Draytek VigorIPPBX 3510 Series Guia do Utilizador

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Página 2 - User’s Guide

VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 211..22 LLEEDD IInnddiiccaattoorrss aanndd CCoonnnneeccttoorrss Before you use the Vigor router, please get

Página 3 - Copyright Information

VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 9255..11..55 LLooaadd--BBaallaannccee PPoolliiccyy This router supports the function of load balancing. It can

Página 4 - Regulatory Information

VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 93Move UP/Move Down Use Up or Down link to move the order of the policy. Click Index 1 to access into the foll

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 9455..22 LLAANN Local Area Network (LAN) is a group of subnets regulated and ruled by router. The design of net

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 95 WWhhaatt iiss RRoouuttiinngg IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn PPrroottooccooll ((RRIIPP)) Vigor router will exch

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 96 55..22..22 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp This page provides you the general settings for LAN. Click LAN to open

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 97VoIP Module Address Type in the IP address for VoIP connection. (Default: For IP Routing Usag

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 981st Subnet - Select the router to change the RIP information of the 1st subnet with neighboring routers. 2nd Su

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 99 If both the Primary IP and Secondary IP Address fields are left empty, the router will assign its own IP add

Página 11 - Description

VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 100z create a private subnet using an internal Router A ( z create a public subnet 2

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 1013. Return to Static Route Setup page. Click on another Index Number to add another static route as show bel

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 3DDeessccrriippttiioonn ffoorr CCoonnnneeccttoorrss Interface Description Factory Reset Restore t

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 102To add or remove a VLAN, please refer to the following example. 1. If, VLAN 0 is consisted of hosts linked to

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 10355..22..55 BBiinndd IIPP ttoo MMAACC This function is used to bind the IP and MAC address in LAN to hav

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 104Add It allows you to add the one you choose from the ARP table or the IP/MAC address typed in Add and Edit to

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 10555..33..11 PPoorrtt RReeddiirreeccttiioonn Port Redirection is usually set up for server related service

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 106 Enable Check this box to enable such port redirection setting. Mode Two options (Single and Range) are prov

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 107conflict, such as 8080. This can be set in the System Maintenance >>Management. You then will access t

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 108 The inherent security properties of NAT are somewhat bypassed if you set up DMZ host. We suggest you to add a

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 109 Enable Check to enable the DMZ Host function. Private IP Enter the private IP address of the DMZ host, or

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 11055..33..33 OOppeenn PPoorrttss Open Ports allows you to open a range of ports for the traffic of special ap

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 111 Enable Open Ports Check to enable this entry. Comment Make a name for the defined network application/ser

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 411..33 HHaarrddwwaarree IInnssttaallllaattiioonn Before starting to configure the router, you have to conne

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 112 Protocol Display the protocol used for this address mapping. Public IP Display the public IP address select

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 113If you want to choose any on of the Public IP settings, you must specify some IP addresses in the IP Alias L

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 114 Enable Check to enable this entry. Service Choose the predefined service to apply for such trigger profile.

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 11555..44 FFiirreewwaallll 55..44..11 BBaassiiccss ffoorr FFiirreewwaallll While the broadband users dema

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 116 SSttaatteeffuull PPaacckkeett IInnssppeeccttiioonn ((SSPPII)) Stateful inspection is a firewall architec

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 11755..44..22 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp General Setup allows you to adjust settings of IP Filter and common

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 118you can specify to record information for URL Content Filter by checking the Log box. It will be sent to Syslo

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 119 Window size – It determines the size of TCP protocol (0~65535). The more the value is, the better the perfo

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 120 Filter Rule Click a button numbered (1 ~ 7) to edit the filter rule. Click the button will open Edit Filter

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 121Comments Enter filter set comments/description. Maximum length is 14- character long. Index(1-15) Set PCs

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 511..33..11 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn ffoorr FFXXSS//FFXXOO//IISSDDNN TTEE//IISSDDNN NNTT MMoodduullee Vi

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 122 To set the service type manually, please choose User defined as the Service Type and type them in this dialo

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 123Pass If No Further Match - A packet matching the rule, and that does not match further rules, will be passed

