Draytek Vigor 130 Guia do Utilizador

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide x4.2 How can I get the files from USB storage device connecting to Vigor router?... 299 4.3 How to Build a LAN-to

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 9033..33..11 PPoorrtt RReeddiirreeccttiioonn Port Redirection is usually set up for server related service inside th

Página 4 - Copyright Information

Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 91Each item is explained as follows: Item Description Index Display the number of the profile. Service Name Display the

Página 5 - Regulatory Information

Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 92WAN IP Select the WAN IP used for port redirection. The default setting is All which means all the incoming data from

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 93

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 9433..33..22 DDMMZZ HHoosstt As mentioned above, Port Redirection can redirect incoming TCP/UDP or other traffic on

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 95Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Choose Private IP or Active True IP first. Active True

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 96 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable Check to enable the DMZ Host function. Private

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 9733..33..33 OOppeenn PPoorrttss Open Ports allows you to open a range of ports for the traffic of special applicati

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 98To add or edit port settings, click one index number on the page. The index entry setup page will pop up. In each ind

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 99After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration. 33..33..44 PPoorrtt TTrriiggggee

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 1 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn Vigor2760 series is a VDSL2 and ADSL2+ router, alternatively supporting Ethernet-Based In

Página 14 - RJ-45 Cable

Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 100Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Comment Display the text which memorizes the applicati

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 101Triggering Protocol Select the protocol (TCP, UDP or TCP/UDP) for such triggering profile. Triggering Port Type the

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 10233..44 FFiirreewwaallll 33..44..11 BBaassiiccss ffoorr FFiirreewwaallll While the broadband users demand more

Página 17 - Status Explanation

Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 103 SSttaatteeffuull PPaacckkeett IInnssppeeccttiioonn ((SSPPII)) Stateful inspection is a firewall architecture t

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 10433..44..22 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp General Setup allows you to adjust settings of IP Filter and common options.

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 105Accept large incoming… Some on-line games (for example: Half Life) will use lots of fragmented UDP packets to transf

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 106Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Filter Select Pass or Block for the packets that do no

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 107strongly recommended to use the default settings here. Codepage - This function is used to compare the characters am

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 10833..44..33 FFiilltteerr SSeettuupp Click Firewall and click Filter Setup to open the setup page. To edit or add

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 109 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Check to enable the Filter Rule Check this box to ena

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 2 11..11 FFeeaattuurreess ADSL2/2+ & VDSL2 Compliant with ITU-T G.993.2 & G.997.1 Support Band Plan 998 &

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 110source/destination IP or IP ranges. To set the IP address manually, please choose Any Address/Single Address/Range

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 111Service Type. Protocol - Specify the protocol(s) which this filter rule will apply to. Source/Destination Port –

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 112Quality of Service Choose one of the QoS rules to be applied as firewall rule. For detailed information of setting Q

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 113Codepage - This function is used to compare the characters among different languages. Choose correct codepage can he

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 114Strict Security Checking - All the packets, while transmitting through Vigor router, will be filtered by firewall se

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 115EExxaammppllee As stated before, all the traffic will be separated and arbitrated using on of two IP filters: call

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 11633..44..44 DDooSS DDeeffeennssee As a sub-functionality of IP Filter/Firewall, there are 15 types of detect/ defe

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 117packets per second and 10 seconds, respectively. That means, when 2000 packets per second received, they will be reg

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 118block some legal packets. For example, when you activate the fraggle attack defense, all broadcast UDP packets comin

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 3  CLI over Telnet/SSH/Web UI  Configuration Backup/Restore  Administrator Access Control  Restricted User Mode

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 12033..55 OObbjjeeccttss SSeettttiinnggss For IPs in a range and service ports in a limited range usually will be ap

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 1211. Click the number (e.g., #1) under Index column for configuration in details. 2. The configuration page will b

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 12333..55..22 IIPP GGrroouupp This page allows you to bind several IP objects into one IP group. Available settin

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 124Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Name Type a name for this profile. Maximum 15 characte

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 12533..55..33 IIPPvv66 OObbjjeecctt You can set up to 64 sets of IPv6 Objects with different conditions. Availabl

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 126Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Name Type a name for this profile. Maximum 15 characte

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 12733..55..44 IIPPvv66 GGrroouupp This page allows you to bind several IPv6 objects into one IPv6 group. Availabl

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 128Item Description Name Type a name for this profile. Maximum 15 characters are allowed. Available IPv6 Objects All th

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 129To set a new profile, please do the steps listed below: 1. Click the number (e.g., #1) under Index column for confi

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 4 11..22 PPaacckkaaggee aanndd CCoonntteenntt  Antenna (n models)  CD  RJ-45 Cable (Ethernet)  Quick Start

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 1303. After finishing all the settings, please click OK to save the configuration. 33..55..66 SSeerrvviiccee TTyypp

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 131To set a new profile, please do the steps listed below: 1. Click the number (e.g., #1) under Group column for confi

