Vigor2910 Dual-WAN Security Router User’s Guide Version: 2.0 Date: 2006/7/24 Copyright 2006 All rights reserved. This publicati
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 6 11..33 HHaarrddwwaarree IInnssttaallllaattiioonn Before starting to configure the router, you have to connect your
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 96 33..88..66 LLAANN ttoo LLAANN Here you can manage LAN-to-LAN connections by maintaining a table of connection pr
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 97 Profile Name Specify a name for the profile of the LAN-to-LAN connection. Enable this profile Check here to activa
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 98 Idle Timeout: The default value is 300 seconds. If the connection has been idled over the value, the router will dro
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 99VJ compression This field is applicable when you select ISDN, PPTP or L2TP with or without IPSec policy above. VJ Co
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 100IKE phase 1 proposal-To propose the local available authentication schemes and encryption algorithms to the VPN peer
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 101 Allowed Dial-In Type Determine the dial-in connection with different types. ISDN Allow the remote ISDN LAN-to-L
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 102Also, you should further specify the corresponding security methods on the right side. If you uncheck the checkbox,
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 103address from the remote router during the IPCP negotiation phase. If the PPP IP address is fixed by remote side, spe
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 10433..88..77 CCoonnnneeccttiioonn MMaannaaggeemmeenntt You can find the summary table of all VPN connections. You m
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 10533..99 CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee MMaannaaggeemmeenntt A digital certificate works as an electronic ID, which is issu
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 72 CCoonnffiigguurriinngg BBaassiicc SSeettttiinnggss For use the router properly, it is necessary for you to chang
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 106 Type in all the information that the window request. Then click Generate again. Import Click this button to import
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 10733..99..22 TTrruusstteedd CCAA CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee Trusted CA certificate lists three sets of trusted CA cert
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 10833..99..33 CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee BBaacckkuupp Local certificate and Trusted CA certificate for this router can b
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 10933..1100 VVooIIPP Voice over IP network (VoIP) enables you to use your broadband Internet connection to make toll
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 110only have to using dial plan or directly dial your friend’s account name if you are with the same SIP Registrar. Ple
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 111 Click any index number to display the dial plan setup page. Enable Click this to enable this entry. Phone Number
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 112 Enable Check this box to invoke this setting. Prefix Number The phone number set here is used to add, strip, or r
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 113Min Len Set the minimal length of the dial number for applying the prefix number settings. Take the above picture (
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 114SIP PING interval The default value is 150sec. It is useful for a Nortel server NAT Traversal Support. Status Show
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 115Display Name The caller-ID that you want to be displayed on your friend’s screen. Account Number/Name Enter your
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 8 4. Go to System Maintenance page and choose Administrator Password. 5. Enter the login password (the default is b
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 116 33..1100..33 PPhhoonnee SSeettttiinnggss This page allows user to set phone settings for VoIP 1 and VoIP 2 respe
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 117RTP Symmetric RTP – Check this box to invoke the function. To make the data transmission going through on both ends
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 118Hotline Check the box to enable it. Type in the SIP URL in the field for dialing automatically when you pick up the
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 119 Single Codec – If the box is checked, only the selected Codec will be applied. Packet Size-The amount of data conta
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 120 Region Select the proper region which you are located. The common settings of Caller ID Type, Dial tone, Ringing t
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 121phone set supports, please use the default setting. Volume Gain Mic Gain (1-10)/Speaker Gain (1-10) - Adjust the v
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 12233..1100..44 SSttaattuuss On VoIP call status, you can find codec, connection and other important call status for
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 123Tx Pkts Total number of transmitted voice packets during this connection session. Rx Pkts Total number of received
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 12433..1111 WWiirreelleessss LLAANN This function is used for G models only. 33..1111..11 BBaassiicc CCoonncceeppt
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 125WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is a legacy method to encrypt each frame transmitted via radio using either a 64-bit
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 922..22 QQuuiicckk SSttaarrtt WWiizzaarrdd If your router can be under an environment with high speed NAT, the conf
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 126Example 3 Separate the Wireless and the Wired LAN- WLAN Isolation enables you to isolate your wireless LAN from wir
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 12733..1111..22 GGeenneerraall SSeettttiinnggss By clicking the General Settings, a new web page will appear so that
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 128selected channel is under serious interference. Hide SSID Check it to prevent from wireless sniffing and make it
