Draytek Vigor3300 Series Manual do Utilizador

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Página 1 - Reference Guide

i Draytek Telnet Commands for Vigor3300 Series Reference Guide Version: 1.0 Date: 2006/12/28

Página 2 - Copyright Information

5 Valid subcommands Commands Type First Layer Second Layer Third Layer mgcp callagent epidstyle localport wildrsip sip localport set protocol set

Página 3

952.6.5 protocol There are two protocols can be used for VoIP - SIP and MGCP. You should click either one of buttons to set corresponding settings f

Página 4

96b. epidstyle This command can set name ID style of endpoint for the VoIP settings. epidstyle -s epidstyle <Mode> epidstyle <Mode> &l

Página 5

97c. localport This command can set local listening port number for MGCP. UDP port number in MGCP local terminal. localport -s localport <Port

Página 6 - 1.1 Accessing Telnet

982.6.5.2 sip a. localport This command can set local listening port number for SIP. localport -s localport <Port number> Syntax Description

Página 7

99Registrar Addr Enter the IP address or domain name of the SIP registrar server. Registrar Port Enter the port number of the SIP registrar server

Página 8 - 1.2 Valid Commands

1002.6.6 speeddial It allows you to set a simple way to dial a specific number. Up to 150 numbers can be stored in Vigor3300V. del This comm

Página 9

1012.6.6.3 show This command can show speed dial setting. show show <start> <end> Syntax Description Syntax Description start Enter th

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1022.6.7 tone user_defined This command can set tone settings to fit the telecommunication custom for the local area of the router installed

Página 11

103b. callerid This command can set Caller ID type. callerid -s callerid <Type> Syntax Description Syntax Description -s It is used for dis

Página 12 - 2.1 advance

104DrayTek/voip/tone/user_defined> congestion -s ==== VoIP Congestion Tone === LowFreq: 10 HignFreq: 50 TOn1: 50 TOff1:50 TOn2: 50 TOff2: 50 d.

Página 14

105e. ringing This command can set features for ringing calls. ringing -s ringing <Lowfreq> <Howfreq> <Ton1> <Toff1> <Ton

Página 15

1062.6.7.2 country This command can select country for tone setting. country -s country <Country Code> Syntax Description Syntax Descriptio

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1072.6.8 nat This command can set VoIP NAT traversal. nat -s nat <Disable Mode> nat <Manual Mode> <NatIpAddr> nat <Auto Mode&g

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1082.6.9 qos This command can set VoIP QoS features. qos -s qos <mode> <LFI> Syntax Description Syntax Description -s It is used for

Página 18 - 2.1.2 snmp

1092.6.11 siplog This command can display log for SIP usage. If there is no SIP usage, it will display “not found”. siplog <Mode> siplog <M

Página 19

110 2.7 vpn 2.7.1 ipsec This command can configure IPSec settings. connect This command can set VPN connection. connect <Index> Syntax

Página 20 - 2.1.3 block

1112.7.1.4 policy This command can set policy table. policy -s <Index> policy -e <Index> <Name> <Preshared Key> <Securit

Página 21 - 2.1.4 blockstatus

1121: WAN1 ; 2: WAN2 ; 3: WAN3 ; 4: WAN4 Local Subnet Enter a subnet address as local subnet. Local Subnet Mask Enter the number (0-32) as the loc

Página 22 - 2.1.5 callsch

113DHCP-over-IPSec Enter “0” to enable this function. Enter “1” to disable this function. NAT-T Enable Enter “0” to enable this function. Enter “1

Página 23 - 2.1.6 lanvlan

1142.7.2 pptp This command can set VPN configuration for PPTP. auth This command can set PPTP Authentication function. auth -s <Index&g

Página 24 - 2.1.7 portmirror

7 22.. CCoommmmaannddss DDeessccrriippttiioonnss 2.1 advance 2.1.1 nat addressmap The full name of this command is - Address mapping func

Página 25 - 2.1.8 staticroute

1152.7.2.2 general This command can set general configuration for PPTP VPN tunnel. general -s general <Inactive> general <Active> <PP

Página 26 - 2.1.9 tagvlan

1162.7.2.3 group This command can assign IP, netmask, subnet, subnet mask for a VPN PPTP group. group -s group <Group ID> <Assign IP> &l

Página 27

1172.7.2.4 12tp This command can configure L2TP General Setup for VPN connection. l2tp -s l2tp <Inactive> l2tp <Active> <PPTP Auth&

Página 28 - 2.1.10 wanportmirror

1182.8 exit/logout/quit This command (exit or logout) can set exit telnet command screen of Vigor3300V series. 2.9 ping This command can execute pin

Página 29 - 2.2 firewall dmz This command can set a DMZ host that maps ALL unsolicited data on any protocol to a single host in the LAN. dmz -s <Index> dmz