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 13233..55..77 KKeeyywwoorrdd OObbjjeecctt You can set 200 keyword object profiles for choosing as black /white lis

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 133To set a new profile, please do the steps listed below: 1. Click the number (e.g., #1) under Index column for confi

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 13433..55..88 KKeeyywwoorrdd GGrroouupp This page allows you to bind several keyword objects into one group. The key

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 135Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Name Type a name for this group. Maximum 15 characters

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 136To set a new profile, please do the steps listed below: 1. Click the number (e.g., #1) under Profile column for con

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 13733..55..1100 SSMMSS//MMaaiill SSeerrvviiccee OObbjjeecctt SSMMSS SSeerrvviiccee OObbjjeecctt This page allows

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 1382. The configuration page will be shown as follows: Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 139CCuussttoommiizzeedd SSMMSS SSeerrvviiccee Vigor router offers several SMS service provider to offer the SMS serv

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 5 11..33 LLEEDD IInnddiiccaattoorrss aanndd CCoonnnneeccttoorrss Before you use the Vigor router, we recommend tha

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 140Username Type a user name that the sender can use to register to selected SMS provider. The maximum length of the na

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 141To set a new profile, please do the steps listed below: 1. Click the Mail Server tab, and click the number (e.g., #

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 142characters. Sending Interval Define the interval for the system to send the SMS out. 3. After finishing all the set

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 1432. The configuration page will be shown as follows: Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 14433..66 CCSSMM PPrrooffiillee CCoonntteenntt SSeeccuurriittyy MMaannaaggeemmeenntt ((CCSSMM)) CSM is an abbrev

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 145 33..66..11 AAPPPP EEnnffoorrcceemmeenntt PPrrooffiillee You can define policy profiles for IM (Instant Messen

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 146Below shows the items which are categorized under Protocol. Available settings are explained as follows: Item Desc

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 147The items categorized under P2P ----- The items categorized under OTHERS-----

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 14833..66..22 UURRLL CCoonntteenntt FFiilltteerr PPrrooffiillee To provide an appropriate cyberspace to users, Vig

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 149Administration Message You can type the message manually for your necessity. Default Message - You can type the mess

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 6 Interface Description PWR Connector for power adapter. I / O Power switch. Factory Reset Restore the defaul

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 150Either: Web Feature First –When all the packages matching with the conditions specified in URL Access Control and We

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 151supports multiple keywords. The keyword could be a noun, a partial noun, or a complete URL string. Multiple keywords

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 152Objects previously for passing or blocking the file downloading. After finishing all the settings, please click OK

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 153 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Activate Click it to access into MyVigor for activati

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 154Cache None – the router will check the URL that the user wants to access via WCF precisely, however, the processing

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 155Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Profile Name Type a name for the CSM profile. The maxi

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 15633..66..44 DDNNSS FFiilltteerr The DNS Filter monitors DNS queries on UDP port 53 and will pass the DNS query inf

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 157Service Set the filtering conditions. Specify one of the WCF profiles as Service. Choose the WCF profiles to appl

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 15833..77 BBaannddwwiiddtthh MMaannaaggeemmeenntt Below shows the menu items for Bandwidth Management. 33..77..11

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 159Disable - Click this button to close the function of limit session. Default session limit - Defines the default sess

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 7 11..33..22 FFoorr VViiggoorr22776600nn LED Status Explanation Blinking The router is powered on and running n

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 16033..77..22 BBaannddwwiiddtthh LLiimmiitt The downstream or upstream from FTP, HTTP or some P2P applications will

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 161best utilization of available bandwidth. Limitation List Display a list of specific limitations that you set on this

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 16233..77..33 QQuuaalliittyy ooff SSeerrvviiccee Deploying QoS (Quality of Service) management to guarantee that al

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 163However, each node may take different attitude toward packets with high priority marking since it may bind with the

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 164Item Description for VoIP SIP/RTP be sent with highest priority. SIP UDP Port – Set a port number used for SIP. This

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 165 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable the QoS Control The factory default for this s

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 166Outbound TCP ACK Prioritize The difference in bandwidth between download and upload are great in ADSL2+ environment.

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 1673. For adding a new rule, click Add to open the following page. Available settings are explained as follows: Ite

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 1684. After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration. By the way, you can set up to

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 1693. For adding a new service type, click Add to open the following page. Available settings are explained as foll

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 8 Interface Description PWR Connector for power adapter. I / O Power switch. Factory Reset Restore the default s

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 170RReettaagg tthhee PPaacckkeettss ffoorr IIddeennttiiffiiccaattiioonn Packets coming from LAN IP can be retagged

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 17133..77..44 AAPPPP QQooSS The QoS function is used to do bandwidth management for the services with certain IP or

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 172Clear All Click it to de-select all of the protocols. Apply to all Choose one of the actions from the drop down list

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 17333..88 AApppplliiccaattiioonnss Below shows the menu items for Applications. 33..88..11 DDyynnaammiicc DDNNSS

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 174Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Set to Factory Default Clear all profiles and recover

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 175Item Description Domain Name Type in one domain name that you applied previously. Use the drop down list to choose t

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 17633..88..22 LLAANN DDNNSS LAN DNS is a simple version of DNS server. It is not necessary for the user to build ano

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 177Index Click the number below Index to access into the setting page. Profile Display the name of the LAN DNS profile.

