VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide i VigorTalk ATA-24 24-Port Analogue Terminal Adapter User’s Guide Version: 1.01 Date: 28/05/
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 411..22 HHaarrddwwaarree IInnssttaallllaattiioonn Before starting to configure the adapter, you have to conne
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 94<loadbalance> 0: not join loadbalance 1: join loadbalance <backupmaster> 0: not backupmaster 1:
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 95<Downstream> 0: using default setting (102400) Type any number to set downstream rate. <Upstream> 0
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 96<Secondary DNS> Private IP address as secondary DNS. AA..55..33..1122 SSttaattiicc CCoonnnneeccttiioon
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 97ATA24/system/DiagnosticTools> dhcp assignment table AA..66..44 VViieeww RRoouuttiinngg TTaabbllee CCoomm
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 98ATA24/system> config restore <fname> <servIP> <fname> Octets string maximum length is 6
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 99ATA24/system> status ? - Display the system status ATA24/system> status AA..66..1111 SSyyssllooggdd CCo
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 100AA..77 VVooiipp CCoommmmaannddss AA..77..11 GGeenneerraall CCoommmmaannddss - Enter voip configuration
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 101<IP Mode> 0: WAN IPAddress 1: Manual IPAddress <Prefix> ID Name prefix <StartNum> Beginning
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 102- Display the MGCP heartbeat setting ATA24/voip/mgcp> heartbeat -s - Edit the dual_homing action ATA24/voi
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 103Disable) <Sec> Integer(1 to 65535 default=60) <Times> Integer(1 to 300 default=1) <Port> (fo
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 5 11..22..11 DDeettaaiilleedd EExxppllaannaattiioonn ffoorr tthhee CCoonnnneeccttoorr Here provides you det
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 104ATA24/voip/misc> linepcmcodec <line> c - Display metering parameter ATA24/voip/misc> metering –s
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 105- Display Voice Band Data (VBD) Configuration ATA24/voip/misc> vbd -s - Set Voice Band Data (VBD) (same val
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 106<interDigitMin> Minimum pulse inter digit time (ms) <Freqnency> Ring frequency 20: 20 HZ (default
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 107ATA24/voip/misc> deny –s ATA24/voip/misc> deny -s <Index> - Edit deny list of incoming calls (for
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 108- Edit DTMF relay mode and SIP INFO mode for the port# ATA24/voip/sip>dtmf_relay <Port> <Mode>
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 109ATA24/voip/sip> sipua -e ATA24/voip/sip>dialplan -D - Display speed dial setting ATA24/voip/sip> sp
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 110Detection, also known as Silence Suppression) function. “Disable” to stop using VAD. (Default is Disable)<
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 1111: Enable (It means that each SIP protocol packet will be sent to SIP proxy server always.) < ProxyName >
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 112AA..77..77 SSttaattiissttiiccss CCoommmmaannddss - Help in the Statistics function ATA24/voip/Statistics &
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 113(10msec per unit) (Default is 0) <Type> for call ID setting 0: North America 1: JAPAN 2: ETSI (Default i
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 6X Y After the bracket installation, the VigorTalk ATA-24 chassis can be installed in a rack by using four scre
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 114ATA24/voip/tone/user_defined> dial -s - Edit frequency and cadence for dial tone ATA24/voip/tone/user_defi
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 1155: Special Dial Tone 6: Call waiting Tone 7: Congestion Tone 8: Reorder Tone <Timer> Range: 0~300 <se
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 72 CCoonnffiigguurriinngg BBaassiicc SSeettttiinnggss For use the adapter properly, it is necessary for you t
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 83. Now, the Main Screen will pop up. 4. Go to System page and choose Change Password. 5. The following s
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 9 22..22 QQuuiicckk SSeettuupp Quick Setup is designed for configuring your broadband adapter accessing Intern
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 10for VigorTalk ATA-24 incoming buffer adjustment. If you use a DSL subscriber service with a 2Mbps downstream,
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 1122..22..22 SSttaattiicc MMooddee You can manually assign a static IP address to the WAN interface and comple
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 12LAN – LAN IP/DHCP Page IP Address Assign an IP address for the LAN interface. Subnet Mask Assign the subnet
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 1322..22..33 DDHHCCPP MMooddee DHCP allows a user to obtain an IP address automatically from a DHCP server on
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide iiCopyright Information Copyright Declarations Copyright 2009 All rights reserved. This publication contains inf
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 14Primary DNS Type the IP address for primary DNS. Secondary DNS Type the IP address for secondary DNS. Lease
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 153AAddvvaanncceedd CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn After finished basic configuration of the adapter, you can acces
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 16Every 30 Seconds: Refreshes the page every 30 seconds. BBaassiicc SSttaattuuss General status of this adapte
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 17be set as Slave device. Master - It means that VigorTalk ATA-24 plays the Master role in high availability fe
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 18Disconnect Disconnects current connection. 33..11..22 TTiimmee As an NTP (Network Time Protocol) client, th
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 1933..11..33 SSyysslloogg The VigorTalk ATA-24 supports a Syslog function to keep a record of abnormal conditio
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 2033..11..44 AAcccceessss CCoonnttrrooll This page allows you to determine which services (HTTP/Telnet/SSH)
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 21Disable PING from the WAN - Choose this function to reject all ICMP packets from WAN side. 33..11..55 CCoonnff
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 2233..11..66 FFiirrmmwwaarree UUppggrraaddee VigorTalk ATA-24 allows users to upgrade firmware through a We
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 23 The default setting of the console port is “baud rate 115200, no parity, and 8 bit with 1 stop bit.” 3. Power
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide iiiTTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss 1 Preface ...