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 124URL and enhance the correctness of URL Content Filter. The default value for this setting is ANSI 1252 Latin I

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 125general rules by Firewall, but also must be filtered by the items selected in Strict Security Checking. Such

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 12655..44..44 DDooSS DDeeffeennssee As a sub-functionality of IP Filter/Firewall, there are 15 types of detect

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 127default setting for threshold and timeout are 50 packets per second and 10 seconds, respectively. Enable Por

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 128Block ICMP Fragment Check the box to activate the Block ICMP fragment function. Any ICMP packets with more fr

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 12955..55 OObbjjeeccttss SSeettttiinnggss For IPs in a range and service ports in a limited range usually wi

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 130Interface Choose a proper interface (WAN, LAN or Any). For example, the Direction setting in Edit Filter Rul

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 13155..55..22 IIPP GGrroouupp This page allows you to bind several IP objects into one IP group. Set to F

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 6IISSDDNN NNTT ((SS00)) aanndd TTEE NT means Network Terminal. The ISDN port in NT mode is a port that used

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 13255..55..33 SSeerrvviiccee TTyyppee OObbjjeecctt You can set up to 96 sets of Service Type Objects with d

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 133(=) – when the first and last value are the same, it indicates one port; when the first and last values are

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 134 Name Type a name for this profile. Available Service Type Objects All the available service objects that you

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 135 Name Type a name for this profile, e.g., game. Contents Type the content for such profile. For example, t

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 136 Name Type a name for this group. Available Keyword Objects You can gather keyword objects from Keyword Objec

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 137 Profile Name Type a name for this profile. Type a name for such profile and check all the items of file ex

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 138UURRLL CCoonntteenntt FFiilltteerr To provide an appropriate cyberspace to users, Vigor router equips with

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 13955..66..11 AAPPPP EEnnffoorrcceemmeenntt PPrrooffiillee You can define policy profiles for IM (Instant M

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 140Below shows the items which are categorized under IM. Profile Name Type a name for the CSM profile. Action B

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 141Below shows the items which are categorized under P2P. The items categorized under Protocol -----

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 711..44 PPrriinntteerr IInnssttaallllaattiioonn You can install a printer onto the router for sharing printi

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 142The items categorized under Misc -----

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 14355..66..22 UURRLL CCoonntteenntt FFiilltteerr PPrrooffiillee To provide an appropriate cyberspace to us

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 144 Profile Name Type the name for such profile. Priority It determines the action that this router will apply

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 145All – All the actions (Pass and Block) will be recorded in Syslog. URL Access Control Enable URL Access Co

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 146keyword list, the more efficiently the Vigor router perform. Web Feature Enable Restrict Web Feature - Chec

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 14755..66..33 WWeebb CCoonntteenntt FFiilltteerr PPrrooffiillee There are three ways to activate WCF on

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 148type URL in browser based on the web content filter profile. Setup Test Server It is recommend for you to use

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 149Eight profiles are provided here as Web content filters. Simply click the index number under Profile to open

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 150Log None – There is no log file will be recorded for this profile. Pass – Only the log about Pass will be rec

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 15155..77 BBaannddwwiiddtthh MMaannaaggeemmeenntt Below shows the menu items for Bandwidth Management. 55..

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 83. Open File->Add a New Computer. A welcome dialog will appear. Please click Next. 4. Click Local pri

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 152Maximum Sessions Defines the available session number for each host in the specific range of IP addresses. If

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 153Default TX limit Define the default speed of the upstream for each computer in LAN. Default RX limit Defin

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 154One more larger-scale implementation of QoS network is to apply DSCP (Differentiated Service Code Point) and I

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 155OOnnlliinnee SSttaattiissttiiccss Display an online statistics for quality of service for your reference.