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 12933..1111..33 SSeeccuurriittyy By clicking the Security Settings, a new web page will appear so that you could conf
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 130either Mixed or WPA2 only in the field below. Since the key will be auto-negotiated during authentication, the field
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 13133..1111..44 AAcccceessss CCoonnttrrooll For additional security of wireless access, the Access Control facility
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 132OK Click it to save the access control list. Clear All Clean all entries in the MAC address list. 33..1111..55 WW
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 133In the following examples, hosts connected to Bridge 1 or 3 can communicate with hosts connected to Bridge 2 through
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 134Security There are three types for security, Disable, WEP and Pre-shared key. The setting you choose here will make
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 135 If you want the found AP applying the WDS settings, please type in the AP’s MAC address on the bottom of the page a
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 10 In the Quick Start Wizard, you can configure the router to access the Internet with different protocol/modes such a
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 13633..1111..88 SSttaattiioonn RRaattee CCoonnttrrooll This page allows you to control the upload and download rate
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 137 Enable Check this box to enable this function (for VLAN Configuration). P1 – P4 Check the box to make the compute
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 138 The VLAN >> Wireless VALN allows you to configure Wireless VLAN settings through wireless connection to achie
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 139Details Click this button to set additional attributes settings for W_VLAN. Activated Date – Use the drop down lis
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 1404. When the accessing is successful, the following screen will appear. Note: The floating window with connection
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 14133..1122..33 VVLLAANN CCrroossss SSeettuupp This function allows the router to integrate VLAN and W_VLAN for man
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 142VLAN0-3 It represents the groups of virtual LAN connected by Ethernet interface. W_VLAN0-15 It represents the grou
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 14333..1133 SSyysstteemm MMaaiinntteennaannccee For the system setup, there are several items that you have to know
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 144Default Gateway Display the assigned IP address of the default gateway. DNS Display the assigned IP address of the
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 145 3. In Save As dialog, the default filename is config.cfg. You could give it another name by yourself. 4. Click S
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 11 Click Finish. A page of Quick Start Wizard Setup OK!!! will appear. Then, the system status of this protocol will be
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 146RReessttoorree CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn 1. Go to System Maintenance >> Configuration Backup. The followin
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 147Password Type the password for authentication. Click OK to save these settings. For viewing the Syslog, please do t
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 14833..1133..55 TTiimmee aanndd DDaattee It allows you to specify where the time of the router should be inquired f
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 14933..1133..66 MMaannaaggeemmeenntt This page allows you to manage the settings for access control, access list, por
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 150Set Community Set community by typing a proper name. The default setting is private. Manager Host IP Set one host
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 15133..1133..88 FFiirrmmwwaarree UUppggrraaddee Before upgrading your router firmware, you need to install the Rou
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 15233..1144 DDiiaaggnnoossttiiccss Diagnostic Tools provide a useful way to view or diagnose the status of your Vigor
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 153 Refresh Click it to reload the page. 33..1144..33 AARRPP CCaacchhee TTaabbllee Click Diagnostics and click AR
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 154 Index It displays the connection item number. IP Address It displays the IP address assigned by this router for s
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 1553: WAN 4 or above: VPN Status The status values are defined as follows: 0: other TCP status 1: TCP fi
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 12 22..22..22 PPPPTTPP Click PPTP as the protocol. Type in all the information that your ISP provides for this protoc
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 15633..1144..77 PPiinngg DDiiaaggnnoossiiss Click Diagnostics and click Ping Diagnosis to pen the web page. Ping
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 157 Enable Data Flow Monitor Check this box to enable this function. Order by Use the drop down list to choose the ord
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 158 Unblock – the device with the IP address will be blocked in five minutes. The remaining time will be shown on the s
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 1594 AApppplliiccaattiioonn aanndd EExxaammpplleess 44..11 CCrreeaattee aa LLAANN--ttoo--LLAANN CCoonnnneecctti
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 160set general settings in IPSec General Setup, such as the pre-shared key that both parties have known. 3. Go to LA
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 161 If a PPP-based service is selected, you should further specify the remote peer IP Address, Username, Password, PPP
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 162 7. At last, set the remote network IP/subnet in TCP/IP Network Settings so that Router A can direct the packets d
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 163 3. Go to LAN-to-LAN. Click on one index number to edit a profile. 4. Set Common Settings as shown below. You sho
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 164Dial-Out connection. 6. Set Dial-In settings to as shown below to allow Router A dial-in to build VPN connection.