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 178 Only responds to the DNS…. – Different LAN PCs can share the same domain name. However, you have to check this bo

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 17933..88..33 SScchheedduullee The Vigor router has a built-in clock which can update itself manually or automaticall

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 9 11..33..33 FFoorr VViiggoorr22776600VVnn LED Status Explanation Blinking The router is powered on and running

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 180 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable Schedule Setup Check to enable the schedule. S

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 181Example Suppose you want to control the PPPoE Internet access connection to be always on (Force On) from 9:00 to 18:

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 18233..88..44 UUPPnnPP The UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) protocol is supported to bring to network connected devices

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 183The reminder as regards concern about Firewall and UPnP Can't work with Firewall Software Enabling firewall app

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 18433..88..55 IIGGMMPP IGMP is the abbreviation of Internet Group Management Protocol. It is a communication protocol

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 18533..88..66 WWaakkee oonn LLAANN A PC client on LAN can be woken up by the router it connects. When a user wants

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 186 33..88..77 SSMMSS // MMaaiill AAlleerrtt SSeerrvviiccee The function of SMS (Short Message Service)/Mail Aler

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 187Recipient Type the name of the one who will receive the SMS. Notify Use the drop down list to choose a message profi

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 188Schedule Type the schedule number that the notification will be sent out. You can click the Schedule(1-15) link to d

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 1892. Open the web browse, Firefox. If Bonjour and DNSSD have been installed, you can open the web page (DNSSD) and se

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide ii

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 10 Interface Description PWR Connector for a power adapter. I / O Power switch. Factory Reset Restore the default

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 1905. Open the DNSSD page again. The available items will be changed as the follows. It means the Vigor router (based

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 19133..99 VVPPNN aanndd RReemmoottee AAcccceessss A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is the extension of a private ne

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 192Status Indicate the status of individual profiles. The symbol V and X represent the profile to be active and inactiv

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 193Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Common Settings Profile Name – Specify a name for the

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 194server through Internet. L2TP with IPsec Policy - Build a L2TP VPN connection through the Internet. You can select t

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 195 DES with Authentication-Use DES encryption algorithm and apply MD5 or SHA-1 authentication algorithm.  3DES wit

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 196will be reused to avoid the computation complexity in phase 2. The default value is inactive this function. Local ID

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 197 RIP Direction - The option specifies the direction of RIP (Routing Information Protocol) packets. You can enable/di

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 19833..1100 CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee MMaannaaggeemmeenntt A digital certificate works as an electronic ID, which is is

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 199Note: Please be noted that “Common Name” must be configured with rotuer’s WAN IP or domain name. Type in all the inf

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 1111..44 HHaarrddwwaarree IInnssttaallllaattiioonn Before starting to configure the router, you have to connect yo

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 20033..1100..22 TTrruusstteedd CCAA CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee Trusted CA certificate lists three sets of trusted CA ce

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 20133..1100..33 CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee BBaacckkuupp Local certificate and Trusted CA certificate for this router can

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 20233..1111 VVooIIPP Note: This function is available Vigor2760Vn only. As with any online service, VoIP/SIP servi

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 203 The major benefit of this mode is that you don’t have to memorize your friend’s IP address, which might change ver

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 20433..1111..11 DDiiaallPPllaann This page allows you to set phone book, digit map, call barring, regional settings a

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 205 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable Click this to enable this entry. Phone Number

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 206Note: If the incoming or outgoing calls do not match any entry on the phonebook, the router will try to make the cal

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 207with 886. Replace - When you choose this mode, the OP number will be replaced by the prefix number for calling out t

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 208CCaallll BBaarrrriinngg Call barring is used to block phone calls coming from the one that is not welcomed. Cli

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 209Barring Type Determine the type of the VoIP phone call, URI/URL or number. Specific URI/URL or Specific Number This

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 1211..55 PPrriinntteerr IInnssttaallllaattiioonn You can install a printer onto the router for sharing printing. All

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 210For Block IP Address – this function can block incoming calls (through Phone port) coming from IP address. Such cont

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 211typed in this field to call back to that one. Last Call Return [Out] Dial the number typed in this field to call the

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 212PPSSTTNN SSeettuupp Some emergency phone (e.g., 911) or special phone cannot be dialed out by using VoIP and can b

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 21333..1111..22 SSIIPP AAccccoouunnttss In this section, you set up your own SIP settings. When you apply for an acc

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 214STUN Server Type in the IP address or domain of the STUN server. External IP Type in the gateway IP address. SIP PIN

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 215 SIP Port Set the port number for sending/receiving SIP message for building a session. The default value is 5060. Y

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 216Call Forwarding There are four options for you to choose. Disable is to close call forwarding function. Always means

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 217 Voice Active Detector This function can detect if the voice on both sides is active or not. If not, the router will

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 218change SIP account for each phone port. DTMF Relay – Display DTMF mode that configured in the advanced settings page

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 219DDeettaaiilleedd SSeettttiinnggss ffoorr PPhhoonnee PPoorrtt Click the number link for Phone port, you can acce

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 133. Click Add a printer. 4. A dialog will appear. Click Add a local printer and click Next. 5. In this dialog

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 220response. Click hook flash to pick up the waiting phone call. Call Transfer Check this box to invoke this function.