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 156BOTH- apply to both incoming and outgoing traffic. Check this box and click OK, then click Setup link again. Y

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 157 For adding a new rule, click Add to open the following page. ACT Check this box to invoke these setting

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 158system. Please assign one of the levels of the data for processing with QoS control. Service Type It determin

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 159 For adding a new service type, click Add to open the following page. Service Name Type in a new service

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 16055..88 AApppplliiccaattiioonnss Below shows the menu items for Applications. 55..88..11 DDyynnaammiicc DD

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 161Index Click the number below Index to access into the setting page of DDNS setup to set account(s). WAN Int

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 96. In the following dialog, type (router’s LAN IP) in the field of Printer Name or IP Address and

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 16255..88..22 SScchheedduullee The Vigor router has a built-in real time clock which can update itself manually

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 163Enable Schedule Setup Check to enable the schedule. Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd) Specify the starting date of

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 16455..88..33 RRAADDIIUUSS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) is a security authentication cli

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 16555..88..44 UUPPnnPP The UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) protocol is supported to bring to network connected

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 166The reminder as regards concern about Firewall and UPnP Can't work with Firewall Software Enabling firewa

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 16755..88..55 IIGGMMPP IGMP is the abbreviation of Internet Group Management Protocol. It is a communication

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 16855..88..66 WWaakkee oonn LLAANN A PC client on LAN can be woken up by the router it connects. When a user

Página 87 - New Account Confirmation

VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 16955..99 VVPPNN aanndd RReemmoottee AAcccceessss A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is the extension of a pr

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 17055..99..22 PPPPPP GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp This submenu only applies to PPP-related VPN connections, such

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 171Start IP Address Enter a start IP address for the dial-in PPP connection. You should choose an IP address f

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 109. Now, your system will ask you to choose right name of the printer that you installed onto the router. Such

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 172and IPSec tunnel. Pre-Shared Key -Currently only support Pre-Shared Key authentication. Pre-Shared Key- Spec

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 173 Profile Name Type in a name in this file. Accept Any Peer ID Click to accept any peer regardless of its i

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 17455..99..55 RReemmoottee DDiiaall--iinn UUsseerr You can manage remote access by maintaining a table of rem

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 175 User account and Authentication Enable this account - Check the box to enable this function. Idle Timeout-

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 176 Netbios Naming Packet - Pass : Click it to have an inquiry for data transmission between the hosts located o

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 177be used only in IKE aggressive mode. 55..99..66 LLAANN ttoo LLAANN Here you can manage LAN-to-LAN conne

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 178 Profile Name Specify a name for the profile of the LAN-to-LAN connection. Enable this profile Check here to

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 179Block – When there is conflict occurred between the hosts on both sides of VPN Tunnel in connecting, such fu

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 180viewed as one pure L2TP connection. Nice to Have: Apply the IPSec policy first, if it is applicable during n

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 181 IKE phase 1 mode -Select from Main mode and Aggressive mode. The ultimate outcome is to exchange security

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 11Note 1: Some printers with the fax/scanning or other additional functions are not supported. If you do not kn

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 182 Allowed Dial-In Type Determine the dial-in connection with different types. PPTP Allow the remote dial-in u

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 183Password This field is applicable when you select PPTP or L2TP with or without IPSec policy above. VJ Com

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 184here. Herein, we provide four options: TX/RX Both, TX Only, RX Only, and Disable. From first subnet to remote

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 18555..1100 CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee MMaannaaggeemmeenntt A digital certificate works as an electronic ID, whi

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 186 Type in all the information that the window request. Then click Generate again. Import Click this button to

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 18755..1100..22 TTrruusstteedd CCAA CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee Trusted CA certificate lists three sets of trust

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 18855..1100..33 CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee BBaacckkuupp Local certificate and Trusted CA certificate for this rout

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 18955..1111..11 EExxtteennssiioonn The system allows you to set 100 extension numbers. Please open IP PBX>

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 190 Internal Phone Extension Active Click Enable to invoke such profile. Allow Registration from Check WAN or VPN

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 191the mail box you typed here. Voice Mail Password Type a password here. When the user wants to listen the voi

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide ii VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide Version: 2.0 Firmware Version: V3.5.5 Date: 19/11/20

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 12 This page is left blank.