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 165 7. At last, set the remote network IP/subnet in TCP/IP Network Settings so that Router B can direct the packets d
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 1322..22..33 SSttaattiicc IIPP Click Static IP as the protocol. Type in all the information that your ISP provides f
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 16644..22 CCrreeaattee aa RReemmoottee DDiiaall--iinn UUsseerr CCoonnnneeccttiioonn BBeettwweeeenn tthhee TTee
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 167 3. Go to Remote Dial-In Users. Click on one index number to edit a profile. 4. Set Dial-In settings to as shown
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 168 Settings in the remote host: 1. For Win98/ME, you may use "Dial-up Networking" to create the PPTP tunnel
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 169 You may further specify the method you use to get IP, the security method, and authentication method. If the Pre-S
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 170 4. Click Connect button to build connection. When the connection is successful, you will find a green light on th
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 1713. Enter the Name of Index Class 2 by clicking Edit link. In this index, the user will set reserve bandwidth for HT
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 17244..44 LLAANN –– CCrreeaatteedd bbyy UUssiinngg NNAATT An example of default setting and the corresponding de
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 173 You can just set the settings wrapped inside the red rectangles to fit the request of NAT usage.
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 17444..55 CCaalllliinngg SScceennaarriioo ffoorr VVooIIPP ffuunnccttiioonn 44..55..11 CCaalllliinngg vviiaa SS
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 175Number for John) Example 2: Both John and David have SIP Addresses from the same service provider. John’s SIP URL: 1
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 14 22..22..44 DDHHCCPP Click DHCP as the protocol. Type in all the information that your ISP provides for this protoc
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 176Account Name) 44..55..22 PPeeeerr--ttoo--PPeeeerr CCaalllliinngg Example 3: Arnor and Paulin have Vigor routers
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 177 Phone Number for John)
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 17844..66 UUppggrraaddee FFiirrmmwwaarree ffoorr YYoouurr RRoouutteerr Before upgrading your router firmware, you
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 1799. Double click on the icon of router tool. The setup wizard will appear. 10. Follow the onscreen instruc
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 180 14. Click Send. 15. Now the firmware update is finished. 44..77 RReeqquueesstt aa cceerrttiiffiiccaattee f
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 1811. Go to Certificate Management and choose Local Certificate. 2. You can click GENERATE button to start to edit
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 1824. Connect to CA server via web browser. Follow the instruction to submit the request. Below we take a Windows 2000
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 183 Then you have done the request and the server now issues you a certificate. Select Base 64 encoded certificate and
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 18444..88 RReeqquueesstt aa CCAA CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee aanndd SSeett aass TTrruusstteedd oonn WWiinnddoowwss
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 1852. In Choose file to download, click CA Certificate Current and Base 64 encoded, and Download CA certificate to sav
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 1522..33 OOnnlliinnee SSttaattuuss The online status shows the system status, WAN status, ADSL Information and other
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 186 This page is left blank.
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 1875 TTrroouubbllee SShhoooottiinngg This section will guide you to solve abnormal situations if you cannot access i
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 188FFoorr WWiinnddoowwss The example is based on Windows XP. As to the examples for other operation systems, please
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 1894. Select Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically. FFoorr MMaaccOOss 1.
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 19055..33 PPiinnggiinngg tthhee RRoouutteerr ffrroomm YYoouurr CCoommppuutteerr The default gateway IP address o
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 191
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 19255..44 CChheecckkiinngg IIff tthhee IISSPP SSeettttiinnggss aarree OOKK oorr NNoott Click WAN>> Inte
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 193 55..55 BBaacckkiinngg ttoo FFaaccttoorryy DDeeffaauulltt SSeettttiinngg IIff NNeecceessssaarryy Sometimes,
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 194HHaarrddwwaarree RReesseett While the router is running (ACT LED blinking), press the Factory Reset button and hol
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 195
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide ii TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss 1 Preface ...
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 16 Online status for DHCP Detailed explanation is shown below: Primary DNS Displays the IP address of the primary DNS
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 1722..44 SSaavviinngg CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn Each time you click OK on the web page for saving the configuration
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 18 This page is left blank.
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 193AAddvvaanncceedd WWeebb CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn After finished basic configuration of the router, you can acce
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 20 Below shows the menu items for Internet Access. 33..11..22 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp This section will introduce
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 21Physical Type You can change the physical type for WAN2 or choose Auto negotiation for determined by the system. Lo
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 22 For the router supports dual WAN function, the users can set different WAN settings (for WAN1/WAN2) for Internet Acc
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 23DDeettaaiillss PPaaggee ffoorr PPPPPPooEE To use PPPoE as the accessing protocol of the internet, please choose I
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 24 Always On - If the broadband connection is no longer available, the backup line will be activated automatically and
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 25For static IP mode, you usually receive a fixed public IP address or a public subnet, namely multiple public IP addre
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide iii3.4.6 Web Content Filter...
