Draytek 2900 Manual do Utilizador

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Vigor2900 Series
Security Router
User’s Guide
Version: 2.0
Date: 2006/1/16
Copyright 2005 All rights reserved.
This publication contains information that is protected by copyright. No part may be reproduced, transmitted,
transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language without written permission from the copyright
holders. The scope of delivery and other details are subject to change without prior notice.
Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.
Windows, Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP and Explorer are trademarks of Microsoft Corp.
Apple and Mac OS are registered trademarks of Apple Computer Inc.
Other products may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective manufacturers.
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Página 1 - User’s Guide

Vigor2900 Series Security Router User’s Guide Version: 2.0 Date: 2006/1/16 Copyright 2005 All rights reserved. This publicatio

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 4 11..11..33 FFrroonntt aanndd RReeaarr VViieeww ffoorr VViiggoorr22990000GGii ACTISDN WLANAttack VPN Printer

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 94 Enable this account Check the box to enable this function. Idle Timeout- If the dial-in user is idle over the limi

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 95IKE Pre-Shared Key Check the box of Pre-Shared Key to invoke this function and type in the required characters (1-63

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 96 Click to clear all indexes. Name Indicate the name of the LAN-to-LAN profile. The symbol ??? represents that the

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 97Profile Name Specify a name for the profile of the LAN-to-LAN connection. Enable this profile Check here to activat

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 98 User Name This field is applicable when you select PPTP or L2TP w/ or w/out IPSec policy above. Password This fi

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 99Main mode. IKE phase 1 proposal-To propose the local available authentication schemes and encryption algorithms to

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 100 Allowed Dial-In Type Determine the dial-in connection with different types. ISDN Allow the remote ISDN dial-in

Página 10 - Description

Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 101methods on the right side. If you uncheck the checkbox, the connection type you select above will apply the authenti

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 102phase. If the PPP IP address is fixed by remote side, specify the fixed IP address here. Remote Network IP/ Remote N

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 103your applications to operate. This has to manually set up port mappings or use other similar methods. The screenshot

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 511..11..44 FFrroonntt aanndd RReeaarr VViieeww ffoorr VViiggoorr22990000ii ACTISDNQoSAttack VPN Printer WAN

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 104¾ Some Microsoft operating systems have found out the UPnP weaknesses and hence you need to ensure that you have ap

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 105 The major benefit of this mode is that you don’t have to memorize your friend’s IP address, which might change ver

Página 16 - Internet

Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 10633..1100..11 DDiiaallPPllaann SSeettuupp In this section, you can set your VoIP contacts in the “phonebook” we ca

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 10733..1100..22 SSIIPP RReellaatteedd FFuunnccttiioonnss SSeettuupp In this section, you set up your own SIP setti

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 108choose None and check the box to achieve the goal. Some SIP server allows user to use VoIP function without register

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 10933..1100..33 CCOODDEECC//RRTTPP//DDTTMMFF SSeettuupp The codec used for each call can be negotiated with the pe

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 110will contains 20 ms voice information. The more data contains in a single packet the less overhead it creates but ma

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 111Dial Tone Power Level This setting is used to adjust the loudness of the dial tone. The smaller the number is, the

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 112supports, please use the default setting. 33..1100..55 VVooiiccee CCaallll SSttaattuuss On VoIP call status, yo

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 113Rx Pkts Total number of received voice packets during this connection session. Rx Losts Total number of lost packe

Página 24 - 2900Gi and Vigor 2900i

Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 6 11..11..55 FFrroonntt aanndd RReeaarr VViieeww ffoorr VViiggoorr22990000VV LED Status Explanation ACT (Ac

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 114Enable Check this box to enable this function (for VLAN Configuration). P1 – P4 Check the box to make the computer

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 115 3. To remove VLAN, uncheck the needed box and click OK to save the results. 33..1122 QQooSS CCoonnttrrooll SSee

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 116Vigor routers as edge routers of DS domain shall check the marked DSCP value in the IP header of bypassing traffic,

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 117Reserved Bandwidth Ratio It is reserved for the group index in the form of ratio of reserved bandwidth to upstream

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 118level type by the system. Please assign one of the levels of the data for processing with QoS control. Service Type

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 119 Please type in the service name, select Service type (TCP/UDP and both). Next choose either one of the port configu

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 120 This page is left blank.

