VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide Version: 1.0 Date: 2008/03/06 Copyright 2008 All rights reserved.
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 4 z Supports remote boot the device through user interface and SNMP z Supports network time synchronization and dayl
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 94 22..1166..22 880022..11XX MMooddee SSeettttiinngg Function name: 802.1X Mode Setting Function description: Set
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 9522..1166..33 PPoorrtt SSeeccuurriittyy MMaannaaggeemmeenntt Function name: Port Security Management Function des
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 96 Function description: This function is used to configure the parameters for each port in 802.1X port security app
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 97
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 98 22..1177 AAllaarrmm CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn 33..1177..11 EEvveennttss CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn Function
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 9933..1177..22 EEmmaaiill//SSMMSS CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn Function name: Email/SMS Configuration Function descri
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 10022..1188 CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn The switch supports three copies of configuration, including the default conf
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 10122..1188..11 SSaavvee//RReessttoorree SSaavvee AAss SSttaarrtt CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn Function name: Save
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 102SSaavvee AAss UUsseerr CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn Function name: Save As User Configuration Function descriptio
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 103RReessttoorree DDeeffaauulltt CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn ((eexxcclluuddeess ccuurrrreenntt IIPP aaddddrreesss
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 5panel, contains a Power LED, which indicates the power status and 8 ports working status of the switch. LLEEDD EExxp
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 104 22..1188..22 CCoonnffiigg FFiillee Function name: Config File Function description: With this function, user ca
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 10522..1199 DDiiaaggnnoossttiiccss Three functions, including Diagnostics, Loopback Test and Ping Test are contained
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 10622..1199..22 LLooooppbbaacckk TTeesstt Function name: Loopback Test Function description: In the Loopback Test f
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 107Parameter description: IP Address: An IP address with the version of v4, e.g. Default Gateway: IP
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 10822..2211 LLoogg This function shows the log data. The switch provides system log data for users. There are 19 pri
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 10922..2222 FFiirrmmwwaarree UUppggrraaddee Software upgrade tool is used to help upgrade the software function in
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 11022..2233 RReebboooott We offer you many ways to reboot the switch, including power up, hardware reset and softwar
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 111Auto Logout: Default is ON. If it is “ON”, and no action and no key is stroke as well in any function screen mor
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 112
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 1133 TTrroouubbllee SShhoooottiinngg This section will guide you to solve abnormal situations if you cannot access
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 6 11..55 HHaarrddwwaarree IInnssttaallllaattiioonn At the beginning, please do first: ¾ Wear a grounding device t
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 114¾ Check the RS-232 cable is connected well on the console port of the Managed Switch and COM port of PC. ¾ Chec
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 711..55..22 IInnssttaalllliinngg OOppttiioonnaall SSFFPP FFiibbeerr TTrraannsscceeiivveerrss ttoo tthhee sswwi
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 8 CCaabblliinngg RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss ffoorr 11000000SSXX//LLXX SSFFPP MMoodduullee It is more complex and c
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 9Sum up all elements’ bit-time delay and the overall bit-time delay of wires/devices must be within Round Trip Delay (
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 10 The same VLAN members could not be in different switches. Every VLAN members could not access VLAN members each o
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 1111..55..55 CCoonnffiigguurriinngg tthhee MMaannaaggeemmeenntt AAggeenntt ooff SSwwiittcchh We offer you three
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 12 Note: The switch’s serial port default settings are listed as follows: Baud rate 57600 Stop bits
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 13 Configuring the Management Agent of VigorSwitch G2080 through the Ethernet Port There are three ways to configure a
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide ii Copyright Information Copyright Declarations Copyright 2008 All rights reserved. This publication contains informa
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 14 the remote site. Please refer to Fig. 2-9 about the switch’s default IP address information. 2. Run web browser an
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 1511..55..66 IIPP AAddddrreessss AAssssiiggnnmmeenntt For IP address configuration, there are three parameters nee
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 16 Class D and E: Class D is a class with first 4 MSB (Most significance bit) set to 1-1-1-0 and is used for IP Multi
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 17In this diagram, you can see the subnet mask with 25-bit long,, contains 126 members in the sub-nett
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 18 First, IP Address: as shown above, enter “”, for instance. For sure, an IP address such as 192.168.1.x
