Draytek Vigor2925 Series Guia do Utilizador

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide x4.12.5 Remote Dial-in User ...

Página 3 - User’s Guide

Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 884. Now navigate to the next section, Dial-Out Settings to select the IPSec Tunnel service and type the remote server

Página 4 - Copyright Information

Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 897. Open VPN and Remote Access>>Connection Management to check the dial-in connection status (from head office)

Página 5 - Regulatory Information

Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 90 4. Check the box of ACT. Click Edit to specify the local address. 5. In the pop-up window, choose Range Address a

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 917. The class rule for VoIP has been set. Click OK to return to previous page. 8. Do the same steps to add class ru

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 929. Assuming you get 2MB/512Kb Internet line. You can click the Setup link of WAN1 to set up the bandwidth for differ

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 9333..55 QQooSS SSeettttiinngg EExxaammppllee Assume a teleworker sometimes works at home and takes care of childre

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 944. Return to previous page. Enter the Name of Index Class 1 by clicking Edit link. Type the name “E-mail” for Class

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 957. Click Setup link for WAN2. 8. Check Enable UDP Bandwidth Control on the bottom to prevent enormous UDP traffi

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 9610. Click Edit for Class 3 to open a new window. In this index, the user will set reserved bandwidth for VPN. 11.

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 9733..66 HHooww ttoo uussee LLaannddiinngg PPaaggee FFeeaattuurree Landing Page is a special feature configure

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide xi4.20.1 System Status...

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 984. In the following page, check the box of Landing page and click OK to save the settings. 5. Open any browser (e.

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 99EExxaammppllee 22::TThhee ssyysstteemm wwiillll ccoonnnneecctt ttoo hhttttpp::////wwwwww..ddrraayytteekk..ccoom

Página 16 - Description

Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 100 4. Open any browser (e.g., FireFox, Internet Explorer). The logging page will appear and asks for username and pas

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 10133..77 HHooww ttoo SSeenndd aa NNoottiiffiiccaattiioonn ttoo SSppeecciiffiieedd PPhhoonnee NNuummbbeerr vv

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 1024. After finished the settings, click OK to return to previous page. Now you have finished the configuration of the

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 1037. After finished the settings, click OK to return to previous page. You have finished the configuration of the not

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 104RReemmaarrkk:: HHooww tthhee ccuussttoommiizzee tthhee SSMMSS PPrroovviiddeerr Choose one of the Index number

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 10533..88 HHooww ttoo CCrreeaattee aann AAccccoouunntt ffoorr MMyyVViiggoorr The website of MyVigor (a server l

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 1062. Click the Activate link. A login page for MyVigor web site will pop up automatically. 3. Click the link of Cre

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 1075. Type your personal information in this page and then click Continue. 6. Choose proper selection for your compu

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 1087. Now you have created an account successfully. Click START. 8. Check to see the confirmation email with the tit

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 10910. When you see the following page, please type in the account and password (that you just created) in the fields o

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 1102. Check to confirm that you accept the Agreement and click Accept. 3. Type your personal information in this pag

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 1115. Now you have created an account successfully. Click START. 6. Check to see the confirmation email with the tit

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 1128. When you see the following page, please type in the account and password (that you just created) in the fields o

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 11333..99 HHooww ttoo CCoonnffiigguurree CCeerrttaaiinn CCoommppuutteerrss AAcccceessssiinngg ttoo IInntteerrnn

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 1143. Check the box of Check to enable the Filter Rule. Type the comments (e.g., block_all). Choose Block If No Furthe

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 1156. A dialog box will be popped up. Choose Range Address as Address Type by using the drop down list. Type 192.168.1

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 1168. Both filter rules have been created. Click OK. 9. Now, all the settings are configured well. Only the computer

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 11733..1100 HHooww ttoo BBlloocckk FFaacceebbooookk SSeerrvviiccee AAcccceesssseedd bbyy tthhee UUsseerrss vv

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 1 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn Vigor2925 series integrates IP layer QoS, NAT session/bandwidth management to help users c

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 1182. Open CSM >> Web Content Filter Profile to create a WCF profile. Check Social Networking with Action, Block

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 1194. Next time when someone accesses facebook via this router, the web page would be blocked and the following messag

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 120 5. When you finished the above steps, click OK. Then, open Firewall>>General Setup. 6. Click the Default R

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 121 3. Open CSM>>URL Content Filter Profile. Click an index number to open the setting page. 4. Configure the

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 1226. Click the Default Rule tab. Choose the profile just configured from the drop down list in the field of URL Conte

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 12333..1111 HHooww ttoo SSeettuupp AAddddrreessss MMaappppiinngg Address Mapping is used to map a specified priva

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 1243. Click the Details Page of WAN 1 to open the following page. From the above figure, set main WAN IP address as 20

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 1254. After finished configuration for WAN1, open Load-Balance/Route Policy. 5. Click Index number 1 and 2 to config

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 126And 6. Upon completing the above configuration, you have specified the outgoing IP address(es) for some specific c

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 12733..1122 HHooww ttoo SSeettuupp LLooaadd BBaallaannccee ffoorr PPaacckkeettss?? The following figure shows a

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 211..11 WWeebb CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn BBuuttttoonnss EExxppllaannaattiioonn Several main buttons appeared on t

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 1283. In the following page, check Enable; set Dest IP Start and Dest IP End with and; choose

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 12933..1133 HHooww ttoo AAuutthheennttiiccaattee CClliieennttss vviiaa UUsseerr MMaannaaggeemmeenntt Before usi

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 130AAuutthheennttiiccaattiioonn vviiaa WWeebb  If a LAN client who hasn’t passed the authentication opens an exter

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 131 With Crome browser, you may get the following warning. Click Proceed anyway. After that, the web authentication

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 132If the authentication is successful, the client will be redirected to the original web site that he tried to access.

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 133 In above description, you access an external web site to trigger the authentication. You may also directly access

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 134 Don’t setup a user profile in User Management and a VPN Remote Dial-in user profile with the same Username. Other

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 135AAuutthheennttiiccaattiioonn vviiaa TTeellnneett The LAN clients can also authenticate their accounts via telnet.

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 1364. If the Time Quota is set with “0” minute, you will get the following message which means this account has no tim

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 137AAuutthheennttiiccaattiioonn vviiaa VViiggoorrPPrroo AAlleerrtt NNoottiiccee TTooooll Authentication via Web

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 311..22 LLEEDD IInnddiiccaattoorrss aanndd CCoonnnneeccttoorrss Before you use the Vigor router, please get acquai

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 13833..1144 HHooww ttoo uussee DDNNSS FFiilltteerr The DNS Filter monitors DNS queries on UDP port 53 and will pa

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 1393. Click OK to save the configuration. 4. A message box will appear. It's a message which reminds that the pr

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 140From the Syslog, we can find out “google” is blocked.

