Draytek VigorSwitch G2240 Guia do Utilizador

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Página 1 - User’s Guide

VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide Version: 1.0 Date: 2011/11/04 Copyright 2011 All rights reserved.

Página 2 - Copyright Information

VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 4 z Supports port mirror function with ingress/egress traffic z Supports rapid spanning tree (802.1w RSTP) z Suppor

Página 3 - Regulatory Information

VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 94 Ingress Port: Any / Policy1-8 / Port1-24 Action: Permit / Deny Rate Limiter ID: Disabled / 1-16 Cancel: Cancel

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 95then you have to click on <Apply> to confirm the changed parameters setting.

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 96 22..99 IIPP MMAACC BBiinnddiinngg 22..99..11 IIPP MMAACC BBiinnddiinngg CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn The IP

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 97Add: Input MAC, IP, Port and VID, then click on <Add> to create a new entry into the IP MAC Binding table Del

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 98 22..1100 880022..11XX CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn 802.1X port-based network access control provides a method to r

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 99The overview of operation flow for the Fig. 3-52 is quite simple. When Supplicant PAE issues a request to Authentica

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 100The figure below shows the procedure of 802.1X authentication. There are steps for the login based on 802.1X por

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 101connected to the supplicant and under 802.1X control is in the authorized state. The supplicant and other devices c

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 10222..1100..11 SSeerrvveerr Function name: 802.1X Server Configuration Function description: This function is u

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 103This function is used to configure the parameters for each port in 802.1X port security application. Refer to the f

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 5z 1000Mbps BiDi LC, type 2, SM 20km, SFP Fiber WDM transceiver z 1000Mbps LC, SM 10km, SFP Fiber transceiver

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 104reAuthMax(1-10): The number of authentication attempt that is permitted before the port becomes unauthorized. De

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 105Parameter description: Port: Port number: 1-24 Mode: Show this port IEEE 802.1X operating mode: There are four mo

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 10622..1111 TTrruunnkkiinngg CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn The Port Trunking Configuration is used to configure the se

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 107z A port using the “None“ trunking method or Group ID 0 will be automatically set to use the “None” trunking metho

Página 18 - Subnet Mask = DHCP Enabled

VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 108Passive - A Passive LACP port will not actively send LACPDU out before it receives an LACPDU from its link partner.

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 109LLAACCPP DDeettaaiill Function name: LACP Detail (LACP Aggregator Detailed Information) Function description: Sho

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 11022..1111..33 AAggggrreeggaattiioonn HHaasshh MMooddee Function name: Aggregation Hash Mode Function descripti

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 11122..1111..44 LLAACCPP SSyysstteemm PPrriioorriittyy Function name: LACP System Priority Function description:

Página 22 - 32 bits

VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 112 Parameter description: STP State: Show the current STP Enabled / Disabled status. Default is “Disabled”. Bridge

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 113Hello Time: Show the current hello time of the root bridge. Hello time is a time interval specified by root bridge

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 6 UUsseerr IInntteerrffaacceess oonn tthhee RReeaarr PPaanneell One socket on the rear panel is for AC power in

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 114Parameter description: Spanning Tree Protocol: Set 802.1W Rapid STP function Enable / Disable. Default is “Disab

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 11522..1122..33 PPoorrtt Function name: STP Port Configuration Function description: In the STP Port Setting, one

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 116Configured Path Cost: The range is 0 – 200,000,000. In the switch, if path cost is set to be zero, the STP will

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 11722..1133 MMSSTTPP The implementation of MSTP is according to IEEE 802.1Q 2005 Clause 13 – Multiple Spanning Tre

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 11822..1133..22 RReeggiioonn CCoonnffiigg Function name: MSTP Region Config Function description: Configure the bas

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 11922..1133..33 IInnssttaannccee VViieeww Function name: MSTP Instance View Function description: Provide an MST in

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 120z Edit MSTI / Vlan Instance ID: Every spanning tree instance need to have a unique instance ID within 0~4095. In

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 12132768 / 36864 / 40960 / 45056 / 49152 / 53248 / 57344 / 61440 MAX. Age: 6-40sec, same definition as in the RSTP

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 122Admin P2P: Auto / True / False The same definition as in the RSTP specification for the CIST ports. Restricted Rol

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 123Bridge Forward Delay: It shows the Forward Delay setting of the bridge itself. Bridge Max Hops: It shows the Max

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 7After resetting, the bootloader will load the firmware into the memory. It will take about 30 seconds, after that, th

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 12422..1144 MMiirrrroorriinngg Function name: Mirror Configuration Function description: Mirror Configuration is t

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 12522..1155 MMuullttiiccaasstt The function is used establish the multicast groups to forward the multicast packet t