Página 30

9 portlist This command can display a list of all well-know ports for your reference. portlist -s Syntax Description Syntax Description -s

Página 31 redirectport The full name of this command is – redirect port function. This command can expose internal servers to the public domain or o

Página 32

11Private Port Start The available range is from 1 to 65535. Private Port End The available range is from 1 to 65535. Use IP Alias On Enter “1” t

Página 33 status This command can display current NAT status including total session count, connected session count and max. session count. Syntax D

Página 34 - 2.2.2 ipfilter

132.1.2 snmp community This command can define a community with string, host/mask, authority as read only or read/write. community -s <In

Página 35 trap2sink This command can notify the management station of an unusual event that may demand further attention. trap2sink -s <Index>

Página 36

ii Copyright Information Copyright Declarations Copyright 2006 All rights reserved. This publication contains information that is protected by copyr

Página 37

152.1.3 block Vigor3300 Series supports ten port numbers to be blocked for filtering some unnecessary packets or attacking packets on Internet envir

Página 38

162.1.4 blockstatus This command can display block status. blockstatus Syntax Description Syntax Description blockstatus Display current block stat

Página 39 - 2.2.3 urlfilter

172.1.5 callsch The full name of this command is - Setting the PPPoE Call Scheduler. This command can set time schedule for executing router setting

Página 40

18------------------- Index1 Status: Enable Date: 2006-10-20 Time: 09:00 Action: force off How often: weekdays Week Option: Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri.

Página 41

19VLAN2-P1: Disable VLAN2-P2: Disable VLAN2-P3: Disable VLAN2-P4: Disable VLAN3-P1: Disable VLAN3-P2: Disable VLAN3-P3: Disable VLAN3-P4: Disable 2

Página 42

202.1.8 staticroute The full name of this command is Static Route function. This command can set rules to forward data from one specified subnet to

Página 43

212.1.9 tagvlan The full name of this command is - Tag VLAN Setting. This command can set VLAN based on 802.1Q. tagvlan -s tagvlan <Mode> tagv

Página 44

22Password: Login by remote client DrayTek> advance DrayTek/advance> tagvlan -s # Active Name Vlanid P1 P2 P3 P4 P1Tag P2Tag P3Tag P4Ta

Página 45 - 2.3 network

232.1.10 wanportmirror This command can copy traffic from one or more specific ports to a target port for monitoring all traffics. This mechanism ca

Página 46

242.2 firewall 2.2.1 dos icmpflood This command can enable or disable ICMPFlood detection function and set the threshold of icmpflood detec

Página 47

iii TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss 1. Introduction...

Página 48 packetblock This command can enable some packet block functions. option <Value> Syntax Description Syntax Description Value 1: Ena

Página 49 - 2.3.2 wan portscan This command can enable or disable port scan detection function and set the threshold of port scan detection function. Port scan

Página 50 synflood This command can activate the SYN flood defense function. If the amount of TCP SYN packets from the Internet exceeds the user-def

Página 51 udpflood This command can activate the UDP flood defense function. If the amount of UDP packets from the Internet exceeds the user-defined

Página 52

292.2.2 ipfilter filterrule This command can add/delete/edit a filter rule for IP filter and display the status for filter rule. Please add

Página 53

30-p It is used for editing the protocol used by selected filter rule. -b It is used for editing the action of “block or pass” of selected filter

Página 54

31Direction Enter the number listed below to specify certain option. The direction of packet flow VPN In is for incoming packets. VPN Out is for ou

Página 55

322.2.2.2 general This command can set the start group for IP filter. Startup <GroupId> <Enable> Syntax Description Syntax Description

Página 56

332.2.2.3 group This command can add/delete/edi a new group for ip filter and display the status for the group. add <GroupId> <NextGroupI

Página 57

342.2.3 urlfilter catetory This command can set exceptionally allowed URL from the categorized access. URL content filter can prevent employ

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iv ppp_detect ... 49 pp

Página 59

35set -d It will put a category into the denial list (choose from allow list). code Chosen category code. Example DrayTek/firewall/urlfilter/cat

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362.2.3.2 exception This command can add/edit/delete an IP subnet to the exception IP list. add <ip> <netmask> delete <index> edit

Página 61

372.2.3.3 keyword This command can add keyword list for URL filter function. add <Keyword> block_mode <Mode> delete <KeywordIndex>

Página 62 - 2.3.3 highava

38Timeofday Set the hour/minutes/seconds for the scheduler. The syntax must be “hh:mm:ss”. Dayofweek Set the days that you want to invoke for the

Página 63 - 2.3.4 policy

395:proxy 6:multimedia Example DrayTek/firewall/urlfilter/web> filetype 1 0 DrayTek/firewall/urlfilter/web> enable This command can