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 192 55..1111..22 LLiinnee SSeettttiinngg There are six SIP outside lines and one ISDN line provided by this I

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 193Please click any number under Index to set detailed configuration. Profile Name Assign a name for this pro

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 194Password The password provided to you when you registered with a SIP service. Expiry Time It is the time dur

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 195AAlliiaass LLiisstt Click the Alias List link to access into the configuration page as shown below. Profi

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 196Alias Number Type a number for such account. Alias of SIP Trunk Choose one of the items listed in SIP Trunk

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 197Please click any number under Index to set detailed configuration. Phone Extension Active Click Enable to i

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 198The available boxes listed here will be changed according to the FXS/FXO module inserted to VigorIPPBX 3510. 5

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 199 Strip - When you choose this mode, partial or the whole prefix number will be deleted according to the OP

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 200 Backup Route It will be triggered when the original route is not registered or receives failed response. 55

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 20155..1111..33..33 CCaallll BBaarrrriinngg Call barring is used to block phone calls coming from the one th

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 13CChhaapptteerr 22:: CCoonnffiigguurriinngg BBaassiicc SSeettttiinnggss For use the router properly, it i

Página 125 - Here you can

VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 202outgoing calls. Barring Type Determine the type of the VoIP phone call, URI/URL or number. It will bring out

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 203 For Block Unknown Domain – this function can block incoming calls from unrecognized domain that is not spec

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 20455..1111..44..11 SSIIPP PPrrooxxyy SSeettttiinngg To make the IP phone to be registered in IP PBX device s

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 205RTP Local Port End please type the port number for RTP traffic. Otherwise, keep the default setting. For on

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 206 Hunt Group Name Type suitable name for such group. Hunt Group Extension Type extension number for such group.

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 207 Add>> Click this button to move the selected item in Available area to Chosen area. Add All Click th

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 20855..1111..44..33 VVooiiccee MMaaiill CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn This page allows users to set actions for

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 20955..1111..44..44 OOffffiiccee HHoouurrss You can set ten groups of office hours including starting point,

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 21055..1111..44..55 AAuuttoo AAtttteennddaanntt WWiizzaarrdd The first page is configured for phone calls in

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 211 Ring Extension - Only the extension number selected here will ring. Plays Prompt - Audio file will be pl

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 143. Now, the Main Screen will pop up. Note: The home page will change slightly in accordance with the router

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 21255..1111..44..66 PPrroommpptt MMaaiinntteennaannccee The IP PBX system provides several audio files for use

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 213 Prompt 1 to prompt 10 will be used for user-defined audio files (file format must be .WAV). System Prompt f

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 2141. Please use DOS-BOX FTP client (Windows built-in FTP client utility) to login VigorIPPBX FTP server. 2. Pr

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 21555..1111..44..77 TToonnee SSeettttiinngg Tone setting is provided for fitting the telecommunication custo

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 216Also, you can specify each field for your necessity. It is recommended for you to use the default settings for

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 217 Hotline Check the box to enable it. Type in the SIP URL in the field for dialing automatically when you pi

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 218FAX Bypass Codec Select one option to be applied if FAX mode is configured as Bypass mode. FAX Bypass Code R

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 219not be your default choice. The default codec is G.729A/B; it occupies little bandwidth while maintaining go

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 22055..1122..44..99 SSIIPP TTrruunnkk aanndd EExxtteennssiioonn CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn BBaacckkuupp

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 22155..1111..55 PPBBXX SSttaattuuss 55..1111..55..11 CCaallll DDeettaaiill RReeccoorrddss This page dis

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 1522..22 QQuuiicckk SSttaarrtt WWiizzaarrdd If your router can be under an environment with high speed NAT,

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 22255..1111..55..22 EExxtteennssiioonn MMoonniittoorr This page displays owner’s name, IP address, status and

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 223 General Settings Simultaneous FTP Connection - This field is used to specify the quantity of the FTP sessio

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 22455..1122..22 UUSSBB UUsseerr MMaannaaggeemmeenntt This page allows you to set profiles for FTP/Samba users

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 225Please disable the mode on the FTP client. Password Type the password for FTP/Samba users for accessing FTP

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 22655..1122..33 FFiillee EExxpplloorreerr File Explorer offers an easy way for users to review and manage the

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 22755..1122..44 UUSSBB DDiisskk SSttaattuuss This page is to monitor the status for the users who accessing