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 1214 SSyysstteemm MMaannaaggeemmeenntt 44..11 OOnnlliinnee SSttaattuuss The Online Status provides basic network

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 122 VPN Displays the VPN connection name. Type Displays the VPN connection type. Remote IP Displays the remote IP

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 123 2. Click Backup button to get into the following dialog. 3. Click Save button to open another dialog for savin

Página 35 - Example 2

Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 711..11..66 FFrroonntt aanndd RReeaarr VViieeww ffoorr VViiggoorr22990000VVGG LED Status Explanation ACT (A

Página 36 - Example 3

Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 124 4. Click Save button, the configuration will download automatically to your computer as a file named config.cfg. T

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 125RReessttoorree CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn 1. Click Configuration Backup/Restoration on the System Management grou

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 12644..44 SSyyssLLoogg//MMaaiill AAlleerrtt SSeettuupp SysLog is a popular utility in Unix world. To monitor router

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 127 3. From the Syslog screen, select the router you want to monitor. Be reminded that in Network Information, select

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 128The Vigor router will send many types of SysLog messages. Some examples of the SysLog messages with their individual

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 129 44..55 TTiimmee SSeettuupp It allows you to specify where the time of the router should be inquired from. Curre

Página 42 - - Manually enter the MAC

Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 13044..66 MMaannaaggeemmeenntt SSeettuupp The port number used to send/receive SIP message for building a session. T

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 131Trap Community Set trap community by typing a proper name. The default setting is public. Notification Host IP Set

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 132Dial ISDN Clicking here causes the router to dial to the preset ISP. Click Internet Access Setup > Dial to a

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 133 Click it to reload the page. In the left of each routing rule, you will see a key. These keys are defined as f

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 8 11..11..77 FFrroonntt aanndd RReeaarr VViieeww ffoorr VViiggoorr22990000VVGGii LED Status Explanation ACT

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 134 Click it to clear the whole table. 44..77..55 VViieewwiinngg DDHHCCPP AAssssiiggnneedd IIPP AAddddrreessssees

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 135 Click it to reload the page. Each line across the screen indicates an active session. The following information i

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 13644..99 FFiirrmmwwaarree UUppggrraaddee ((TTFFTTPP SSeerrvveerr)) Before upgrading your router firmware, you nee

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 1375 AApppplliiccaattiioonn aanndd EExxaammpplleess 55..11 CCrreeaattee aa LLAANN--ttoo--LLAANN CCoonnnneecctti

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 1384. For using PPP based services, such as PPTP, L2TP, you have to set general settings in PPP General Setup. For u

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 1396. Set Common Settings as shown below. You should enable this profile. 7. Set Dial-Out Settings as shown below t

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 1408. Set Dial-In settings as shown below to allow Router B dial-in to build VPN connection. If an IPSec-based servic

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 141Settings in Router B in the remote office: 1. Choose VPN and Remote Access Setup on the Advanced Setup group. 2. S

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 142 5. Return to VPN and Remote Access Setup page and choose LAN-to-LAN Profile Setup. Click on one index number to e

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 143 If a PPP-based service is selected, you should further specify the remote peer IP Address, Username, Password, PPP

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 911..11..88 FFrroonntt aanndd RReeaarr VViieeww ffoorr VViiggoorr22990000VVii LED Status Explanation ACT (A

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 144 If a PPP-based service is selected, you should further specify the remote peer IP Address, Username, Password, and

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 14555..22 CCrreeaattee aa RReemmoottee DDiiaall--iinn UUsseerr CCoonnnneeccttiioonn BBeettwweeeenn tthhee TTee

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 146 For using IPSec-based service, such as IPSec or L2TP with IPSec Policy, you have to set general settings in IKE/IP

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 147connection. Otherwise, it will apply the settings defined in IPSec General Setup above. If a PPP-based service is

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 148 3. In Step 2. Connect to VPN Server, click Insert button to add a new entry. If an IPSec-based service is sele

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 149 If a PPP-based service is selected, you should further specify the remote VPN server IP address, Username, Passwor

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 15055..33 QQooSS SSeettttiinngg EExxaammppllee Assume a teleworker sometimes works at home and takes care of childr

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 151 7. If the worker has connected to the headquater using host to host VPN tunnel. (Please refer to Chapter 3 VPN for

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 152 You can just set the settings wrapped inside the red rectangles to fit the request of NAT usage. To use another DH

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 153 You can just set the settings wrapped inside the red rectangles to fit the request of NAT usage.