Página 64

402.3 network 2.3.1 lan dhcp This command can configure DHCP Server settings for LAN. dhcp -s <Index> dhcp -mode <Index> <Mo

Página 65 - 2.3.5 static_dhcp

41WAN IF Enter the number of WAN interface for applying relay agent. 1: WAN1, 2: WAN2, 3:WAN3, 4: WAN4 DHCP Server IP Enter the IP address for the

Página 66 - 2.4 qos

422.3.1.2 ip_nat This command can set LAN IP address for NAT usage. ip_nat -s <Index> ip_nat <Index> <Address> <Netmask> Syn

Página 67

432.3.1.3 ip_route This command can set LAN IP address for routing usage. ip_route -s <WAN Interface> ip_route -disable <WAN Interface>

Página 68

442.3.2 wan advance This command can set load balance, enables or disables backup function for WAN interface and sets the weight load (10-90

Página 69 - 2.4.2 outgoing

v mgcp ... 95

Página 70

452.3.2.2 active This command can activate WAN setting for the device. active <index> <status> <default route> active <index>

Página 71

462.3.2.3 dhcp This command can set WAN to DHCP mode. dhcp -s <index> dhcp <index> dhcp <index> <hostname> <domainname>

Página 72 - 2.5 System

472.3.2.4 dmz This command can set WAN to dmz mode (NAT and Routing mode) let user access lots of servers in secure via Internet environment. dmz -s

Página 73 - 2.5.2 administrator

482.3.2.5 macf This command can configure MAC address for WAN interface. mac -s <index> mac <index> <Use Default> mac <index

Página 74 - 2.5.3 ntp

492.3.2.6 ppp_detect This command can detect the settings for PPPoE/PPTP (using LCP Echo Request) connection. ppp_detect -s <index> ppp_dete

Página 75 - 2.5.4 port

502.3.2.7 pppoe This command can set PPPoE mode as WAN interface. pppoe -s <index> pppoe <index> <Username> <Password><Au

Página 76 - 2.5.5 reboot

512.3.2.8 pptp This command can set PPTP mode as WAN interface. pptp -s <index> pptp <index> <Username> <Password> <Aut

Página 77 - 2.5.6 status

522.3.2.9 rate This command can configure downstream and upstream rate for WAN interface. rate -s <index> rate <index> <Downstream&g

Página 78 - 2.5.7 syslog

532.3.2.10 show This command can display current settings (such as Static, DHCP, PPPOE, PPTP, or DMZ configuration) and values of settings for WAN.

Página 79 - 2.6 voip

542.3.2.11 speed This command can configure speed & duplex for WAN interface. speed -s <index> speed <index> <Speed & Duple

Página 80 - Memo: joy

1 11.. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn 1.1 Accessing Telnet Click Start >> Run and type Telnet in the Open box as below. Note that the

Página 81

552.3.2.12 static This command can set static IP mode as WAN interface. static -s <index> static <index> <IP> <Netmask> <

Página 82

562.3.2.13 static_detect This command can detect the settings for Static/DHCP connection. static_detect -s <index> static_detect <index>

Página 83

572.3.3 highava This command can show all LAN Backup settings. highava -s highava <Disable> highava <Enable> <Group> <Role>

Página 84 - 2.6.3 misc

582.3.4 policy This command can configure Load Balance Policy. policy -s <Index> policy -used policy -e <Index> <Protocol> <

Página 85

59Protocol: TCP Source IP: Source Subnet Mask: Dest Port Start: Dest Port End: Network Interface: LAN Dest IP: Dest Subnet Mask: DrayTek/network>

Página 86

602.3.5 static_dhcp This command can set Static DHCP configuration. static_dhcp -s <Index> static_dhcp -e <Index> <Host MacAddress&

Página 87

612.4 qos 2.4.1 incoming This command can set bandwidth percentage for data and voice signals transmission. active This command can enable I

Página 88 - 2.6.4 port

62 Example DrayTek/qos/incoming> class -e 1 discussion 15 DrayTek/qos/incoming> class -s 1 Index: 1 Class Name: discussion Bandwidth: 15 2.4

Página 89

63number that you can enter is 0 ~ 34. Protocol Enter the number (0,1 or 2) to specify protocol. 1: TCP ; 2: UDP; 3:TCP/UDP Source Port Start Ente

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642.4.2 outgoing active This command can enable outgoing QoS function. active -s active <Status> Syntax Description Syntax Descript

Página 91

2 To access into next level of the command, please type the first level directly; to return to previous level, please type “..” .