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 12622..1155..22 PPrrooxxyy Function name: IGMP Proxy Configuration Function description: IGMP proxy enables the sw

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 127Router Ports: Set the interface that connects to IGMP Router. IGMP packets can be received and sent out via the ro

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 12822..1155..44 IIGGMMPP GGrroouupp MMeemmbbeerrsshhiipp Function name: IGMP Group Membership Function descrip

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 12922..1155..55 MMVVRR Function name: MVR Configuration Function description: Multicast VLAN Registration (MVR)

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 13022..1155..66 MMVVIIDD Function name: MVID Setting Function description: Set the MVR Group member ID (MVID) en

Página 43 - - “ and “_” characters

VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 131 Parameter description: MVID: Input MVR group ID for MVID. Member Port: Evoke which port will join the MVR Group

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 13222..1155..77 GGrroouupp AAllllooww Function name: Group Allow Function description: The Group Allow function a

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 13322..1155..88 MMVVRR GGrroouupp MMeemmbbeerrsshhiipp Function name: MVR Group Membership Function descriptio

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 8 Gigabit Ethernet TP network connection ¾ The grade of the cable must be Cat. 5 or Cat. 5e with a maximum length of

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 13422..1166 AAllaarrmm CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn 22..1166..11 EEvveennttss CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn Function

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 13522..1166..22 EEmmaaiill Function name: Email Configuration Function description: Alarm configuration is used to c

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 13622..1177 DDHHCCPP SSnnooooppiinngg 22..1177..11 DDHHCCPP SSnnooooppiinngg SSttaattee Function name: DHCP Sno

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 13722..1177..22 DDHHCCPP SSnnooooppiinngg EEnnttrryy Function name: DHCP Snooping Entry Function description: DHCP

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 138Note: Filtering rules are implemented as follows: z If the DHCP snooping is disabled, all DHCP packets are forward

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 13922..1177..33 DDHHCCPP SSnnooooppiinngg CClliieenntt Function name: DHCP Snooping Client Function description: D

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 14022..1188 SSaavvee//RReessttoorree The switch supports three copies of configuration, including the default config

Página 54 - ;) beside the port x to

VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 14122..1188..22 SSaavvee SSttaarrtt Function name: Save As Start Configuration Function description: Save the curre

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 14222..1188..44 RReessttoorree UUsseerr Function name: Restore User Configuration Function description: Restore Use

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 14322..1199 EExxppoorrtt//IImmppoorrtt Function name: Export/Import Configuration Function description: With this fu

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 9Fiber Cable: 10.10/m TP to fiber Converter: 56 Bit Time unit: 1ns (1sec./1000 Mega bit)Bit Time unit: 0.01μs (1sec.

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 14422..2200 DDiiaaggnnoossttiiccss Three functions, including Diagnostics, Loopback Test and Ping Test are contained

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 14522..2200..22 PPiinngg Function name: ICMP Ping Function description: Ping Test function is a tool for detecting

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 14622..2211 MMaaiinntteennaannccee This chapter will introduce the reset and firmware upgrade function for the firmw

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 14722..2211..22 FFiirrmmwwaarree UUppggrraaddee Function name: Firmware Upgrade Function description: Click on <

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 14822..2222 LLooggoouutt You can manually logout by performing Logout function. In the switch, it provides another w

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 1493 TTrroouubbllee SShhoooottiinngg This section will guide you to solve abnormal situations if you cannot access

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 150¾ Check the RS-232 cable is connected well on the console port of the Managed Switch and COM port of PC. ¾ Chec

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 10 Case 2: Port-based VLAN -1 The same VLAN members could not be in different switches. Every VLAN members could

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 11Case 4: The same VLAN members can be at different switches with the same VID

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 12 11..55..55 CCoonnffiigguurriinngg tthhee MMaannaaggeemmeenntt AAggeenntt ooff SSwwiittcchh We offer you thre

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 13 Data bits 8 Parity N Flow control none 4. When you complete the connection, then press <Enter&g

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide ii Copyright Information Copyright Declarations Copyright 2011 All rights reserved. This publication contains informa

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 14 Configuring the Management Agent of VigorSwitch G2240 through the Ethernet Port There are three ways to configur

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 151. Set up a physical path between the configured the switch and a PC by a qualified UTP Cat. 5 cable with RJ-45 con

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 16 11..55..66 IIPP AAddddrreessss AAssssiiggnnmmeenntt For IP address configuration, there are three parameters ne

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 17 Class D and E: Class D is a class with first 4 MSB (Most significance bit) set to 1-1-1-0 and is used for IP Multic

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 18 In this diagram, you can see the subnet mask with 25-bit long,, contains 126 members in the sub-net