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 228Enable Web Syslog Check this box to enable the function of Web Syslog. Syslog Type Use the drop down list to s

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 22955..1133 SSyysstteemm MMaaiinntteennaannccee For the system setup, there are several items that you have

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 230WAN------- Link Status Display current connection status. MAC Address Display the MAC address of the WAN Int

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 23155..1133..22 TTRR--006699 This device supports TR-069 standard. It is very convenient for an administrator

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 16 On the next page as shown below, please select the appropriate Internet access type according to the informat

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 23255..1133..33 AAddmmiinniissttrraattoorr PPaasssswwoorrdd This page allows you to set new password. Old Pas

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 233 Click the browse button to get the IP address of VigorIPPBX 3510. Then you can specify which operation (Upg

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 234Check USB Disk to save the log to the attached USB diskette. Syslog Server Check it to make the syslog saved t

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 2353. From the Syslog screen, select the router you want to monitor. Be reminded that in Network Information,

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 23655..1133..66 TTiimmee aanndd DDaattee It allows you to specify where the time of the router should be inqu

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 23755..1133..77 MMaannaaggeemmeenntt This page allows you to manage the settings for access control, access l

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 238Telnet, HTTP and FTP servers. Enable SNMP Agent Check it to enable this function. Get Community Set the name f

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 23955..1133..99 FFiirrmmwwaarree UUppggrraaddee For the detailed information about firmware update, please

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 240 Activate via interface Use the drop down menu to choose the interface for accessing the server. Status Displa

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 24155..1144 DDiiaaggnnoossttiiccss Diagnostic Tools provide a useful way to view or diagnose the status of yo

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 17If your ISP provides you the PPPoE connection, please select PPPoE for this router. The following page will b

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 24255..1144..22 RRoouuttiinngg TTaabbllee Click Diagnostics and click Routing Table to open the web page. Ref

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 24355..1144..44 DDHHCCPP TTaabbllee The facility provides information on IP address assignments. This inform

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 244Peer IP:Port It indicates the destination IP address and port of remote host. Interface It displays the repr

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 24555..1144..77 DDaattaa FFllooww MMoonniittoorr This page displays the running procedure for the IP addr

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 246Action Block - can prevent specified PC accessing into Internet within 5 minutes. Unblock – the device wit

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 24755..1144..99 TTrraaccee RRoouuttee Click Diagnostics and click Trace Route to open the web page. This pag

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 248 This page is left blank.

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 249CChhaapptteerr 66:: TTrroouubbllee SShhoooottiinngg This section will guide you to solve abnormal situat

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 25066..22 CChheecckkiinngg IIff tthhee NNeettwwoorrkk CCoonnnneeccttiioonn SSeettttiinnggss oonn YYoouurr

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 2514. Select Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically. FFoorr MMaacc

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 1822..22..22 PPPPTTPP//LL22TTPP Click PPTP/L2TP as the protocol. Type in all the information that your ISP prov

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 25266..33 PPiinnggiinngg tthhee RRoouutteerr ffrroomm YYoouurr CCoommppuutteerr The default gateway IP add

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 253 66..44 CChheecckkiinngg IIff tthhee IISSPP SSeettttiinnggss aarree OOKK oorr NNoott Open Interne

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 254FFoorr SSttaattiicc//DDyynnaammiicc IIPP UUsseerrss 1. Check if the Enable option is selected. 2. Check

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 25566..55 BBaacckkiinngg ttoo FFaaccttoorryy DDeeffaauulltt SSeettttiinngg IIff NNeecceessssaarryy Some

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 256

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 257AAppppeennddiixx:: HHaarrddwwaarree SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss Operating : 0°C ~ 45°C Temperature Stora

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 19Obtain an IP address automatically Click it to obtain the IP address automatically. Specify an IP address Cli

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 2022..22..33 SSttaattiicc IIPP Click Static IP as the protocol. Type in all the information that your ISP prov

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 21Click Finish. A page of Quick Start Wizard Setup OK!!! will appear. Then, the system status of this protocol

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide iiiCopyright Information Copyright Declarations Copyright 2010 All rights reserved. This publication contains in

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 22Click Finish. A page of Quick Start Wizard Setup OK!!! will appear. Then, the system status of this protocol wi

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 23Extension Group Name Type a name as a display for this extension group. Extension Group Number Type the numbe

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 2422..33..22 SSIIPP TTrruunnkk SSeettuupp This page allows you to set profiles for six SIP outside lines at o

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 25 You can set 6 profiles for using in different conditions. Then click Next to access into next web page. 22..

