6 3. Select I accept the terms of the license agreement and click Next. 4. Highlight the items you prefer to install. When finish, click Nex
7 5. The system will remind you to connect the Wireless Adapter to your desktop PC or notebook. Insert the adapter as instructed and click OK.
8 8. Use the default program folder name, or edit the program folder name. Click Next.
9 9. Read the notice and click Next. 10. Select the tool you will use to configure the Wireless Adapter after installation. We recommend for
10 11. The system will remind that the following process will install the item you selected automatically. Check if the Wireless Adapter is inser
11 13. When the installation process ends, the system requires to reboot your desktop PC or notebook. Click OK. 14. After system reboot, t
12 Tray icon: Desktop shortcut: &&''%%(())$$ !!""""When
13 2. The Installation Program window pops up. Click Uninstall the previous installation and click Next. 3. The system will remind you the r
14 5. The system will double confirm the removal process with you. Click Yes to continue. 6. Now the program starts to uninstall. And you wi
15 This section will guide you to connect to a wireless network through Vigor600
i Copyright Information Copyright Declarations Copyright 2005 All rights reserved. This publication contains information that is protected by copyri
16 --..To connect to an existing network, an Infrastructure or an Ad-Hoc network,
17 2. Click Scan. Wait for several seconds. You will see a list of Available Infrastructure and Ad Hoc Networks. On this list, click Refresh to re
18 General Tab: Enter a Profile Name and at least one SSID. Security Tab: If you are going to connect to a secure network, you have to select
19 Advanced Tab: In Network Type, the utility will show if the network is Infrastructure or Ad-Hoc automatically. Change it if necessary. You can f
20 //00To create a wireless network without an access point, simply create an Ad-Hoc network
21 3. In Security tab, configure security options. 4. In Advanced tab, switch Network Type to Ad Hoc. Select Wireless Mode to define the net
22 11''This section will introduce all configurations using Vigor600 Super G Wireless Adapter Utility (the
23 Data Encryption Displays the encryption type the driver is using. Configure the encryption type on the Security tab. Signal Strength Shows the
24 strength in dBm. Current Noise Level: Displays the current noise level in dBm. Up Time: Shows how long the client adapter has been receiving pow
25 11''22))Configure the Vigor600 Super G Wireless Adapter ( the Wireless Adapter) from the Profile
ii European Community Declarations Manufacturer: DrayTek Corp. Address: No. 26, Fu Shing Road, HuKou County, HsinChu Industrial Park, Hsin-Chu,
26 Network Name (SSID) icons : Infrastructure (AP) Network Connected Infrastructure (AP) Network Ad Hoc Network Connected Ad Hoc N
27 CCrreeaattee oorr MMooddiiffyy aa pprrooffiillee 1. To add a new configuration profile, click New on the Profile Management tab. To modify
28 WPA/WPA2 Enables the use of Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA). Opens the WPA/WPA2 EAP drop-down menu. The options include: EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS, PEAP
29 key size 152 bits, enter 16 ASCII or 32 hexadecimal characters. If the access point that the Wireless Adapter is associating to has set option
30 field to use a separate user name and password to start the EAP authentication process. Click Settings to edit advanced configuration: Leave
31 or In User Information for PEAP(EAP-GTC) Authentication, enter a PEAP user name in the User Name field to use a separate user name and start t
32 is the computer’s MAC address. Change the Login Name if needed. PEAP(EAP-MSCHAP V2): Select the appropriate network certificate authority from
33 with a certificate signed by the authority listed in the Network Certificate Authority drop-down list. (recommended) Enter the domain name of
34 Click Use Temporary User Name and Password radio button. Select Automatically Prompt for User Name and Password or select Manually Prompt for
35 Check the Allow Automatic PAC Provisioning for this Profile checkbox to have the system automatically provide the PAC for this profile. To s
iii TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss 1. Introduction...
36 domain or hardware limitations. Power Save Mode Maximum: causes the access point to buffer incoming messages for the Wireless Adapter. The Wire
37 QoS: Check to apply special feature QoS (Quality of Service) technology to comply to WMMTM(Wi-Fi Multimedia) defined by Wi-Fi Alliance. WMMTM,
38 RReemmoovvee aa pprrooffiillee 1. Go to the Profile Management tab. 2. Select the profile to remove from the list of configuration prof
39 OOrrddeerriinngg tthhee aauuttoo sseelleecctteedd pprrooffiilleess:: 1. Highlight a profile in the Auto Selected Profiles box. 2. Click
40 2. Click the Export button. The Export Profile window appears. 3. Browse to the directory to export the profile to. 4. Click Save. The pr
41 Adapter Information More general information about the Wireless Adapter and the network driver interface specification (NDIS) driver. Card Nam
42 1111##%%&&To change the display settings, choose Options > Display Settings from the menu. The Disp
43 113344Click Action from the menu to access the tools. Disable Radio Click to disable the RF signal. The message
44 This option is ONLY available when the Wireless Adapter is connecting to a profile with LEAP settings. In Profile Management tab > Sec
45 11!!00%% EElleeccttrroonniicc HHeellpp In the Utility, click Help > Help. or Right cl
1 The Vigor600 Super G Wireless Adapter is a convenient wireless connectivity solution for desktop or notebook PCs.
46 A short help will show for your reference. UUttiilliittyy VVeerrssiioonn Click Help > About Vigor600 Super G Wireless Adapter Utility to
47 1155''6677''This section describes the operati
48 The Zero Configuration settings override all configuration profiles, even when you select other options. However, the Vigor600 Super G Wireless
49 119944%%You will find a tray icon in the right corner of system tray. Right-click on the tray icon to access the followin
2 As Vigor600 Super G Wireless Adapter is interoperable and compatible with
3 LLEEDD Status Explanation Off The wireless adapter is powered off. Blinking The wireless adapter is power
4 !!""""This section will guide you to install/uninstall Vigor6
5 This section will guide you to install the driver step by step. 1. Insert the installation CD. It starts an index window automatically. Select I
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