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 19 First, IP Address: as shown above, enter “”, for instance. For sure, an IP address such as 192.168.1.x m

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 20 11..66 TTyyppiiccaall AApppplliiccaattiioonnss The 24-Port PoE L2 Managed Fast Ethernet Switch with 2 SFP Dual M

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 21¾ Peer-to-peer application is used in two remote offices ¾ Office Network Connection

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 22

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 232 OOppeerraattiioonn ooff WWeebb--bbaasseedd MMaannaaggeemmeenntt This chapter instructs you how to configure a

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide iiiEuropean Community Declarations Manufacturer: DrayTek Corp. Address: No. 26, Fu Shing Road, HuKou Township, Hsi

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 24 22..11 WWeebb MMaannaaggeemmeenntt HHoommee OOvveerrvviieeww After you login, the switch shows you the system

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 2522..11..11 TThhee IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn ooff PPaaggee LLaayyoouutt On the top side, it shows the front panel

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 26 22..11..22 SSyysstteemm IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn Function name: System Information Function description: Show t

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 27 Parameter description: Model name: The model name of this device. System description: Display what the device

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 28 CPU Load: The loading of the CPU on this switch. 22..11..33 AAccccoouunntt CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn In this f

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 29Set the system time by manual input or set it by syncing from Time servers. The function also supports daylight savi

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 30 to the starting date and the ending date. For example, if you set the day light saving to be 1 hour. When the time

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 31 Parameter description: DHCP Setting: DHCP is the abbreviation of Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. Here DHCP me

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 32 is shown in the following figure. This reduces the total IP number of a network able to support, by the amount of 2

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 33 Parameter description: Port No: Display the port number. The number is 1 – 24. Detection Port - Enable: When Port

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide iv TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss 1 Preface ...

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 34 Rule 4): When both “accept and deny” lists exist, then it will deny all connections, excluding the connection

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 35 Name: A name is composed of any letter (A-Z, a-z) and digit (0-9) with maximal 8 characters. IP Range: The swi

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 36 22..11..88 SSyysstteemm LLoogg The System Log provides information about system logs, including information when

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 37appear on the top of its Web UI. By pressing these buttons, user will be allowed to connect the Web UI of the device

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 38 22..22 PPoorrtt CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn Four functions, including Port Status, Port Configuration, Simple Cou

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 39 Media type NWay Speed Duplex 1000M TP ON/OFF 10/100/1000M Full for all, Half for 10/100 1000M Fiber ON/OFF 1000

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 40 Function Description: Report the latest updated status of all ports in this switch. When any one of the ports in th

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 41Note: If you want to get the below detail information then you need to click right button of mouse on SFP icon.

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 42 Mon3(RX PWR): Show the receiver power of SFP module. 22..22..33 SSiimmppllee CCoouunntteerr The function of

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 43 22..22..44 DDeettaaiill CCoouunntteerr The function of Detail Counter collects any information and provides the

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide v2.5 GVRP Configuration...

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 44 RX 512-1023 Bytes: Number of 512 ~ 1023-byte frames in good and bad packets received. RX 1024- 1522 Bytes: Numb

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 4522..33 VVLLAANN The switch supports Tag-based VLAN (802.1q) and Port-based VLAN. Support 256 active VLANs and VL

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 46 Each tag-based VLAN you built up must be assigned VLAN name and VLAN ID. Valid VLAN ID is 1-4094. User can create

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 47You enable IGMP on the interfaces that connect the system to its hosts that are farther away from the root of the tr

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 48 22..33..33 PPoorrtt--bbaasseedd GGrroouupp Function name: Port-based Group Function description: It shows the

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 49Delete Just press the <Delete> button to remove the selected group entry from the Port-based group table. 2

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 50 packets carry no VLAN tag header. If packets have double VLAN tags, one will be dropped and the other will still be

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 5122..33..66 MMaannaaggeemmeenntt VVLLAANN Function name: Management VLAN Function description: To create a secure

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 52 Parameter description: Aging Time: Delete a MAC address idling for a period of time from the MAC Table, which wil

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 5322..44..22 SSttaattiicc FFiilltteerr Function Name: Static Filter Function Description: Static Filter is a functi

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide vi 2.16.2 Email...

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 54 22..44..33 SSttaattiicc FFoorrwwaarrdd Function Name: Static Forward Function Description: Static Forward is a f

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 5522..44..44 MMAACC AAlliiaass Function name: MAC Alias Function description: MAC Alias function is used to let y

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 56 22..44..55 MMAACC TTaabbllee Function name: MAC Table Function description: Display the static or dynamic learni

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 5722..55..11 GGVVRRPP CCoonnffiigg Function name: GVRP Config Function description: In the function of GVRP Confi

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 58 switch does not send or reply any GARP messages. It just listens messages and reacts for the received GVRP BPDU. De

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 5922..55..22 CCoouunntteerr Function name: GVRP Counter Function description: All GVRP counters are mainly divided i

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 60 Invalid GVRP Packets: Number of invalid GARP BPDU is transmitted by the GVRP application.