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 24 33..11..77 CCoommmmiitt Commit can save the current settings. Please click Apply to save the VigorTalk ATA-
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 25Click Apply to reboot the whole system. The rebooting procedure usually takes 70 or more seconds. 33..11..99
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 26z Select View ARP Cache Table to get the following page: IP Address Displays the IP address for different A
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 2733..22 NNeettwwoorrkk SSeettuupp For Internet access, it is necessary for you to set WAN and MGN interfaces
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 28 Default MAC Uses the default Mac address. User Defined MAC Uses a MAC address defined by users. If you sele
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 29 IP Address Sets the private IP address of WAN interface. Subnet Mask Sets the subnet mask value of WAN inter
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 30No-Reply Count Assign detecting times to ensure the connection of the WAN. After passing the times you set in
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 31DDHHCCPP CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn If the WAN interface is set as a DHCP client, the VigorTalk ATA-24 will a
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 32adapter) or not. If not, the connection of WAN interface will be regarded as breaking down. This function is a
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 33Secondary DNS Sets the private IP address of the secondary DNS. Lease Time (Min) Sets a lease time for the DH
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide iv3.5.6 Nat Traversal ...
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 34 High Availability Disables or enables this function. When the master device fails down, the slave device wil
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 35 Network Interface Displays the network interface (LAN, WAN1, 2, 3 or 4). Gateway IP Displays the gateway add
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 36Destination IP Assign the IP address of the destination that data will be transferred to. Packets ready to de
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 37 Index The number of each entry. Status User can Disable or Enable the port block for the specified port. Por
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 38 Domain Name Display the domain name set for the entry. Service Provider Display the service provider that s
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 39 Server Type Select Static, Dynamic or Custom type for this entry of DDNS settings. Domain Name Assign a pri
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 40 Enable/Disable Click Disable to disable this function. Click Enable to activate this function. Mirroring Por
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 41 DoS Defense Enables or disables the DoS Defense function. The default value is Disable. Enable SYN Flood De
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 42Enable Block IP Options Activates the Block IP options function. The adapter will ignore any IP packets with
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 4333..55 VVooIIPP SSeettuupp Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a technology that allows you to make telep
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide vA.6.6 Auto Logout Commands...
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 4433..55..11 PPrroottooccooll SSeelleecctt PPrroottooccooll There are three protocols can be used for VoIP p
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 45z For MGCP Configuration MGCP Call Agent Address The IP address of the Call Agent server in MGCP. MGCP Call
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 46Send only one wild RSIP – Only one RSIP message (e.g., aaln/*@[]) will be sent to call agent to indi
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 47SSIIPP AAccccoouunnttss You have to set up your own SIP settings. When you apply for an account, your SIP ser
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 48 Disable/Enable Click Disable to close this setting. Click Enable to activate this setting. Username Enter yo
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 49voice phone. Call Forwarding There are four options for you to choose. Disable- It is to close call forwa
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 5033..55..22 PPoorrtt SSeettttiinnggss Port Settings page allows users to set phone number and phone groups f
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 51 Port 1 Click Enable to activate this port or Disable to close this port. Default SIP Accounts – Choose one of
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 52Codec Rate - Type the rate value to be applied on this port. Codec VAD- Enable or Disable VAD (Voice Activity
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 53 Speed Dial Phone Number Type the phone number to be used as quick dial. Speed Dial Destination Type the dest
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 54Edit Click this button to access into the editing page of the speed dial. Delete/Delete All Click this butto
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 5533..55..55 TToonnee SSeettttiinnggss It is provided for fitting the telecommunication custom for the local a
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 56Congestion tone A tone means the network is busy. Low Frequency (Hz) Type the low frequency number in Hert
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 5733..55..66 NNaatt TTrraavveerrssaall If the router you use connects to Internet by other device, you have to
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 5833..55..77 LLiinnee TTeesstt This page is used to diagnose the connection status for device, port and subsc
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 59 33..55..88 MMiisscceellllaanneeoouuss Many settings that cannot be classified under VoIP are placed in this