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 221one, please choose User Defined and fill out the corresponding values for dial tone, ringing tone, busy tone, conges

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 222 InBand - Choose this one then the Vigor will send the DTMF tone as audio directly when you press the keypad on th

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 223 Port It shows current connection status for Phone(s) ports. Status It shows the VoIP connection status. IDLE - Indi

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 22433..1122 WWiirreelleessss LLAANN This function is used for “n” models only. 33..1122..11 BBaassiicc CCoonncceep

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 225SSeeccuurriittyy OOvveerrvviieeww Real-time Hardware Encryption: Vigor Router is equipped with a hardware AES encr

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 22633..1122..22 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp By clicking the General Settings, a new web page will appear so that you c

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 227 Channel Means the channel of frequency of the wireless LAN. The default channel is 6. You may switch channel if the

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 228pre-defined in Applications >> Schedule setup. The default setting of this field is blank and the function wil

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 229 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Mode There are several modes provided for you to choo

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 146. In the following dialog, type (router’s LAN IP) in the field of Hostname or IP Address and type 192.1

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 230as "0x321253abcde..."). Type - Select from Mixed (WPA+WPA2) or WPA2 only. Pre-Shared Key (PSK) - Either 8~

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 23133..1122..44 AAcccceessss CCoonnttrrooll In the Access Control, the router may restrict wireless access to certai

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 232Edit Edit the selected MAC address in the list. Cancel Give up the access control set up. OK Click it to save the ac

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 233 On the side of Vigor 2760 series which served as an AP, press WPS button once on the front panel of the router or

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 234Below shows Wireless LAN>>WPS web page: Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 23533..1122..66 WWDDSS WDS means Wireless Distribution System. It is a protocol for connecting two access points (AP)

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 236The major difference between these two modes is that: while in Repeater mode, the packets received from one peer AP

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 237 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Mode Choose the mode for WDS setting. Disable mode wi

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 238router, you can set the encryption mode as WPA or WPA2 to establish your WDS system between AP and the router. Key -

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 23933..1122..77 AAddvvaanncceedd SSeettttiinngg This page allows users to set advanced settings such as operation

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 158. Now, your system will ask you to choose right name of the printer that you installed onto the router. Such step c

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 240transmission about 40%* more (by checking Tx Burst). It is active only when both sides of Access Point and Station (

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 24133..1122..88 WWMMMM CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn WMM is an abbreviation of Wi-Fi Multimedia. It defines the priorit

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 242between AC_BE and AC_BK categories must be greater. Txop It means transmission opportunity. For WMM categories of AC

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 24333..1122..99 AAPP DDiissccoovveerryy Vigor router can scan all regulatory channels and find working APs in the ne

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 24433..1122..1100 SSttaattiioonn LLiisstt Station List provides the knowledge of connecting wireless clients now a

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 24533..1133 UUSSBB AApppplliiccaattiioonn USB storage disk connected on Vigor router can be regarded as a server or

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 246 After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration. 33..1133..22 UUSSBB UUsseerr M

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 247Username Type the username for FTP/Samba users for accessing into FTP server (USB storage disk). Be aware that users

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 248File Explorer offers an easy way for users to view and manage the content of USB storage disk connected on Vigor rou

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 24933..1133..44 UUSSBB DDeevviiccee SSttaattuuss This page is to monitor the status for the users who accessing int

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 1610. Choose Do not share this printer and click Next. 11. Then, in the following dialog, click Finish.

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 25033..1133..55 MMooddeemm SSuuppppoorrtt LLiisstt For the latest list of supported USB 3G/4G modems, particularly

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 25133..1144 SSyysstteemm MMaaiinntteennaannccee For the system setup, there are several items that you have to know

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 252Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Model Name Display the model name of the router. Firmw

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 25333..1144..22 TTRR--006699 This device supports TR-069 standard. It is very convenient for an administrator to mana

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 254Enable/Disable – Allow/Deny the CPE Client to connect with Auto Configuration Server. Port – Sometimes, port confl

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 25533..1144..44 UUsseerr PPaasssswwoorrdd This page allows you to set new password for user operation. Available se

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 2563. The following screen will appear. Simply click OK. 4. Log out Vigor router web user interface by clicking the

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 2576. The main screen with User Mode will be shown as follows. Settings to be configured in User Mode will be less th