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 6122..66 QQooSS ((QQuuaalliittyy ooff SSeerrvviiccee)) CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn The switch support four QoS qu

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 62 Default Class: User can set up High Priority or Low Priority for each port respectively. Low / Normal / Medium

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 63 Parameter description: QCL#: QCL number : 1~24 QCE Type: Ethernet Type / VLAN ID / UDP/TCP Port / DSCP / ToS / Ta

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 11 PPrreeffaaccee In this user’s manual, it will not only tell you how to install and connect your network system bu

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 64 0x880B PPP, Point-to-Point Protocol. 0x 880C GSMP, General Switch Management Protocol. 0x8847 MPLS, Multi-Protocol

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 65

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 66 Parameter description: VLAN ID: The configurable VID range:1~4094 UDP/TCP Port: To select the UDP/TCP port class

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 67Ingress Unit: There are two units for ingress rate limit: kbps / Mbps Egress Enabled: Shaper enabled to limit egre

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 68 22..66..55 WWiizzaarrdd Function name: Wizard Function description: The QCL configuration Wizard is targeted on u

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 69z Set up Port Policies Parameter description: QCL ID: QoS Control List (QCL): 1~24 Port Member: Port Member:

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 70 screen, then ask you to click on <Apply> for changed parameters confirmation.

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 71z Set up Typical Network Application Rules Parameter description: Audio and Video: QuickTime 4 Server / MSN Mes

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 72 QCL ID: QCL ID Range: 1~24 Traffic Class: There are four classes: Low / Normal / Medium / High Next: Go to

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 73 z Set up TOS Precedence Mapping Parameter description: QCL ID: QoS Control List (QCL): 1~24 TOS Precedence 0~7

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 2 Below shows key features of this device: QQooSS Support Quality of Service by the IEEE 802.1P standard. There are t

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 74 Wizard Again: Click on the <Wizard Again>, back to QCL Configuration Wizard. Finish: When you click on <

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 75z Set up VLAN Tag Priority Mapping Parameter description: QCL ID: QoS Control List (QCL): 1~24 Tag Priority 0~7

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 76 screen, then ask you to click on <Apply> for changed parameters confirmation. 22..77 SSNNMMPP CCoonnffiigg

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 77 Parameters description: SNMP: The term SNMP here is used for the activation or de-activation of SNMP. Default is

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 78 user-definable. To set up a trap host means to create a trap manager by assigning an IP address to host the trap me

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 79 Parameters description: Port #: Port number: 1~24 Policy ID: Policy ID range: 1~8 Action: Permit or Deny forwar

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 80 22..88..22 RRaattee LLiimmiitteerrss Function name: ACL Rate Limiter Configuration Function description: There a

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 8122..88..33 AAcccceessss CCoonnttrrooll LLiisstt Function name: ACL Control List Configuration Function descripti

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 82 ARP: It is including all ARP protocol frame type IPv4: It is including all IPv4 protocol frame type To insert an en

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 83ARP: It is including all ARP protocol frame type. When you choose this one, the following selection will appear. IP

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 3¾ When one of its hosts joins a multicast address group to which none of its other hosts belong, sends unsolicited g

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 84 MC: It is including all Multicast MAC address BC: It is including all Broadcast MAC address UC: It is including all

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 850: The ingress ARP/PARP frames where the Hardware size is not equal "0x6" or the Protocol size is not equa

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 86 DIP Filter: (DIP Destination IP Address) Range: Any / Host / Network Any: Including all destination IP address Host

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 87for ingress classification Source Port No.: Range: 0-65535 Source Port Range.: Range: 0-65535 Dest. Port Filter: R

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 88 IP Protocol Value: Default: 255 IPTTL: (Time To Live) How many routers a datagram can pass through. Each router dec

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 89Action: Range: Permit / Deny Permit: Permit the met ACL ingress classification rule packets forwarding to other po

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 90 z Set up Policy Rules Cancel: Cancel current setting back to top layer in the ACL wizard function. Back: Click

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 91 z Set up Port Policies Cancel: Cancel current setting back to top layer in the ACL wizard function. Back: Cli

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 92 Wizard Again: Click on <Wizard Again> the UI will back to top layer in the wizard function. Finish: Clic

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VigorSwitch G2240 User’s Guide 93z Set up Typical Network Application Rules Common Server: DHCP / DNS / FTP / HTTP / IMAP / NFS / POP3 / SAMBA

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