i Version : 2.0 Date : 2006/6/12
7 Step 3 Advanced page In this example since the connection is initiated by Vigor 2900V, the encryption method is determined by Vigor 2900V. By def
97 2. Configuring the Call Agent IP address. Figure 3-46. MGCP call agent address
98 CChhaapptteerr 44.. LLooaadd BBaallaannccee PPoolliiccyy This chapter is divided into the following sections, Section 4.1: Introduction S
99 Port Range will be gray marked. It is because these protocols have been pre-defined as follows. Please refer to Table 4-1. Table 4-1. Selected p
100 Figure 4-6. Second page Load Balance Policy – Configuration ExampleSuppose the subnets of the company are listed in the Table 4-2 below (
101 Policy 1 For computers (Server) with IP range from to, with HTTP protocol traffics are applied to WAN1 in
102 CChhaapptteerr 55.. 880022..11QQ VVLLAANN ,,''((22++++44Virtual LANs (VLANs) are logical, independent
103 ,,''((""66A more efficient approach to combine multiple VLAN in a port to allow connect more switches s
104 TCP/IP network protocols and most other protocols broadcast frames periodically to advertise or discover network resources. This can have a sig
105 ,,,,00The management port can help user to always communicate with router even though configuring the wrong s
106 Configuration: 1. Block LAN-to-LAN communication. 2. Create VLAN5, VLAN6, VLAN7 and VLAN8 Groups. 3. In the VLAN5, input “5” to VLAN ID.
8 22..11..22..22 CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonnss iinn VViiggoorr22990000VV There are some setup procedures as below. Step 1 Enter the web page of
107 Figure 5-8. LAN IP configuration 9. In the Network setting, input the subnet to LAN2. For example, the VLAN6 LAN IP is 192.168.
108 Figure 5-10. LAN3 IP configuration 11. In the Network setting, input the subnet to LAN4. For example, the VLAN8 LAN IP is 192.16
109 Figure 5-12. Application 2 Configuration: 1. Block LAN-to-LAN communication. 2. Create VLAN5 and VLAN6 Groups. 3. In the VLAN5, input “
110 Figure 5-13. LAN VLAN configuration 6. In the Network setting, input the subnet to LAN. For example, the VLAN5 LAN IP is 192.16
111 Application 3: There are four companies in the same building. They share the broadband network and use the Vigor 3300V router to achieve the lo
112 (Port VLAN ID), because 802.1q tag will be inserted to the frame from company D. 7. After applying the settings, the web page will be
113 Configuration: 1. Block LAN-to-LAN communication. 2. Create VLAN5, VLAN6, VLAN7 and VLAN8 Groups. 3. In the VLAN5, input “5” to VL
114 VLAN to expand the network. So, we defined four VLANs that are VLAN5, VLAN6, VLAN7 and VLAN8, each LAN port is Trunk port which supports multip
115 Note After rebooting, the tagged ports will only communicate with 802.1Q tagged devices. Figure 5-21. LAN VLAN setting The network configurati
9 Step 3 Click Index 1, and enter relevant settings of the VPN tunnel connected to Vigor 3300V. Please refer to Figure 2-8. Figure 2-8. LAN to LAN
10 Dial-Out Setting It deals with relevant settings of Dial-Out connection, including encryption method, preshared key and remote site&ap
11 TCP/IP Network Settings It deals with the internal network of the remote site, etc. In the Network IP and Mask field, enter and 255
12 Step 7 Figure 2-15. Connection
13 Step 10
14 22..22..11 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn This case is based on example 1. The difference is tha
15 22..22..22 EExxaammpplleess aanndd WWeebb CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonnss 22..22..22..11 CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonnss iinn VViiggoorr 2299
16 Step 3 Click Index 1 and enter relevant settings for the VPN tunnel to Vigor 3300V. Please refer to Figure 12-4. Figure 2-23. Enter relevant VP
ii Table of Contents Chapter 1 . High Availability Function ... 1 1.1 Introduction..