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 14133..1155 HHooww ttoo uussee AAPP MMaannaaggeemmeenntt ffuunnccttiioonn ((iinn VViiggoorr22992255)) ttoo cc

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 142Note: Apply to All APs can automatically apply the settings on Default profile to all of the access points registere

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 1435. The following page is offered for you to modify related settings for 5G SSID of managed AP. Continue to make any

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 14433..1166 CCVVMM AApppplliiccaattiioonn -- HHooww ttoo mmaannaaggee tthhee CCPPEE ((rroouutteerr)) tthhrroo

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 14533..1166..22 CCoonnffiigguurree SSeettttiinnggss oonn CCPPEE 1. In the end of the CPE (here, Vigor2850 is used

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 1465. Check Allow management from the Internet to set management access control and click OK. 6. Open WAN>>Int

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 147Note: Reboot the CPE device and re-log into Vigor2925 series. CPE which has registered to Vigor2925 series will be c

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 4 Interface Description Factory Reset Restore the default settings. Usage: Turn on the router (ACT LED is blinking)

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 14833..1177 CCVVMM AApppplliiccaattiioonn -- HHooww ttoo bbuuiilldd tthhee VVPPNN bbeettwweeeenn rreemmoottee

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 1495. A LAN to LAN profile for such VPN will be generated automatically. You can access into VPN and Remote Access>

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 15033..1188 CCVVMM AApppplliiccaattiioonn -- HHooww ttoo uuppggrraaddee CCPPEE ffiirrmmwwaarree tthhrroouugghh

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 1514. The Maintenance profile dialog appears. In the field of Profile Name, type a name for such maintenance profile;

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 1524. Then check the device information for the managed device if the firmware upgrade is successful or not. Click Man

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 153 AAddvvaanncceedd CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn This chapter will guide users to execute advanced (full) configurati

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 154From to From to From to WWhhaatt aarr

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 155Therefore, when WAN1 and WAN2 are not available, the router will use 3.5G for supporting automatically. The supporte

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 156Index Click the WAN interface link under Index to access into the WAN configuration page. Enable V means such WAN in

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 157Auto negotiation for determined by the system. Line Speed If your choose According to Line Speed as the Load Balanc

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 511..22..22 FFoorr VViiggoorr22992255nn LED Status Explanation Blinking The router is powered on and running nor

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 158WWAANN33//WWAANN44 wwiitthh UUSSBB To use 3G/4G network connection through 3G/4G USB Modem, please configure WAN3

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 159When any of selected WAN disconnect – Such backup WAN will be activated when any master WAN interface disconnects. W

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 160Display Name It shows the name of the WAN1/WAN2/WAN3/WAN4 that entered in general setup. Physical Mode It shows the

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 161overwritten. DataType – Choose the type (ASCII or Hex) for the data to be stored. Data – Type the content of the dat

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 162set previously in Application >> Schedule web page and you can use the number that you have set in that web pa

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 163Address or specify another MAC address by typing on the boxes of MAC Address for the router. Specify a MAC Address –

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 164Enable PING to keep alive box to activate this function. PING to the IP - If you enable the PING function, please sp

Página 87 -  DHCPv6 Client

Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 165by ISP.  Domain Name: Type in the domain name that you have assigned. DHCP Client Identifier for some ISP  Ena

Página 88 -  Static IPv6

Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 166 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description PPTP/L2TP Enable PPTP- Click this radio button to en

Página 89 -  6in4 Static Tunnel

Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 167Idle Timeout - Set the timeout for breaking down the Internet after passing through the time without any action. IP

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 6 Interface Description Wireless LAN ON/OFF/WPS Press "Wireless LAN ON/OFF/WPS" button once to wait for cl

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 168DDeettaaiillss PPaaggee ffoorr 33GG//44GG UUSSBB MMooddeemm ((PPPPPP mmooddee)) iinn WWAANN33//WWAANN44 To

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 169Modem Initial String Such value is used to initialize USB modem. Please use the default value. If you have any quest

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 170DDeettaaiillss PPaaggee ffoorr 44GG UUSSBB MMooddeemm ((DDHHCCPP mmooddee)) iinn WWAANN33//WWAANN44 To use

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 171After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to activate them. DDeettaaiillss PPaaggee ffoorr IIPPvv66

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 172 Note: At present, the IPv6 prefix can be acquired via the PPPoE mode connection which is available for the areas su

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 173Item Description Username Type the name obtained from the broker. It is suggested for you to apply another usernam

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 174Confirm Password Type the password again to make the confirmation. Tunnel Broker Type the address for the tunnel bro

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 175DDeettaaiillss PPaaggee ffoorr IIPPvv66 –– SSttaattiicc IIPPvv66 iinn WWAANN11//WWAANN22 This type allows y

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 176DDeettaaiillss PPaaggee ffoorr IIPPvv66 –– 66iinn44 SSttaattiicc TTuunnnneell iinn WWAANN11//WWAANN22 This

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 177Below shows an example for successful IPv6 connection based on 6in4 Static Tunnel mode. DDeettaaiillss PPaaggee f

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 711..11..33 FFoorr VViiggoorr22992255nn--pplluuss LED Status Explanation Blinking The router is powered on and r

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 1786rd Prefix Type the 6rd IPv6 address. 6rd Prefix Length Type the IPv6 prefix length for the 6rd IPv6 prefix in numbe

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 17944..11..44 MMuullttii--VVLLAANN Multi-VLAN allows users to create profiles for specific WAN interface and bridge c

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 180 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Multi-VLAN Channel 8/9/10 Enable – Click it to enable

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 181please contact with your ISP and then click WAN link of Channel 5, 6 or 7 to configure your router. Available setti

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 182General Settings VLAN Tag – Type the value as the VLAN ID number. Valid settings are in the range from 1 to 4095. Th

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 18344..22 LLAANN Local Area Network (LAN) is a group of subnets regulated and ruled by router. The design of network

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 184 WWhhaatt iiss RRoouuttiinngg IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn PPrroottooccooll ((RRIIPP)) Vigor router will exchange ro

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 18544..22..22 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp This page provides you the general settings for LAN. Click LAN to open the L

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 186Advanced DHCP packets can be processed by adding option number and data information when such function is enabled.

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 187DDeettaaiillss PPaaggee ffoorr LLAANN11 –– EEtthheerrnneett TTCCPP//IIPP aanndd DDHHCCPP SSeettuupp There

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide ii

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 8 Interface Description Wireless LAN ON/OFF/WPS Press "Wireless LAN ON/OFF/WPS" button once to wait for cl

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 188server is located the relay agent should redirect the DHCP request to. DHCP Server IP Address – It is available when

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 189If both the Primary IP and Secondary IP Address fields are left empty, the router will assign its own IP address to

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 190It provides 2 daemons for LAN side IPv6 address configuration. One is Router Advertisement Server (stateless) and th

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 191DDeettaaiillss PPaaggee ffoorr LLAANN22 ~~ LLAANN55 aanndd DDMMZZ Available settings are explained as follo

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 192the DHCP server to start with when issuing IP addresses. If the 1st IP address of your router is, the st

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 193cache, the router will resolve the domain name immediately. Otherwise, the router forwards the DNS query packet to t

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 194other than the Vigor Router’s, you can let Relay Agent help you to redirect the DHCP request to the specified locati

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 19544..22..33 SSttaattiicc RRoouuttee Go to LAN to open setting page and choose Static Route. The router offers IPv4

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 196Click any underline of index number to get the following page. Available settings are explained as follows: Item De

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 197SSttaattiicc RRoouuttee ffoorr IIPPvv66 You can set up to 40 profiles for IPv6 static route. Click the IPv6 tab

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 911..11..44 FFoorr VViiggoorr22992255VVnn--pplluuss LED Status Explanation Blinking The router is powered on and

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 198Destination IPv6 Address / Prefix Len Type the IP address with the prefix length for this entry. Gateway IPv6 Addres

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 1991. Go to LAN page and click General Setup, select 1st Subnet as the RIP Protocol Control. Then click the OK button.