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 258Item Description Enable Check this box to enable the login customization function. Login Page Title Type a brief de

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 25933..1144..66 CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn BBaacckkuupp BBaacckkuupp tthhee CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn Follow the

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 1712. The new printer has been added and displayed under Printers and Faxes. Click the new printer icon and click Prin

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 2604. Click Save button, the configuration will download automatically to your computer as a file named config.cfg. Th

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 26133..1144..77 SSyysslloogg//MMaaiill AAlleerrtt SysLog function is provided for users to monitor router. There is

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 262Mail Alert Setup Check Enable to activate function of mail alert. Send a test e-mail - Make a simple test for the e-

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 263

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 26433..1144..88 TTiimmee aanndd DDaattee It allows you to specify where the time of the router should be inquired f

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 26533..1144..99 SSNNMMPP This page allows you to configure settings for SNMP and SNMPV3 services. The SNMPv3 is more

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 266Notification Host IP (IPv6) Set the IPv6 address of the host that will receive the trap community. Trap Timeout The

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 26733..1144..1100 MMaannaaggeemmeenntt This page allows you to manage the settings for Internet/LAN Access Control, A

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 268The web user interface will be open until you click the Logout icon manually. Internet Access Control Allow managem

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 269FFoorr IIPPvv66 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Management Access Control Allow man

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 1814. Select "LPR" on Protocol, type p1 (number 1) as Queue Name. Then click OK. Next please refer to the re

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 27033..1144..1111 RReebboooott SSyysstteemm The Web user interface may be used to restart your router. Click Reboot

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 27133..1144..1122 FFiirrmmwwaarree UUppggrraaddee Before upgrading your router firmware, you need to install the R

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 27233..1144..1133 DDSSLL FFiirrmmwwaarree UUppggrraaddee This function is used to upgrade modem code if you find bu

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 273Authentication Message As for authentication information of web filter, the process of authenticating will be displa

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 27433..1155..11 DDiiaall--oouutt TTrriiggggeerriinngg Click Diagnostics and click Dial-out Triggering to open the we

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 27533..1155..22 RRoouuttiinngg TTaabbllee Click Diagnostics and click Routing Table to open the web page. Availabl

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 27633..1155..33 AARRPP CCaacchhee TTaabbllee Click Diagnostics and click ARP Cache Table to view the content of the

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 277Refresh Click it to reload the page. 33..1155..55 DDHHCCPP TTaabbllee The facility provides information on IP add

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 278HOST ID It displays the host ID name of the specified PC. Refresh Click it to reload the page. 33..1155..66 NNAATT

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 27933..1155..77 PPiinngg DDiiaaggnnoossiiss Click Diagnostics and click Ping Diagnosis to pen the web page. Av

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 19Note 1: Some printers with the fax/scanning or other additional functions are not supported. If you do not know wheth

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 280Run Click this button to start the ping work. The result will be displayed on the screen. Clear Click this link to r

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 281Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable Data Flow Monitor Check this box to enable this

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 282 33..1155..99 TTrraaffffiicc GGrraapphh Click Diagnostics and click Traffic Graph to pen the web page. Choose WAN

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 28333..1155..1100 TTrraaccee RRoouuttee Click Diagnostics and click Trace Route to open the web page. This page allo

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 284Protocol Use the drop down list to choose the protocol that you want to ping through. Host/IP Address It indicates t

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 285 Stop record when fulls – when the capacity of syslog is full, the system will stop recording. Always record the new

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 28633..1155..1122 IIPPvv66 TTSSPPCC SSttaattuuss IPv6 TSPC status web page could help you to diagnose the connectio

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 287 TTuuttoorriiaallss aanndd AApppplliiccaattiioonnss 44..11 HHooww ttoo ccoonnffiigguurree sseettttiinnggss

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 288Note: Only one WAN interface support IPv6 service at one time. In this example, WAN2 is chosen as the one supporting

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 289Click OK and open Online Status (all screens will vary depending on model). If the connection is successful, you wil

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide iii Vigor2760 Series High Speed VDSL2 Router User’s Guide Version: 1.01 Firmware Version: V3.7.5.1 (For

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 20 This page is left blank.

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 290 TSPC – Tunnel application, both IPv6 hosts communicate through IPv4 network Choose TSPC and type the information

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 291 AICCU – Tunnel application Choose AICCU and type the information for AICCU of IPv6. Note: While using such mode,

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 292 DHCPv6 Client Choose DHCPv6 Client. Click one of the identity associations and type the IAID number. Click OK an

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 293 Static IPv6 Choose Static IPv6. Type IPv6 address, Prefix Length and Gateway Address. Click OK and open Online

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 294 6in4 Static Tunnel Choose 6in4 Static Tunnel. Type remote endpoint IPv4 address, 6in4 IPv6 Address, LAN Routed Pr

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 295 6rd Choose 6rd. Type IPv4 Border Relay, IPv4 Mask Length, 6rd Prefix and 6rd Prefix Length. Click OK and open O

