VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 411..44 LLEEDD IInnddiiccaattoorrss aanndd CCoonnnneeccttoorrss Before you use the Vigor device, please get acqua
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 5UUsseerr IInntteerrffaacceess oonn tthhee RReeaarr PPaanneell ( 24-PORT GBE WEB SMART SWITCH 11..55 HHaarrddw
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 6FFiirrmmwwaarree LLooaaddiinngg After resetting, the bootloader will load the firmware into the memory. It will tak
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 7¾ The grade of the cable must be Cat. 5 or Cat. 5e with a maximum length of 100 meters. Gigabit Ethernet TP network
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 8Cat. 5 TP Wire: 11.12/m Cat. 5 TP Wire: 1.12/m Fiber Cable: 1.0/m Fiber Cable: 10.10/m TP to fiber Converter: 5
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 9Case 2: Port-based VLAN -1 z The same VLAN members could not be in different switches. z Every VLAN members co
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 10z VLAN4 members could not access VLAN1 and VLAN3 members, but they could access VLAN2 members. Case 4
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 1111..55..55 CCoonnffiigguurriinngg tthhee MMaannaaggeemmeenntt AAggeenntt ooff SSwwiittcchh Users can monitor
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 1211..55..66 IIPP AAddddrreessss AAssssiiggnnmmeenntt For IP address configuration, there are three parameters nee
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 13 Class D and E: Class D is a class with first 4 MSB (Most significance bit) set to 1-1-1-0 and is used for IP Multic
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide ii VigorSwitch G1240 24 Gigabit Port Web Smart Switch User’s Guide Version: 1.0 Firmware Version
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 14In this diagram, you can see the subnet mask with 25-bit long,, contains 126 members in the sub-nett
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 15 First, IP Address: as shown above, enter “”, for instance. For sure, an IP address such as 192.168.1.x
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 1611..66 TTyyppiiccaall AApppplliiccaattiioonnss The 24-Port PoE L2 Managed Fast Ethernet Switch with 2 SFP Dual Me
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 17¾ Peer-to-peer application is used in two remote offices ¾ Office Network Connection
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 18 BBaassiicc CCoonncceepptt aanndd MMaannaaggeemmeenntt This chapter will tell you the basic concept of features
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 19 This above diagram shows the Ethernet architecture, LLC sub-layer and MAC sub-layer, which are responded to the Dat
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 20(command or response). The DSAP and SSAP pair with some reserved values indicates some well-known services listed in
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 21The MAC is belonged to Data Link Layer (Layer 2), the address is defined to be a 48-bit long and locally unique addr
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 22Source addresses (SA) - The SA field indicates the source node. The SA is always an individual address and the left-
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 23the data field and FCS field in turn. The followings summarize what a MAC does before transmitting a frame. 1. MAC
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide iiiCopyright Information Copyright Declarations Copyright 2011 All rights reserved. This publication contains informa
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 24 Parameter value/LAN 10Base 100Base 1000Base Max. collision domain DTE to DTE 100 meters 100 meters for UTP 412 met
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 2522..33 FFllooww CCoonnttrrooll Flow control is a mechanism to tell the source device stopping sending frame for a
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 26FFrraammee RReecceeppttiioonn In essence, the frame reception is the same in both operations of half duplex and fu
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 27Bits 11-0 VID (VLAN Identifier) 0x000: Null VID. No VID is present and only user priority is present. 0x001: Default
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 28collision. The arbitrator will arbitrate who should gain the media. The arbitrator is a distributed mechanism in whi
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 29The switch port can run at different speed, such as 10Mbps, 100Mbps or 1000Mbps. A shared hub cannot afford this. EE
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 30to decide whether the packet is allowed to enter the switch or not. The egress rule is used to forward the packet to
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 31 In the figure above, all stations are within the same broadcast domain. For these stations, it is obviously that th
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 32easily move a user to a different location or join a new user somewhere in the building to VLAN. Without VLAN, it is
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 33VLAN Identifier: Also referred to as VID. It is used to identify a member whether it belongs to the VLAN group wi
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide ivEuropean Community Declarations Manufacturer: DrayTek Corp. Address: No. 26, Fu Shing Road, HuKou township, Hsin
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 34packet is on the egress list of the port on which the packet transmits out, the packet will be transmitted with the
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 35If we plan to deploy four VLANs in an office and use a switch to partition them, we should check which ports belong
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 361. Public standardized specification 2. No interoperability issue 3. No change to IEEE 802.3 frame format, no change
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 37
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 38 This page is left blank.