17 Dial-Out Settings It deals with relevant settings of Dial-Out connection. In this example, we do not need to configure this part. Figure 2-25.
18 TCP/IP Network Settings It deals with the internal network of the remote site, etc. In the Network IP and Mask fields, enter and 2
19 22..22..22..22 CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonnss iinn VViiggoorr 33330000VV There are some procedures as below. Step1 Suppose the internal netwo
20 WAN Interface Vigor 3300V has 4 WAN ports. In this example, we choose WAN1 to establish the VPN tunnel. Network IP / Subnet Mask It is the
21 Step 3 Advanced page By default, Vigor 3300V allows des-md5, des-sha1, 3des-md5 and 3des-sha1. Change the sequence of des-md5 and des-sha1 so th
22 Step 6 Please wait for 30~60 seconds, and then enter the VPN - IPSec – Status page of Vigor 3300V. You will find that this VPN tunnel has been e
23 Step 10 Enter the CLI and ping to see if there is any response. Figure 2-37. Command prompt Step 11 If the numbers of Tx P
24 The second example is to configure 2 LAN to LAN VPN Tunnels. So that all three routers' internal networks can connect to each other through
25 3300V Headquarters 2900V Branch Offices 2200V Teleworker PPPoE, fixed IP PPPoE, dynamic IP WAN IP
26 Basic It deals with basic settings, including profile name, authentication type, preshared key, etc. Name You can specify a name to
iii Chapter 4. Load Balance Policy ...98 4.1 Introduction...
27 Figure 2-42. VPN – IPSec tunnel - Default page setup Step 3 Advanced page In this example since the connection is initiated by Vigor 2900V, the
28 Step 4 After configuration, the router will automatically switch to the VPN - IPSec - Policy Table page. Click 2, and then press Edit. Figure 2
29 Network IP / Subnet Mask The internal network of Vigor 3300V. Please enter /16 (/16 = Mask Remote Gateway
30 Step 6 Advanced page In this example since the connection is initiated by Vigor 2200V, the encryption method is determined by Vigor 2200V. By de
31 22..33..22..22 CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonnss iinn VViiggoorr 22990000VV Step 1 Enter the web page of Vigor 2900V, and click the VPN and Remo
32 Step 3 Click Index 1, and enter relevant settings of the VPN tunnel connected to Vigor 3300V. Figure 2-50. Enter relevant VPN setup Step 4 On
33 PING to Keep Alive To avoid the situation in which the connection goes down unexpectedly, Vigor uses "Ping to keep alive" method t
34 Dial-in Setting It deals with relevant settings of Dial-In connection. In this example, there is no need to configure this part. Figure 2-53. V
35 Figure 2-55. The setting status for Vigor 2900V is completed Step 6 Enter the main page of Vigor 2900V, click VPN Connection Management. Since
36 Step 8 If the numbers of Tx Pkts & Rx Pkts increase, it means there is traffic through the VPN tunnel. Figure 2-58. The numbers of Tx Pkts
1 CChhaapptteerr 11 .. HHiigghh AAvvaaiillaabbiilliittyy FFuunnccttiioonn This chapter shows how to setup high availability function. This ch
37 Step 3 On this page there are four sections regarding VPN configuration. Common Setting It deals with basic settings, including profile
38 Dial-Out Setting It deals with relevant settings of Dial-Out connection, including encryption method, preshared key and the WAN IP of remote sit
39 TCP/IP Network Settings The internal network of the remote site, etc. In the Network IP and Mask fields, enter and resp
40 Step 5 Enter the main page of Vigor 2200V, click VPN Connection Management. Since “Always On” is enabled, the VPN connection has been establishe
41 Step 7 Enter the web page of Vigor 3300V and enter VPN\IPSec\Status, you will see two VPN tunnels have been established. Figure 2-68. VPN - IPS
