VigorN65 User’s Guide 10 LED Name Color Light Status Description Radio Off Green Off Wireless LAN function is disabled. Off N
VigorN65 User’s Guide 112. The following message will appear on your computer, click Cancel. 3. Insert the CD into your computer. The following s
VigorN65 User’s Guide 12 4. The setup wizard will appear as follows. It is recommend installing driver and utility by choosing Install driver and Vi
VigorN65 User’s Guide 135. You can choose the configuration tool used to configure the wireless network card here. It’s recommended to select VigorN
VigorN65 User’s Guide 147. Please wait while the install procedure is running. When you see this message, please click Finish to complete the driver
VigorN65 User’s Guide 15 22..55 UUnniinnssttaalllliinngg UUSSBB DDrriivveerr If you want to remove the driver for this wireless card, please do t
VigorN65 User’s Guide 164. Now, the system starts to remove the corresponding files. 5. When the following dialog appears, please click Finish.
VigorN65 User’s Guide 173 CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn 33..11 CCoonnnneecctt ttoo WWiirreelleessss AAcccceessss PPooiinntt After the driver i
VigorN65 User’s Guide 18 Or Open the wireless monitor utility by clicking Start >> Programs>> DrayTek VigorN65 >> VigorN65 Utility
VigorN65 User’s Guide 19 You can click More / Less button again, and setup utility window will resume to its original size. Note: If a setup item re
VigorN65 User’s Guide ii VigorN65 Wireless USB Adapter User’s Guide Version: 1.0 Date: 26/7/2011 Software Version: 1.0 Copyrigh
VigorN65 User’s Guide 20 Scan results will be displayed in the tab of Network, please check if the wireless device (access point or another compute
VigorN65 User’s Guide 21If you can not see the access point you wish to connect here, please click Rescan button to scan for access point again, unti
VigorN65 User’s Guide 22Add to Profile You can store a specific access point to profile, so you can link to that access point directly next time, wit
VigorN65 User’s Guide 23 3. If the wireless access point uses encryption, you will be prompted to input its WEP key or WPA preshared key. 4. Ple
VigorN65 User’s Guide 24 You can put the mouse cursor over the VigorN65 configuration utility icon, and the brief information about link status and s
VigorN65 User’s Guide 25 The setup utility will expand: Here are descriptions of System Config tab: Item Name Description Profile Name You can giv
VigorN65 User’s Guide 26output power for you. Preamble Select the preamble for Ad hoc mode here. Available options are Auto and Long. It’s suggested
VigorN65 User’s Guide 27If you select LEAP, you’ll be prompted to input LEAD specific settings: Please input LEAP identity, password, domain name,
VigorN65 User’s Guide 28 Here are descriptions of every setup item: Item Name Description EAP Method Select 802.1x EAP method from dropdown menu.
VigorN65 User’s Guide 29ID \ Password tab Input 802.1x username (ID) and password and other information if it is required here. Click Show Password t
VigorN65 User’s Guide iiiCopyright Information Copyright Declarations Copyright 2011 All rights reserved. This publication contains information that
VigorN65 User’s Guide 3033..11..22 UUssiinngg WWiinnddoowwss ZZeerroo CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn Windows XP and Vista has a built-in wireless
VigorN65 User’s Guide 314. Click Network Connections. 5. Right-click Wireless Network Connection (it may have a number as suffix if you have mor
VigorN65 User’s Guide 326. All wireless access points in proximity will be displayed here. If the access point you want to use is not displayed here
VigorN65 User’s Guide 338. If you can see Connected message, the connection between your computer and wireless access point is successfully establis
VigorN65 User’s Guide 34Click the Profile menu. All profiles will be listed in Profile List, and you can select a profile from the list, all informat
VigorN65 User’s Guide 3533..22..22 EEddiitt aann eexxiissttiinngg pprrooffiillee If you have added a profile before, and you wish to change th
VigorN65 User’s Guide 3633..22..44 AAccttiivvaattee aa pprrooffiillee When you want to connect to a specific wireless device in the profile lis
VigorN65 User’s Guide 37Here are descriptions of every setup item: Item Name Description Wireless mode Select the wireless operation mode of the n
VigorN65 User’s Guide 382. Click Statistics menu and the statistics of wireless connection will be displayed: All connection-related statistics i
VigorN65 User’s Guide 39In WMM Setup Status block, current WMM settings will be displayed. And here are descriptions of every setup item: Item Name
VigorN65 User’s Guide ivEuropean Community Declarations Manufacturer: DrayTek Corp. Address: No. 26, Fu Shing Road, HuKou County, HsinChu Industr
VigorN65 User’s Guide 4033..66..11 WWPPSS SSeettuupp -- PPBBCC ((PPuusshh--BBuuttttoonn CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn)) 1. Right-click VigorN6
VigorN65 User’s Guide 41All access points with WPS function enabled will be displayed here. Please make sure the access point you wish to connect is
VigorN65 User’s Guide 422. Click WPS Configuration menu, and the following settings will appear. 3. The PIN code of your wireless network card i
VigorN65 User’s Guide 4333..77 SSSSOO SSO stands for Single Sign-on. Please follow the following instructions to configure the settings for SSO. 1.