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 296IIII.. CCoonnffiigguurriinngg tthhee LLAANN SSeettttiinnggss After finished the WAN settings for IPv6, please c

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 297IIIIII.. CCoonnffiirrmmiinngg IIPPvv66 SSeerrvviiccee RRuunn SSuucccceessssffuullllyy 1. Make sure you have g

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 2983. Connect to the website for IPv6. Open a web browser and type an URL of IPv6, e.g., www.kame.net. If your compute

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 29944..22 HHooww ccaann II ggeett tthhee ffiilleess ffrroomm UUSSBB ssttoorraaggee ddeevviiccee ccoonnnneecc

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 21 QQuuiicckk SSeettuupp 22..11 AAcccceessssiinngg WWeebb PPaaggee 1. Make sure your PC connects to the router

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 3004. Make sure the FTP service is running properly. Please open a browser and type Use the account

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 30144..33 HHooww ttoo BBuuiilldd aa LLAANN--ttoo--LLAANN VVPPNN BBeettwweeeenn RReemmoottee OOffffiiccee aann

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 3024. Now navigate to the next section, Dial-In Settings to check PPTP, IPsec Tunnel and L2TP boxes. Check the box of

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 3037. Open VPN and Remote Access>>Connection Management to check the dial-in connection status (from branch offi

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 3044. Now navigate to the next section, Dial-Out Settings to select the IPsec Tunnel service and type the remote serve

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 3057. Open VPN and Remote Access>>Connection Management to check the dial-in connection status (from head office

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 3063. In the following page, type a name (e.g., VoIP) for such class and click Add. 4. Check the box of ACT. Click E

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 3077. The class rule for VoIP has been set. Click OK to return to previous page. 8. Do the same steps to add class r

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 308 10. In the Setup page, check the box of Enable the QoS Control. Type 30, 50 and 15 in the boxes for VoIP, IPTV and

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 30944..55 QQooSS SSeettttiinngg EExxaammppllee Assume a teleworker sometimes works at home and takes care of childr

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 224. Now, the Main Screen will appear. Note: The home page will be different slightly in accordance with the type o

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 310Note: The rate of outbound/inbound must be smaller than the real bandwidth to ensure correct calculation of QoS. It

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 3117. Click Setup link for WAN2. 8. Check Enable UDP Bandwidth Control on the bottom to prevent enormous UDP traff

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 312Class Name of Index 3. In this index, he will set reserved bandwidth for 1 VPN tunnel. 10. Click Edit for Class

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 31312. Then click Edit of Local Address to set a worker’s subnet address. Click Edit of Remote Address to set headquar

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 31444..66 HHooww ttoo SSeenndd aa NNoottiiffiiccaattiioonn ttoo SSppeecciiffiieedd PPhhoonnee NNuummbbeerr vv

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 3154. After finished the settings, click OK to return to previous page. Now you have finished the configuration of the

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 3167. After finished the settings, click OK to return to previous page. You have finished the configuration of the not

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 317RReemmaarrkk:: HHooww tthhee ccuussttoommiizzee tthhee SSMMSS PPrroovviiddeerr Choose one of the Index number

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 31844..77 HHooww ttoo CCrreeaattee aann AAccccoouunntt ffoorr MMyyVViiggoorr The website of MyVigor (a server l

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 3192. Click the Activate link. A login page for MyVigor web site will pop up automatically. 3. Click the link of Cre

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 23 4. Enter the login password (the default is “admin”) on the field of Old Password. Type New Password and Confirm Pa

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 3205. Type your personal information in this page and then click Continue. 6. Choose proper selection for your compu

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 3217. Now you have created an account successfully. Click START. 8. Check to see the confirmation email with the tit

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 32210. When you see the following page, please type in the account and password (that you just created) in the fields o

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 3232. Check to confirm that you accept the Agreement and click Accept. 3. Type your personal information in this pag

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 3245. Now you have created an account successfully. Click START. 6. Check to see the confirmation email with the tit

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 3258. When you see the following page, please type in the account and password (that you just created) in the fields o

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 326 44..88 HHooww ttoo CCoonnffiigguurree CCeerrttaaiinn CCoommppuutteerrss AAcccceessssiinngg ttoo IInntteerr

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 327 3. Check the box of Check to enable the Filter Rule. Type the comments (e.g., block_all). Choose Block If No Fur

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 328

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 3296. A dialog box will be popped up. Choose Range Address as Address Type by using the drop down list. Type 192.168.1

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 24A web page with default selections will be displayed on the screen. Refer to the following figure: 22..33..11 VViir

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 3308. Both filter rules have been created. Click OK. 9. Now, all the settings are configured well. Only the computer

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 33144..99 HHooww ttoo BBlloocckk FFaacceebbooookk SSeerrvviiccee AAcccceesssseedd bbyy tthhee UUsseerrss vvii

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 3322. Open CSM >> Web Content Filter Profile to create a WCF profile. Check Social Networking with Action, Block

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 333II. Via URL Content Filter A. Block the web page containing the word of “Facebook” 1. Open Object Settings>>K

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 3346. Click the Default Rule tab. Choose the profile just configured from the drop down list in the field of URL Conte

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 3353. Open CSM>>URL Content Filter Profile. Click an index number to open the setting page. 4. Configure the s

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 336 This page is left blank.

