Draytek VigorPhone 350 Guia do Utilizador

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Página 2 - Date: 21/06/2011

1011..22 PPrroodduucctt DDeessccrriippttiioonn This VoIP Phone features based on SIP (RFC 3261). Please familiarize yourself with the functions

Página 3 - Copyright Information

11 Soft Keys Icom (Intercom) Press the button and the extension number you want to dial. The call will be automatically established with the othe

Página 4 - CE Notice (European Union)

1211..22..22 BBaacckk VViieeww Item Name Description 1 Handset Jack Connects to the phone. RJ-9 2 Headset Jack Connects to an external h

Página 5 - Table of Contents

1311..33 SSeettttiinngg UUpp tthhee PPhhoonnee The following illustration shows how to connect the VoIP phone to power, LAN, WAN, and the han

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14 This page is left blank.

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15CChhaapptteerr 22 DDiissppllaayy SSccrreeeenn CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn The menu directory enables you to setup the product configurat

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1622..11 CCaallll HHiissttoorryy The VoIP phone stores information about all calls made or received. NOTE: The lists are stored from the newe

Página 9 - Chapter 5 Operation

1722..22 PPhhoonnee BBooookk The phone book feature enables you to view and create entries for your contacts and edit their contact information

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18 22..33..11 AAllwwaayyss FFoorrwwaarrdd Always Forward allows you to set the account number to which all incoming calls are to be forwarded.

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19BLF: Allows you to monitor the line status (in-use/idle/busy) of a phone line associated with a speed-dial button. You can assign 16 speed dial

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ii VigorPhone 350 User’s Guide Version: 1.1 Date: 21/06/2011

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2022..44 AAllaarrmm CClloocckk The Alarm Clock submenu allows you to set the phone to sound an alarm at a specific time. 22..44..11 AAllaarrm

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212. Press the New soft key. 3. Use the soft keys to do the following functions: z Edit: To edit the selected item. z Apply: To save and apply

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2222..66..55 SSeerriiaall NNuummbbeerr Serial Number function allows you to view the serial number of your VoIP phone. 22..66..66 FFaaccttoorr

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2322..77 GGeenneerraall SSIIPP SSeettttiinnggss General SIP Settings allows you setup the code priority, ports frame size, signaling and voice

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2422..77..55 GG..771111 FFrraammee SSiizzee This function allows you to select the G.711 frame size. Options are: 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 ms. 2

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25z DTMF Type: Input the DTMF type options: In-Band DTMF, Out-of-Band DTMF (RFC2833), and SIP INFO (RFC2976). z Authentication Name: Input the A

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2622..99 NNeettwwoorrkk The Network option allows you to setup your LAN Port, PC Port, VLAN, NAT/Bridge, NTP Server and MAC Address. 22..99.

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27To configure the VLAN settings, use the soft keys to access the submenu options and perform necessary functions. VLAN settings have the followin

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2822..99..66 LLAANN PPoorrtt MMAACC AAddddrreessss You can configure the LAN Port MAC Address settings from the VoIP phone. 1. Select LAN Po

Página 22 - No: to cancel reboot

29CChhaapptteerr 33 WWeebb CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn This chapter contains important information to help you configure the settings for your

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iiiCopyright Information Copyright Declarations Copyright 2011 All rights reserved. This publication contains information that is protected by copy

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30 After you login, move the cursor over the menu items on the left navigation bar to access the dropdown menus. 33..11 CCaallll HHiissttoorryy

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314. To remove certain Call History, click in the Delete box of the corresponding option, and then click OK button. 5. To remove all Call Histor

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3233..33 PPhhoonnee SSeettttiinnggss The phone settings menu provides a number of options to configure your phone, such as call forwarding, dat

Página 27 - 1. Select NAT or Bridge

33 2. Add the numbers that you want to set as speed dial/BLF, and select an existing SIP profile (account). 3. To delete a speed dial/BLF numbe

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3433..33..33 RRiinngg TToonnee To configure ring tone settings through the web browser, do the following: 1. Click Phone Settings>>Ring

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35To remove a ringer, do the following: 1. Choose Delete to display all the ringers currently stored in the phone. 2. Check the Select box of t

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36 3. Select Enable in Active field to activate the setting of the dial plan numbered 1. 4. Input all the information required for the followin

