Draytek Vigor 2800V Guia de Instalação

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Vigor2800 Series
ADSL2/2+ Security Router
Quick Start Guide
Version: 2.2
Date: 2006/2/24
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1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 31 32

Resumo do Conteúdo

Página 1 - Quick Start Guide

i Vigor2800 Series ADSL2/2+ Security Router Quick Start Guide Version: 2.2 Date: 2006/2/24

Página 2 - Copyright Information

611..11..55 FFoorr VViiggoorr22880000VV LLEEDD EExxppllaannaattiioonn LED Status Explanation Blinking The router is powered on and runnin

Página 3 - Regulatory Information

711..11..66 FFoorr VViiggoorr22880000VVGG LLEEDD EExxppllaannaattiioonn LED Status Explanation Blinking The router is powered on and runni

Página 4

811..11..77 FFoorr VViiggoorr22880000VVGGii ACTISDNFXS1FXS2 WLANPrinterDSLP1 P2 P3 P4LANPhone Factory ResetDSLP1P2P3P4PWRPrinterISDNFXS2

Página 5

911..22 PPaacckkaaggee CCoonntteenntt nQuick Start Guide oCD p Antenna for G models qRJ-45 Cable (Ethernet) r RJ-45 to RJ-45 Cable for

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10 This page is left blank.

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1122.. IInnssttaalllliinngg YYoouurr VViiggoorr RRoouutteerr This section will guide you to install the router through hardware connection and

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12 This page is left blank.

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1333.. CCoonnffiigguurriinngg WWeebb PPaaggeess 33..11 BBaassiicc CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn The Quick Start Wizard is designed for you to ea

Página 10 - Description

144. Enter the login password on the field of New Password and retype it on the field of Retype New Password. Then click Next to continue. 5. On

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15PPPoE or PPPoA: if you click PPPoE or PPPoA as the protocol, please manually enter the Username/Password provided by your ISP. Check Always On mea

Página 12

i Copyright Information Copyright Declarations Copyright 2005 All rights reserved. This publication contains information that is protected by copyri

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161483 Routed IP: if you click 1483 Routed IP, you will get the following page. Please type in all the information originally provided by your ISP.

Página 14 - This page is left blank

1733..22 WWiirreelleessss LLAANN SSeettttiinnggss  For the user of Vigor2800/2800V, please skip this section. For operating Vigor2800G/VG Serie

Página 15 - Internet

1833..22..22 GGeenneerraall SSeettttiinnggss 1. On the Wireless LAN group, select General Settings. The following page will be shown. 2. Check

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1933..22..33 SSeeccuurriittyy SSeettttiinnggss 1. On the Wireless LAN group, select Security Settings. 2. Select an appropriate encryption mo

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20WEP/802.1x or WPA/802.1x Accept WEP or WPA clients with 802.1x authentication. Remember to select WPA type to define either Mixed or WPA2 only in

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2144.. TTrroouubbllee SShhoooottiinngg This section will guide you to solve abnormal situations if you cannot access into the Internet after inst

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22FFoorr WWiinnddoowwss  The example is based on Windows XP. As to the examples for other operation systems, please refer to the similar steps or

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234. Select Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically. FFoorr MMaaccOOss 1. Double click on the current us

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2444..33 PPiinnggiinngg tthhee RRoouutteerr ffrroomm YYoouurr CCoommppuutteerr The default gateway IP address of the router is F

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ii European Community Declarations Manufacturer: DrayTek Corp. Address: No. 26, Fu Shing Road, HuKou County, HsinChu Industrial Park, Hsin-Chu, T

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2644..44 CChheecckkiinngg IIff tthhee IISSPP SSeettttiinnggss aarree OOKK oorr NNoott Click Internet Access group and then check whether t

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27FFoorr MMPPooAA UUsseerrss 1. Check if the Enable option for Broadband Access is selected. 2. Check if all parameters of DSL Modem Settings

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28 HHaarrddwwaarree RReesseett While the router is running (ACT LED blinking), press the Factory Reset button and hold for more than 5 seconds. Wh

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iii TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss 1. Introduction...

Página 28

111.. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn Targeting requirement for residential, SOHO (Small Office and Home Office) and business users, the Vigor2800 series

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211..11 LLEEDD IInnddiiccaattoorrss aanndd CCoonnnneeccttoorrss 11..11..11 FFoorr VViiggoorr22880000 ACTQoSP2PFirewall VPNPrinterDSL P1P2

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311..11..22 FFoorr VViiggoorr22880000GG ACTQoSP2PFirewallWLANPrinterDSLP1 P2 P3 P4LAN Factory ResetDSLP1P2P3P4PWRPrinter LLEEDD EExxppllaannaa

Página 31

411..11..33 FFoorr VViiggoorr22880000ii ACT ISDNP2P Firewall VPN PrinterDSLP1 P2 P3 P4LAN Factory ResetDSLP1P2P3P4PWRPrinterISDN LLEEDD EExxpp

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511..11..44 FFoorr VViiggoorr22880000GGii ACTP2P Firewall WLAN PrinterDSLP1 P2 P3 P4LANISDN Factory ResetDSLP1P2P3P4PWRPrinterISDN LLEEDD EExxpp

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