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 337 TTrroouubbllee SShhoooottiinngg This section will guide you to solve abnormal situations if you cannot access in

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 33855..22 CChheecckk IIff tthhee NNeettwwoorrkk CCoonnnneeccttiioonn SSeettttiinnggss oonn YYoouurr CCoommppuu

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 3394. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IP) and then click Properties. 5. Select Obtain an IP address automati

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 25All the menu items can be accessed and arranged orderly on the left side of the main page for your request. However,

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 340FFoorr MMaacc OOSS 1. Double click on the current used Mac OS on the desktop. 2. Open the Application folder an

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 34155..33 PPiinnggiinngg tthhee RRoouutteerr ffrroomm YYoouurr CCoommppuutteerr The default gateway IP address o

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 342 55..44 CChheecckkiinngg iiff tthhee IISSPP SSeettttiinnggss aarree OOKK Open WAN >> Internet Acces

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 343 TTrraannssmmiissssiioonn RRaattee iiss nnoott ffaasstt eennoouugghh Please connect your Notebook with 3G USB

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 344 HHaarrddwwaarree RReesseett While the router is running (ACT LED blinking), press the Factory Reset button and ho

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 34555..88 KKeeeepp uupp ttoo ddaattee Now that your have your DrayTek product, you may want to keep up to date wit

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 2622..33..44 GGUUII MMaapp All the functions the router supports are listed with table clearly in this page. Users

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 2722..33..55 WWeebb CCoonnssoollee It is not necessary to use the telnet command via DOS prompt. The changes made b

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 2822..33..77 LLooggoouutt Click this icon to exit the web user interface. 22..44 CCoonnffiigguurriinngg WWAANN ff

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 29 5. Click Details Page of WAN1. According to the information offered by your ISP, click PPPoE/PPPoA, MPoA/Static or

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide ivCopyright Information Copyright Declarations Copyright© 2014 All rights reserved. This publication contains informat

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 3022..55 OOnnlliinnee SSttaattuuss 22..55..11 PPhhyyssiiccaall CCoonnnneeccttiioonn Such page displays the physi

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 31PPhhyyssiiccaall CCoonnnneeccttiioonn ffoorr IIPPvv66 PPrroottooccooll Detailed explanation (for IPv4) is shown

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 32Item Description interface.. TX Packets-Displays the total transmitted packets at the LAN interface. RX Packets-Displ

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 3322..66 SSaavviinngg CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn Each time you click OK on the web page for saving the configuration

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 34 This page is left blank.

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 35 AAddvvaanncceedd CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn This chapter will guide users to execute web configuration. 1. Open

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 36WWhhaatt aarree PPuubblliicc IIPP AAddddrreessss aanndd PPrriivvaattee IIPP AAddddrreessss As the router pla

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 37 33..11..22 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp This section will introduce some general settings of Internet and explain th

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 38WWAANN11 wwiitthh AADDSSLL//VVDDSSLL Vigor router will detect the physical line is connected by ADSL or VDSL2 auto

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 39VLAN Tag insertion (ADSL) The settings configured in this field are available for ADSL.Enable – Enable the function

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide vEuropean Community Declarations Manufacturer: DrayTek Corp. Address: No. 26, Fu Shing Road, Hukou Township, Hsinch

Página 302 -  DHCPv6 Client

Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 40WWAANN22 wwiitthh EEtthheerrnneett The physical LAN4 port can be treated as a WAN interface, named WAN2. When

Página 303 -  Static IPv6

Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 41the WAN while sending them out. Please type the tag value and specify the priority for the packets sending by WAN1.

Página 304 -  6in4 Static Tunnel

Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 4233..11..33 IInntteerrnneett AAcccceessss For the router supports multi-WAN function, the users can set different W

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 43Physical Mode It shows the physical connection for WAN1(ADSL/VDSL2) / WAN2 (Ethernet) /WAN3 (3G/4G USB Modem) accordi

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 44Note: If you choose to configure option 61 here, the detailed settings in WAN>>Interface Access will be overwri

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 45Mode – Choose ARP Detect or Ping Detect for the system to execute for WAN detection. Ping IP – If you choose Ping Det

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 46 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable/Disable Click Enable for activating this functi

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 47 Subnet Mask – Type in the subnet mask.  Gateway IP Address – Type in gateway IP address. Default MAC Address – T

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 48Index (1-15) in Schedule Setup - You can type in four sets of time schedule for your request. All the schedules can b

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 49DDeettaaiillss PPaaggee ffoorr PPPPPPooEE//PPPPPPooAA iinn WWAANN11 ((PPhhyyssiiccaall MMooddee:: AADDSSLL))