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 26 enable this feature if you host a web server for your customers’ access. Keep WAN Connection Normally, this functi
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 27specific MAC address for access authentication. In such cases you need to click the Specify a MAC Address and enter t
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 28 Packet Trigger -The backup line is not on until a packet from a local host triggers the router to establish a connec
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 29WAN IP Network Settings Obtain an IP address automatically – Click this button to obtain the IP address automatically
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 30 Dest IP End Displays the IP address for the end of the destination IP. Dest Port Start Displays the IP address for
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 31Dest Port End Type the destination port end for the destination IP. If this field is blank, it means that all the de
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 32 33..22 LLAANN Local Area Network (LAN) is a group of subnets regulated and ruled by router. The design of network
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 33 WWhhaatt iiss RRoouuttiinngg IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn PPrroottooccooll ((RRIIPP)) Vigor router will exchange rou
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 34 33..22..22 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp This page provides you the general settings for LAN. Click LAN to open the L
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 35Start IP Address: Enter a value of the IP address pool for the DHCP server to start with when issuing IP addresses. I
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide iv 3.13.2 Administrator Password...
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 36 DHCP Server IP Address for Relay Agent - Set the IP address of the DHCP server you are going to use so the Relay Age
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 37Destination Address Displays the destination address of the static route. Status Displays the status of the static
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 38 is that those hosts on the internal private subnets (ex. can access the Internet via the router, an
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 392. Select Empty/Clear from the drop-down menu, and then click the OK button to delete the route. DDiissaabbllee SS
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 40 33..33..11 PPoorrtt RReeddiirreeccttiioonn Port Redirection is usually set up for server related service inside
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 41 Mode Two options are provided here for you to choose. To set a range for the specific service, select Range. Servic
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 42 33..33..22 DDMMZZ HHoosstt As mentioned above, Port Redirection can redirect incoming TCP/UDP or other traffic o
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 43The inherent security properties of NAT are somewhat bypassed if you set up DMZ host. We suggest you to add additiona
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 44 When you have selected one private IP from the above dialog, the IP address will be shown on the following screen.
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 45WAN Interface Display the WAN interface for the entry. Local IP Address Display the private IP address of the local
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 11 PPrreeffaaccee The Vigor2910 series router provides Dual-WAN interface (which is a configuration second WAN) for I
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 46 33..44 FFiirreewwaallll 33..44..11 BBaassiiccss ffoorr FFiirreewwaallll While the broadband users demand more
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 47Depending on whether there is an existing Internet connection, or in other words “the WAN link status is up or down”,
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 48 CCoonntteenntt SSeeccuurriittyy MMaannaaggeemmeenntt ((CCSSMM)) As the popularity of all kinds of instant messen
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 49WWeebb FFiilltteerriinngg We all know that the content on the Internet just like other types of media may be inappr
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 50 Call Filter Check Enable to activate the Call Filter function. Assign a start filter set for the Call Filter. Data
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 5133..44..33 FFiilltteerr SSeettuupp Click Firewall and click Filter Setup to open the setup page. To edit or add a
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 52 Check to enable the Filter Rule Check this box to enable the filter rule. Comments Enter filter set comments/descr
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 53range from defined groups or objects, please choose Group and Objects as the Address Type. From the IP Group drop d
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 54 Fragments Specify the action for fragmented packets. And it is used for Data Filter only. Don’t care -No action wil
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 55
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 2 11..22..11 FFoorr VViiggoorr22991100 LLEEDD EExxppllaannaattiioonn ACTDMZQoSAttack VPNPrinterWANW2 P1/P2 P3 P4
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 56 33..44..44 DDooSS DDeeffeennssee As a sub-functionality of IP Filter/Firewall, there are 15 types of detect/ defe
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 57port-scanning Threshold rate, the Vigor router will send out a warning. By default, the Vigor router sets the thresho
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 58 SYN packets with the identical source and destination addresses, as well as the port number to victims. Block Unknow
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 59For example, if you add key words such as “sex”, Vigor router will limit web access to web sites or web pages such as
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 60 from IP address such as The reason for this is to prevent someone dodges the URL Access Control.
