Draytek VIGOR N61 Manual do Utilizador

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Vigor N61
Wireless Adapter
User’s Guide
Version: 1.01
Date: 2008/02/19
Copyright 2008 All rights reserved.
This publication contains information that is protected by copyright. No part may be reproduced, transmitted,
transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language without written permission from the copyright
holders. The scope of delivery and other details are subject to change without prior notice.
Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.
Windows, Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP and Explorer are trademarks of Microsoft Corp.
Apple and Mac OS are registered trademarks of Apple Computer Inc.
Other products may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective manufacturers.
Please visit www.draytek.com to get the newly updated manual at any time.
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Resumo do Conteúdo

Página 1 - User’s Guide

Vigor N61 Wireless Adapter User’s Guide Version: 1.01 Date: 2008/02/19 Copyright 2008 All rights reserved. This publication con

Página 2 - Regulatory Information

Vigor N61 User’s Guide 10 6. The default destination folder will be specified in this page. Also, you can click Browse... to choose another folder f

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Vigor N61 User’s Guide 118. The setup program is executing the installation by copying corresponding files to your computer. 9. Now the system wi

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Vigor N61 User’s Guide 12 UUnniinnssttaalllliinngg UUSSBB DDrriivveerr If you want to remove the driver for this wireless card, please do the foll

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Vigor N61 User’s Guide 135. When the following dialog appears, please click Finish.

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Vigor N61 User’s Guide 14 This page is left blank

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Vigor N61 User’s Guide 153 CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn WWiirreelleessss UUSSBB AAddaapptteerr UUttiilliittyy After finish the driver installatio

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Vigor N61 User’s Guide 16 CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn The wireless USB adapter utility will find out all the available Access Points and list them au

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Vigor N61 User’s Guide 17In the field of Profile Group Control, you can see: New It allows you to add a new profile to group several APs. Click New

Página 10 - Vigor N61 User’s Guide

Vigor N61 User’s Guide 18 In the field of Preferred WLANs, you can see: SSID It displays the SSID of the AP. Security It displays security method

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Vigor N61 User’s Guide 19 Different authentication mode will guide different data encryption, key length, default key and so on. Wireless network na

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Vigor N61 User’s Guide ii European Community Declarations Manufacturer: DrayTek Corp. Address: No. 26, Fu Shing Road, HuKou County, HsinChu Indus

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Vigor N61 User’s Guide 20 Key Length Choose the key length for the wireless card. The method you choose here must be the same as the method set in t

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Vigor N61 User’s Guide 21WPA Passphrase - Type the password for authentication with AP while using WPA PSK mode. Check Passphrase - Check this box to

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Vigor N61 User’s Guide 22 Obtain an IP address automatically – Check this button to get IP address automatically for such wireless card. If you do

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Vigor N61 User’s Guide 23 Automatically detect settings – Check this box to let the system detect proxy settings automatically. Use automatic conf

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Vigor N61 User’s Guide 24 SSttaattuuss This page provides connection status and hardware information for the device. Simply click Status tab on the

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Vigor N61 User’s Guide 25OOppttiioonn Simply click Option tab on the Wireless USB Adapter window. Auto launch when Windows start up Check this but

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Vigor N61 User’s Guide 26 wireless card. Fragmentation Threshold Set the value for fragmentation threshold. The default value is 2346. RTS Threshold

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Vigor N61 User’s Guide 27AAbboouutt This page provides software information such as utility version and driver versions. Simply click About tab on t

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Vigor N61 User’s Guide 28 This page is left blank

Página 22

Vigor N61 User’s Guide 294 MMiisscceellllaanneeoouuss WWiinnddoowwss ZZeerroo CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn Each time you power on your computer, t

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Vigor N61 User’s Guide iiiTTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss 1 Preface ...

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Vigor N61 User’s Guide 30 2. Next, the following window will appear. 3. Click Change Advanced Settings and the following window will be shown. Pr

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Vigor N61 User’s Guide 314. Click Add to open next window. In this window, type the SSID of the AP that you want to connect with the wireless card.

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Vigor N61 User’s Guide 32 5. Press the Authentication tab. Choose the EAP type which is the same as configured in the AP. 6. After click OK, the

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Vigor N61 User’s Guide 338. The wireless connection starts. Please wait for it completes. 9. The wireless connection has been established.

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Vigor N61 User’s Guide iv This page is left blank.

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Vigor N61 User’s Guide 51 PPrreeffaaccee Thank you for purchasing Wireless LAN Adapter. This manual will assist you with the installation procedure

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Vigor N61 User’s Guide 6 This page is left blank.

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Vigor N61 User’s Guide 72 IInnssttaallllaattiioonn OOvveerrvviieeww IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn Before installing Vigor N61, make sure that there is

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Vigor N61 User’s Guide 8 2. The setup wizard will appear as follows. Please click Next. 3. Now, you can insert Vigor N61 to the USB port of your

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Vigor N61 User’s Guide 94. In this page, you have to choose “I accept…” to continue the installation. If you do not accept the agreement, you can cl

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