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 26 22..44 SSeerrvviiccee AAccttiivvaattiioonn WWiizzaarrdd Service Activation Wizard can guide you to set WCF

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 27 Free trial edition: it offers a period of trial for you to get acquainted with WCF function. Formal edition

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 283. In the following page, please check the box of I have read and accept the above agreement. When you finish

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 296. Now, the web page will display the service that you have activated according to your selection. The valid

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 30 22..55 OOnnlliinnee SSttaattuuss The online status shows the system status, WAN status, LAN status and othe

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 31Note: The words in green mean that the WAN connection of that interface is ready for accessing Internet; the

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide ivEuropean Community Declarations Manufacturer: DrayTek Corp. Address: No. 26, Fu Shing Road, HuKou Township,

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 32 This page is left blank.

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 33CChhaapptteerr 33:: AApppplliiccaattiioonnss This chapter shows several scenarios for your reference to co

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 34press the extension No. 605. After getting through you can hear the dial tone, then press ext. No. 201. z The

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 3533..22 CCoosstt--eeffffeeccttiivvee EExxtteennddaabbiilliittyy bbyy IInntteeggrraatteedd AAnnaalloogg--t

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 36z The IP phone with ext. No. 201 made a call to remote analog phone (No. 87654321): Press 888835#. After get

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 3733..33 IISSDDNN AApppplliiccaattiioonn vviiaa IISSDDNN TTrruunnkk z The establishment of IP regis

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 3833..44 IISSDDNN AApppplliiccaattiioonn wwiitthh AAllll IISSDDNN TTEE PPoorrttss z The establishment o

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 3933..55 IISSDDNN AApppplliiccaattiioonn wwiitthh 44 IISSDDNN TTEE aanndd 22 IISSDDNN TTEE// 22 IIS

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 40 This page is left blank.

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 41CChhaapptteerr 44:: OOtthheerr AApppplliiccaattiioonnss 44..11 CCrreeaattee aa LLAANN--ttoo--LLAANN C

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide vTTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss Chapter 1: Preface...

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 42set general settings in IPSec General Setup, such as the pre-shared key that both parties have known. 3. Go

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 435. Set Dial-Out Settings as shown below to dial to connect to Router B aggressively with the selected Dial-O

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 44If an IPSec-based service is selected, you may further specify the remote peer IP Address, IKE Authentication M

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 45Settings in Router B in the remote office: 1. Go to VPN and Remote Access and select Remote Access Control t

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 465. Set Dial-Out Settings as shown below to dial to connect to Router B aggressively with the selected Dial-Out

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 47 If a PPP-based service is selected, you should further specify the remote peer IP Address, Username, Passw

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 4844..22 CCrreeaattee aa RReemmoottee DDiiaall--iinn UUsseerr CCoonnnneeccttiioonn BBeettwweeeenn tthhee

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 49 3. Go to Remote Dial-In User. Click on one index number to edit a profile. 4. Set Dial-In settings to as

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 50 Settings in the remote host: 1. For Win98/ME, you may use "Dial-up Networking" to create the PPTP t

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 51 You may further specify the method you use to get IP, the security method, and authentication method. If th

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide vi4.6.1 Backup the Configuration Settings ...

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 52 4. Click Connect button to build connection. When the connection is successful, you will find a green light

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 532. Click Setup link of WAN 1. Make sure the QoS Control on the left corner is checked. And select BOTH in Di

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 545. Return to previous page. Enter the Name of Index Class 2 by clicking Edit link. In this index, the user wil

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 55Class Name of Index 3. In this index, he will set reserved bandwidth for 1 VPN tunnel. 9. Click Edit t

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 5644..44 LLAANN –– CCrreeaatteedd bbyy UUssiinngg NNAATT An example of default setting and the correspondi

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 57To use another DHCP server in the network rather than the built-in one of Vigor Router, you have to change th

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 5844..55 UUppggrraaddee FFiirrmmwwaarree ffoorr VViiggoorrIIPPPPBBXX 33551100 Please do the following: 1.