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 2004. Go to Diagnostics and choose Routing Table to verify current routing table. 44..22..44 VVLLAANN With the 5-po

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 201 Note: Settings in this page only applied to LAN port but not WAN port. Available settings are explained as follows:

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 202VID – Type the value as the VLAN ID number. The range is form 0 to 4095. Priority – Type the packet priority number

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 203The Vigor router also supports up to six private IP subnets on the LAN. Each can be independent (isolated) or common

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 20444..22..55 BBiinndd IIPP ttoo MMAACC This function is used to bind the IP and MAC address in LAN to have a stre

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 205Refresh Refresh the ARP table listed below to obtain the newest ARP table information. Add or Update IP Address – Ty

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 20644..22..66 LLAANN PPoorrtt MMiirrrroorr LAN port mirror can be applied for the users in LAN. Generally speaking,

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 20744..22..77 WWiirreedd 880022..11xx IEEE 802.1x is an IEEE Standard for port-based Network Access Control (PNAC).

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 10 Interface Description Wireless LAN ON/OFF/WPS Press "Wireless LAN ON/OFF/WPS" button once to wait for c

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 20844..22..88 WWeebb PPoorrttaall SSeettuupp This page allows you to configure a profile with specified URL for acc

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 209Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Disable Click this button to close this function. URL

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 210Enable Check this box to enable this policy. Protocol Display the protocol used for this policy. Interface Display t

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 211Destination IP Any – Any IP can be treated as the destination IP. Dest IP Start- Type the destination IP start for t

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 212 6. If there is no error, click Finish to complete wizard setting. To use Advance Mode, do the following steps: 1.

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 213Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable Check this box to enable this policy. Protocol

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 2143. When you finish the configuration, please click OK to save and exit this page. 44..44 NNAATT Usually, the rou

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 215Below shows the menu items for NAT. 44..44..11 PPoorrtt RReeddiirreeccttiioonn Port Redirection is usually set

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 216 Each item is explained as follows: Item Description Index Display the number of the profile. Service Name Display t

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 217Item Description Enable Check this box to enable such port redirection setting. Mode Two options (Single and Range)

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 1111..33 HHaarrddwwaarree IInnssttaallllaattiioonn Before starting to configure the router, you have to connect yo

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 218 44..44..22 DDMMZZ HHoosstt As mentioned above, Port Redirection can redirect incoming TCP/UDP or other traffic o

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 219 The security properties of NAT are somewhat bypassed if you set up DMZ host. We suggest you to add additional filte

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 220IP addresses of all hosts in your LAN network. Select one private IP address in the list to be the DMZ host. When y

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 221If you previously have set up WAN Alias for PPPoE or Static or Dynamic IP mode in WAN2 interface, you will find them

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 22244..44..33 OOppeenn PPoorrttss Open Ports allows you to open a range of ports for the traffic of special applicat

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 223 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable Open Ports Check to enable this entry. Comment

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 224After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration. 44..44..44 PPoorrtt TTrriigggge

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 225Comment Display the text which memorizes the application of this rule. Triggering Protocol Display the protocol of t

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 226 Triggering Port Type the port or port range for such triggering profile. Incoming Protocol When the triggering pack

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 22744..55 HHaarrddwwaarree AAcccceelleerraattiioonn Hardware Acceleration is also called PPA in DrayTek for it is ba

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 12For the installation of Vigor2829Vn-plus, refer to the following figure:

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 228available in Auto Mode, too. But the UDP protocol is only supported in this sub-item. Apply the Class Rule in Qualit

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 22944..66 FFiirreewwaallll 44..66..11 BBaassiiccss ffoorr FFiirreewwaallll While the broadband users demand more

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 230 SSttaatteeffuull PPaacckkeett IInnssppeeccttiioonn ((SSPPII)) Stateful inspection is a firewall architecture t

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 23144..66..22 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp General Setup allows you to adjust settings of IP Filter and common options.

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 232Enable Strict Security Firewall For the sake of security, the router will execute strict security checking for data

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 233Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Filter Select Pass or Block for the packets that do no

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 234Syslog server. Please refer to section Syslog/Mail Alert for more detailed information. URL Content Filter Select on

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 235Window size – It determines the size of TCP protocol (0~65535). The more the value is, the better the performance wi

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 23644..66..33 FFiilltteerr SSeettuupp Click Firewall and click Filter Setup to open the setup page. To edit or add

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 237 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Check to enable the Filter Rule Check this box to ena

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 1311..44 PPrriinntteerr IInnssttaallllaattiioonn You can install a printer onto the router for sharing printing. All

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 238 Note: RT means routing domain for 2nd subnet or other LAN. Source/Destination IP Click Edit to access into the foll

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 239 To set the service type manually, please choose User defined as the Service Type and type them in this dialog. In a

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 240passed immediately. Block If No Further Match - A packet matching the rule, and that does not match further rules, w

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 241troubleshooting needs, you can specify to record information for IM/P2P by checking the Log box. It will be sent to

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 242I. If you do not choose any codepage, no decoding job of URL will be processed. Please use the drop-down list to cho

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 243EExxaammppllee As stated before, all the traffic will be separated and arbitrated using on of two IP filters: call

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 24444..66..44 DDooSS DDeeffeennssee As a sub-functionality of IP Filter/Firewall, there are 15 types of detect/ defe

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 245will start to randomly discard the subsequent UDP packets for a period defined in Timeout. The default setting for

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 246Any broadcast UDP packets received from the Internet is blocked. Activating the DoS/DDoS defense functionality might

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 247 After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration.