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 10 11..22 HHaarrddwwaarree IInnssttaallllaattiioonn Before starting to configure the router, you have to connect you

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 15455..55 CCaalllliinngg SScceennaarriioo ffoorr VVooIIPP ffuunnccttiioonn 55..55..11 CCaalllliinngg vviiaa SS

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 155Example 2: Both John and David have SIP Addresses from the same service provider. John’s SIP URL: [email protected] ,

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 15655..55..22 PPeeeerr--ttoo--PPeeeerr CCaalllliinngg Example 3: Both Arnor and Paulin have Vigor routers respective

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 15755..66 UUppggrraaddee FFiirrmmwwaarree ffoorr YYoouurr RRoouutteerr Before upgrading your router firmware, you

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 1589. Double click on the icon of router tool. The setup wizard will appear. 10. Follow the onscreen instruc

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 159 14. Click Send. 15. Now the firmware update is finished.

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 160 This page is left blank.

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 1616 TTrroouubbllee SShhoooottiinngg This section will guide you to solve abnormal situations if you cannot access i

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 162FFoorr WWiinnddoowwss  The example is based on Windows XP. As to the examples for other operation systems, please

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 1634. Select Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically. FFoorr MMaaccOOss 1.

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 112 CCoonnffiigguurriinngg BBaassiicc SSeettttiinnggss For use the router properly, it is necessary for you to chan

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 16466..33 PPiinnggiinngg tthhee RRoouutteerr ffrroomm YYoouurr CCoommppuutteerr The default gateway IP address o

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 165

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 16666..44 CChheecckkiinngg IIff tthhee IISSPP SSeettttiinnggss aarree OOKK oorr NNoott Click Internet Access

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 167 HHaarrddwwaarree RReesseett While the router is running (ACT LED blinking), press the Factory Reset button and ho

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 12 Notice: Some of the settings might not appear as above, because the home page will change slightly according to th

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 13 22..22 QQuuiicckk SSttaarrtt WWiizzaarrdd If your router can be under an environment with high speed NAT, the c

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide ii

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 14 Please select the appropriate time zone for the router. Then, click Next. 22..22..11 SSeelleeccttiinngg PPrrootto

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 15PPPoE is used for most of DSL modem users. All local users can share one PPPoE connection for accessing the Internet.

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 16 22..22..33 PPPPTTPP For PPTP connection, please click PPTP as the protocol. Click Next to see the following pa

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 17PPTP Server IP Specify the IP address of the PPTP Server. After finishing the settings in this page, click Next to s

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 18 22..22..44 LL22TTPP Note: This setting is available only for Vigor 2900, Vigor 2900G, Vigor 2900Gi and Vigor 2900i

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 19Subnet Mask Type the subnet mask. PPTP Server IP Specify the IP address of the PPTP Server. After finishing the set

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 20 Click Next to see the following page. WAN IP Type the WAN IP address that obtained from ISP. Subnet Mask Type the

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 2122..22..66 DDHHCCPP Click DHCP as the protocol. Click Next to see the following page. Host Name Specify the

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 22 Click Finish to save current settings and restart the router. 22..33 LLAANN TTCCPP//IIPP aanndd DDHHCCPP SSeer

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 23will serve for IP routing to help hosts in the public subnet to communicate with other public hosts or servers outsid

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide iiiTTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss 1 Preface ...