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 595. In the dialog of Select Router, choose VigorIPPBX 3510 and click OK. 6. In the Confirm Password dialog,

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 608. Please wait for several minutes. When the following dialog appear, please click OK. 9. Now, the firmware

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 614. Double click on the FrmUpg icon. 5. The Firmware Upgrade Utility will appear as follows: 6. Click

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide vii5.7 Bandwidth Management...

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 627. Choose Backup Setting as the Operation Mode. 8. Next, click the browse button of Save Config to for spe

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 639. Next, click Fetch. 10. When it is finished, the following dialog will appear. 11. Now, the configuratio

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 6444..66..22 RReessttoorree tthhee CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn SSeettttiinnggss 1. Double click on the Frm

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 654. Choose Restore as the Operation Mode. 5. Click the browse button of Select Router Config to locate th

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 666. Next, click the browse button of Select VoIP Config to locate the module file for the router. Choose the

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 678. When it is finished, the following dialog will appear. 9. Now, the configuration files have been restor

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 6844..77 RReeqquueesstt aa cceerrttiiffiiccaattee ffrroomm aa CCAA sseerrvveerr oonn WWiinnddoowwss CCA

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 692. You can click GENERATE button to start to edit a certificate request. Enter the information in the certif

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 70Select Advanced request. Select Submit a certificate request a base64 encoded PKCS #10 file or a renewal reque

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 715. Back to Vigor router, go to Local Certificate. Click IMPORT button and browse the file to import the cert

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide viii5.13.5 Syslog/Mail Alert...

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 7244..88 RReeqquueesstt aa CCAA CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee aanndd SSeett aass TTrruusstteedd oonn WWiinnddo

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 732. In Choose file to download, click CA Certificate Current and Base 64 encoded, and Download CA certificate

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 7444..99 CCrreeaattiinngg aann AAccccoouunntt ffoorr MMyyVViiggoorr The website of MyVigor (a server locate

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 75 5. Type your personal information in this page and then click Continue. 6. Choose proper selection and cl

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 767. Now you have created an account successfully. Click START. 8. Check to see the confirmation email with th

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 7710. When you see the following page, please type in the account and password (that you just created) in the f

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 782. Check to confirm that you accept the Agreement and click Accept. 3. Type your personal information in thi

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 79 6. Check to see the confirmation email with the title of New Account Confirmation Letter from myvigor.drayt

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 80 Now, click Login. Your account has been activated. You can access into MyVigor server to activate the service

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 81CChhaapptteerr 55:: RReeffeerreennccee -- AAddvvaanncceedd WWeebb CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn After fin

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 1CChhaapptteerr 11:: PPrreeffaaccee VigorIPPBX 3510 is a broadband router with WAN interface. It provides po

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 82via PAP or CHAP with RADIUS authentication system. And your IP address, DNS server, and other related informati

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 83 Enable Choose Yes to invoke the settings for this WAN interface. Choose No to disable the settings for this

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 84Load Balance Mode If you know the practical bandwidth for your WAN interface, please choose the setting of Acc

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 8555..11..44 IInntteerrnneett AAcccceessss For the router supports dual WAN function, the users can set diff

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 86 There are three access modes provided for PPPoE, Static or Dynamic IP and PPTP/L2TP. Details Page This button

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 87Idle Timeout – Set the timeout for breaking down the Internet after passing through the time without any acti

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 88To use Static or Dynamic IP as the accessing protocol of the internet, please choose Static or Dynamic IP mode

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 89WAN IP Alias - If you have multiple public IP addresses and would like to utilize them on the WAN interface,

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 90DDeettaaiillss PPaaggee ffoorr PPPPTTPP//LL22TTPP To use PPTP/L2TP as the accessing protocol of the interne

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VigorIPPBX 3510 Series User’s Guide 91Settings the IP address automatically. Specify an IP address – Click this radio button to specify some data.

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