are confi
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 36344..33 HHooww ccaann II ggeett tthhee ffiilleess ffrroomm UUSSBB ssttoorraaggee ddeevviiccee ccoonnnneecc
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3643. Setup a user account for the FTP service by using USB Application >>USB User Management. Click Enable to e
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3656. When the following screen appears, it means the FTP service is running properly. 7. Return to USB Application
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 36644..44 HHooww ttoo BBuuiilldd aa LLAANN--ttoo--LLAANN VVPPNN BBeettwweeeenn RReemmoottee OOffffiiccee aann
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3674. Now navigate to the next section, Dial-In Settings to check PPTP, IPSec Tunnel and L2TP boxes. Check the box of
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3687. Open VPN and Remote Access>>Connection Management to check the dial-in connection status (from branch offi
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3694. Now navigate to the next section, Dial-Out Settings to select the IPSec Tunnel service and type the remote serve
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 28Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description WAN IP Type the IP address. Subnet Mask Type the subnet
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3707. Open VPN and Remote Access>>Connection Management to check the dial-in connection status (from head office
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3713. In the following page, type a name (e.g., VoIP) for such class and click Add. 4. Check the box of ACT. Click E
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3727. The class rule for VoIP has been set. Click OK to return to previous page. 8. Do the same steps to add class r
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3739. Assuming you get 2MB/512Kb Internet line. You can click the Setup link of WAN1 to set up the bandwidth for diffe
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 37444..66 QQooSS SSeettttiinngg EExxaammppllee Assume a teleworker sometimes works at home and takes care of childr
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3754. Return to previous page. Enter the Name of Index Class 1 by clicking Edit link. Type the name “E-mail” for Class
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3767. Click Setup link for WAN2. 8. Check Enable UDP Bandwidth Control on the bottom to prevent enormous UDP traff
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 37710. Click Edit for Class 3 to open a new window. In this index, the user will set reserved bandwidth for VPN. 11.
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 37844..77 HHooww ttoo IImmpplleemmeenntt tthhee LLDDAAPP//AADD AAuutthheennttiiccaattiioonn ffoorr UUsseerr MM
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 379 and 4. Click OK to save the settings above. 5. Open User Management>>General Setup. Select User-Based as
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 29DDHHCCPP 1. Choose WAN2 as WAN Interface and click the Next button. The following page will be open for you to spec
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3806. Then open VPN and Remote Access>>PPP General Setup to check the profile(s) that will be authenticated with
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 38144..88 HHooww ttoo uussee LLaannddiinngg PPaaggee FFeeaattuurree Landing Page is a special feature configur
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3824. In the following page, check the box of Landing page and click OK to save the settings. 5. Open any browser (e
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 383EExxaammppllee 22::TThhee ssyysstteemm wwiillll ccoonnnneecctt ttoo hhttttpp::////wwwwww..ddrraayytteekk..ccoo
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 384 4. Open any browser (e.g., FireFox, Internet Explorer). The logging page will appear and asks for username and pas
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 38544..99 HHooww ttoo SSeenndd oouutt SSMMSS vviiaa VViiggoorr RRoouutteerr Such vigor router supports the fea
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 386interval for the system to send SMS in the field of Sending Interval. For example, it is set with 60 (seconds). If W
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3876. Configure the settings as the following figure. Choose one of the SMS profiles. In this example, the profile “Fo
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 38844..1100 HHooww ttoo CCrreeaattee aann AAccccoouunntt ffoorr MMyyVViiggoorr The website of MyVigor (a server
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3892. Click the Activate link. A login page for MyVigor web site will pop up automatically. 3. Click the link of Cre
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide ivEuropean Community Declarations Manufacturer: DrayTek Corp. Address: No. 26, Fu Shing Road, Hukou Township, Hsinc
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 30Next Click it to get into the next setting page. Cancel Click it to give up the quick start wizard. 3. After finish
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3905. Type your personal information in this page and then click Continue. 6. Choose proper selection for your compu
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3917. Now you have created an account successfully. Click START. 8. Check to see the confirmation email with the tit
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 39210. When you see the following page, please type in the account and password (that you just created) in the fields o
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3932. Check to confirm that you accept the Agreement and click Accept. 3. Type your personal information in this pag
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3945. Now you have created an account successfully. Click START. 6. Check to see the confirmation email with the tit
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3958. When you see the following page, please type in the account and password (that you just created) in the fields o
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 39644..1111 HHooww ttoo SSeettuupp AAddddrreessss MMaappppiinngg NAT Address Mapping function lets you specify th
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3973. Click the Details Page of WAN 1 to open the following page. From the above figure, set main WAN IP address as 17