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 143. Open File->Add Printer. A welcome dialog will appear. Please click Next. 4. Click Local printer attache

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 24844..77 UUsseerr MMaannaaggeemmeenntt User Management is a security feature which disallows any IP traffic (except

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 24944..77..11 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp General Setup can determine the standard (rule-based or user-based) for the

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 25044..77..22 UUsseerr PPrrooffiillee This page allows you to set customized profiles (up to 200) which will be appl

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 251Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable this account Check this box to enable such user

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 252 For the detailed configuration, simply refer to Firewall>>Filter Rule. The firewall filter rules that are not

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 253displayed. Next, the user can access Internet through any browser on Windows. Note that Alert Tool can be downloaded

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 254Reset quota to default when scheduling time expired Set default time quota and data quota for such profile. When the

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 255Item Description Name Type a name for this user group. Available User Objects You can gather user profiles (objects)

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 256IP Address Display the IP address of the device. Last Login Time Display the login time that such user connects to t

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 25744..88..11 IIPP OObbjjeecctt You can set up to 192 sets of IP Objects with different conditions. Available set

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 156. In the following dialog, type (router’s LAN IP) in the field of Printer Name or IP Address and type I

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 258Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Name Type a name for this profile. Maximum 15 charac

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 2594. After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration. Below is an example of IP obje

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 26044..88..22 IIPP GGrroouupp This page allows you to bind several IP objects into one IP group. Available settin

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 261Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Name Type a name for this profile. Maximum 15 characte

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 262To set a new profile, please do the steps listed below: 1. Click the number (e.g., #1) under Index column for confi

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 2633. After finishing all the settings, please click OK to save the configuration. 44..88..44 IIPPvv66 GGrroouupp

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 264Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Name Type a name for this profile. Maximum 15 characte

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 2652. The configuration page will be shown as follows: Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 26644..88..66 SSeerrvviiccee TTyyppee GGrroouupp This page allows you to bind several service types into one grou

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 267Item Description Name Type a name for this profile. Available Service Type Objects All the available service objects

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 169. Now, your system will ask you to choose right name of the printer that you installed onto the router. Such step c

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 268To set a new profile, please do the steps listed below: 1. Click the number (e.g., #1) under Index column for confi

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 26944..88..88 KKeeyywwoorrdd GGrroouupp This page allows you to bind several keyword objects into one group. The key

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 270Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Name Type a name for this group. Maximum 15 characters

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 271To set a new profile, please do the steps listed below: 1. Click the number (e.g., #1) under Profile column for con

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 27244..88..1100 SSMMSS//MMaaiill SSeerrvviiccee OObbjjeecctt SSMMSS SSeerrvviiccee OObbjjeecctt This page allows

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 2732. The configuration page will be shown as follows: Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 274CCuussttoommiizzeedd SSMMSS SSeerrvviiccee Vigor router offers several SMS service provider to offer the SMS serv

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 275Username Type a user name that the sender can use to register to selected SMS provider. The maximum length of the na

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 276To set a new profile, please do the steps listed below: 1. Click the Mail Server tab, and click the number (e.g., #

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 277Authentication The mail server must be authenticated with the correct username and password to have the right of sen

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 17The printer can be used for printing now. Most of the printers with different manufacturers are compatible with vigor

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 278To set a new profile, please do the steps listed below: 1. Open Object Setting>>Notification Object, and clic

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 27944..99 CCSSMM PPrrooffiillee CCoonntteenntt SSeeccuurriittyy MMaannaaggeemmeenntt ((CCSSMM)) CSM is an abbrev

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 280 44..99..11 AAPPPP EEnnffoorrcceemmeenntt PPrrooffiillee You can define policy profiles for IM (Instant Messen

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 281Below shows the items which are categorized under Protocol. Available settings are explained as follows: Item Desc

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 282 The items categorized under P2P -----

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 283The items categorized under Misc -----

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 28444..99..22 UURRLL CCoonntteenntt FFiilltteerr PPrrooffiillee To provide an appropriate cyberspace to users, Vig

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 285Administration Message You can type the message manually for your necessity. Default Message - You can type the mess

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 286matching with the conditions specified in URL Access Control and Web Feature below, such function can determine the

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 287supports multiple keywords. The keyword could be a noun, a partial noun, or a complete URL string. Multiple keywords

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide iii Vigor2925 Series Dual-WAN Security Router User’s Guide Version: 2.5 Firmware Version: V3.7.4 (

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 18 3. Please type “admin/admin” as the Username/Password and click Login. Notice: If you fail to access to the web con

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 288Objects previously for passing or blocking the file downloading. After finishing all the settings, please click OK

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 289 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Activate Click it to access into MyVigor for activati

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 290Cache None – the router will check the URL that the user wants to access via WCF precisely, however, the processing

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 291Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Profile Name Type a name for the profile. The maximum

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 29244..99..44 DDNNSS FFiilltteerr The DNS Filter monitors DNS queries on UDP port 53 and will pass the DNS query inf

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 293Service Set the filtering conditions. Specify one of the WCF profiles as Service. Choose the WCF profiles to appl

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 29444..1100 BBaannddwwiiddtthh MMaannaaggeemmeenntt Below shows the menu items for Bandwidth Management. 44..1100..

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 295Default session limit - Defines the default session number used for each computer in LAN. Limitation List Displays a

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 29644..1100..22 BBaannddwwiiddtthh LLiimmiitt The downstream or upstream from FTP, HTTP or some P2P applications wil

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 297downstream for each computer in LAN. Allow auto adjustment….- Check this box to make the best utilization of availab

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 19 Note: The home page will be different slightly in accordance with the type of the router you have. 5. The web page

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 29844..1100..33 QQuuaalliittyy ooff SSeerrvviiccee Deploying QoS (Quality of Service) management to guarantee that

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 299However, each node may take different attitude toward packets with high priority marking since it may bind with the

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 300Item Description service type. Enable the First Priority for VoIP SIP/RTP When this feature is enabled, the VoIP SIP

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 301 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable the QoS Control The factory default for this s

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 302Prioritize are great in ADSL2+ environment. For the download speed might be impacted by the uploading TCP ACK, you c

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 3033. For adding a new rule, click Add to open the following page. Available settings are explained as follows: Ite

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 304Service Type It determines the service type of the data for processing with QoS control. It can also be edited. You

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 3052. After you click the Edit link, you will see the following page. 3. For adding a new service type, click Add

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 306RReettaagg tthhee PPaacckkeettss ffoorr IIddeennttiiffiiccaattiioonn Packets coming from LAN IP can be retagged

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 30744..1111 AApppplliiccaattiioonnss Below shows the menu items for Applications. 44..1111..11 DDyynnaammiicc DDNN

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 204. Enter the login password (the default is “admin”) on the field of Old Password. Type New Password. Then click OK

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 308Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Set to Factory Default Clear all profiles and recover

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 309WAN Interface WAN1/WAN2/WAN3/WAN4 First - While connecting, the router will use WAN1/WAN2/WAN3/WAN4 as the first cha

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 3104. Click OK button to activate the settings. You will see your setting has been saved. Disable the Function and Cle

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 311 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable Check this box to enable such profile. Profile

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 312 44..1111..33 SScchheedduullee The Vigor router has a built-in clock which can update itself manually or automatic

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 313You can set up to 15 schedules. Then you can apply them to your Internet Access or VPN and Remote Access >> LA

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 3143. Click OK button to save the settings. Example Suppose you want to control the PPPoE Internet access connection t

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 31544..1111..44 RRAADDIIUUSS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) is a security authentication client/

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 31644..1111..55 AAccttiivvee DDiirreeccttoorryy// LLDDAAPP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a commun