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 24 WWhhaatt aarree VViirrttuuaall LLAANNss You can group local hosts by physical ports and create up to 4 virtual L

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 252nd DHCP Server You can configure the router to serve as a DHCP server for the 2nd subnet. Start IP Address: Enter

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 26 DHCP server for your network. If you want to use another DHCP server in the network other than the Vigor Router’s,

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 2722..44 IISSDDNN SSeettuupp ISDN stands for Integrated Services Digital Network. It is an international communicati

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 28 which can simulate a real ISDN terminal adapter installed on your computer. You can install the CAPI-compliant softw

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 29SSeeccuurriittyy OOvveerrvviieeww Real-time Hardware Encryption: Vigor Router is equipped with a hardware AES encry

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 30 Example 3 Separate the Wireless and the Wired LAN- WLAN Isolation enables you to isolate your wireless LAN from wir

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 3122..55..22 GGeenneerraall SSeettttiinnggss By clicking the General Settings, a new web page will appear so that yo

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 32 LAN. SSID can be any text numbers or various special characters. Channel The channel of frequency of the wireless L

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 3322..55..33 SSeeccuurriittyy By clicking the Security Settings, a new web page will appear so that you could configu

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide iv 3.1 Dynamic DNS Setup ...

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 34 applicable if you select WPA/PSK. WEP/802.1x or WPA/802.1x - Accept WEP or WPA clients with 802.1x authentication. O

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 35 All wireless devices must support the same WEP encryption bit size and have the same key. Four keys can be entered h

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 36 Client’s MAC Address - Manually enter the MAC address of wireless client. Attribute v - select to apply VPN to the c

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 3722..66 IInntteerrnneett AAcccceessss SSeettuupp Quick Start Wizard offers user an easy method to quick setup the

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 38 If your router supports ISDN function, you will get the following page with ISDN dial-up Internet Access. The foll

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 39PPPoE Link Click Enable for activating this function. If you click Disable, this function will be closed and all the

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 40 By checking the checkbox Join NAT IP Pool, data from NAT hosts will be round-robin forwarded on a session basis. I

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 41IP addresses for other purpose, such as DMZ host, Open Ports. WAN physical type Check and choose a proper type us

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 42 Access Control Click Enable for activating this function. If you click Disable, this function will be closed and al

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 43PING Interval - Enter the interval for the system to execute the PING operation. WAN physical type Check and choose

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide v4.7.2 Triggered Dial-out Packet Header...

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 44 Specify an IP address – Click this radio button to specify some data if you want to use Static IP mode. IP Address

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 45 PPTP Setup PPTP Link - Click Enable to enable a PPTP client to establish a tunnel to a DSL modem on the WAN inter

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 46 Idle Timeout - Set the timeout for breaking down the Internet after passing through the time without any action. IP

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 47 L2TP Setup L2TP Link - Click Enable to enable a L2TP client to establish a tunnel to a DSL modem on the WAN inter

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 48 use the same physical type; otherwise, the connection might be failed due to inconsistent type. It is recommended fo

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 49Idle Timeout Idle timeout means the router will be disconnect after being idle for a preset amount of time. The defa

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 50 z The Virtual TA client only supports the CAPI 2.0 protocol and has no built-in FAX engine. z One ISDN BRI interf

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 51 Virtual TA Server Enable: Select it to activate the server. Disable: Select it to deactivate the server. All Virtua

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 52 On the client - Right-click the mouse on the VT icon. The following pop-up menu will be shown. Click the Virtual T

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 533AAddvvaanncceedd WWeebb CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn After finished basic configuration of the router, you can acce

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 54 Active Display if this account is active or inactive. View Log It opens another dialog and shows log for DDNS info

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 5533..22 CCaallll CCoonnttrrooll aanndd PPPPPP//MMPP SSeettuupp Some applications require that the router (only f

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 56 PPP Authentication It specifies the PPP authentication method for PPP/MP connections. Normally you can set it to PA

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 57 Index Click the number below Index to access into the setting page of schedule. Status Display if this schedule se

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 58 Disable Dial-On-Demand -Specify the connection to be up when it has traffic on the line. Once there is no traffic ov

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 59On NAT page, you will see the private IP address defined in RFC-1918. Usually we use the subnet for th

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 60 Service Name Enter the description of the specific network service. Protocol Select the transport layer protocol

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 6133..44..22 DDMMZZ HHoosstt SSeettuupp As mentioned above, Port Redirection can redirect incoming TCP/UDP or other

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 62 Enable Check to enable the DMZ Host function. Private IP Enter the private IP address of the DMZ host, or click C