Página 92

65DrayTek/qos/outgoing> class -e 1 upload 15 DrayTek/qos/outgoing> class -s 1 Index: 1 Class Name: upload Bandwidth: 15 filter This co

Página 93

66filter. Source Port End Enter the number (1 ~ 65535) as the source port end for this filter.Destination Port Start Enter the number (1 ~ 65535)

Página 94

672.5 System 2.5.1 acl This command can set PING restriction for Access Control function. acl -s acl <Disable LAN PING> <Disable WAN PIN

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682.5.2 administrator This command can set password for administrator. After finishing the settings,you have to reboot to take effect the changes. a

Página 96

692.5.3 ntp This command can set Network Time Protocol (NTP) client and the router can get standard time from the time server. ntp -s ntp <Disab

Página 97

702.5.4 port This command can set port management configuration. After finishing the settings, you have to reboot to take the changes effect. por

Página 98

71192.168.1.59 Example DrayTek/system> port -i DrayTek/system> port -s Default or user define port : Default Manage

Página 99 - Port1 VoIP IP: LAN3/VPN

722.5.6 status This command can display current status of router. status Syntax Description Syntax Description status Displays firmware, hardware,

Página 100 - 2.6.5 protocol

732.5.7 syslog This command can set syslog server for keeping a record of abnormal conditions. The router will send Syslog packets to a Syslog serve

Página 101

742.6 voip 2.6.1 advspdial advspdial This command can set advanced speed dial. advspdial -s <Index> advspdial -e <Index> <Pr

Página 102

3 1.2 Valid Commands The valid commands will differ according to the router and the firmware version that you have. At present, commands explained

Página 103 - SIP Port: 6567

75Append: 86 Destination: Memo: joy

Página 104

762.6.2 in_barring Incoming Call Barring (in_barring) can be used to bar incoming VoIP calls from the Internet. allow This command can set

Página 105 - 2.6.6 speeddial

772.6.2.2 deny This command can set deny list of incoming calls. Only people listed in this list cannot call this router. deny -s <Index> de

Página 106

782.6.2.3 set This command can block incoming VoIP calls from the Internet. Barring classes can be specified to allow or deny incoming calls. Ther

Página 107 - 2.6.7 tone

792.6.3 misc dialing_timeout This command can specify the dialing completion timeout. The system will force to dial the incomplete number af

Página 108

802.6.3.3 fxs_ringing This command can specify the FXS Ringing cadence and frequency. fxs_ringing -s fxs_ringing <Cadence_On> <Cadence_Off&

Página 109

812.6.3.5 rtp_port This command can set port number for sending/receiving RTP packets. rtp_port -s rtp_port <Port number> Syntax Description

Página 110

822.6.3.7 t38redundancy This command can set T38 redundancy number. t38redundancy -s t38redundancy <Number> Syntax Description Syntax Descrip

Página 111 - Country: British

832.6.4 port callforward This command can set call forwarding to forward all incoming calls to the specified SIP URL site. callforward -s

Página 112

842.6.4.2 codec This command can set codec related setting. codec -s codec <Device port> <Prefer> <Rate> <VAD> codec -sing

Página 113 - 2.6.9 qos

4Valid subcommands Commands Type First Layer Second Layer Third Layer filetype enable lan dhcp Ip_nat Ip_route advance wan active dhcp dmz mac

Página 114 - 2.6.12 status

856. G.729A - 8kbps 20 Disable Disable 7. G.729A - 8kbps 20 Disable Disable 8. G.729A - 8kbps 20 Disable Disable

Página 115 - 2.7 vpn

862.6.4.3 disconnect This command can disconnect FXO connection. disconnect <Device port> Syntax Description Syntax Description Device port

Página 116

872.6.4.4 dtmf_relay This command can set DTMF relay function. dtmf_relay -s dtmf_relay <Device port> <Mode> dtmf_relay <Device port&

Página 117

882.6.4.5 fax This command can set fax transport mode. fax -s fax <Device port> <Mode0> fax <Device port> <Mode1> fax <De

Página 118

892.6.4.6 gain This command can set Gain control for Device Port gain -s gain <Device port> <RX Gain> <TX Gain> Syntax Descripti

Página 119 - 2.7.2 pptp

902.6.4.7 group This command can set user group setting. group -s group <Mode> group <Mode> <Group of Port 1> <Group of Port

Página 120

912.6.4.8 hotline This command can set hotline. hotline -s hotline <Dir> <Device port> <Digits> Syntax Description Syntax Descr

Página 121

922.6.4.9 phonenumber This command can activate phone number settings. set -s set <Device port> <Active> set <Device port> <A

Página 122

932.6.4.10 proxy This command can display Proxy server information or specify a SIP proxy server to be used. Before using this command, you have t

Página 123 - 2.10 traceroute

942.6.4.11 voip_ip This command can set VoIP IP on WAN or LAN/VPN. If LAN/VPN is selected, VoIP can be applied through a VPN tunnel to create a high

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