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 317account then do the bind authentication. Regular Mode– Mostly it is the same with anonymous mode. The different is t

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 21 11..77..11 VViirrttuuaall PPaanneell On the top of the Dashboard, a virtual panel (simulating the physical panel

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 318 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Name Type a name for such profile. Common Name Identi

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 319 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable UPNP Service Accordingly, you can enable eithe

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 320The reminder as regards concern about Firewall and UPnP Can't work with Firewall Software Enabling firewall app

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 321Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable IGMP Proxy Check this box to enable this functi

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 322 IP Address The IP addresses that have been configured in Firewall>>Bind IP to MAC will be shown in this drop

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 323 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Index Check the box to enable such profile. SMS Provi

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 324MMaaiill SSeerrvveerr This page allows you to specify Mail Server profile, who will get the notification e-mail, w

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 32544..1111..1100 BBoonnjjoouurr Bonjour is a service discovery protocol which is a built-in service in Mac OS X; for

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 3262. Open the web browse, Firefox. If Bonjour and DNSSD have been installed, you can open the web page (DNSSD) and se

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 3275. Open the DNSSD page again. The available items will be changed as the follows. It means the Vigor router (based

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 2211..77..22 NNaammee wwiitthh aa LLiinnkk A name with a link (e.g., Router Name, Current Time, WAN1/2/3 and etc.)

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 32844..1122 VVPPNN aanndd RReemmoottee AAcccceessss A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is the extension of a private

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 32944..1122..22 PPPPPP GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp This submenu only applies to PPP-related VPN connections, such as

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 330be applied to encrypt the data. Maximum MPPE - This option indicates that the router will use the MPPE encryption sc

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 331receiving side, the peer will perform the same one-way hash on the packet and compare the value with the one in the

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 332 44..1122..44 IIPPSSeecc PPeeeerr IIddeennttiittyy To use digital certificate for peer authentication in either

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 333 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Profile Name Type the name of the profile. The maximu

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 33444..1122..55 RReemmoottee DDiiaall--iinn UUsseerr You can manage remote access by maintaining a table of remote

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 335Status Display the access state of the specific dial-in user. The symbol V and X represent the specific dial-in user

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 336below:  None - Do not apply the IPSec policy. Accordingly, the VPN connection employed the L2TP without IPSec pol

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 337Method L2TP with IPSec Policy when you specify the IP address of the remote node. The only exception is Digital Sign

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 23Note that there is a plus ( ) icon located on the left side of VPN/LAN. Click it to review the VPN connection(s) used

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 338 The following shows profiles joined into VPN Load Balance and VPN Backup mechanism. Available settings are explain

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 339Status Online – means such LAN to LAN profile is in use. Offline – means such LAN to LAN profile isn’t in use even i

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 340  WAN1 First/ WAN2 First/ WAN3 First /WAN4 First- While connecting, the router will use WAN1/WAN2/WAN3 as the firs

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 341especially useful in the case of abnormal VPN IPSec tunnel disruption. For details, please refer to the note below.

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 342IKE Authentication Method - This group of fields is applicable for IPSec Tunnels and L2TP with IPSec Policy.  Pre-

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 343IKE phase 1 mode -Select from Main mode and Aggressive mode. The ultimate outcome is to exchange security proposals

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 344 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Dial-In Settings Allowed Dial-In Type - Determine the

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 345dial-in VPN connection becomes one pure L2TP connection.  Must - Specify the IPSec policy to be definitely applied

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 346 High- Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) means payload (data) will be encrypted and authenticated. You may sele

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 347 RIP Direction - The option specifies the direction of RIP (Routing Information Protocol) packets. You can enable/d

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 24

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 34844..1122..77 VVPPNN TTRRUUNNKK MMaannaaggeemmeenntt VPN trunk includes four features - VPN Backup, VPN load bala

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 349 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Backup Profile List Set to Factory Default - Click

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 350Member2 drop down list below. Advanced – This button is available only when LAN to LAN profile (or more) is created.

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 351Detailed information for this dialog, see later section - Advanced Load Balance and Backup. General Setup Status- Af

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 352profiles in LAN-to-LAN will be displayed in blue. Update- Click this button to save the changes to the Status (Enabl

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 3534. Take a look for LAN-to-LAN profiles. Index 1 is chosen as Member1; index 2 is chosen as Member2. For such reason

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 354AAddvvaanncceedd LLooaadd BBaallaannccee aanndd BBaacckkuupp After setting profiles for load balance, you can c

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 355user to adjust suitable rate manually. There are 100 groups of rate ratio for Member1:Member2 (range from 1:99 to 99

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 356Detail Information This field will display detailed information for Binding Tunnel Policy. Below shows a successful

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 357Item Description Profile Name List the backup profile name. ERD Mode ERD means “Environment Recovers Detection”. N

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 2511..77..55 WWeebb CCoonnssoollee It is not necessary to use the telnet command via DOS prompt. The changes made b

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 358VPN Server IP address). The VPN connection built by Backup Mode supports VPN backup function. Dial - Click this but

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 359click Generate again. Import Click this button to import a saved file as the certification information. Refresh Clic

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 360 IMPORT Vigor router allows you to generate a certificate request and submit it the CA server, then import it as “Lo

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 361 Upload PKCS12 Certificate It allows users to import the certificate whose extensions are usually .pfx or .p12. And

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 362it and submit a request. A new certificate will be issued to you by the CA server. You can save it. DDeelleettee Cl

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 36344..1133..33 CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee BBaacckkuupp Local certificate and Trusted CA certificate for this router can

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 36444..1144 CCeennttrraall VVPPNN MMaannaaggeemmeenntt Vigor2925 can build virtual private network (VPN) between it

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 36544..1144..11..11 GGeenneerraall SSeettttiinnggss To enable the CVM feature, the first thing you have to do is ena

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 36644..1144..11..22 IIPPsseecc VVPPNN SSeettttiinnggss Central VPN management is operated through IPsec VPN connect

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 36744..1144..22 CCPPEE MMaannaaggeemmeenntt All the CPEs managed by Vigor2925 series can be seen with icons from thi

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 2611..77..66 CCoonnffiigg BBaacckkuupp There is one way to store current used settings quickly by clicking the Conf

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 368 Page with CPE connected Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Managed Devices List This

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 369 Delete – To disconnect the management of any CPE, click the CPE icon you want and click the Delete button. Note: Do

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 370Device Model – Display the model name of the remote device.Description Name – Define the name or type the additional

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 371 Click the icon to see the content inside the USB disk. Set to Factory Default Click to clear all indexes. Index Dis

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 372Enable Check it to enable such profile. Device Name The drop down list will display all the CPE devices detected by

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 37344..1144..22..33 GGooooggllee MMaapp To display the location of the managed CPE with a bird’s eye view, open Cent

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 37444..1144..33 VVPPNN MMaannaaggeemmeenntt An easy and quick method is offered to configure VPN settings for buildi

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 375List. Advanced To build a VPN connection with detailed configuration (such as PPP authentication and VJ compression

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 376Item Description Display Mode Choose the mode you want to display the related information on the following table. S