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 6133..44..66 WWeebb CCoonntteenntt FFiilltteerr Click Firewall and click Web Content Filter to open the setup page.
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 62 33..44..66 BBiinndd IIPP ttoo MMAACC This function is used to bind the IP and MAC address in LAN to have a stre
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 63Add It allows you to add the one you choose from the ARP table or the IP/MAC address typed in Add and Edit to the ta
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 64 Name Type a name for this profile. Maximum 15 characters are allowed. Interface Choose a proper interface (WAN, L
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 6533..55..22 IIPP GGrroouupp This page allows you to bind several IP objects into one IP group. Set to Factory De
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 311..22..22 FFoorr VViiggoorr22991100GG LLEEDD EExxppllaannaattiioonn ACTDMZQoSAttack WLANPrinterWANW2 P1/P2 P
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 66 33..55..33 SSeerrvviiccee TTyyppee OObbjjeecctt You can set up to 96 sets of Service Type Objects with differe
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 67(!=) – when the first and last value are the same, it indicates all the ports except the port defined here; when the
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 68 Name Type a name for this profile. Available Service Type Objects You can add IP objects from IP Objects page. All
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 69 Profile Name Type a name for the CSM profile. There are several items for IM, VoIP, P2P provided here for you to ch
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 70 To activate the function of limit session, simply click Enable and set the default session limit. Enable Click th
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 71In the Bandwidth Management menu, click Limit Bandwidth to open the web page. To activate the function of limit band
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 72 set in that web page. 33..66..33 QQuuaalliittyy ooff SSeerrvviiccee Deploying QoS (Quality of Service) managemen
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 73 However, each node may take different attitude toward packets with high priority marking since it may bind with the
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 74 Enable the QoS Control The factory default for this setting is checked. Please also define which traffic the QoS
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 75On Line Statistics Display an online statistics for quality of service for your reference. EEddiitt tthhee CCllaa
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 4 11..22..33 FFoorr VViiggoorr22991100VV LLEEDD EExxppllaannaattiioonn ACT DMZVPN Printer P2 P3 P4LANFXS1FXS2Pho
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 76 For adding a new rule, click Add to open the following page. ACT Check this box to invoke these settings. Source
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 77
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 78 EEddiitt tthhee SSeerrvviiccee TTyyppee ffoorr CCllaassss RRuullee To add a new service type, edit or delete
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 79Port Configuration Click Single or Range. If you select Range, you have to type in the starting port number and the
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 80 33..77 AApppplliiccaattiioonnss Below shows the menu items for Applications. 33..77..11 DDyynnaammiicc DDNNSS
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 81Domain Name Display the domain name that you set on the setting page of DDNS setup. Active Display if this account
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 82 In the DDNS setup menu, click the Index number you want to delete and then push Clear All button to delete the accou
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 83 Enable Schedule Setup Check to enable the schedule. Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd) Specify the starting date of the sch
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 84 3. Configure the Force Down from 18:00 to next day 9:00 for whole week. 4. Assign these two profiles to the PPPoE
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 8533..77..44 UUPPnnPP The UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) protocol is supported to bring to network connected devices
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 511..22..44 FFoorr VViiggoorr22991100VVGG LLEEDD EExxppllaannaattiioonn ACT DMZWLANPrinterP2 P3 P4LANFXS1FXS2Phone
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 86 The reminder as regards concern about Firewall and UPnP Can't work with Firewall Software Enabling firewall app
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 87 Wake by Two types provide for you to wake up the binded IP. If you choose Wake by MAC Address, you have to type the
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 88 33..88 VVPPNN aanndd RReemmoottee AAcccceessss A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is the extension of a private ne
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 89Authentication PAP Only users with the PAP protocol. PAP or CHAP Selecting this option means the router will attempt
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 90 ¾ Phase 2: negotiation IPSec security methods including Authentication Header (AH) or Encapsulating Security Payloa
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 91 Set to Factory Default Click it to clear all indexes. Index Click the number below Index to access into the settin
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 92 Accept Subject Alternative Name Click to check one specific field of digital signature to accept the peer with match
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 9333..88..55 RReemmoottee UUsseerr PPrrooffiilleess You can manage remote access by maintaining a table of remote
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 94 Enable this account Check the box to enable this function. Idle Timeout- If the dial-in user is idle over the limi
Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide 95select above will apply the authentication methods and security methods in the general settings. User Name This fiel
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