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 60 RTP Starting Port The starting port number for RTP protocol packet. The default setting is 13456. T38 Mode
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 61reversal while the remote user hangs off the phone call. VoIP FailOver Use POTS System – When VoIP call is una
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 62 Ton1 Type the duration of the first ring. Toff1 Type the silence duration after the first ring. Ton2/Ton3/T
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 63One by One When you click such item, you have to specify which ring port will be applied with the configuratio
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 11 PPrreeffaaccee The VigorTalk ATA-24 series integrates a rich suite of functions. These products are very sui
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 64 All Port When you click this button and choose any number from the drop down list, all the configurations wi
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 65There are two types, A-LAW and –μLAW provided for such setting. Choose the suitable one according to the codec
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 66 Barring Class There are five options for incoming calls from remote ends. Choose either one of them to set t
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 67 Name The name or number in the allow list. IP/Domain The IP address or domain name to be allowed. If the pee
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 68 CCaallll SSttaattiissttiiccss This page displays statistics for all incoming/outgoing calls (successful and
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 69 You can click Refresh to get the latest status information for these VoIP phones. In addition, you can set the
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 70 Mode Click Enable to activate RTP Threshold mode. Round Trip Delay Low Threshold Set the lowest value (defau
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 71 You can click Refresh to get the latest status information for these VoIP phones. In addition, you can set the
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 72 Call Status Display the calling status, idle, far-end alerting, alerting, busy, dialing and connected. RTP S
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 73 Register Status The status (OK or Failed) of registering in proxy server. You can click Refresh to get the
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 211..11 LLEEDD IInnddiiccaattoorrss aanndd CCoonnnneeccttiioonn The VigorTalk ATA-24 has 2 WAN interfaces.
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 74You can click Refresh to get the latest status information for these VoIP phones. In addition, you can set the
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 75Release Reason The reason for the call termination. Remote RTP Address The IP address of remote voice site. R
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 76 This page is left blank.
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 774 TTrroouubbllee SShhoooottiinngg This section will guide you to solve abnormal situations if you cannot acc
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 783. If not, there must be something wrong with the hardware connection. Simply back to “1.2 Hardware Installat
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 793. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and then click Properties. 4. Select Obtain an IP address automaticall
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 80FFoorr MMaaccOOss 1. Double click on the current used MacOs on the desktop. 2. Open the Application folder a
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 8144..33 PPiinnggiinngg tthhee AAddaapptteerr ffrroomm YYoouurr CCoommppuutteerr The default gateway IP ad
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 82 44..44 CChheecckkiinngg IIff tthhee IISSPP SSeettttiinnggss AArree OOKK oorr NNoott 1. Go to the w
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 83 FFoorr DDHHCCPP MMooddee 1. Check if Host Name (optional) and Domain Name (optional) are correct or not.
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 3LED Status Explanation On It means that a normal 1000 Mbps connection is through its corresponding port. 10
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 84 44..55 BBaacckkiinngg ttoo FFaaccttoorryy DDeeffaauulltt SSeettttiinngg IIff NNeecceessssaarryy Some
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 85After restore the factory default setting, you can configure the settings for the adapter again to fit your per
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 86AAppppeennddiixx AA:: TTeellnneett CCoommmmaannddss AA..11 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn In addition to the S
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 87- Enter network configuration function ATA24> network - Enter system configuration function ATA24> system
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 88<Enable> 0: Disable 1: Enable <Moirroring> Moirroring Port 1: WAN1 2: WAN2 <Mirror CPU> <
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 89ATA24/diag> Learning_table AA..44..33 NNeettssttaatt CCoommmmaannddss - Help ATA24/diag> netstat ? -
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 90- Back to the root commands ATA24/ firewall > .. AA..55..22 DDooSS CCoommmmaannddss - Help ATA24/ firewa
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 91AA..55..22..33 PPoorrttssccaann CCoommmmaanndd - Help ATA24/network>dos >portscan ? - Portscan command
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 92AA..55..11 GGeenneerraall CCoommmmaannddss - Enter network configuration function ATA24> network - Help
VigorTalk ATA24 Series User’s Guide 93- Help ATA24/network/ mgn >ip ? - Display nat setting ATA24/network/ mgn >ip –s - Edit IP_NAT setting ATA
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