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 37744..1155 CCeennttrraall AAPP MMaannaaggeemmeenntt Vigor2925 can manage the access points supporting AP managemen

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 27PPhhyyssiiccaall CCoonnnneeccttiioonn ffoorr IIPPvv44 PPrroottooccooll PPhhyyssiiccaall CCoonnnneeccttiioonn

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 378number displayed on the right side means 5Ghz. Version Display the firmware version used by the access point. Passwo

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 379WLAN profile. First, you have to check the box of the existing profile as the original profile. Second, click Clon

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 380HHooww ttoo eeddiitt tthhee wwiirreelleessss LLAANN pprrooffiillee?? 1. Check the box on the left side of th

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 3813. After finished the general settings configuration, click Next to open the following page for 2.4G wireless secur

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 3824. After finished the above web page configuration, click Next to open the following page for 5G wireless security

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 38344..1155..33 AAPP MMaaiinntteennaannccee Vigor router can execute configuration backup, configuration restoration

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 38444..1155..44 TTrraaffffiicc GGrraapphh Click Traffic Graph to open the web page. Choose one of the managed Access

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 385 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable Neighbor AP Detection – The access point(s) re

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 386Mode Display the mode (AP or Ad Hoc) used by the detected access point. BSSID Display the MAC address of the detecte

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 387unknown to Friendly. Rogue APs - If the selected AP shall be treated as rogue AP, simply click Add to change its cla

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide ivCopyright Information Copyright Declarations Copyright 2014 All rights reserved. This publication contains informati

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 28Item Description address for WAN interface. IP Address-Displays the IP address of the LAN interface. TX Packets-Displ

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 38844..1155..66 LLooaadd BBaallaannccee The parameters configured for Load Balance can help to distribute the traffi

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 389Upload Limit –Use the drop down list to specify the traffic limit for uploading. Download Limit – Use the drop down

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 39044..1166 VVooIIPP Note: This function is used for “V” models. Voice over IP network (VoIP) enables you to use your

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 391 The major benefit of this mode is that you don’t have to memorize your friend’s IP address, which might change ver

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 39244..1166..11 DDiiaallPPllaann This page allows you to set phone book, digit map, call barring, regional settings a

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 393 PPhhoonnee BBooookk In this section, you can set your VoIP contacts in the “phonebook”. It can help you to make c

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 394number you choose, using digits 0-9 and * . Display Name The Caller-ID that you want to be displayed on your friend’

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 395DDiiggiitt MMaapp For the convenience of user, this page allows users to edit prefix number for the SIP account wi

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 396Table Setup web page) as an example, the prefix number of 03 will be replaced by 8863. For example: dial number of “

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 397Click any index number to display the dial plan setup page. Available settings are explained as follows: Item Des

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 29Item Description gateway. Note: The words in green mean that the WAN connection of that interface is ready for access

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 398 For Block Unknown Domain – this function can block incoming calls (through Phone port) from unrecognized domain tha

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 399RReeggiioonnaall This page allows you to process incoming or outgoing phone calls by regional. Default values (comm

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 400Ans][Act] answer of the connected phone. Do Not Disturb [Act] Dial the number typed in this field to invoke the func

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 401 After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration. 44..1166..22 SSIIPP AAccccoouun

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 402 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Index Click this link to access into next page for se

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 403SIP PING interval The default value is 150 (sec). It is useful for a Nortel server NAT Traversal Support. Click any

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 404 SIP Port Set the port number for sending/receiving SIP message for building a session. The default value is 5060. Y

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 405Call Forwarding There are four options for you to choose. Disable is to close call forwarding function. Always means

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 406 Voice Active Detector This function can detect if the voice on both sides is active or not. If not, the router will

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 407change SIP account for each phone port. DTMF Relay – Display DTMF mode that configured in the advanced settings page

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 30 This page is left blank.

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 408DDeettaaiilleedd SSeettttiinnggss ffoorr PPhhoonnee PPoorrtt Click the number link for Phone port, you can acce

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 409response. Click hook flash to pick up the waiting phone call. Call Transfer Check this box to invoke this function.

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 410congestion tone by yourself for VoIP phone. Also, you can specify each field for your necessity. It is recommende

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 411it to digital form then send to the other side; the receiver will generate the tone according to the digital form it

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 412HANG_UP - Indicates that the connection is not established (busy tone). CONNECTING - Indicates that the user is call

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 413In an Infrastructure Mode of wireless network, Vigor wireless router plays a role as an Access Point (AP) connecting

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 414In WPA-Personal, a pre-defined key is used for encryption during data transmission. WPA applies Temporal Key Integri

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 41544..1177..22 GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp By clicking the General Settings, a new web page will appear so that you c

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 416 For 5 GHz: At present, the router can connect to 11a Only, 11n Only (5 GHz), Mixed (11a+11n) stations simultaneousl

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 417 Hide SSID Check it to prevent from wireless sniffing and make it harder for unauthorized clients or STAs to join yo

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 31 QQuuiicckk SSeettuupp There are several setup wizards offered for you to configure the router simply and quickly.

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 41844..1177..33 SSeeccuurriittyy This page allows you to set security with different modes for SSID 1, 2, 3 and 4 res

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 419 Note: You should also set RADIUS Server simultaneously if 802.1x mode is selected. Disable - Turn off the encryptio

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 420128-Bit - For 128 bits WEP key, either 13 ASCII characters, such as ABCDEFGHIJKLM (or 26 hexadecimal digits leading

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 421can be grouped under SSID 1 and SSID 2 at the same time if you check SSID 1 and SSID 2. MAC Address Filter Display a

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 422 On the side of Vigor2925 series which served as an AP, press WPS button once on the front panel of the router or

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 423Below shows Wireless LAN>>WPS web page: Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 42444..1177..66 WWDDSS WDS means Wireless Distribution System. It is a protocol for connecting two access points (AP)

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 425Bridge mode, packets received from a WDS link will only be forwarded to local wired or wireless hosts. In other word

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 426Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Mode Choose the mode for WDS setting. Disable mode wil

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 42744..1177..77 AAddvvaanncceedd SSeettttiinngg This page allows users to set advanced settings such as operation

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 32On the next page as shown below, please select the WAN interface that you use. If Ethernet interface is used, please

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 428Aggregation MSDU Aggregation MSDU can combine frames with different sizes. It is used for improving MAC layer’s perf

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 42944..1177..88 WWMMMM CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn WMM is an abbreviation of Wi-Fi Multimedia. It defines the priorit

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 430categories must be smaller; however, the difference between AC_BE and AC_BK categories must be greater. Txop It mean

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 43144..1177..99 AAPP DDiissccoovveerryy Vigor router can scan all regulatory channels and find working APs in the ne

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 43244..1177..1100 SSttaattiioonn LLiisstt Station List provides the knowledge of connecting wireless clients now a

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 43344..1188 SSSSLL VVPPNN An SSL VPN (Secure Sockets Layer virtual private network) is a form of VPN that can be u

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 434Encryption Key Algorithm Choose the encryption level for the data connection in SSL VPN server. After finishing all

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 435URL Type the address (function variation or IP address) or path of the proxy server. Host IP Address If you type fun

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 436To create a new SSL application profile: 1. Click number link under Index filed to set detailed configuration. 2.