42 $$%%&&''(())%%**&&++%%
43 Figure 2-70 2. In the following page, configure as the picture below: Figure 2-71 Please enable the DHCP over IPSec, you’ll see Network IP /
44 3. In the Advance page, you may make some detailed settings for the two IKE phases. Figure 2-72 Note: • Since 3300 series router has multipl
45 2. Run the Start All Programs Draytek Smart VPN Client Smart VPN Client, and press Insert button. Figure 2-74 3. Then a new VPN
46 4. I n the coming up configuration page, tick the Virture IP box. You may Obtain an IP address automatically or Specify an IP address as your w
2 At first, we need to configure High Availability in the Master device. Pl
47 6. Figure 2-78 7. You may try pinging the remote private IP so as to check if the connection is up. Figure 2-79
48 ,,""&&''((--%%22..55..11 IInnttrroodduu
49 Step 2 Enter VPN - PPTP - Group Table. And you can specify the IP range that be allocated to the remote hosts (Star IP), and the local IP range
50 Step 4 In the following page, please type in the User Name & User Password, and select a group. Figure 2-83. PPTP authentication – Edit Ste
51 Step 3 Press click Insert to create a new VPN profile. Figure 2-85. Create a new VPN profile Step 4 Specify a name for this profile (surely you
52 Step 5 Click OK then click Connect to the Vigor 3300. Figure 2-87. Connect to VPN server Step 6 After the tunnel is established, you may see th
53 29. VoIP Example 1 (Basic Configuration and Registration) This chapter shows how to set up a practical example to use VoIP function. This chapte
54 CChhaapptteerr 33.. VVooIIPP FFuunnccttiioonn This chapter is divided into the following sections, Section 3.1: VoIP Example 1 - Basic Confi
55 Table 3-2. Example1-basic settings in Vigor 3300V and Vigor 2900V Proxy Domain Port iptel iptel.org iptel.org 5060 fwd fwd.pulver.com fwd.
56 Display incoming call's information. To facilitate ease differentiation please type 3300V_Port1_iptel. Proxy Server Select the SIP
3 Multiple Slaves There should be only one Master, but multiple Slaves are allowed. Generally speaking, the Slave with the greater LAN IP address w
57 Relevant settings used for FAX over VoIP. FAX Mode Compression mode used for transferring FAX. By default is T.38 Relay. FAX Bypass Codec Select
58 Username Phone Number of Port1~Port8. Proxy Port1, 2, 5, and 6 are registered to iptel Proxy, and Port3, 4, 7, 8 are registered to fwd Proxy. C
59 33..11..22 VViiggoorr 22990000VV CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn EExxaammppllee Step 1 Open the Web of 2900V and click VoIP Setup. Figure 3-7.
60 After configuration please click OK to save the settings. 2900V will go to VoIP – Setup page automatically. Figure 3-9. Setup port1 and port2 o
61 Figure 3-11. VoIP connection status of Vigor 2900V Now the configuration is completed. !!..
62 Table 3-3. Configuration table WAN IPPort NumberPhone NumberProxyCodec3300V220.135.240.207Port1(FXS)888833iptelG
63 33..22..11..22 22990000VV CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn EExxaammppllee Step 1
64 Step 4 Confirm the settings are correct, and then finish the configuration. Figure 3-18. Finish DialPlan configuration Start to dial by using t
65 WAN IP Port NumberPhone NumberProxyCodecPort1(FXS) 88883
66 Note
4 CChhaapptteerr 22 .. VVPPNN FFuunnccttiioonn This chapter is divided into the following sections, Section 2.1: VPN Dial-in Function Section
67 Start to dial by using telephone Phone1 call Phone4 Press 2912#. Phone2 call Phone3 Press 2911#. Phone3 call Phone1 Press 3312#. Phone4 call Ph
68 Figure 3-23. A scenario architecture graph Table 3-5. Configuration table 3300V Headquarters 2900V Branch Offices 2200V Teleworker 220.135.24