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 39 OOppeerraattiioonn ooff WWeebb--bbaasseedd MMaannaaggeemmeenntt This chapter would introduce how to manage you
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 4033..11 WWeebb MMaannaaggeemmeenntt HHoommee OOvveerrvviieeww After login, System Information would be displayed
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 4133..22 SSyysstteemm 33..22..11 SSyysstteemm IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn aanndd IIPP CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn Sy
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 42Location Set the location of the switch where it was located. Contact For easily managing and maintaining device,
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 43Default: Management VLAN Show the management VLAN number. Password Set a password for this switch. U
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide vTTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss Introduction ...
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 44Parameter description: Maximum Frame support up to 9600 bytes This function supports jumbo frames of up to 9600 byte
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 45Each data field has 20-digit long. If the counting is overflow, the counter will be reset and restart counting. The
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 46packet. Rx Multicast Show the counting number of the received multicast packets. Rx Broad- and Multicast Show the
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 47transmitted. TX 65-127 Bytes Number of 65 ~ 127-byte frames in good and bad packets transmitted. TX 128-255 Bytes
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 48If you are on the port 1, you can communicate with port 2&3&4. If you are on the port 5, then you cannot tal
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 49Click <Apply> to have the setting taken effect. VLAN ID Type an ID number for identification. VID VLAN ide
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 50 Parameter description: Port Display the number of the LAN port in the switch. Ingress Filtering You can check thi
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 5133..44..22 PPoorrtt--bbaasseedd GGrroouupp Function name: VLAN Group - Port-based VLAN Configuration Function des
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 52VLAN Name The name defined by administrator is associated with a VLAN group. Valid letters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, “ - “
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 53IP Mask - Setting up the IP Subnet Mask related with the IP Address. DHCP Server Allowed Just tick the check box ()
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide vi3.5 Filter ...
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 54 Parameter description: Five Prioritize Traffic values are provided: User Defined, All Low Priority, All Normal Prio
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 55 Parameter description: Five Prioritize Traffic values are provided: User Defined, All Low Priority, All Normal Prio
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 56 Parameter description: Traffic Rate Unit Set the unit of traffic rate for Ingress/Egress. Ingress Rate Set up the
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 57 Parameter description: ICMP Rate To enable the ICMP Storm capability. User can use drop-down menu to select number
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 58Function name: SNMP Configuration Function description: This function is used to configure SNMP settings, community
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 59System Event There are two events (Cold Boot or Warm Boot) offered here for you to set. When VigorSwitch is boot
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 60supplicant to re-authenticate itself at a configured time period. Once start re-authenticating the supplicant, the c
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 61 Above figure shows the procedure of 802.1x authentication. There are steps for the login based on 802.1x port acces
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 62connected to the supplicant and under 802.1x control is in the authorized state. The supplicant and other devices co
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 63Mode Enable or disable 802.1X function. IP Address RADIUS server IP address for authentication. Default: UD
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 1 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn 11..11 OOvveerrvviieeww The 24-port Gigabit Web Smart Switch is a standard switch that
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 64Function name: 802.1X Parameters Configuration Function description: In here, user can enable or disable Reauthentic
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 65 Parameter description: Group \ Port Normal - Set up the ports that do not join any aggregation trunking group. G
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 66 Parameter description: Protocol Enabled Just tick the check box () to enable LACP protocol then press the <App
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 67root port and designated port. The switch with the highest priority (lowest numeric value) becomes the STP root swit
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 68RSTP protocol, then press the <Apply> button to apply. Edge: Just tick the check box () beside the port x to
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 69IGMP Snooping lets administrators configure a switch to constrain multicast traffic by listening to Internet Group M
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 70 Parameter description: LACP Aggregation Overview Show the group/port status. Default will set to red sign for port
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 71 Parameter description: Port/Group: Display the Port/Group number. Path Cost: The range is 0 – 200,000,000. In the
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 72 Parameter description: VLAN ID: Show VLAN ID for each multicast group. Querier: Show the group membership queries
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 7333..1122 CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn FFiillee Function name: Export/Import Configuration Function description: Wit
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 2Below shows key features of this device: QQooSS The switch offers powerful QoS function. This function supports 802.
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 74 Parameter description: Target IP Address Set up a Target IP address to ping. Count Use drop-down menu to set numb
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 75Reboot the switch. Reboot takes the same effect as the RESET button on the front panel of the switch. Press <Yes&
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 76Factory Default provides the function to retrieve default settings and replace current configuration. Except the IP
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 77 TTrroouubbllee SShhoooottiinngg 44..11 RReessoollvviinngg NNoo LLiinnkk CCoonnddiittiioonn The possible cau
VigorSwitch G1240 User’s Guide 3z Supports default configuration which can be restored to overwrite the current configuration which is working on vi
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