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 437Samba Application – It allows you to access and control a remote PC through Samba service. IP Address If you choose

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 3322..11..11 FFoorr WWAANN11//WWAANN22 ((EEtthheerrnneett)) WAN1/WAN2 is dedicated to physical mode in Ethernet. If

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 43844..1188..44 UUsseerr AAccccoouunntt With SSL VPN, Vigor2925 series let teleworkers have convenient and simple re

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 439 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description User account and Authentication Enable this account -

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 440Item Description SSL Tunnel - It allows the remote dial-in user to make an SSL VPN Tunnel connection through Interne

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 441Item Description IKE Authentication Method This group of fields is applicable for IPSec Tunnels and L2TP with IPSec

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 44244..1188..55 UUsseerr GGrroouupp There are 10 user group profiles which can be created for authentication. Such p

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 443Item Description Enable Check this box to enable such profile. Group Name Type a name for such profile. The length o

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 44444..1188..66 OOnnlliinnee UUsseerr SSttaattuuss If you have finished the configuration of SSL Web Proxy (server)

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 44544..1199 UUSSBB AApppplliiccaattiioonn USB storage disk connected on Vigor router can be regarded as a server. By

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 446Item Description General Settings Simultaneous FTP Connections - This field is used to specify the quantity of the F

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 447Click index number to access into configuration page. Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 342. Click PPPoE as the Internet Access Type. Then click Next to continue. Available settings are explained as follow

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 448ON, you cannot type any new folder name in this field. Only “/” can be used in such case. You can click to open the

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 44944..1199..33 FFiillee EExxpplloorreerr File Explorer offers an easy way for users to view and manage the content

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 45044..1199..44 UUSSBB DDeevviiccee SSttaattuuss This page is to monitor the status for the users who accessing int

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 45144..1199..55 TTeemmppeerraattuurree SSeennssoorr A USB Thermometer is now available that complements your install

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 452TTeemmppeerraattuurree CChhaarrtt Below shows an example of temperature graph: 44..1199..66 MMooddeemm SSuupppp

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 45344..2200 SSyysstteemm MMaaiinntteennaannccee For the system setup, there are several items that you have to know

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 454Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Model Name Display the model name of the router. Firmw

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 45544..2200..22 TTRR--006699 This device supports TR-069 standard. It is very convenient for an administrator to mana

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 456click Disable to close the mechanism of notification. STUN Settings The default is Disable. If you click Enable, ple

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 457Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Administrator Password Old Password - Type in the old

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 35 4. Click Finish. A page of Quick Start Wizard Setup OK!!! will appear. Then, the system status of this protocol wil

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 45844..2200..44 UUsseerr PPaasssswwoorrdd This page allows you to set new password for user operation. Available se

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 4593. The following screen will appear. Simply click OK. 4. Log out Vigor router web user interface by clicking the

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 4606. The main screen with User Mode will be shown as follows. Settings to be configured in User Mode will be less th

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 46144..2200..55 LLooggiinn PPaaggee GGrreeeettiinngg When you want to access into the web user interface of Vigor

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 462Below shows an example of login customization with the information typed in Login Description and Bulletin.

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 46344..2200..66 CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn BBaacckkuupp BBaacckkuupp tthhee CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn Follow the

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 4644. Click Save button, the configuration will download automatically to your computer as a file named config.cfg. Th

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 46544..2200..77 SSyysslloogg//MMaaiill AAlleerrtt SysLog function is provided for users to monitor router. There is

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 466AlertLog Setup Check Enable to activate function of alert log. AlertLog Port - Type the port number for alert log. T

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 467

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 362. Click PPTP/L2TP as the Internet Access Type. Then click Next to continue. Available settings are explained as fo

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 46844..2200..88 TTiimmee aanndd DDaattee It allows you to specify where the time of the router should be inquired f

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 46944..2200..99 SSNNMMPP This page allows you to configure settings for SNMP and SNMPV3 services. The SNMPv3 is more

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 470Notification Host IP (IPv6) Set the IPv6 address of the host that will receive the trap community. Trap Timeout The

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 47144..2200..1100 MMaannaaggeemmeenntt This page allows you to manage the settings for Internet/LAN Access Control, A

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 472The web user interface will be open until you click the Logout icon manually. Internet Access Control Allow managem

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 473FFoorr IIPPvv66 Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Management Access Control Allow man

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 47444..2200..1111 RReebboooott SSyysstteemm The Web user interface may be used to restart your router. Click Reboot

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 47544..2200..1122 FFiirrmmwwaarree UUppggrraaddee Before upgrading your router firmware, you need to install the R

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 47644..2200..1133 AAccttiivvaattiioonn There are three ways to activate WCF on vigor router, using Service Activation

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 477Below shows the successful activation of Web Content Filter: 44..2211 DDiiaaggnnoossttiiccss Diagnostic Tools pro

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 37Cancel Click it to give up the quick start wizard. 3. Please type in the IP address/mask/gateway information origin

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 47844..2211..11 DDiiaall--oouutt TTrriiggggeerriinngg Click Diagnostics and click Dial-out Triggering to open the we

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 47944..2211..22 RRoouuttiinngg TTaabbllee Click Diagnostics and click Routing Table to open the web page. Availabl

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 48044..2211..33 AARRPP CCaacchhee TTaabbllee Click Diagnostics and click ARP Cache Table to view the content of the

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 48144..2211..55 DDHHCCPP TTaabbllee The facility provides information on IP address assignments. This information is

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 482 44..2211..66 NNAATT SSeessssiioonnss TTaabbllee Click Diagnostics and click NAT Sessions Table to open the list

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 48344..2211..77 PPiinngg DDiiaaggnnoossiiss Click Diagnostics and click Ping Diagnosis to pen the web page. or

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 484Ping IPv6 Address Type the IPv6 address that you want to ping. Run Click this button to start the ping work. The res

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 485Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Enable Data Flow Monitor Check this box to enable this

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 48644..2211..99 TTrraaffffiicc GGrraapphh Click Diagnostics and click Traffic Graph to pen the web page. Choose WAN1

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 48744..2211..1100 TTrraaccee RRoouuttee Click Diagnostics and click Trace Route to open the web page. This page allo

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide vEuropean Community Declarations Manufacturer: DrayTek Corp. Address: No. 26, Fu Shing Road, Hukou Township, Hsinch

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 382. Click Static IP as the Internet Access type. Simply click Next to continue. Available settings are explained as

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 488Protocol Use the drop down list to choose the protocol that you want to ping through. Host/IP Address It indicates t

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 489 Stop record when fulls – when the capacity of syslog is full, the system will stop recording. Always record the new

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 490Available settings are explained as follows: Item Description Refresh Click this link to refresh this page manually.