69 33..33..11 VViiggoorr 33330000VV CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn EExxaammppllee
71 Note
72 Step 2 Setup Port 1. This page falls into two sections, SIP: Set up the SIP Server used for
73 Figure 3-33. Add index1 and index2 speed dial phone number After configuration, please confirm that the VPNs are established and they
74 Connect the telephones (Please refer to VoIP Example 1). Two VoIP equipments call with each other. Connect PBX's Outside Lines. The usage i
75 Table 3-7. Configuration table between Vigor 3300V and Vigor 2900V WAN IP Port Number Phone Number Proxy Codec 3300V Port1(FX
76 Figure 3-35. Speed dial phone number settings Figure 3-36. Edit of index1 !!,,,,((
5 There Below is a configuration table as below between Vigor 3300V and Vigor 2900V. Vigor 3300V Headquarters Vigor 2900V Branch Office WAN IP 22
77 Table 3-9. Configuration table between 3300V and 2900V WAN IP Port Number Phone Number Proxy Codec Port1(FXS) 888833 iptel G.729A 3300V 2
78 Figure 3-38. A scenario architecture graph Table 3-10. Configuration table between Vigor 3300V and Vigor 2900V WAN IP Port Number Phone Numb
79 Press 888835#. After getting through you will hear the Dial tone, then press the extension 101. Phone2 calls Phone4 Press 888835#. After gett
80 know Vigor 2600V's WAN IP, which results in that SIP Server can't find Vigor 3300V. But if Vigor 3300V uses STUN, it can discover Vigo
81 Figure 3-40. NAT setup of Vigor 2600V Step 2 click Open Ports Setup. Figure 3-41. Open ports settings of Vigor 2600V Step 3 Click Index1. Fig
82 Step 4 Forward the packets sent to UDP 5060, 13456~13470 and 49170~49184 to Vigor 3300V's WAN IP Press OK to save the settin
83 Figure 3-35. NAT Traversal of Vigor 3300V Step 2 Enter VoIP - Status page, wait one or two minutes (The time depends on SIP Server's respo
84 The Open Ports setup in Vigor 2600V also must be changed to 5061. Figure 3-38. Open port setup !!55((66((
85 Another application is workable that putting the Asterisk to the Internet for branch office communication. 33..77..11..11 CCoonnffiigguurraatt
86 allow = alaw allow=g729 allow=g726 Modify the language value for all users. language=en ; Default language setting for all users/peers Mo
6 Admin Status Use the default settings (Enable). Local Gateway It deals with relevant settings of the local router, including selection
87 allow=ulaw allow=g729 allow=g723.1 [1002] type=friend nat=no canreinvite=yes host=dynamic defaultip= username=1002 secret=0000 dtm
88 callerid="1003" <1003> disallow=all allow=ulaw allow=g729 allow=g723.1 [1004] type=friend nat=no canreinvite=yes host=dynamic d
89 context=sip callerid="2001" <2001> disallow=all allow=ulaw allow=g729 allow=g723.1 [2002] type=friend nat=no canreinvite=yes ho
90 mailbox=1000 ; Mailbox for message waiting indicator context=sip callerid="2003" <2003> disallow=all allow=ulaw allow=g729 allow
91 call-limit=1 mailbox=1000 ; Mailbox for message waiting indicator context=sip callerid="3001" <3001> disallow=all allow=ulaw all
92 [fxo3] type=friend secret=1234 context=sip disallow=all allow=ulaw allow=g729 allow=g723.1 dtmfmode=info canreinvite=no host=dynamic defaultip=1
93 Add Endpoint for MGCP Modify the port value to 2727 for Call Agent. [] host = context = mgcp line => aaln/1 line =&
94 [] host = context = mgcp line => aaln/1 extensions.conf Add extensions for SIP. [sip] exten => 1001,1,Dial(SIP/1
95 exten => 2004,1,Dial(MGCP/aaln/[email protected]) exten => 3001,1,Dial(MGCP/aaln/[email protected]) 33..77..33 CCoonnffiigguurriinngg VViiggo
96 Figure 3-43. DTMF mode Figure 3-44. Port setting configuration 33..77..33..22 MMGGCCPP CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn 1. Configure VoIP IP Ad
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