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3985. Open NAT >> Address Mapping. Pay special attention to the Mask setup. 6. Click Index number 1 and 2 to c
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3998. Click Index number 1 and 2 to configure the details. Make sure Auto failover to the other WAN is unchecked. A
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3122..33..33 FFoorr WWAANN33 ((UUSSBB)) WAN3 is dedicated to physical mode in USB. If WAN3 is selected, it is not n
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 40044..1122 HHooww ttoo CCoonnffiigguurree CCeerrttaaiinn CCoommppuutteerrss AAcccceessssiinngg ttoo IInntteerr
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 4013. Check the box of Check to enable the Filter Rule. Type the comments (e.g., block_all). Choose Block If No Furthe
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 4026. A dialog box will be popped up. Choose Range Address as Address Type by using the drop down list. Type 192.168.1
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 4038. Both filter rules have been created. Click OK. 9. Now, all the settings are configured well. Only the computer
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 40444..1133 HHooww ttoo BBlloocckk FFaacceebbooookk SSeerrvviiccee AAcccceesssseedd bbyy tthhee UUsseerrss vv
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 4052. Open CSM >> Web Content Filter Profile to create a WCF profile. Check Social Networking with Action, Block
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 406II. Via URL Content Filter A. Block the web page containing the word of “Facebook” 1. Open Object Settings>>K
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 4076. Click the Default Rule tab. Choose the profile just configured from the drop down list in the field of URL Conte
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 4083. Open CSM>>URL Content Filter Profile. Click an index number to open the setting page. 4. Configure the s
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 409 TTrroouubbllee SShhoooottiinngg This section will guide you to solve abnormal situations if you cannot access in
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 32USB modem. Please use the default value. If you have any question, please contact to your ISP. The maximum length of
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 41055..22 CChheecckkiinngg IIff tthhee NNeettwwoorrkk CCoonnnneeccttiioonn SSeettttiinnggss oonn YYoouurr CCoo
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 4114. Select Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically. FFoorr MMaacc OOSS 1.
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 41255..33 PPiinnggiinngg tthhee RRoouutteerr ffrroomm YYoouurr CCoommppuutteerr The default gateway IP address o
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 413 55..44 CChheecckkiinngg IIff tthhee IISSPP SSeettttiinnggss aarree OOKK oorr NNoott Open WAN >> In
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 414 TTrraannssmmiissssiioonn RRaattee iiss nnoott ffaasstt eennoouugghh Please connect your Notebook with 3G USB
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 415 HHaarrddwwaarree RReesseett While the router is running (ACT LED blinking), press the Factory Reset button and ho
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3322..44 SSeerrvviiccee AAccttiivvaattiioonn WWiizzaarrdd Service Activation Wizard can guide you to activate WCF s
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 343. In the following page, you can activate the Web content filter services at the same time or individually. When yo
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 355. Wait for a moment till the following page appears. When such page appears, you can enable or disable these servi
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 36 22..55 IInnttrroodduucciinngg DDaasshhbbooaarrdd Dashboard shows the connection status including System Informat
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 37A web page with default selections will be displayed on the screen. Refer to the following figure:
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3822..55..11 VViirrttuuaall PPaanneell On the top of the Dashboard, a virtual panel (simulating the physical panel o
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 3922..55..33 QQuuiicckk AAcccceessss ffoorr CCoommmmoonn UUsseedd MMeennuu All the menu items can be accessed an
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide vTTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss Introduction...
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 40 Host connected physically to the router via LAN port(s) will be displayed with green circles in the field of Connect
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 4122..55..55 WWeebb CCoonnssoollee It is not necessary to use the telnet command via DOS prompt. The changes made b
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 4222..55..66 CCoonnffiigg BBaacckkuupp There is one way to store current used settings quickly by clicking the Conf
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 43PPhhyyssiiccaall CCoonnnneeccttiioonn ffoorr IIPPvv44 PPrroottooccooll PPhhyyssiiccaall CCoonnnneeccttiioonn
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 44Item Description LAN interface. RX Packets-Displays the total received packets at the LAN interface. WAN1/WAN2/WAN3 S
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 45Note: The words in green mean that the WAN connection of that interface is ready for accessing Internet; the words in
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 4622..88 RReeggiisstteerriinngg VViiggoorr RRoouutteerr You have finished the configuration of Quick Start Wizard a
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 474 The following page will be displayed after you logging in MyVigor. From this page, please click Add or Product Reg
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 488 After clicking OK, you will see the following page. Your router has been registered to myvigor website successfull
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 4911 When this page appears, click Register. 12 Wait for a moment until the following page appears. 13 Click Close
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide vi3.2 LAN ...
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 50 This page is left blank.