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 491 TTrroouubbllee SShhoooottiinngg This section will guide you to solve abnormal situations if you cannot access in

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 49255..22 CChheecckkiinngg IIff tthhee NNeettwwoorrkk CCoonnnneeccttiioonn SSeettttiinnggss oonn YYoouurr CCoo

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 4934. Select Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically. FFoorr MMaacc OOSS 1.

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 49455..33 PPiinnggiinngg tthhee RRoouutteerr ffrroomm YYoouurr CCoommppuutteerr The default gateway IP address o

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 495 55..44 CChheecckkiinngg IIff tthhee IISSPP SSeettttiinnggss aarree OOKK oorr NNoott Open WAN >> In

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 496 TTrraannssmmiissssiioonn RRaattee iiss nnoott ffaasstt eennoouugghh Please connect your Notebook with 3G USB

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 497 HHaarrddwwaarree RReesseett While the router is running (ACT LED blinking), press the Factory Reset button and ho

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 394. Click Finish. A page of Quick Start Wizard Setup OK!!! will appear. Then, the system status of this protocol will

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 498 This page is left blank.

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 499AAppppeennddiixx II RReelleeaassee NNoottee FFiirrmmwwaarree VVeerrssiioonn:: 33..77..44 NNeeww FFeeaattuurr

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 500 Corrected: No reboot after finishing firmware upgrade.  Corrected: SSL user can't join user group.  Corr

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 4039 characters. MAC Some Cable service providers specify a specific MAC address for access authentication. In such cas

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 4122..11..22 FFoorr WWAANN33//WWAANN44 ((UUSSBB)) WAN3 is dedicated to physical mode in USB. If WAN3 is selected, i

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 42APN Name – APN means Access Point Name which is provided and required by some ISPs. Type the name and click Apply.

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 4322..22 SSeerrvviiccee AAccttiivvaattiioonn WWiizzaarrdd Service Activation Wizard can guide you to activate WCF s

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 443. In the following page, you can activate the Web content filter services at the same time or individually. When yo

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 455. Wait for a moment till the following page appears. When such page appears, you can enable or disable these servi

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 46

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 4722..33 VVPPNN CClliieenntt WWiizzaarrdd Such wizard is used to configure VPN settings for VPN client. Such wizard

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide vi

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 48 2. When you finish the mode and profile selection, please click Next to open the following page. In this page,

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 49Note: The following descriptions for VPN Type are based on the Route Mode specified in LAN-to-LAN Client Mode Selecti

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 50  When you choose L2TP over IPsec (Nice to Have) or L2TP over IPsec (Must), you will see the following graphic:

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 51VPN Dial-Out Through Use the drop down menu to choose a proper WAN interface for this profile. This setting is useful

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 52High - Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) means payload (data) will be encrypted and authenticated. You may select

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 5322..44 VVPPNN SSeerrvveerr WWiizzaarrdd Such wizard is used to configure VPN settings for VPN server. Such wizard

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 54 Please choose a Dial-in User Accounts This item is available when you choose Remote Dial-in User (Teleworker) as V

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 55 When you check PPTP, you will see the following graphic:  When you check PPTP & IPsec & L2TP (three typ

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 56 When you check IPsec, you will see the following graphic: Available settings are explained as follows: Item Descr

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 57Remote Network IP Please type one LAN IP address (according to the real location of the remote host) for building VPN

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide viiTTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss Introduction...

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 58 2. The screen of wireless wizard will be shown as follows. This page will be used for internal users in a company o

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 59Channel Means the channel of frequency of the wireless LAN. The default channel is 6. You may switch channel if the

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 603. After typing the required information, click Next. The settings in the page limit the wireless station (guest) ac

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 61Use the same SSID and Security Key as above Check the box to use the same settings configured above. SSID Type the S

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 6222..66 VVooIIPP WWiizzaarrdd Vigor router offers a quick method to configure settings for VoIP application. Follow

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 63Cancel Click it to give up the quick start wizard. 3. After finished the settings above, click Next for viewing summ

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 6422..77 RReeggiisstteerriinngg VViiggoorr RRoouutteerr You have finished the configuration of Quick Start Wizard a

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 654 The following page will be displayed after you logging in MyVigor. From this page, please click Add or Product Reg

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 666 When the following page appears, your router information has been added to the database. 7 Now, you have finish

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 67 11 When this page appears, click Register. 12 Wait for a moment until the following page appears. 13 Click Clos

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide viii3.2 How can I get the files from USB storage device connecting to Vigor router?... 82 3.3 How to

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 68 This page is left blank.

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 69 TTuuttoorriiaallss aanndd AApppplliiccaattiioonnss 33..11 HHooww ttoo ccoonnffiigguurree sseettttiinnggss

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 70Note: Only one WAN interface support IPv6 service at one time. In this example, WAN2 is chosen as the one supporting

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 71 Click OK and open Online Status. If the connection is successful, you will get the IP address for IPv4 and IPv6 at t

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 72

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 73 TSPC – Tunnel application, both IPv6 hosts communicate through IPv4 network Choose TSPC and type the information f

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 74 AICCU – Tunnel application Choose AICCU and type the information for AICCU of IPv6. Note: While using such mode, y

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 75 DHCPv6 Client Choose DHCPv6 Client. Click one of the identity associations and type the IAID number. Click OK and

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 76 Static IPv6 Choose Static IPv6. Type IPv6 address, Prefix Length and Gateway Address. Click OK and open Online St

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 77 6in4 Static Tunnel Choose 6in4 Static Tunnel. Type remote endpoint IPv4 address, 6in4 IPv6 Address, LAN Routed Pre

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide ix4.4.3 Open Ports...

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 78 6rd Choose 6rd. Type IPv4 Border Relay, IPv4 Mask Length, 6rd Prefix and 6rd Prefix Length. Click OK and open On

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 79IIII.. CCoonnffiigguurriinngg tthhee LLAANN SSeettttiinnggss After finished the WAN settings for IPv6, please co

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 80IIIIII.. CCoonnffiirrmmiinngg IIPPvv66 SSeerrvviiccee RRuunn SSuucccceessssffuullllyy 1. Make sure you have ge

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 813. Connect to the website for IPv6. Open a web browser and type an URL of IPv6, e.g., www.kame.net. If your computer

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 8233..22 HHooww ccaann II ggeett tthhee ffiilleess ffrroomm UUSSBB ssttoorraaggee ddeevviiccee ccoonnnneecct

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 833. Setup a user account for the FTP service by using USB Application >>USB User Management. Click Enable to en

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 846. When the following screen appears, it means the FTP service is running properly. 7. Return to USB Application &

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Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 8533..33 HHooww ttoo BBuuiilldd aa LLAANN--ttoo--LLAANN VVPPNN BBeettwweeeenn RReemmoottee OOffffiiccee aannd

Página 511

Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 864. Now navigate to the next section, Dial-In Settings to check PPTP, IPSec Tunnel and L2TP boxes. Check the box of S

Página 512

Vigor2925 Series User’s Guide 877. Open VPN and Remote Access>>Connection Management to check the dial-in connection status (from branch offic

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