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 19 It is a system wide basic reference connection diagram. This diagram demonstrates how the switch connects with othe
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 20 ¾ Office network
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 212 OOppeerraattiioonn ooff WWeebb--bbaasseedd MMaannaaggeemmeenntt This chapter instructs you how to configure a
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 22 22..11 WWeebb MMaannaaggeemmeenntt HHoommee OOvveerrvviieeww After you login, the switch shows you the system
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 23When clicking the port on the front panel, an information window for the port will be pop out. It shows the basic i
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide iiiEuropean Community Declarations Manufacturer: DrayTek Corp. Address: No. 26, Fu Shing Road, HuKou County, HsinC
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 24 22..11..22 SSyysstteemm IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn Function name: System Information Function description: Show t
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 25Device name: The name of the switch, User-defined. Default is VigorSwitch G2080. System up time: The time accumu
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 26 Function name: IP Configuration Function description: Set IP address, subnet mask, default gateway and DNS for th
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 27Subnet mask: Subnet mask is made for the purpose to get more network address because any IP device in a network mus
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 28 22..11..44 TTiimmee CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn The switch provides manual and automatic ways to set the system
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 29over the starting time, the system time will be increased one hour after one minute at the time since it passed over
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 30 22..11..55 AAccccoouunntt CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn In this function, only administrator can create, modify or
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 31 Rule 3) : When only “deny lists” exist, then it will accept all connections, excluding the connection inside o
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 32 Parameter description: Name: A name is composed of any letter (A-Z, a-z) and digit (0-9) with maximal 8 characte
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 33setup and then press <Edit/Create> button. Of course, the existed entry also can be modified by pressing this
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide iv TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss 1 Preface ...
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 34 Parameter description: State: It is used for the activation or de-activation of VSM. Default is Disable. Role:
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 35 22..22..11 PPoorrtt SSttaattuuss The function Port Status gathers the information of all ports’ current st
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 36 transmitted and received via this port. When it is disabled, no traffic can be transferred through this port. Port
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 37 Parameter description of Port 7 and Port 8: Connector Type: Display the connector type, for instance, UTP, SC,
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 38 22..22..22 PPoorrtt CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn Port Configuration is applied to change the setting of each port.
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 39In Auto-negotiation mode, no default value. In Forced mode, default value depends on your setting. Flow Control:
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 40 Rx Packet: The counting number of the packet received. Tx Collision: Number of collisions transmitting frames exp
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 41Rx High Priority Packets: Number of Rx packets classified as high priority. Rx Low Priority Packets: Number of R
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 42 Rx Jabber: Number of long frames(according tomax_length register) with invalid CRC. Rx Drops: Frames dropped
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 4322..44 BBaannddwwiiddtthh MMaannaaggeemmeenntt Function name: Bandwidth Management Function description: Bandwidt
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide v2.9 Max. Packet Length ...
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 44 packet limits to unicast, broadcast and multicast. Valid range is 0~1000. 22..55 QQooSS((QQuuaalliittyy ooff SSe
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 4522..55..11 PPeerr PPoorrtt PPrriioorriittyy Function name: Per Port Priority Function description: We can assign
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 46 22..55..22 VVLLAANN TTaagg PPrriioorriittyy Function name: VLAN Tag Priority Function description: In vlan tag,
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 4722..55..33 IIPP TTooSS CCllaassssiiffiiccaattiioonn Function name: IP ToS Classification Function description: A
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 48 22..55..44 IIPP TTCCPP//UUDDPP PPoorrtt CCllaassssiiffiiccaattiioonn Function name: IP TCP/UDP Port Classifica
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 49other special L4 QoS events, Special TCP/UDP port number will be took action. Of course, user could be allowed to ad
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 50 Simple Mode: Press <Simple<<> button is to return to the screen that all L4 port number will disappe
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 51 22..66 LLoooopp DDeetteeccttiioonn Function name: Loop Detection Function description: The switch will send out
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 52 22..77 SSNNMMPP CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn Any Network Management System (NMS) running the Simple Network Manag
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 53access the device with different community name via SNMP protocol; If they both have the same community name, they c
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide vi 3 Trouble Shooting...113 5.