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 51 WWeebb CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn This chapter will guide users to execute web configuration. 1. Open a web brow
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 52WWhhaatt aarree PPuubblliicc IIPP AAddddrreessss aanndd PPrriivvaattee IIPP AAddddrreessss As the router pla
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 53 33..11..22 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp This section will introduce some general settings of Internet and explain th
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 54Physical Mode / Type Display the physical mode and physical type of such WAN interface. Line Speed Display the down
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 55Physical Mode Display the physical mode of such interface. If VDSL2 is detected, this field will display “VDSL2”; if
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 56Active Mode Choose Always On to make the WAN1 connection being activated always; Load Balance: Check this box to ena
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 57Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable Choose Yes to invoke the settings for this WAN i
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 58Backup Type If you choose Backup as the Active Mode, Backup Type will appear. Please specify which WAN will be treate
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 59Active Mode Choose Always On to make the WAN3 connection being activated always. Load Balance: Check this box to ena
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide vii3.9.8 SMS / Mail Alert Service...
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 6033..11..33 IInntteerrnneett AAcccceessss For the router supports multi-WAN function, the users can set different W
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 61Details Page This button will open different web page (based on IPv4) according to the access mode that you choose in
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 62field. Index (1-15) in Schedule Setup - You can type in four sets of time schedule for your request. All the schedule
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 63fixed IP address in the box of Fixed IP Address. Default MAC Address – You can use Default MAC Address or specify an
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 64to execute for WAN detection. Ping IP – If you choose Ping Detect as detection mode, you have to type IP address in t
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 65z Gateway IP Address – Type in gateway IP address. Default MAC Address – Type in MAC address for the router. You can
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 66address for DHCP server. ISP Access Setup Username -Type in the username provided by ISP in this field. Password -Typ
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 67z IP Address – Type the IP address. z Subnet Mask – Type the subnet mask. After finishing all the settings here, pl
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 68Protocol - Drop down the list to choose the one (PPPoE or PPPoA) provided by ISP. If you have already used Quick Star
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 69field. Password – Type in the password provided by ISP in this field. Separate Account for ADSL – In default, WAN1 su
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide viii3.15.12 Activation ...
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 70you can use the number that you have set in that web page. After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 71Select M-PVCs Channel means no selection will be chosen. Encapsulating - Drop down the list to choose the type provid
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 72Obtain an IP address automatically – Click this button to obtain the IP address automatically. z Router Name – Type
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 73DDeettaaiillss PPaaggee ffoorr PPPPPPooEE iinn WWAANN22 To choose PPPoE as the accessing protocol of the Intern
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 74to execute for WAN detection. Ping IP – If you choose Ping Detect as detection mode, you have to type IP address in t
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 75DDeettaaiillss PPaaggee ffoorr SSttaattiicc oorr DDyynnaammiicc IIPP iinn WWAANN22 For static IP mode, you u
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 76PING Interval - Enter the interval for the system to execute the PING operation. WAN Connection Detection Such functi
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 77z Enable: Check the box to specify username and password as the DHCP client identifier for some ISP. z Username: Ty
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 78Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description PPTP/L2TP Enable PPTP- Click this radio button to enab
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 79Fixed IP - Usually ISP dynamically assigns IP address to you each time you connect to it and request. In some case, y
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide ix5.4 Checking If the ISP Settings are OK or Not...
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 80 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description 3G /4G USB Modem (PPP mode) Click Enable for activatin
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 81Modem Initial String2 The initial string 1 is shared with APN. In some cases, user may need another initial AT comman
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 82DDeettaaiillss PPaaggee ffoorr 44GG UUSSBB MMooddeemm ((DDHHCCPP mmooddee)) iinn WWAANN33 To use 4G USB Mod
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 83 DDeettaaiillss PPaaggee ffoorr IIPPvv66 –– PPPPPP iinn WWAANN11//WWAANN22 During the procedure of IPv4 PPPoE
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 84Note: At present, the IPv6 prefix can be acquired via the PPPoE mode connection which is available for the areas such
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 85DDeettaaiillss PPaaggee ffoorr IIPPvv66 –– AAIICCCCUU iinn WWAANN11//WWAANN22//WWAANN33 Available settings a
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 86 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Identify Association Choose Prefix Delegation or Non-t
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 87DDeettaaiillss PPaaggee ffoorr IIPPvv66 –– SSttaattiicc IIPPvv66 iinn WWAANN11//WWAANN22 This type allows yo
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 8833..11..44 MMuullttii--PPVVCCss This router allows you to create multi-PVCs for different data transferring for usi
Vigor2860 Series User’s Guide 89Protocol Select a proper protocol for this channel. Encapsulation Choose a proper type for this channel. The types w
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