VigorN65 User’s Guide 4433..88 CCCCXX CCX stands for Cisco compatible eXtensions. To set relational CCX settings, please follow the following instr
VigorN65 User’s Guide 45Diagnose Hit the button to perform the diagnosis. Information of Selected Profile Contain the information listed in the prof
VigorN65 User’s Guide 4633..88 AAbboouutt The About tab provides you the information about version number of the configuration utility, driver, a
VigorN65 User’s Guide 474 SSoofftt--AAPP FFuunnccttiioonn Excepting become a wireless client of other wireless access points, this wireless card c
VigorN65 User’s Guide 48You’ll see the basic configuration menu of the AP function. Here are descriptions of every setup item: Item Name Descr
VigorN65 User’s Guide 49Country Region Code The available channels are differed from countries. It is restricted to change. Here you can see the chan
VigorN65 User’s Guide vTTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss 1 Introduction...
VigorN65 User’s Guide 5044..22 SSeeccuurriittyy SSeettttiinngg This wireless card supports wireless encryption in AP mode, which will encrypt th
VigorN65 User’s Guide 51change the unit of time interval (every 10 seconds or a thousand data packets times the value you specified in Group Rekey In
VigorN65 User’s Guide 5244..33 AAcccceessss CCoonnttrrooll If you’re not going to open your computer and wireless resources to the public, you c
VigorN65 User’s Guide 53Add Add the MAC address you inputted in MAC address field to the list. Delete Please select a MAC address from the list, then
VigorN65 User’s Guide 54Power Saving Mode Displays the capability of power-saving function of this wireless client. Status Displays additional inform
VigorN65 User’s Guide 5544..66 SSttaattiissttiiccss If you want to know detailed information about how your software access point works, click Stat
VigorN65 User’s Guide 5644..77 AAbboouutt The About tab provides you the information about version number of the configuration utility, driver, and
VigorN65 User’s Guide 575 AAppppeennddiixx 55..11 SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonn Standards: IEEE 802.11a/b/g and IEEE 802.11n Interface:
VigorN65 User’s Guide 5855..22 TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg If you encounter any problem when you’re using this wireless network card, don’t pa
VigorN65 User’s Guide 595. There could be too much people using the same radio channel. Ask the owner of the access point to change the channel numb
VigorN65 User’s Guide vi4 Soft-AP Function ...47 4.1 Switch
VigorN65 User’s Guide 60An Ad-hoc integrated wireless LAN is a group of computers, each has a Wireless LAN card, Connected as an independent wireless
VigorN65 User’s Guide 61WMM Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM), a group of features for wireless networks that improve the user experience for audio, video and
VigorN65 User’s Guide 71 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn Thank you for purchasing this high-speed wireless dual band network card! This network card can o
VigorN65 User’s Guide 8 This page is left blank.
VigorN65 User’s Guide 92 IInnssttaallllaattiioonn OOvveerrvviieeww 22..11 PPaacckkaaggee CCoonntteenntt Driver/Utility/User Manual CD Wi
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