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 54
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 5522..88 IIGGMMPP SSnnooooppiinngg The function, IGMP Snooping, is used to establish the multicast groups to forwar
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 56 Default: Disable Active - In Active mode, IGMP snooping switch will periodically issue the Membership Query mess
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 57 Custom – Use “Custom” to specify IP multicast address range for allowed IP multicast group setting. The IGMP re
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 58 22..99 MMaaxx.. PPaacckkeett LLeennggtthh Function name: Max. Packet Length Function description: The switch is
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 59 22..1111 VVLLAANN The switch supports Tag-based VLAN (802.1q) and Port-based VLAN. Support 256 active VLANs an
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 60 then you cannot talk to them. Each port-based VLAN you built up must be assigned a group name. This switch can supp
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 61 22..1111..22 TTaagg--bbaasseedd GGrroouupp Function name: Tag-based Group Configuration Function description: It
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 62 Add Group: Create a new Tag-based VLAN. Input the VLAN name as well as VID, configure the SYM-VLAN function and ch
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 63 Edit a group: Just select a group entry and press the <Edit> button, then you can modify a group’s descriptio
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 11 PPrreeffaaccee In this user’s manual, it will not only tell you how to install and connect your network system bu
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 64 Add Group: Create a new Port-based VLAN. Input the VLAN name and choose the member by ticking the check box beside
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 65 Edit a group: Just select a group entry and press the <Edit> button, then you can modify a group‘s descriptio
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 66 enabled, the switch will check if port 1 is a member of VLAN100. If yes, the received packet is forwarded; otherwis
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 67To create a secure VLAN for the switch management interface, all of the management traffic will be sent via an isola
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 68 MAC: Display the MAC address of one entry you selected from the searched MAC entries table. Alias: Set up the A
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 6922..1122..22 MMAACC TTaabbllee MMaaiinntteennaannccee Function Name: MAC Table Maintenance Function Description:
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 70 22..1122..33 SSttaattiicc FFoorrwwaarrdd Function Name: Static Forward Function Description: Static Forward is a
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 7122..1122..44 SSttaattiicc FFiilltteerr Function name: Static Filter Function Description: Static Filter is a fu
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 72 22..1122..55 MMAACC AAlliiaass CCrreeaattee//EEddiitt oorr DDeelleettee Function name: MAC Alias Function des
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 7322..1133 GGVVRRPP CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn GVRP is an application based on Generic Attribute Registration Proto
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 2 Below shows key features of this device. QQooSS Support Quality of Service by the IEEE 802.1P standard. There are t
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 74 normal registrar, fixed registrar and forbidden registrar, provided for the user’s choice. Normal - It is Normal
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 7522..1133..22 GGVVRRPP CCoouunntteerr Function name: GVRP Counter Function description: All GVRP counters are main
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 76
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 7722..1133..33 GGVVRRPP GGrroouupp IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn Function name: GVRP Group Information Function descripti
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 78 22..1144..11 SSTTPP SSttaattuuss Function name: STP Status Function description: In the Spanning Tree Status,
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 79be the exact time it spent but very close to, because the time is eclipsing. Time Since Last Topology Change: Ti
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 80 bridge of the LAN, for example, all other bridges will use the hello time assigned by this switch to communicate wi
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 8122..1144..33 SSTTPP PPoorrtt CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn Function name: STP Port Setting Function description: In
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 82 Admin Edge Port: If user selects “Yes”, this port will be an edge port. An Edge Port is a port connected to a devi
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 83 22..1155 TTrruunnkkiinngg CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn The Port Trunking Configuration is used to configure the se
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 3z Jumbo frame support z Programmable classifier for QoS (Layer 4/Multimedia) z 8K MAC address and 4K VLAN suppor
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 84 end of a link is strongly recommended. Please also note that low speed links will stay in “not ready” state when us
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 85Passive - A Passive LACP port will not actively send LACPDU out before it receives an LACPDU from its link partner.
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 86 22..1155..22 AAggggrreeggaattoorr VViieeww Function name: Aggregator View Function description: To display the c
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 87LLAACCPP DDeettaaiill Function name: LACP Detail (LACP Aggregator Detailed Information) Function description: Show
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 88 22..1155..33 LLAACCPP SSyysstteemm PPrriioorriittyy Function name: LACP System Priority Function description:
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 89 Supplicant: It is an entity being authenticated by an authenticator. It is used to communicate with the Authenticat
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 90 In the following figure, this is the typical configuration, a single supplicant, an authenticator and an authentic
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 91The figure below shows the procedure of 802.1X authentication. There are steps for the login based on 802.1X port
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 92 connected to the supplicant and under 802.1X control is in the authorized state. The supplicant and other devices c
VigorSwitch G2080 User’s Guide 9322..1166..11 880022..11XX SSttaattee SSeettttiinngg Function name: 802.1X State Setting Function description:
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