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37 2. Select Enable/Disable to activate/deactivate general Rule. 3. Select Effective Length to detect the entry digits match length. If matches

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38 2. The following options are available: Play Dial Tone Frequency: Set the dial tone frequency range when you pick up the handset. Play RingB

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39Speak Out Gain: Set the volume sent out from the microphone from Level 1-20. Default is Level 10. Mic Digital In Gain: Set the volume sent i

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ivRegulatory Information Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits

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40 2. Input the date on the Date field or click Calendar to select date from the calendar. To create a new schedule: 1. Click Add. The following

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41 2. Modify the necessary information. 3. Click: OK: Save your settings and go back to Calendar main menu. Cancel: Cancel changes and go ba

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42 2. Click Browse to select the file location of the newest firmware. 3. Click OK to execute the firmware upgrade or Cancel to cancel. Note: I

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4333..66..33 AAddmmiinniissttrraattoorr PPaasssswwoorrdd The system authority menu is only accessible through the web browser. To change the us

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44 2. Click OK. 3. A confirmation message will appear, click OK to proceed with reboot. Click Cancel to cancel reboot. 33..77 GGeenneerraall

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45 2. Select the item you want to change and a drop-down box will display the available options. G.711 u-law/G.711 a-law, G.723.1, G.729, G.722.

Página 41 - 3. Click:

46 2. Select the Signaling Precedence (ToS) from the options: 0 (Routing), 1 (Priority), 2 (Immediate), 3 (Flash), 4 (Flash Override), and 5 (CRI

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47To delete an SIP account, do the following: 1. Click the Select box of the corresponding item to delete. 2. Click Delete button. To edit an S

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48Password: Input the password. Registration Server: Input the domain server address. Expire time: User can set the timeout duration for reg

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49 33..99..11 SSttaattuuss You can view the WAN and LAN information from the Status submenu. Click Network>>Status. The following screen w

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vTable of Contents Chapter 1 Overview ...9 1

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50IP Type: There are IP Types for you to choose. Select the one you need and fill in the required information. IP Address: Enter the IP addre

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51Keep Alive Mode: Select option, Ping DNS1 or Ping Remote IP. Remote IP: Enter remote IP address. Activation: Select On for activating VLAN s

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52End IP: Input End IP address. Lease: Input lease time in minutes. Domain Name: Input domain name. Primary DNS: Input the primary DNS ser

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5333..99..55 IIPP MMaappppiinngg To set the IP mapping for hosts, click Network>>IP Mapping. The following screen will be displayed. To

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5433..99..66 RRoouuttiinngg TTaabbllee You can set routing table through the web browser. To do this, click Network>>Routing Table. The f

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55CChhaapptteerr 44 OOppeerraattiioonn 44..11 AAnnsswweerriinngg aa CCaallll An incoming call is indicated by a ringing tone and a red ligh

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56You can use the speed dial hotkeys, located on the right side of the phone, to configure the most commonly dialed numbers. Use the function to d

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572. When you receive a second call, press the next available LINE key to attend to the new call, and the first call will be put on hold automati

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58NOTE: If there is more than one SIP profile in this phone, use NAVI key “up” “down” to select different SIP profile voice mail boxes. To enable

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592. Click IPPBX Wizard to get the first screen as shown below: 3. Type the extension group name, group number, start number, and number of ext

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vi2.7.1 Codec Priority ...

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605. Type the profile name, domain/realm, proxy, account number/name, password and trunk number fields, then click OK to save them. The new added

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618. After finishing the Wizard, please go to IPPBX>Extension to configure the Extension Number and the Password settings. Click the index num

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6212. Next, input the password. Press OK. 13. VigorPhone can automatically configure itself with settings coming from VigorIPPBX 2820. Successf

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63AAppppeennddiixx AA UUppggrraaddee VViiggoorrPPhhoonnee 335500 If the VigorPhone 350 Firmware Version is 12202.26.1.04 or after, please fol

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6410. Update steps is completed, you can connect the VigorPhone 350 LAN port to IPPBX to use VigorPhone 350. Note: If the VigorPhone 350 Firmware

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vii3.8 SIP Accounts...46 3.9 Ne

Página 64 - VigorPhone 350

Chapter 5 Operation 9 CChhaapptteerr 11 OOvveerrvviieeww VigorPhone enables you to make phone calls through the IP network instead of calling thr

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