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 63 Index Indicate the relative number for the particular entry that you want to offer service in a local host. You sho

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 11 PPrreeffaaccee Targeting requirement for residential, SOHO (Small Office and Home Office) and business users, the

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 64 However, if you previously have set up WAN Alias in Internet Access>>PPPoE, you will find that WAN IP appeare

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 65 33..44..44 VViieeww WWeellll--KKnnoowwnn PPoorrttss LLiisstt There is a list providing some well-known port num

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 66 When you press the WAN IP Alias button, a window will show up for you to input other public IP addresses. The Join

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 67 33..55 RRAADDIIUUSS SSeettuupp Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) is a security authentication

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 68 Shared Secret The RADIUS server and client share a secret that is used to authenticate the messages sent between th

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 69is that those hosts on the internal private subnets (ex. can access the Internet via the router, and

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 70 DDeelleettee SSttaattiicc RRoouuttee 1. Click the Index Number that you want to delete from the Static Route Co

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 71DDeeaaccttiivvaattee SSttaattiicc RRoouuttee 1. Click the Index Number that you want to disable from the Static R

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 72 33..77 IIPP FFiilltteerr//FFiirreewwaallll SSeettuupp 33..77..11 BBaassiiccss ffoorr FFiirreewwaallll While

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 73z Data Filter - When there is an existing Internet connection, Data Filter is applied to incoming and outgoing traff

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 2 11..11..11 FFrroonntt aanndd RReeaarr VViieeww ffoorr VViiggoorr22990000 ACTDMZQoSAttack VPN Printer WANP1

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 74 DDeenniiaall ooff SSeerrvviiccee ((DDooSS)) DDeeffeennssee The DoS Defense functionality helps you to detect an

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 75WWeebb CCoonntteenntt FFiilltteerr ((ffoorr VV mmooddeellss oonnllyy)) We all know that the content on the Int

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 76 Filter Rule Click a button numbered (1 ~ 7) to edit the filter rule. Click the button will open Edit Filter Rule w

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 77Pass or Block Specifies the action to be taken when packets match the rule. Block Immediately - Packets matching th

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 78 Don’t care -No action will be taken towards fragmented packets. Unfragmented -Apply the rule to unfragmented pack

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 79EExxaammppllee ooff RReessttrriiccttiinngg UUnnaauutthhoorriizzeedd IInntteerrnneett SSeerrvviicceess To set a

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 80 Call Filter Check Enable to activate the Call Filter function. Assign a start filter set for the Call Filter. Dat

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 81 Active Check this box to invoke this setting. MAC Address Type in the MAC Address of the device that the router co

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 82 Enable Dos Defense Check the box to activate the DoS Defense Functionality. Enable SYN flood defense Check the box

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 83header. The reason for limitation is IP option appears to be a vulnerability of the security for the LAN because it w

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 311..11..22 FFrroonntt aanndd RReeaarr VViieeww ffoorr VViiggoorr22990000GG ACTQoS WLAN Attack VPN Printer WANP1

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 84 the protocol types greater than 100 are reserved and undefined at this time. Therefore, the router should have abili

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 85 Enable URL Access Control Check the box to activate URL Access Control. Block websites with matching keywords Cl

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 86 Prevent web access from IP address Check the box to deny any web surfing activity using IP address, such as http://2

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 8733..77..66 WWeebb CCoonntteenntt FFiilltteerr ((ffoorr VV mmooddeellss oonnllyy)) Choose IP Filter/Firewall S

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 88 33..77..77 IIMM BBlloocckkiinngg IM Blocking means instant messenger blocking. You will see a list of common IM (

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 89 Action Specify the action for each protocol. Allow – Allow the client to access into the application through the sp

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 90 33..88 VVPPNN aanndd RReemmoottee AAcccceessss SSeettuupp A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is the extension of

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 91 Dial-In PPP Authentication PAP Only - Select this option to force the router to authenticate dial-in users with the

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 92 33..88..33 VVPPNN IIKKEE//IIPPSSeecc GGeenneerraall SSeettuupp In IPSec General Setup, there are two major part

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Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide 93(data) will be encrypted and authenticated. You may select encryption algorithm from Data Encryption Standard (DES),

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