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide vi

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 50 PPPoE Pass-through The router offers PPPoE dial-up connection. Besides, you also can establish the PPPoE connection

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 51to type another group of account and password additionally. PPP Authentication – Select PAP only or PAP or CHAP for P

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 52 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable/Disable Click Enable for activating this functi

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 53WAN Connection Detection Such function allows you to verify whether network connection is alive or not through ARP De

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 54DDeettaaiillss PPaaggee ffoorr PPPPPPooEE iinn WWAANN22 To choose PPPoE as the accessing protocol of the Intern

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 55Mode – Choose ARP Detect or Ping Detect for the system to execute for WAN detection. Ping IP – If you choose Ping Det

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 56 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable / Disable Click Enable for activating this func

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 57WAN IP Network Settings This group allows you to obtain an IP address automatically and allows you type in IP address

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 58DDeettaaiillss PPaaggee ffoorr 33GG//44GG UUSSBB MMooddeemm ((PPPPPP mmooddee)) iinn WWAANN33 To use 3G/4G

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 59characters. APN Name APN means Access Point Name which is provided and required by some ISPs. Type the name and click

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide viiTTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss Introduction...

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 60DDeettaaiillss PPaaggee ffoorr 44GG UUSSBB MMooddeemm ((DDHHCCPP mmooddee)) iinn WWAANN33 To use 4G USB Mod

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 61MTU It means Max Transmit Unit for packet. The default setting is 1380. WAN Connection Detection Such function allows

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 62 Note: At present, the IPv6 prefix can be acquired via the PPPoE mode connection which is available for the areas suc

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 63Item Description Username Type the name obtained from the broker. It is suggested for you to apply another username a

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 64Confirm Password Type the password again to make the confirmation. Tunnel Broker Type the address for the tunnel brok

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 65DDeettaaiillss PPaaggee ffoorr IIPPvv66 –– SSttaattiicc IIPPvv66 iinn WWAANN11//WWAANN22 This type allows yo

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 66DDeettaaiillss PPaaggee ffoorr IIPPvv66 –– 66iinn44 SSttaattiicc TTuunnnneell iinn WWAANN11//WWAANN22 This

Página 331 - New Account Confirmation

Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 67Below shows an example for successful IPv6 connection based on 6in4 Static Tunnel mode. DDeettaaiillss PPaaggee ff

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 686rd Prefix Type the 6rd IPv6 address. 6rd Prefix Length Type the IPv6 prefix length for the 6rd IPv6 prefix in number

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 6933..11..44 MMuullttii--PPVVCC This router allows you to create multi-PVC for different data transferring for using.

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide viii3.2.4 LAN Port Mirror...

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 70Click any index (7~8) to get the following web page: Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description M

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 71priority for such VLAN. The range is from 0 to 7. ATM OoS Such option is available only when WAN1 is connected with

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 72 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Multi-VLAN Channel 4/5/6 Enable – Click it to enable

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 73VCI - Type in the value provided by your ISP. Protocol - Select a proper protocol for this channel. Encapsulation - C

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 74always. Idle Timeout – Set the timeout for breaking down the Internet after passing through the time without any acti

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 75Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description QoS Type Select a proper QoS type for the channel accor

Página 341 - I. Via Web Content Filter

Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 76 In some special case, you may have a public IP subnet from your ISP such as This means that you ca

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 77 33..22..22 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp This page provides you the general settings for LAN. Click LAN to open the L

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 78Option number:100 Data: abcd When such function is enabled, the specified values for DHCP option will be seen in DHCP

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 79DDeettaaiillss PPaaggee ffoorr LLAANN11 –– EEtthheerrnneett TTCCPP//IIPP aanndd DDHHCCPP SSeettuupp There a

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide ix3.11.1 DialPlan...

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 80IP Pool Counts - Enter the maximum number of PCs that you want the DHCP server to assign IP addresses to. The default

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 81When you finish the configuration, please click OK to save and exit this page. DDeettaaiillss PPaaggee ffoorr LLAA

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 82default router and should not appear on the default router list. DHCPv6 Server Enable Server –Click it to enable DH

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 83DDeettaaiillss PPaaggee ffoorr LLAANN22 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Network Co

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 84as the 1st IP address of the router, which means the router is the default gateway. Lease Time - Enter the time to de

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 85PPoorrtt--BBaasseedd VVLLAANN Relative to tag-based VLAN which groups clients with an identifier, port-based VLAN u

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 86 2. After checking the box to enable VLAN function, you will check the table according to the needs as shown below.

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 87 33..22..44 LLAANN PPoorrtt MMiirrrroorr LAN port mirror can be applied for the users in LAN. Generally speakin

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 8833..22..55 WWeebb PPoorrttaall SSeettuupp This page allows you to configure a profile with specified URL for acce

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Vigor2760 Series User’s Guide 89URL Redirect Any user who wants to access into Internet through this router will be redirected to the URL specified h

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